Form: 9 Ә Teacher Abisheva A.T

The aims:

Reading aim: To enrich pupil’s knowledge concerning the theme

Speaking aim: To develop pupil`s abilities in speech.

Writing aim: To bring up the feeling of love to music.

Teaching methods: Question-answer, listening, demonstration,

The visual aids: computers, screen, presentation.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment: 1 min

-Good morning dear students!

-Good morning teacher!

-How are you?

-We are well; we wish the same to you!

Report of the pupil on the duty.

II. Checking up the homework. 10 min

- Your home task was to prepare some information about your favourite actor, didn`t you? - Project work. Now let`s listen to you. Who wants to begin?

III. Warming up: .Musical questions: 1 min

- My dears, do you like to listen to the music?

- What is your favourite music?

/romantic, ballad, disco music, classical , opera/ etc.

- Do you like listening to music and singing?

- What kind of music do you like listen to when you are in a good mood?

/in a bad mood/

-What kind of music do you dislike?

IV. Presentation

- After all this, have you found the name of our new theme?

- Today we will speak about music and the title of our new theme is:

Music keeps me happy!

Listen to the Dimash `` Show must go on`` and open our theme

Quotations 2 min

“If music be the food of love, play on” William Shakespeare

“Music is the universal language of the world” H. Longfellow.

I see you are fond of music. In addition, I want to listen what teenagers say about music.

1.Ой қозғау

-Do you ever download MP3 files from the Internet?

-Do you ever listen to MP3 files on your computer?

-Who is your favourite singer or group?

-What kinds of music do you like/dislike?

Reading: Ex.3 p.51.52 4 min

New words: even – тіпті

Walkman- наушник

Jazz Concert

Classical music Rock

Pop music Blues

Rock-n-roll Great- тамаша

Modern music 

Wonderful –ғажайып 



Folk music- халық музыкасы

Turn on- қосу

Loud – қатты

Understand- түсіну

Worry – қорқу, қобалжу

Writing: Ex 6 p 52. Write sentences that show different opinions about music.

5 min

Teenagers say: It`s cool to listen to music all the time. Pop music keeps them happy! They buy an album or cassette once a week. They love music.

Their parents say: We are worried about their health. They never read, only listen to music. They have not friends. They do not do anything else.

V. Today we aren`t going to speak about music in general

The play: Choice the melody 2 min

Can you define styles given by you? (Pair work with cards). – Match and read!

1. Symphony a) a type of music that has a strong and parts for performance to play along

2. Rock`n roll b) traditional music that has been played by ordinary people in a

particular area for a long time

3. Folk c) a long piece of music usually in four parts, written for an orchestra

4. Rock d) a type of popular modern music whit a strong loud beat, played using

guitars and drums

5. Rap e) a type of popular music in which the words for a song are not sung,

but spoken in time to music with a steady beat

6. Blues f) modern music this is popular, especially with young people, and

usually consists of simple tunes with a strong beat

7. Jazz g) a slow sad style of music that came from the southern US

8. Pop music h) a style of music with a strong loud beat played on guitars.

Listen to the music Physical minute 3 min

Topic : Listen about museums in Almaty 10 min

P1- The Kasteev State Museum of arts

P2- The state museum of National Musical Instruments

Conclusion lesson 4 min

VI. Home task: to read the text and to translate text C about The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan . 1 min

Thank you for the nice lesson. You've worked very well today. It was real pleasure to listen to your opinions. We see that it is impossible to live without music. And now your marks for the lesson. The lesson is over. See you later!

Enjoy music!



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