University of Nevada, Las Vegas


September, 2012


Barrick Distinguish Professor

Department of Anthropology

University of Nevada,

Las Vegas, Nevada 89154


1977 B.A.(Sociology) State University of New York, Oneonta.

1981-1983 Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China. Studied Modern Mongolian History.

1985 Columbia University, Residential Institute – Chinese society - funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (July-August).

1986 Ph.D.(Anthropology) University of California, Santa Barbara.

1989 National Science Foundation work-shop on "Field Methods in Anthropology" at the University of Florida.

1991 National Science Foundation Institute in "Comparative Anthropological Research” at the University California, Los Angeles.

2004 Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (Zif/Max Planck Institute), Bielefeld, Germany -- Fellow (August-Sept)

2007 John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth College – Reviewer


2010 UNLV Faculty Institute on Research Based Learning - Fellow


Visiting Distinguish Professor, Fudan University, 2008 and 2011

Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2000-.

Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1994-1999.

Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1991-1993.

Assistant Professor, Tulane University, New Orleans, 1987-91.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology/Social Science Department, Harvard University, 1989.

Research Interests

Chinese society

East Asian Civilizations

Ethnicity, the state, and the individual

Human universals

Gender and human sexuality


Polygamous societies

Drug foods, trade, and state expansion

Urban Anthropology

Kinship and family

Psychology Anthropology

Theory and history of Anthropology

Field Research

Fez, Morocco, Senior Theses research on the modernization of a traditional city (1 month), 1977.

Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China (29 months), 1981-1983, 1987 (4 months), 2000-2008;2011.

New Orleans, African American community "second-line" festival season (4 months), 1988-1989.

New Orleans, Mardi Gras culture (3 months), 1990.

Colorado City, an American Polygamous Community, 1993-2011.

American Spouse Exchange 1998-2000.

Chengdu, China (5 months), 2000.

Shanghai, China (five months) 2008-2009; 2011.

Research Grants and Awards

National Science Foundation, Sigma Xi, University Fellowship and Grants, Nevada Humanities Grant, National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Jean Lafitte National Park and Preserve Service to conduct research on Black Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs in New Orleans, participate in the Xinjiang Project funded by Henry Luce Foundation.

Books, Monographs, and Edited Collections:

2012 City Days, City Nights: Social Life in a Chinese City: 1981-2011 (Columbia University Press, under review).

2009 (co-editor Jiemin Bao) Polygynous Society: Ethnographic Overviews from Five Cultures, Special Issue Ethnology.

2008. (edited) Intimacies: Sex and Love Across Cultures (Columbia University Press).

2004. Well Being, Family Affections, and Ethical Nationalism in Urban China (guest editor). Special Joint Issue for The Journal of Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development Vol33, No2-4, .

2003 (edited with Dan Bradburd) Drugs, Trade and Colonial Expansion (University Arizona Press).

1995 (edited) Romantic Passion: The Universal Experience? New York: Columbia University Press.

[A Chronicle of Higher Education Notable Book].

1994 Urban Mongols: Ethnicity in Communist China (a short monograph). Portraits of Culture: Ethnographic Originals Monograph Series, Mel Ember, Carol Ember and David Levinson, eds. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

1993 Sex, Death and Hierarchy in a Chinese City: An Anthropological Account. New York: Columbia University Press (Fifth Printing).

1991 (with Helen Regis and Chris Turner) Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs: Black Volunteer Associations in New Orleans. A cultural management study prepared for and submitted to Jean Lafitte National Historic Park and Preserve. pp: 140.

Books: In Preparation

n.d.a. Chinese Family (Polity Press, contract pending due 2014)

n.d.b. Illicit Monogamy in an American Polygamous Community. (Columbia University Press, book contract due 2015).

n.d.c. A Case for Emotional Monogamy: Ethnographic Inquiries into Sex, Love and Intimacy.

Articles and Book Chapters

1986. “Gender Bewilderment: Sundays at 1364 1/4 Milford Manor.” California Anthropologist, 14 (2):16-30.

1986. (with John Townsend) “Sex Differences in Mate Choice and Sexuality: A Comparison of the United States and China.” Human Mosaic, Vol. 20: 39-76.

1988. “The Last Hurrah? Political Protest in Inner Mongolia.” The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs [The China Journal], Issue 20: 269-288.

1989. (with James Donovan and Elizabeth Hill) - “Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Truth of Consensus in Studies of Physical Attractiveness.” Journal of Sex Research, Vol. 26, No. 2: 264-271.

1989. “Sex Differences in Mate Choice and Sexuality in the People's Republic of China.” The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, [The China Journal] Issue 22: 54-74.

1992. “Father-Child Relations in Urban China.” In Barry S. Hewlett, ed., Father-Child Relations: Cultural and Biosocial Contexts. New York: Aldine Press: 249-260.

1992. (with James Donovan and Elizabeth Hill) - “The Effects of Sex and Sexual Orientation on Attractiveness Judgments: An Evolutionary Interpretation.” The Journal of Ethnology and Sociobiology 13: 73-85.

1992. (with Ted Fischer) “A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Romantic Love.” Ethnology 31: 149-155.

[Reprinted in Human Emotions: A Reader (Jennifer Jenkins, Keith Oatley and Nancy Stein (eds.). Blackwell Publishers Limited, 1995:].

1992. (with James Bell) “The Ethnographer Verses The Folk Expert: Pitfalls of Contract Ethnography.” Human Organization 51:412-417.

1993. “Urban Mongols: The Search for Dignity and Gain.” In Anthropological Research in Urban China, Greg Gullin and Aidan Southall, eds., Leiden: Brill Press: 316-338.

1995. “Urban Chinese: Family Life in a Communist Society.” In Urban Life George Gmelch and Walter Zenner, eds., Prospect Heights: Waveland Press: 335-352.

[Reprinted “The Politics of Kinship and Affection in Urban Chinese Family.” In Bernie Wong (Editor) Kinship in Contemporary America. New York: Kendall and Hunt Publishers: 2001, 80-96].

1995. “Introduction.” In William Jankowiak, ed. Romantic Passion: The Universal Emotion?, New York: Columbia University Press:1-20.

1995. “Love and Passion in Chinese Society.” In William Jankowiak, ed. Romantic Passion: The Universal Emotion?, New York: Columbia University Press:166-184.

1995. (with Emilie Allen) “The Balance of Duty and Desire in a Mormon Polygamous Community.” In William Jankowiak, ed. Romantic Passion: The Universal Emotion? New York: Columbia University Press: 277-296.

[Reprinted: “Harmonious Love and Passionate Love in an American Polygamous Community.” In Bernie Wong (Editor) Kinship in Contemporary America. New York: Kendall and Hunt Publishers: 2001, 191-207.]

1996. (with Gary Palmer) “Performance and Imagination: Towards an Anthropology of the Spectacular and the Mundane.” Cultural Anthropology: 612-638.

1996. Commentary to "Sexual Selection, Physical Attractiveness and Facial Neoteny: Cross-Cultural Evidence and Implications" by Doug Jones. In Current Anthropology Vol. l36 No. 5:737-738.

1996. (with Dan Bradburd) “Chemical Stimulants, Conquest and the Management of Labor: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. “ Current Anthropology: 717-721.

[in Health and Healing in Comparative Perspective. Elizabeth Whitaker, ed. Pearson/Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River: New Jersey,” 2006: 475-479.

1998. “Research Trends in the Study of Chinese Cities, a Review Essay.” City and Society. Vol. 12:369-396.

1999.”Review Essay on Gender, Sexuality and Chinese Studies.” The Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars (Now Critical Asian Review). Vol.31, No.1: 31-47.

1999. “Affection and the Sexual Culture: A Cross-Cultural Perspective." In Culture, Biology and Sexuality. David Suggs and Andrew Miracle, eds. Georgia State University Press: 49-64.

1999. "Gender Power: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone." A Rejoinder. The Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars.(Now Critical Asian Review) Vol.31, No.3: 43-46.

1999. “Carnival on a Clipboard: An Ethnological Study of New Orleans Mardi Gras” (Ethnology, Vol. 38, No 4: 335-350.

2000. (with Angela Ramsey) "Femme Fatale and Status Fatale: A Cross-Cultural Perspective." Cross Cultural Research. Vol. 34 No.1, Feb. 57-69.

2000. (with Monique Diderich) “Sibling Solidarity in a polygamous community in the USA: unpacking inclusive fitness.” Evolution and Human Behavior. Vol. 21, No 2: 125-140.

2001. “In the Name of the Father: Theology, Kinship and Charisma in an American Polygamous Community.” In New Directions in Kinship Studies, edited by Linda Stone. New York: Rowman and Littlefield: 264-284.

[Reprinted in Magic, Witchcrraft and Religion: An Anthropological Study of the Supernatural (6th edition). Arthur Lehmann, James Meyres and Pamela Moro, eds. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005:382-391].

2001. “Managing Infidelity: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.” (Ethnology) pp 85-101.

2002. (with Claudia Woodman) “Paternal Reassurance or Material Reassurance? Parental Investment in an American Polygamous Community.” InThe Evolution of Minds: Psychological and Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Paul Davis and Harmon Hocomb. Academic Press: 271-292.

2002. "Sex, Propriety and the Roles of Fathers." In Chinese Femininities/Chinese Masculinities. Susan Brownell and Jeffrey Wasserstrom, eds. Berkeley: The University of California Press: 361-380.

2002. (with Diane Nell and Ann Buckmaster). “Extra-marital Affairs: A reconsideration of the meaning and universality of the “Double Standard.” Vol.13, No 1. Journal of Comparative and Cross-Cultural Research: 2-21.

2003. "Introduction." (with Dan Bradburd) In Stimulating Trade, Drug Foods, and the Expansion of the World Market. William Jankowiak and Dan Bradburd (eds.). Tucson: Arizona University Press p 1-46.

2003. “Conclusion."(with Dan Bradburd) In Stimulating Trade Drug Foods and the Expansion of the World Market. William Jankowiak and Dan Bradburd (eds.). Tucson: Arizona University Press: 293-301.

2003. “Sexual Desire or Passionate Love? An Individual’s Predicament and a Culture’s Dilemma.” In Love: A Theoretical Overview. Edited Fabio Bacchini and Chiara Lalli. Rome: Baldini and Castoldi [Scholarly] Publisher (In Italian). Pp: 157-200.

2004 (with Justin Rudelson) “Xinjiang’s Ethnic Destines: Internal And External Confrontations within the Chinese Context.” In the Xinjiang Today: An Introduction. Kenneth Starr, Ed. M.E. Sharp.

2004. “Themes in the Anthropological Study of Chinese Society.” In New Reflections on the Anthropological Studies of (greater) China. Xin Liu, Ed. Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California Press.

2004. “Angel Park: A Polygamous Family System in American Culture.” In Cultures of the United States. Lauren Arenson and Jim Bell (eds.) pp: 203-206. New York: McGraw Hill.

[Reprinted in 2007. “A Polygamous Family System in American Culture.” In Cultures of the United States. Lauren Arenson and Jennifer Miller (eds.) pp: 203-206. New York: Hayden-McNeil Publishers.]

2004. “Introduction.” In Well Being, Family Affections, and Ethical Nationalism in Urban China. In William Jankowiak (guest editor) Special Joint Issue for The Journal of Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development Vol. 33, No2-4: 115-139.

2004. “Market Reform and the Expansion of China’s Moral Horizon.” In Well Being, Family Affections, and Ethical Nationalism in Urban China. In William Jankowiak (guest editor) special Joint issue The Journal of Urban Anthropology and Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development Vol. 33, No. 24: 167- 210.

2005. (with Monika Sudakov, Benjamin Wilreker). “Co-wife Conflict and Cooperation” Ethnology. Vol.44, no1:81-98.

2005. “Market Integration, Cognitive Awareness, and the Expansion of Moral Empathy.” (Extended commentary, with title and abstract) . On the article: “Economic man” in cross-cultural perspective: Behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies.” Joseph Henrich et al Behavioral and Brain Science.

2006. “Illicit Monogamy in an American Polygamous Community.” In On the Culture and Nature of Love ("Zur Kultur und Natur der Liebe") Brigitt Rottger-Rossler, ed. Berlin: Mentis/Paderborn Publisher : 99-128.

2006. “Afterword.” In Marijuana and Drug Use in Papua New Guinea, David Lipset, guest editor. Oceania.

2006. “Gender, Power, and the Denial of Intimacy in Chinese Studies and Beyond.” Reviews in Anthropology. Vol. 35, No.4: 305-324.

2007. (with Diane Hardgrave) “Individual and Societal Response to Sexual Betrayal: A View From Around the World.” Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Vol.10: 1-11.

2008. “Well Being, Cultural Pathology, and Personal Rejuvenation in a Chinese City: 1981- 2005. In The Good Life: Well Being in Anthropological Perspective. Gordon Matthews and Carol Izquierdo, eds. Oxford (England): Berghahn Publishers.

2008. Ethnicity and Chinese Identity. In China Handbook, Kam Louie, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2008. (with Laura Mixson) "I Have His Heart, Swinging Is Just Sex": The Ritualization of Sex and the Rejuvenation of the Love Bond in an American Spouse Exchange Community. In Intimacies: Between Love and Sex Around the World, W. Jankowiak, ed. Columbia University Press: 245-266.

2008. “ Desiring Sex, Longing for Love: A Tripartite Conundrum.” In Intimacies: Between Love and Sex Around the World. W. Jankowiak, ed. Columbia University Press: 1-36.

2008. “The Rise of the Market and the Transformation of Moral Involvement in Urban China” in International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management. Vol.1, No.4:362-374.

2008 “Neighbors, Family, and Grandparents: In Urban China Affection Counts!” In Chinese Kinship and Relatedness: Some Contemporary Anthropological Perspectives. Susanne Brandstader and Goncalo Duro dos Santos, eds. Routledge Publishers: 67-92.

2008. (with Peter Gray and Kelly Hatman) Globalizing Evolution: Female Choice, Nationality, and Perception of “Sexual Beauty” in China. Journal of Cross-Cultural Research, Vol.10:1-22:248-269.

2008. (with Jiemin Bao) Introduction: Privilege Disguises Torment. Ethnology Vol.52, no3:137-144.

2008. Co-wives, Desires and Conflicts in a USA Polygamous Community. Ethnology Vol.52, No3:163-180.

2009. Intimacies: Between Love and Sex. Journal of American Sexuality: 7-14.

2009. The Chinese City: Social Connections and the Multigenerational Family In Urban Anthropology, 5th edition, Gmelch, Kemper and Zenner, eds., Prospect Heights: Waveland Press: 335-352.

2009. (with Helen Gerth) “Can You Love Two People at the Same Time? A Research Report.” The Proceedings of the Southwestern Anthropological Association: 47-59.

2011. (with Heber Hammon) “One Vision: The Making, Unmaking and Remaking of an American Polygamous Community.” In Modern Polygamy in the United States: Historical, Cultural, and Legal Issues Edited by Cardell K. Jacobson and Lara Burton, Oxford University Press: 41-76.

2011. (with Robert Moore, and TianShu Pan) “Growing up in an Emergent Market Economy: China’s Young Men” In Young Men around the World, Noel Dyck, editor. Berghahn Publishers: 157-188.

2011. (with Amber Joiner and Cynthia Klabia) Chinese Childhood Playfulness in Cooperation and Aggression: Further Evidence for the Rise of the Ambitious Female. Cross-Cultural Research Vol.45. No.2:155-177.

2011. The Han Chinese Family: The Realignment of Parenting Ideals, Sentiments, and Practices. In Women and gender in Contemporary Chinese Societies. Shanshan Du and Ya-chen Chen editors. Lexington (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers):109-132.

2012.1. (with Helen Gerth) “Can You Love More Than One Person at the Same Time? A Research Report” Anthropologica (Journal of Canadian Anthropology) 54:95-105.

2012 “From Courtship to Dating Culture: China’s Emergent Youth. In China at Risk, Perry Link, Richard Madsen, and Paul Pickowitz, eds. New York: McGraw Hill (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, in press).

2012. (with Robert Moore) “Changing Morality of Dating and What It Says About Youth, China and Modernity. “ In Adolescent identity, Risk and Change: Evolutionary, Developmental and Cultural Perspectives. Bonnie Hewlett,ed. New York: Taylor and Francis/Routledge Publishers (in press).

2012. (with Michelle Escasa, Jocie Bartlett, and Sara Hill. “Teasing with Sex, Hunting for a Relationship: What Popular Sex Sites Can Tell Us About 21st Century USA Female Sexual Behavior.” Ethnology. (under review).

2012 Urban Chinese Mongols: National Identity, Local Memory, and Frequent Affiliation. Chinese Sociological Review (under review).

2013. Reform China and its Competing Images of Chinese Masculinity' In Is Chinese Patriarchy Over? The Decline and Transformation of a System of Social Support, Stevan Harrel and Goncalo de Santos, eds. Halle: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology publication (under review).

Reference Work

1994. Mongols. In the Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Vol VI, Russia and Eurasia/China. Paul Friedrich and Norma Diamond, eds., HRAF: G.K. Hall/Macmillian Press: 473-476. (5,000 words).

1996. On Love. The Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology David Levinson and Mel Ember, eds., HRAF/American Reference Publishing Company. Lakeville: CT.:718-720. (5,000 words).

1997. Sexual Behavior. The Blackwell Dictionary of Anthropology. Thomas Barfield, Editor. Oxford, England: 422-424. (3,000 words).

1997. Courtship. The Blackwell Dictionary of Anthropology. Thomas Barfield, Editor. Oxford, England: 88-89. (5,000 words).

1997. Gender and Sex Roles. The Blackwell Dictionary of Anthropology. Thomas Barfield, Editor. Oxford, England: 217-220. (5,000 words).

1997. Drugs and Drug Foods. The Blackwell Dictionary of Anthropology. Thomas Barfield, Editor. Oxford, England:131-133. (3,000 words).

2002. Huhhot. For the Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures. Mel and Carol Ember (Eds.) Ct: Groellier, Inc. (5,000 words).


2003. Gender and Sexuality in Chinese Society. Ethnographic Vignettes. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Carol and Mel Ember, Eds.(7,000 words). Pp 521-530.

2003. Gender and Sexuality in Mormon Polygamous Society. Ethnographic Vignettes words). Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Carol and Mel Ember, Eds.(5,000). Pp 433-442.

2004 Dating and Matchmaking in Chinese Society. Encyclopedia of Chinese Society. Edward Davis, editor. Routledge Press. (600 words).

2004. Sexuality Attitudes and Practices in Chinese Society. Encyclopedia of Chinese Society. Edward Davis, editor. Routledge Press. (800 words).

2004. Parent-Child Relationships in Chinese Society. Encyclopedia of Chinese Society. Edward Davis, editor. Routledge Press. (400 words).

2005. Mongols of Republic of Mongolia. Carol Ember, editor, Human Relations Area Files (HRAF). (5,000 Words).

2005. Mongols of Inner Mongolia, PRC. Carol Ember, editor, Human Relations Area Files (HRAF). (5,000 words).

2010. Romantic Love. Encyclopedia of Consumption. (5,000 words).

2012. Love an Overview. Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality. (5,000words). New York: Blackwell Publishing Company.

2012. Universal Love. The World Book of Love. London:

Popular Magazines and Newspapers

1988. The Soul of Lao Yu. Natural History, December: 4-11.

1989. Gods, Ghosts, and Mourning Practices: Changing Images of Death in China. The World & I, Vol. 4 pp: 626-634.

1990. (with Helen Regis and Christina Turner) Second-Line Marching Clubs: Inside New Orleans' Black Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs. The World & I, Vol. 5 pp: 664-673.

1991. Strangers Mediating Strangers: Chinese Street Mediation. The World & I, Vol. 6 pp: 664-675.

2009. (with Peter Gray) Desire of the Other: Sexual Perception in Modern China. Glimpse Journal.

2010. Female work and Chinese Motherhood. China Daily, May A 13.

2010. Courtship to dating culture. China Daily, June A13.

Book and Film Reviews

1987. The Sex Contract by Helen Fisher. High Plains Applied Anthropologist, 7: 20-21.

1987. The Zapotec: Princes, Priests, and Peasants, Joseph Whitecotton. Latin America in Books Vol.10, No. 1: 6-7.

1987. Response to Helen Fisher's reply to my review of her book The Sex Contract. High Plains Applied Anthropologist, Vol. 7, No. 2: 88-91.

1990. Depending on Heaven (a Film). American Anthropologist, Vol. 92, No. 3: 845-846.

1993. Provided a summary of the AAA organized session "The Anthropology of Romantic Passion" for the Anthropology Newsletter, 5:5.

1994. Mr. China's Son, He Liyi. Boulder: Westview Press. Journal of Asian and African Studies:166-167.

1996. Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association, Arthur Wolf. Stanford University Press. Journal of the History of Sexuality: 294-296.

1996. Beyond The Great Wall, Piper Gaubatz. Stanford University Press. Man, The Royal British Journal of Anthropology.

1996. Sex, Culture and Modernity in China, Frank Dikotter. China Quarterly. Vol.147: 1001-1002.

1997. The Roads of Chinese Childhood, Charles Stafford. Cambridge University Press. The Journal of Asian Studies: 782-783.

1999. Sexual Behavior in Modern China by Dalin Liu, Man Ng, Li Ping Zhou, and Erwin Haeberle. China Journal: 171-173.

1999. Women of Principle: Female Networking in Contemporary Mormon Polygyny. Janet Bennion. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. American Anthropologist. Vol.102. No.1:182-183

2000. National Past-Times: Narrative Representation, and Power in Modern China. Ann Anagnost. Duke University Press, 1997. The Journal Asian Studies: .

2000 Cades and Kin: Making a Socialist Village in West China, 1921-1991. Gregory Ruf. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Anthropological Quarterly: .

2001. China Urban. Nancy Chen, Constance Clark, Suzanne Gottschang, and Lyn Jefffery (eds.). Duke University Press. China Journal:.

2002. Prostitution and Sexuality in Shanghai. Christian Henriot, Cambridge University Press. China Journal 2007: 227-228.

2002. Opening Up: Youth Sex Culture and Market Reform. James Farrer. University Chicago Press. China Journal: .

2003. The Mongols at China’s Edge. Bulag. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. H-Asia Journal.

2004. The Wild East: Portrait of an Urban Nomad. Asian Educational Media Services, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: 3.

2004. Narcotic Culture: a History of Drugs in China University of Chicago Press The Historian: 319.

2005. China, Sex and Prostitution. Elaine Jeffreys. RoutledgeCurzon. China Journal: 174-175.

2006. Romance on a Global Stage. Constance Constable, University California Press. NWSA, Journal, Indiana University Press. Vol. 18, No. 2:228-229.

2006. Bodies of Difference: Experiences of Disability and Institutional Advocacy in the Making of Modern China. Matthew Kohrman, University of California Press. China Review: Vol. 6 No.2:77-79.

2008. Social Inequalities and Social Justice. Niels Teunis and Gilbert Herdt, eds. Berkeley: University of California Press. American Anthropologist. Vol.110, No.1:150.

2009. Creating Market Socialism. Carolyn Hsu. Durham: Duke University Press. Journal of Comparative History and Society. Vol.52, No.1:215-216.

2010. "Ethnographies of Prostitution in Contemporary China: Gender Relations, HIV/AIDS, and Nationalism."TiantianZheng. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.

2012.The Secret: Love, Marriage, and HIV. Jennifer Hirsch, Holly Wardlow, Daniel Jordon, Harriet Phinney, Shanti Parikh, and Constance Nathanson. Ethos.

2012. Understanding Chinese Families: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Southeast China. C.Y. Chu and Ruoh-Rong Yu. The China Journal: 237-238.

Articles: In Preparation

n.d.a. Dueling Patriarchies: Family Alliances, Women’s Choices, and Children Naming Practices in an American Polygamous Community.

n.d.b. Shame and Guilt in Chinese Society

n.b.c. Chinese mistress

Professional Service - External Reviewer:


Allen and Bacon Publishers(3), Arizona University Press (1), Cambridge University Press (2), Columbia University Press(17), College of the South (1); Cornell University Press(1), Elsevier Publishers (1), McGraw-Hill (3), New England University Press (1), Ohlinger(1), Oxford University Press(2), Pearson Publishers (2); Rutgers University Press(2), Stanford University Press(9), Vanderbilt University press(1), University of Chicago Press(3),University of Michigan Press(2);Westview Press (1), Western Washington University Press(1), and Wiley Publishers (2).

II) Papers (N=75):

American Anthropologists (3),Anthropologica (2), American Ethnologist(10), Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2), British Journal of Developmental Psychology (1); British Journal of Sociology (1), Bulletin of Concern Asian Scholars (3), City and Society(1), Children and Society (1),Current Anthropology (3), Culture, Health and Sexuality (3); Ethnology (3), Evolutionary Psychology (1), Field Methods (1), The China Journal (6), Identities(1), Human Nature (2), Human Organization(2), Human Evolution and Behavior(3), Journal of Adolescence (1), Journal of Applied Social Psychology(1), Journal of Asian Studies (5), Journal of Sex Research (1), National Geographic Magazine (1), NWSA(1), Man (1), Medical Anthropology Quarterly (2); Human Ecology(1), Population and Development Review (1), Sex Roles (1), Social Science and Medicine (2), Sociological Focus (4), Studies of Cultural Systems and World Economic Development (1), Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (2), Journal of Marriage and Family (1); The Journal of Urban Anthropology (2), and The Journal of Popular Romance (1).

III) Grant Proposals (N=35):

Austria National Science Foundation (1), Croatian Unity Through Knowledge Fund, Fulbright-China Research Award (1), Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (4), Israel National Science Foundation (1), National Educational Humanities Fellowship (1), National Science Foundation (17), National Academies (1), Social Science and Humanities Research Council (1); SSHRC-CRSH (1), and PSC-CUNY Research Award (1), and Werner-Gren Foundation (6).

IV) For Promotion (N=16):

Australian National University (2), Boston University, Bryn Mawr, CUNY, Harvard University, Hunter College, Haverford College, Fairfield University, University of Colorado, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, State University New York, Stony Brook, State University New York, New Paltz, Tulane University, Sophia University, Japan, University California, Los Angeles, and Yale University.

V) Invited Presentations (N=53)

American Law Review Conference, Atlanta, 2004, San Francisco, 2005, Arizona University, 2001, Bielefeld University (ZIF), Germany, 2004, 2005, Brown University 2007, Bryn Mawr, 1998, California State University, Los Angeles, 1997, Convenor and China in Comparative

Perspective (CCPN) 2012; Dartmouth College 2007, DePauw University (1), Ernest Gellner Institute, Prague, 2003, Fudan University, 2008; 2011 (5), Harvard Law School, 1989, Harvard University (John Fairbank Center), 1997, 2010, Harvard/NYU Shanghai Conference, 2007,Haverford Colleges, 1998, John Hopkins University, 2002, Kenyon College, Ohio, 1996, Manchester University, London School of Economics 2012, Lower Silesia University, Poland; Pomona College, Claremont Colleges, 1999, Shanghai University, 2008; 2011, Sheffield University, 2012, Stanford University (The East House), 1997, State University of New York, Binghamton 2009, State University New York, Oneonta (2011), Syracuse University (1990; 2010;2011), The Society for the Scientific Study of Human Sexuality, 2006, The Smithsonian Institute,1994, Tulane University (Mellon Lecture Series), 1988; Rollins College 2006 (2), University California, Berkeley, 2002, 2004, University California, Los Angeles, 2001, University of Chicago, 1989, University of Minneapolis, 2009,University of Missouri, St. Louis, 1996, University of Pennsylvania 2012, Washington University, St. Louis (The East Asian Society), Washington State University, 2003; 2005, Waterloo University, Ontario, Canada, 2006.

Media Interviews (N=27):

InLive – Polygamous love and love around the world, 2012.

Maxwell Center, Syracuse University, Contemporary Chinese society, 2011

Voice of America, on Chinese youth, 2011

Doug Page on Plural Families 2011

New York Times Magazine, article on love and sex around the world, 2010

Consultant and participant in seven out of nine show in their series “Rites of Passage” for the History Channel, 2009.

Interviewed by Paul Mooney for The Chronicle of Higher Education on Chinese Society, 2009.

Interviewed by Marie Hulett for Anthropology Series on love. DVD made from interviewed, 2009.

Wall Street Journal - Perceptions of Chinese beauty, 2008

Petr Lom Films – for film on Xinjiang culture, 2007.

Namoi Bishop, UCLA, for documentary on USA polygyny, 2007.

Participant on “The Agenda with Steve Paikin”, a Canadian talk show (akin to the Charlie Rose show on PBS, 2007.

Time Magazine on love, 2007.

Gourmet magazine reporter on Kashgar city in Xinjiang, 2007.

Oprah concerning the Mormon Polygamous life,2006

Helen Fischer for her “4 Corners,” a BBC series on love, 2005.

Nova, a story of Human Nature, 2004

National Geographic Magazine, chemistry of love, 2004

Belgian National TV, on chemistry of love, 2004

Radio4all – on Barry Hewlett’s talk on Ebola, 2004

Rebell Yell, on academic freedom, 2004

Metro newspapers, on USA dating, 2004.

Las Vegas Sun, on teaching about religion, 2004.

Consultant for National Geographic television on love and emotions,2003.

Consultant for Marie Claire, dating and mating rituals, 2003

Consultant for “The Nature of Things”. A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Far Eastern Economic Review, on Asian Tourism, 2001.

Finnish magazine writer on romantic love, 2001

Participated in a feature presentation of a Dutch film (Morton Hill Media) public television series on emotions, 2000.

Life magazine, on love, 1998.

BBC television, on romantic love ,1998

BBC radio, on romantic love,1998

ABC, television, on polygyny, 1997

ABC television on polygamy in USA, 1997

CBS television on infidelity, 1997

NOVA – special PBS show on love, 1995.

RDS Television, London, on romantic love, 1995

New Zealand Public radio, on romantic love, 1995

Radio Montreal, on romantic love,1994

Jamaica radio, gender relationships, 1994

Time Magazine – Cover story on romantic love around the world, 1993

Newsweek interview and article, 1993

ABC, Prime Time Live – series on love, 1993

New York Times Science section on romantic love around the world, 1992.

Psychology Today, romantic love, 1992

Toronto Globe, on romantic love ,1992

The New Yorker magazine, on romantic love, 1992

L”Expressa, on romantic love, 1992

Fortune, on romantic love, 1992

Harper’s Bazaar, on romantic love, 1992

Sacramento Bee, on romantic love, 1992

Las Vegas Sun, on romantic love,1992

Equinox, on romantic love, 1992

National Radio of Canada, on romantic love, 1992

Radio Free Europe, on romantic love ,1992

Radio Hungary, on romantic love ,1992


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