
Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box.

play have come send do speak

1 I ___________________ my homework at the moment.

2 They often ___________________ to my house in the evening.

3 He ___________________ emails to me every day.

4 They aren’t here. They ___________________ tennis.

5 She’s busy. She ___________________ to Frank on the phone now.

6 We always ___________________ lunch at one o’clock.

Write questions and short answers. Use the present simple or present continuous of the verbs.

1 (you / always / sing in the shower)

_____________________________________________ ?

(yes) _________________________________________ .

2 (you / use the computer now)

_____________________________________________ ?

(no) _________________________________________ .

3 (he / like football)

_____________________________________________ ?

(no) _______________________________________ .

4 (they / speak French at the moment)

_____________________________________________ ?

(yes) _______________________________________ .

5 (he / study for his exams today)

_____________________________________________ ?

(yes) _______________________________________ .

6 (they / watch TV every day)

_____________________________________________ ?

(no) _______________________________________ .

Complete the table with the infinitive or past simple form of the verbs.

|Infinitive |Past simple |

|buy |(1) ________________________ |

|(2) ________________________ |ate |

|go |(3) ________________________ |

|have |(4) ________________________ |

|(5) ________________________ |met |

|see |(6) ________________________ |

|speak |(7) ________________________ |

|(8) ________________________ |spent |

|(9) ________________________ |took |

|travel |(10) ________________________ |

|win |(11) ________________________ |

|(12) ________________________ |wrote |

Complete the sentences. Use the past simple.

1 Where _____________________ (you / meet) your girlfriend?

2 I _____________________ (not see) Angeles at school today.

3 _____________________ (have) lunch with Marta yesterday?

4 We _____________________ (buy) any DVDs.

5 What _____________________ (he / eat) at the restaurant?

6 They _____________________ (not like) the film.

Six of the sentences are incorrect. Write OK or correct the sentence.

1 I want any food.


2 There aren’t much students at my school.


3 There isn’t some cheese in the fridge.


4 Is there many shops in your town?


5 There’s a lot of traffic today.


6 There isn’t many pollution on the beach.


7 We don’t want any chips.


8 I haven’t got many money.


Write sentences. Use the present sipe form of be and the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1 Football / be / than tennis. (interesting)


2 Tomás / be / student in the class. (good-looking)


3 Your exercises / be / than mine. (easy)


4 Monday / be / day of the week. (bad)


Complete the sentences. Use the past simple or past continuous.

1 It __________________ (not rain) when we __________________ (come) out of the cinema.

2 The man __________________ (take) the photo while I __________________ (talk) to Andrea.

3 My computer __________________ (crash) while I __________________ (download) from the Internet.

4 I __________________ (cut) my finger while I __________________ (do) the washing up.

5 What __________________ Mark __________________ (do) when you __________________ (call) him?

Write questions. Use the past simple.

1 How / they / go to school


2 What / happen next


3 When / he / start school


4 Who / meet you in London


Complete the dialogue. Use the past simple or present perfect.

Sam (1) ____________ you ____________ (ever / see) a film in English?

Chris Yes, I have. I (2) ____________ (see) The Queen.

Sam (3) ____________ you ____________ (understand) it?

Chris Yes, most of it. What about you?

Sam Yes, I (4) ____________ (watch) Borat in English. I (5) ____________ (not understand) very much.

Chris I (6) ____________ (not be) able to go to the cinema this month. I (7) ____________ (not have) any money. I (8) ____________ (spend) all my money on my girlfriend’s birthday last month!

7 Write sentences. Use the past simple or present perfect and the words in brackets.

1 My parents / make / dinner (just)


2 I / see / that TV programme (already)


3 We / go / to Toledo / three weeks (ago)


4 I / not finish / the book (yet)


5 I / be / at this school / four years (for)


6 He / know / her / 1996 (since)


Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

can can’t don’t have to have to might might not must mustn’t

1 He hasn’t eaten anything all day. He ____________ be very hungry now.

2 He didn’t pass his exam. He ____________ be very happy.

3 Try phoning Sal or Mick. John ____________ be with them, but I’m not sure.

4 He ____________ know. Why don’t you tell him? Maybe nobody’s told him.

5 You can come with me if you want but you ____________.

6 It’s a very formal dinner. You ____________ wear a suit.

7 This is a secret. You ____________ tell anyone.

8 She’s very funny. She ____________ tell great jokes.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of will and a verb from the box.

be cost give not like meet win

1 In the year 2030, a bottle of water ____________ €50.

2 I think Rafael Nadal ____________ Wimbledon this year.

3 I’m sure my brother ____________ famous one day.

4 I hope mum and dad ____________ me a digital camera for my birthday.

5 ____________ we ____________ your sister at the party?

6 He ____________ Love Actually because he doesn’t like romantic comedies.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of be going to and a verb from the box.

pass play save use visit not watch

1 I ____________ my aunt next year.

2 We ____________ TV tonight.

3 I ____________ the exams. They’re easy.

4 ____________ Jenny ____________ the computer?

5 They ____________ money for a holiday.

6 We ____________ football later.

Circle the correct words.

1 I think Bardem will / is going to win an Oscar.

2 He’s decided that he will / ’s going to be a doctor.

3 I’ll / ’m going to always be your friend.

4 We’ll / ’re going to meet again in the future.

5 He won’t / isn’t going to cook dinner tonight.

6 Will you / Are you going to take the train or the bus?

7 She won’t / isn’t going to remember.

8 I’m sure they’ll / ’re going to be very happy.

Complete the sentences. Use the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 The plane ____________ at half past two. (arrive)

2 When ____________ the concert ? (start)

3 The class ____________ at eleven o’clock. (not finish)

4 My penfriend ____________ home on 22nd July. (fly)

Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I ____________ Mark tomorrow. (see)

2 They ____________ to a new school next year. (go)

3 When ____________ we ____________ tennis against the teachers? (play)

4 She ____________ to the cinema with us tonight. (not come)

Complete the sentences. Use the will form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I ____________ you to the airport. (take)

2 I ____________ anyone – I promise! (not tell)

3 I ____________ him an invitation. (send)

4 I ____________ you again. Goodbye. (not phone)

Write sentences. Use the present simple, present continuous or will form of the verb.

1 The train / leave / at six o’clock.


2 I / meet / Juan / on Saturday morning.


3 Don’t worry. / I / do the shopping.


4 What / you / do / later?


5 Lunch / be / two o’clock / tomorrow.


6 I don’t know the answer. / I / ask / the teacher.


7 I can’t come to your party. / I / spend the weekend / with my dad.



8 I know! / I / phone / Jack.


Make the sentences passive.

1 They organise music courses every summer.


2 They invite children from all over England.


3 Famous musicians teach the children.


4 They don’t offer normal subjects at the school.


5 They award prizes at the end of the course.


6 They perform the best songs at the final concert.


7 Parents attend this concert.


8 They record this final concert.


Write sentences. Use the past passive.

1 The CD / develop / by Philips and Sony in 1980.


2 The first pop video / not release / by Amaral.


3 The words ‘disc jockey’ / use / for the first time in 1937.


4 Love me do / not sing / by Robbie Williams.


5 The Four Seasons / write / Vivaldi.


6 The Liceu in Barcelona / destroy / in 1994.


7 The biggest concert in the world / give / by the Rolling Stones.


8 Yesterday / record / more than 3,000 times.


Complete the predictions. Use the future passive and a verb in the box.

discover eat move choose not publish

replace speak win

1 The next Eurovision song contest ____________ by Ireland.

2 Spanish ____________ by more people than English.

3 The capital of England ____________ to Oxford.

4 The Queen ____________ by a president.

5 Paris ____________ as the venue for the Olympic Games.

6 A new planet ____________.

7 Organic food ____________ by more people.

8 Books ____________ on paper.

Complete the text. Use the correct tense of the passive.

Last week, the new UK singles chart (1) ____________ (publish). A single that (2) ___________ (release) in July last year was in the top ten again. This is because now, song downloads (3) ____________ (include) in the charts. More and more music (4) ____________ (buy) online these days. With the new rules, old songs that (5) ____________ (use) again in films or adverts can return to the charts. Nowadays, a lot of records (6) ____________ (make) by bands without a record company, and next week another record (7) ____________ (break). Early sales show that one day, the band Koopa (8) ____________ (remember) as the first to have a top 40 single without a record company.

Write passive questions.

The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell.

1 Who ______________________________ by?

2 What ______________________________ in 1876?

3 When ______________________________?

Please Please Me was recorded by The Beatles in 1963.

4 Who ______________________________ by?

5 What album ______________________________ in 1963?

6 When ______________________________?

Big Brother was shown for the first time in Holland in September 1999.

7 Where ______________________________ for the first time?

8 When ______________________________ in Holland?

Grammar consolidation

Complete the text with the correct words.

Maria Hi. We (1) ____________ for a walk in the mountains at the weekend. I (2) ____________ some photos. (3) ____________ you want to see them?

Dave Yes, please. What are you (4) ____________ in this photo?

Maria Oh, it’s an ice cream. It was really big. In fact, I think it was the (5) ____________ ice cream (6) ____________ the world!

Dave Are you running up the mountain in this photo?

Maria No, that’s my sister. Most of us walked up the mountain, but she (7) ____________ walk – she ran!

Dave (8) ____________ did she do that?

Maria I’m not sure. She always wants to (9) ____________ a lot of exercise. She’s definitely healthier (10) ____________ me!

Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box.

ago already couldn’t crashed have himself how were doing what yet

Pete (1) ____________ you spoken to my sister’s new boyfriend, James ______ ______ (2) ?

Ed Yes, your sister has (3) ____________ introduced him. (4) ____________ did they meet?

Pete They met five months (5) ____________ when they (6) ____________ a charity event. They were running a marathon. James injured (7) ____________ and he (8) ____________ move.

Ed (9) ____________ did he do?

Pete Nothing. My sister (10) ____________ into him!

Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box.

’ll be ’ll go ’ll get ’ll see going to do

’m going to play are you doing

going to go starts won’t do

Pip What (1) ____________ tomorrow?

Paddy Well, the match (2) ____________ at nine o’clock, but before that – nothing. Have you got any plans?

Pip Yes, I’m (3) ____________ swimming in the morning.

Paddy That sounds good. I (4) ____________ with you.

Pip OK. In the afternoon, I’m going to go to the gym and then later I (5) ____________ basketball.

Paddy You (6) ____________ exhausted by the end of the day!

Pip Perhaps, but I’m (7) ____________ the same thing every weekend.

Paddy You (8) ____________ it for more than two weekends! You (9) ____________ bored and want to go shopping.

Pip No way – you (10) ____________ !

Complete the text. Use passive form of the verbs in brackets and include by if necessary.

MTV Quiz

Q When (1) ____________ (MTV / start)?

A 1st August 1981.

Q Who (2) ____________ (MTV / create)?

A Bob Pittman.

Q What programmes (3) ____________ (show) on MTV in the 1980s?

A In the beginning it was music videos. Music videos (4) ____________ (use) to advertise the music recordings. Sometimes they (5) ____________ (call) ‘promo videos’. Today, news, reality shows and music videos (6) ____________ (broadcast) on MTV. All the programmes (7) ____________ (make) for teenagers and young adults.

Q (8) ____________ (MTV / replace) its website in the future?

A No, the website only gives extra material.

Q What is the ‘MTV generation’?

A The teenagers of the 1990s (9) ____________ (know) as the ‘MTV generation’. They (10) ____________ (influence) MTV as they were growing up.


Read the text. Complete the summary with the correct information.

Becky’s diary

22nd February

It’s half past two on a Tuesday in February and I’m lying in bed, writing my diary. I’ve got a cold and a headache. I didn’t feel very well when I woke up this morning so I decided to stay at home. My friends are all at school. They’re doing a history test at the moment. My parents are both working and my older brother, Andy, is a university student in London. He’s studying law and he only comes back in the holidays. So I’m on my own in the house.

This morning I watched TV in bed, but there wasn’t anything exciting on. There was a travel programme comparing the best hotels in Paris. Boring! Then I made a cup of tea. I’m not very hungry so I didn’t have anything to eat. I tried to read my book, but my head hurt too much. I’ve got my mobile phone, but I can’t phone any friends because they’re in lessons. I can’t send text messages to them either. I want to go on the computer and surf the Internet or write some emails, but the computer is in another room. I know I can write in my diary. The problem is I haven’t got any interesting news to write! I hope I feel better tomorrow and can go back to school. Today is the most boring day in my diary – ever! At least I haven’t got any homework to do tonight!


Becky is writing her (1) ___________ at home on Tuesday (2) ___________. She isn’t at (3) ___________ today because she isn’t feeling (4) ___________. Becky has got one (5) ___________. She is (6) ___________ than him. He doesn’t live at (7) ___________ any more because he’s at (8) ___________ in London. Becky is really (9) ___________ today because she hasn’t got (10) ___________ interesting to do.

Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1 What is Becky missing at school this afternoon?


2 How often does Becky see Andy?


3 Where is the TV? How do you know?


4 Why did she turn the TV off?


5 What makes Becky happy at the end of her diary?


Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

I love my job

Jo Banks is a TV journalist. She’s been married to her husband, Graham, for ten years. In June 2003, she was organising a party to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary when the phone rang. She suddenly had to go to Italy to report on a fashion show. In the end, Graham and their friends and family had the party without Jo! During the party they switched on the TV. Jo was interviewing a famous fashion designer and talking about what was happening at the show.

Jo loves her job and says, ‘If you’re a journalist, you can’t say, “No, I’m busy. I can’t go to Italy tomorrow.” You have to be able to change your plans at the last minute. You don’t have to stay at home waiting for the phone to ring, but you must be flexible. I’m lucky because my friends and family understand when I can’t be with them. I’ve been a journalist since 1990 and they respect my job.’

Jo has already missed several weddings and other important events. If you invite Jo to your party, she might not come, but you’ll probably see her on TV the next day!

1 Jo and Graham got married last year. ______

2 Graham cancelled the party. ______

3 Jo has to be able to change her plans suddenly. ______

4 She always waits for the phone to ring. ______

5 Jo is sometimes on TV. ______

Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1 What is Jo’s job?


2 Where did she go in 2003?


3 What happened during the party?


4 How long has Jo done this job?


5 Why might Jo not come to your party?


Read the letter to the newspaper. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Dear Editor

I have read a lot of articles in your newspaper recently about teenagers. One story described a teenager who raised money for charity, but then kept the money. Another story talked about a group of teenagers who borrowed money from their parents and then went to a casino and gambled it all. And of course there are always stories about teenagers who attack old ladies in the street! All these stories have one thing in common – they are all negative about teenagers.

Last week I went to the bank to get some money. I put my card into the cash machine and then entered my PIN number. I asked for one hundred pounds. As I was taking my card, I saw a teenage boy next to me. I thought of all the stories in your newspaper and became very nervous. I put my card in my bag and started to walk quickly to my car. Suddenly I heard somebody behind me. It was the teenager. I started to run. He was shouting, ‘Wait! Wait!’ I stopped. ‘You forgot your money,’ he said. He opened his hand and there was my hundred pounds!

Yours sincerely

Barbara Brown

1 Barbara Brown has read a lot of articles about teenagers recently. __

2 Some teenagers borrowed money and lent it to their friends. ______

3 There are some positive and some negative stories about teenagers in the newspaper. ______

4 Barbara wanted to get one hundred pounds from the cash machine. _

5 The boy stole her money. ______

Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1 What did the teenager who raised money for charity do?


2 What did Barbara put into the cash machine?


3 Who did she see next to her?


4 Why did she become nervous?


5 Why did the boy run after Barbara?


Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

The Arctic Monkeys

The Arctic Monkeys were formed in 2002. They are an indie rock band from Sheffield in England. Their first two singles, I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor and When the Sun Goes Down, went straight to number one in the UK chart. Alex Turner is the lead singer and plays the guitar, Jamie Cook and Nick O’Malley also play the guitar and Matt Helders plays the drums and sings. The Arctic Monkeys weren’t marketed and advertised by record companies – they became popular because they put their music on the Internet. People who worked for record companies were banned from their concerts. Finally, the band signed a contract with the independent record company Domino Records, and their first album Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not went straight to number one. This album broke the record for the largest first week sales of a first album in UK history. The band were awarded major music prizes for the album at the 2006 Brit Awards and the NME Awards. The members of the band are very shy; when they won the Brit Award, a ‘fifth member of the band’ collected the award. He was later identified as a friend of the band!

1 The Arctic Monkeys are Irish. ______

2 Alex Turner sings. ______

3 They became popular thanks to their record company. ______

4 Their first album didn’t sell very well. ______

5 They have won some awards. ______

Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1 What kind of music do the Arctic Monkeys play?


2 What happened with their first two singles?


3 Who couldn’t go to their concerts?


4 How did their music become popular?


5 Why did a ‘fifth member of the band’ collect the Brit award?



Write about a very good (or a very bad) birthday. Write 100–150 words.

Write about the best thing that has happened this term. Use these suggestions or your own ideas.

• You made a new friend.

• You got good marks.

• You met your girlfriend / boyfriend.

• You started a new hobby.

• You went to an interesting place.

Write a letter to your local newspaper. You want to give a positive impression of teenagers. Use these questions to help you.

• What ‘good’ things have you / your friends done recently? How and when?

• Did you / they enjoy doing these things? Why?

• Will you do more things in the future? What?

Write about your music collection. Use the questions to help you.

• What was the first single you bought?

• What is your favourite album in your collection? Why?

• Where do you normally buy music?

• How often do you buy music?

• How do you listen to music (MP3, stereo, etc.)?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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