PDF Sixth Sunday of Easter t.com

Trinity Lutheran Church and School

To save the lost and to strengthen the saved ~ Matthew 28:18-20

Church Announcements For The Week of May 26, 2019

Sixth Sunday of Easter

8:30 a.m. Divine service page 219 Matins

Opening #464; Sermon #487; Closing #482 11:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship HC

9:45 a.m. Bible Study in the Library

New Monday night worship service ~ May 25 will be our

last worship service on Saturday night until September 7th, 2019.

During the summer, this service will move to Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. starting June 3. If you are away on the weekend and miss church.

Please join us on Monday nights.

Today, the flowers are placed on God's altar by

Karen Marquard and Sandy Kozlowski

in memory of their parents, Naberta and Robert Tietjens

Confirmation Pictures and DVDs are ready for pickup in the

Church Narthex, on the usher stand.

Ascension Service Wednesday, May 29 at 7:00 p.m.

Trinity is hosting an Ascension Service. Pastor Bob

will conduct the service with Pastor Todd Roberts from Hope Lutheran Church,

Countryside delivering the sermon. A time of fellowship in the church

library will follow the service.

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION AT TRINITY: The Lord's Supper is celebrated in this congregation in the belief and confidence that in this Sacrament, Christ is truly present, giving us His body and blood, in, with and under the forms of bread and wine (1 Corinthians 10:16, Mark 14:22-24). As Christians (and specifically as Missouri Synod Lutherans), we believe that it is through Jesus Christ alone that we have the hope of eternal life. We believe that we are sinners in need of forgiveness and that in the Lord's Supper, God gives that forgiveness, strengthens our faith, and strengthens our union with Him and each other (Romans 3:23, Matthew 26:26-28). As Christians, we also believe that as we come to the Lord's Supper, we are making a commitment to amend our sinful lives with the help of the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 2:19, Romans 8:6).

GUESTS AND VISITORS: Because those who eat and drink our Lord's body and blood unworthily do so to their harm and because Holy Communion is a confession of the faith which is confessed at this altar, any who are not yet instructed or confirmed, or who hold to a doctrinal position differing from that of this congregation and the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and yet desire to receive the sacrament, are asked first to speak with the pastor (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). At Trinity we practice Close Communion as adopted by our Synod in Convention.

ALCOHOL CONTENT IN WINE: The "red" wine in the chalice and in the outer rings of the communion cup tray contains alcohol. The "white" wine in the center of the tray is de-alcoholized wine (alcohol nearly 100% removed). You may use the red or white wine in the tray but please remember that the chalice has only "red" wine with normal alcohol content.

Q: Typical question asked by visitors: Can only LCMS members take communion at Trinity Burr Ridge? A: The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod has never understood or applied the historic practice of close[d] Communion in such a way as to mean that only LCMS members are permitted to commune at LCMS altars. The official position of the Synod is that not only are members of other Lutheran churches with whom we are in altar and pulpit fellowship invited to commune with us, but also that in certain extraordinary cases of pastoral care and in emergencies members of churches not in fellowship with us may be given Communion. The Synod stated, for example, in 1986 "that pastors and congregations of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod continue to abide by the practice of close Communion, which includes the necessity of exercising responsible pastoral care in extraordinary situations and circumstances" (1986 Res. 3-08 "To Maintain Practice of Close Communion"). Please see for more information.

Gluten Free Communion Wafers Available Upon Request ~ Please request from Pastor Bob at least 10 minutes before the service.

Church News

Dear church family, a local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous has just started a meeting at our church. Six A.A. members of another chapter, with over 20 years of sobriety, are starting a meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Trinity Fellowship Hall (Lower Level, kitchen side). Men and women from Trinity are invited to participate as are all members of our community, and your friends. To be clear, this is not a "Lutheran" version of A.A., and it is not sponsored by Trinity, as this group is renting our facility. I know that A.A. has helped many, many people over the years and I am happy

to welcome them to Burr Ridge. Pastor Bob Geaschel (& Trinity Church Council)

Do you intend to have your funeral at Trinity or to have a pastor from Trinity officiate your funeral or memorial service? Mark your calendar now for Sunday, June 30, between services. Pastor Bob Geaschel will lead a funeral/memorial service planning session. You will receive two planning sheets, one for the church records and one for

your family. Make sure your wishes are known to everyone - the music, flowers, funeral home, Bible readings, cemetery, etc. Please rsvp by email to Pastor Bob Geaschel at RGEASCHEL@ or by calling the church

office at 708-839-1200 so that we will have enough planning sheets available. For more info, see Pastor Bob.

Caring Network provides spiritual, emotional and material support to women dealing with unplanned pregnancies, enabling them to choose life for their babies. You can help Caring Network

be a hope center for families in our community by participating in Coins for Caring Network. Please pick up an empty baby bottle or two from the display in the narthex in front of the fireplace, fill it with loose change for moms in need and return it anytime on or before Father's Day.

Please consider joining Deaconess Lori Trinche on June 15th at Calvary Wood Dale for their Caring Network Walk for Life. Contact Lori if you have questions.

COME AND JOIN THE BELL AND/OR SANCTUARY CHOIRS!!! The Bell Choir plays in church, at the 8:30 a.m. services only, about once a month, and we have weekly rehearsals. The Bell Choir rehearsals will be on Wednesday evenings in the church narthex from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. The ability to read music is not required, but helpful, and anyone high school age and beyond is most welcome to join us!

The Sanctuary Choir sings in church, at the 8:30 a.m. services only, and also has Wednesday evening rehearsals, in the church balcony, from 7:30 to 8:15 p.m. We sing in unison, 2-part and 4-part harmony formats, and all voice parts are needed and welcome! We sing anthems from the 16th Century right up to the present, and, WE HAVE LOTS OF FUN!

Pastor Bob and Pat Cermak are looking for volunteers for the Board of Evangelism. The Board of Evangelism is a group of volunteers who exist to help equip and train congregation members on how to share the love of Jesus with their family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. We also support local and international missionaries and promote their ministry. Are you willing to join us? Please see Pastor or Pat today or call the church office for more info at 708-839-1200

Office Hours June - August Tuesday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Please save the date for a community outreach event on August 3, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. We will be collecting school supplies, backpacks, gym shoes,

toiletries, and winter coats. Please be on the look out for opportunities to donate and volunteer. This will replace the big community clinic held in September. Thank you, Joann Kopping

Trinity church and school are environmentally friendly for we recycle ink cartridges, used markers and batteries. We also collect box tops for education. The collection boxes are

located under the flower chart in the church narthex and boxes are at school.

Thank you so much for the empty ink cartridges. I recycle 10 a month for each the church and school. Then we both get $20 in rewards from Office Depot. In two months we have enough to purchase a case of copy paper.

Nancy Hanson, Church Secretary

LARGE Print Bibles Needed. Jake Bulthuis collects large print bibles and then donates them to nursing homes. Check in thrift stores.

They may be dropped off at the church office or contact Jake or Sandi.


Church News


All studies are weekly unless otherwise noted.

Sunday Morning

Adult and Youth Bible Studies ? 9:45 a.m. ? 10:45 a.m. The Adult Study is held in the Church Library,

they are using the Answers in Genesis curriculum.

Small Group TLC meets in the lower level of school, ""John 15".

Sunday School is held in the church lower level for Three-Year-Olds through Grade 8 in the church basement

High School Youth Bible Class meets in the school conference room with Pastor Bob.

Tuesday Evening We are studying "The "I AM" Sayings of Jesus" in the school conference room at 7:00 p.m. This class meets weekly and is facilitated by Rob Grady.

Wednesday Morning Men's Bible Class meets weekly at 6:30 a.m. in the Church Library. Facilitated by Roy Carr (630-323-3688) Studying Francis Chan's book "Forgotten God". Come when you can. Extra study guides available.

Wednesday Morning TLC We will begin our study on Romans Part 2 at 10:30 a.m. in the church library. We meet the second, fourth Wednesday and fifth Wednesday if there is one.

Thursday Afternoon Ladies Bible Class meets weekly at 1:00 p.m. in the home of Susie Carr (630-323-3688).

Thursday Evening TLC We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month in the school conference room at 6:45 p.m. Studying the topic "Holy Spirit". Come and join us! If you have questions, contact Sharon Wendte.

Friday Evening TLC TLC Bible Study Group meets in members homes . (led by Cliff Gustafson) (815-372-9937). Study on Prayer.

DVDs of our worship services are available in the church library They are free to check out for one week. You may copy the library DVD at your home or work for no charge. Shut-Ins & College students can receive free copies by request through the church office. If you would like to purchase a copy of a DVD at $3.00, please email a request to the church office.

Are you tired of being a couch potato? Looking for a way to work out at NO COST to you? Come out to volleyball in the Trinity Lutheran school gym! We meet every Monday at 7:00 p.m. and play for approximately an hour and a half. You don't have to be good, just willing to have some fun and perhaps brush up on a few skills. Everyone 18 or older is invited. It's also a great way to help a friend become familiar with our school and church. If you can't come every Monday, just come when you can. We do not play on nights when there is a voter's meeting scheduled so check the church calendar on our website at: to confirm scheduled dates. If you have questions, call Keith Wendte at 630-455-1775. See you there!

Historic St. Matthew Lutheran Church and Soup Kitchen, 2108 W. 21st Street, Chicago Our homeless have told us they feel like they are the 2nd congregation of St. Matthew, singing and praising

God. They listen when we read the Bible to them and are happy to participate in our devotions. It is true, we have two congregations, Praise God!! If you would like to help serve food, the next opportunity is June 11th. Meet at the church office at 11:00 a.m.

Youth News

THANK YOU FROM THE TRINITY YOUTH GROUP A huge thank you to all who donated their soft goods (clothes, towels, bedding, etc.) to our Pod Collection Fund Raiser. We collected over 8500 pounds of items and profited almost $1800.

The money raised from this event will help offset the cost of our Middle School Mission Trip and our National Youth Gathering Trip.

Trinity's Vacation Bible School is June 10-14. VBS is from 8:30 a.m. till 12:00 noon. Please sign-up in the Youth Room, if you plan to help. The sheet will be taken down on May 19.

Rob will let you know where you will be serving shortly thereafter. It could be in the kitchen, working with crafts, or working with students in a specific class.

We will have training and some prep work on Tuesday, June 4 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.


2019 Summer Reading Program ~ Read. ~ May 25 - August 4

"Of good books, however, there have never yet been too many, and there still are not," said Martin Luther. Your summer schedule may feel like a slow-paced stroll or a sprint from one activity to the next. Whatever's on your list, take time to relax and read! Join the challenge with reading lists that feature our newest Christian fiction releases, Lutheran theology and history, Bible literacy books, music, Spanish reads, and more. Switch between something light and memorable or deeply thought-provoking--whatever floats your summer boat. Climb the ladder to 1,000 points with old favorites or a stack of new releases. Here's how the program works . . . Sign up yourself and/or your household by creating an account. If you are registering multiple family members, start by creating an account just for you. Learn more about family accounts on our Frequently Asked Questions page. Go to read.

The seventh annual creation conference of the Society of Creation, "Thousands not Billions: How Old is the Earth?," will be hosted by the International Center of The Lutheran Church-- Missouri Synod and the Society of Creation, St. Louis, MO, on Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15, 2019. Four keynote speakers, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. Gary Locklair, and Dr. Joel Heck, will each speak on various aspects of the age of the earth. Visit for more information, for a printable pdf registration form, or for online registration.

Listen to , the broadcast arm of the LCMS, as we share Christ for you anytime, anywhere via worship services, Bible and theology studies, practical talk programs, and sacred music. You can find programs on demand at and wherever you get your podcasts! Find us on social: @KFUOradio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

This week on , we remember all those who have fought for our freedom during this Memorial Day Holiday. Study the Truth in Genesis 29-31 on Sharper Iron with Rev. Jonathan Fisk and guest pastors (Tu-Fr at 8:00 a.m. CT), learn about service opportunities with the Lutheran Young Adult Corps Volunteer on The Coffee Hour (5/30 at 9:00 a.m. CT), and dig into John 16-20 on Thy Strong Word with Rev. AJ Espinosa and guest pastors (weekdays at 11:00 a.m. CT). Find these programs on demand at !

School News

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! Throughout the school year, we like to recognize the baptismal birthdays for each month. Usually during the first chapel of each month, we have the students and teachers come forward and we join them in remembering their holy baptism.

Since we will not be in chapel in the summer, we would like to wish....a happy baptismal birthday to those students who were baptized in the summer. Not all our students come to us as baptized children of God. Pastor Bob has baptized many of our students during the school year as well. We welcome them into God's family and enjoy celebrating their special day!

If you or your child(ren) are interested in the sacrament of Holy Baptism, Pastor Bob is the person to contact. Please contact the church office or Pastor to set up a meeting to learn more. In His Service, Mr. DeWitt

The School TRIP program. The next gift card order will go in on Monday, June 7 and they will be available a week later. Paper copy forms are available in the school lobby and in the

church narthex by the flower chart. Drop off the order forms in the school office. For questions, please call Michele Geaschel 708-839-1444. Trip ordering is also available online,

where there are hundreds more merchants and monetary increments. GIFT CARDS ARE SOLD EACH WEEK IN THE NARTHEX IF YOU DON'T SEE CARDS YOU WOULD LIKE, WE CAN ORDER THEM.

April showers bring.... May showers bring... a completed and installed Gaga Pit! Have you seen the wooden octagon shaped feature out in the back by the playground and wondered what that was? The kids have been out there utilizing the Gaga Pit all week (weather permitting of course), and we are thrilled to see them in there playing and having fun. Many HUGE THANK YOUs to Brian Ernst and Randy Ball for all their help with the project. We know your time is valuable, and we are so grateful for your helping hands. This project wouldn't have gotten done without you two! Some additional maintenance and repair duties are still to be scheduled in the playground area in the upcoming weeks.


Community News

Retreat for Widowed men and woman. All are welcome. Family and friends can't even imagine how different your life is now. Joyful Again! Is a program designed to help the widowed sort out these changes and learn to find joy in living again while treasuring memories of their spouse.

Dates/locations: June 22 and 23 at St. Julie's in Tinely Park July 20 and 21 at Holy Family in Inverness August 10 and 11 at Mary Queen of Heaven Parish in Elmhurst.

For information or to register call 708-354-7211, email is joyfulagain7211@ , Website is

Issues, Etc. "Making the Case" Conference at Concordia University Chicago On Friday, June 7/Saturday, June 8 Issues, Etc. is presenting "Making the Case" Conference

at Concordia University Chicago (74 Augusta Street, River Forest). This is a good opportunity for you to meet and hear

Ross Douthat of the New York Times, "Making the Case Why the Public Square Needs Christianity"; LCMS President Matt Harrison, "Making the Case for Being Joyfully Lutheran";

Wesley Smith of the National Review, "Making the Case for the Hippocratic Oath"; Rev. Hans Fiene of Lutheran Satire, "Making the Case for the Lord's Supper"; Aaron Wolf of Chronicles magazine, "Making the Case for Conservatism", and LCMS Worship Director Rev. Will Weedon, "Conference Hymn Sing". Attendance is limited to 500. Free child care. To learn more:

Writer/Storyteller ~ This is a 20 hour position with some flexibility with hours.

Job Summary: Reporting to the Director of Communications, the Writer/Story Teller will be responsible for

developing, editing and publishing stories on the electronic news site as well as in print media.

Qualifications: Degree in Journalism or in related field, Familiarization with AP Stylebook, Photography skills,

LCMS doctrinal background preferred

Skills: Strong writing, editing, and proofreading skills and an excellent portfolio, Proficiency with MS Office. Experience

with Photoshop or other publishing tools helpful. Experience with WordPress website content management system, An eye

for detail along with critical thinking, Prioritizing and multitasking.

Start Date For Position ? immediate

Please send resume to Ronda.Wilmot@

LCMS Northern Illinois District, 2301 South Wolf Road, Hillside, IL 60162

Passion Play 2020: Oberammergau, a little village nestled in Germany's Bavarian Alps, is home to the world famous Passion Play held every 10 years since the mid 1600s. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mumme of Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church in Bolingbrook invite you to join them on a 11-day Germany & Austria

tour in September 2020, the highlight of which will be First Class Category 1 tickets to this play. Also on the itinerary are Heidelberg, the Rhine Valley, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Melk, Vienna, Munich, and Rothenburg.

Email: pmumme@ds- or visit pmumme.passionplay2020 to learn more.

Congratulations to the Walther Christian Academy Class of 2019! This year, 8 of the 61 seniors will be headed to Lutheran colleges or universities, including six attending Concordia University Chicago. One Walther student, Jordan Holliday, was chosen as a recipient of the CUC Presidential Scholarship. Walther Lady Broncos Basketball Coach Todd Fisher was chosen as a Coach of the Year by the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association, Division 2A. In addition to coaching, Todd is the Social Studies Department chairperson at Walther. A new electronic sign for Walther Christian Academy has been installed at the intersection of 9th and Chicago Avenues. You are invited to stop by and check it out! This sign was funded by generous donors who attended the 2019 Bronco Benefit Dinner.

ARE THERE PEOPLE MISSING FROM YOU PEWS? Families providing round-the-clock care for a loved one often can't get to church without your help. They need a break. They need volunteer respite care support. Voice of Care is equipping people to become Certified Trainers in the Lutheran REST (Respite Education and Support Tools) training program. Certified Trainers educate volunteers to become Respite Companions. The two-day course runs 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday, June 12 and 13, at the Northern Illinois District office in Hillside. Ths deeply discounted $125 course (normally $425) is made possible by a generous grant from the Lutheran Women's Missionary League of the Northern Illinois District. To register or ask questions about becoming Certified Trainer for the Voice of Care REST program (or a Volunteer Respite Companion) call Deaconess Kris Blackwell at 630.234.1491 or vocexec@. The deadline to sign up for this opportunity is May 28, 2019. Learn more about Voice of Care REST at .



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