Title: Roman Republic

Title: Egyptian Civilization Notes

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| |Government |

| |Was a _____________________ (kings rule) and a ____________________ (priests rule) |

| |Ruled by a _______________________ (king sometimes worshiped as a god) |

| |Ran the _______________________ and the _____________________ of Egypt |

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| |priests were very powerful, but pharaoh was considered a _______________ |

| |Large __________________________ (group of government officials) helped manage the government |

| |in charge of _____________________, _______________, ___________________, and _____________________ (money collected by the government from its people) |

| |Daily ruling done by the ___________________ (pharaoh’s second in command) |

| |System of laws was based on _____________________________ |

| |No written record of _____________________ |

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| |All were equal under the law except ____________________ |

| |____________________ and _____________________ acted as judges |

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| |Pharaoh or vizier handled more serious ___________________ |

| |tomb robbery, treason and murder |

| |most ________________________ usually involved beatings or fines |

| |worst crimes meant banishment, mutilation or execution (impalement, burning alive, drowning or decapitation) |

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| |Religion |

| |Egyptian religion was _____________________ (worshipped many gods) |

| |gods were in charge of nature and needed to be worshipped and pleased |

| |hundreds of gods, usually shown with _________________________ |

| |priests performed ______________________ (acts done repeatedly to honor something), built _______________________ and performed magic to worship gods |

| |______________________ connected the gods and the people |

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| |Believed in the ______________________ |

| |Soul divided into ______________ parts |

| |___________ stayed with the body after death |

| |___________ traveled to the afterlife and returned each night to the Ka |

| |Journey to afterlife was difficult and _____________________ |

| |would memorize the journey in life to make it easier in death |

| |in afterlife, person’s soul was judged by weighing their ____________________ |

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| |good deeds made heart light, bad deeds made it _________________. |

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| |Heavy hearts eaten by ____________________ (devourer of souls) |

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| |______________________________ preserved body for the afterlife |

| |organs placed in ___________________________ |

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| |Body covered in __________________ (salt) for 30 days |

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| |Body wrapped in linen with _____________________ (magical items) |

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| |Body placed in a _______________________ (coffin that looks like the person buried inside) |

| |Old Kingdom pharaohs buried in _____________________ |

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| |New Kingdom pharaohs used _________________________________ to avoid tomb robberies |

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| |Social Structure |

| |______________________ and his family at the top |

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| |_________________, _____________________ and government workers |

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| |Artisans, merchants and _____________________ |

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| |______________________, ______________________ and ______________________ |

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| |___________________ at the bottom |

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| |_________________ and _________________ showed what social class you were in |

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| |Women have many more _____________________ |

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| |Could get a ____________________, be ________________ and even become |

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| |_________________________! |

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| |Language |

| |Wrote in _________________________ |

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| |Pictures standing for ____________________ or _____________________ |

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| |Wrote on paper called ____________________ (river reed) using ink |

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| |_____________________________ – 1821 (found during Napoleonic Wars) artifact that helped us understand Egyptian hieroglyphics |

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| |Economy |

| |____________________ very important to Egyptian economy |

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| |Most people worked as __________________ and ____________________ |

| |_____________________ helped Egypt grow its wealth |

| |traded over land using ___________________ (traveling groups of merchants) and over water (Nile and Mediterranean and Red Sea) |

| |traded __________________, papyrus, gold, ____________________ (woven cloth) and artisan goods for cedar wood, ivory, ebony, spices, silver and oil. |

| |No money, but used a _____________________________ (exchange of goods and services for other goods and services) |

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