English 11A: Study GuideUnit 2 Early American RomanticismHow do genres assist both writers and readers??What historical events influenced the Romantic period??What characteristics appear in Romantic literature??Define genre and subgenre?Identify the characteristics of American Romanticism?Name American Romantic authors?What words in sentences need to be capitalized? Give examples. What is setting? How does setting affect the mood of a short story? Study vocabulary discussed in this unit. Identify each of the authors listed below. For each, answer the following questions: What did they write? What characteristics defined their style of writing? What elements of American Romanticism are evident in their short stories? How do their stories reflect the time period in which they were written? Washington Irving ?Nathaniel Hawthorne ?Edgar Allan Poe ?Ralph Waldo Emerson ?Henry David Thoreau ?Herman Meliville ?Walt Whitman ?What does it mean to paraphrase? Paraphrase a story from this unit What is literary criticism? What is its purpose? ?What is symbolism? Give an example. How can symbolism enlarge the meaning of a text? ?Review eight parts of speech and types of nouns. Give examples of each.?Define gothic. What gothic elements are present in Poe's literature? Give an example. ?Poe believed that good short stories require a single, unifying effect. Evaluate one of the stories in the American Romanticism unit using Poe’s standard of unity. Is there a single effect? Do the descriptions, incidents, and images all contribute to the single effect of the story? Why? How? Feel free to evaluate Poe’s own story. Describe how setting contributes to Poe's intended effect?What beliefs define the romantic subgenre, transcendentalism??What characteristics define Emerson’s writing style in "Self-Reliance?" What beliefs define the Romantic subgenre, Transcendentalism? What did Thoreau learn living by Walden Pond??What elements of descriptive writing are evident in Walden? Identify pronouns and their antecedents. Give examples. What are Transcendentalist views of God and nature? What elements does good descriptive writing include? What is an appositive phrase? Give examples. How can appositive phrases enhance descriptive writing? How does American Romantic poetry differ from Early American and Colonial poetry? What is free verse? Give an example. How does the structure of a poem reinforce its meaning? Consider what you have learned about American history during the period of 1820 to 1864. How do the stories in the American Romanticism reflect what was going on in the country then? Read and analyze "When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer" by Walt Whitman. What Romantic ideas does it express, and how does the structure of the poem reinforce the meaning? ................

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