Romanticism VS Realism

Romanticism VS Realism

Romanticism pages 657-662

As Europe transitioned after the French Revolution, new movements in literature, art, and music flourished throughout Europe. This was the age of Romanticism. The “Romantics” tried to balance the use of reason by stressing the importance of intuition, feeling, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing, and a REJECTION of the Enlightenment ensued. Characteristics of romanticism include: emotion, inner feelings, individualism, and revival of the past, particularly medieval or Gothic art/literature. Romantic literature featured heroes in unusual settings, art with colors of emotion, and poetry flowing with flowery prose.

Realism pages 693-697

Between 1850-1870, two major intellectual developments come about: the growth of scientific knowledge, with its rapidly increasing impact on the Western worldview, and the shift from Romanticism and its focus on the inner world of reality to Realism and its turning toward the outer, material world. The belief that the world should be viewed realistically, is known as realism. Realists wanted to deal with ordinary characters from real life rather than Romantic heroes and unusual settings. Realists often combined their interest in everyday life with a searching examination of social questions.

|Topic |Romanticism |Realism |

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|Literature | | |

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|Authors to look at: Mary Shelley, Charles | | |

|Dickens, Gustave Flaubert, and Edgar Allen Poe| | |

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|*What did they write? How does their work | | |

|represent Romanticism | | |

|or Realism? | | |

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|Music | | |

|Beethoven | | |

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|What is he famous for? Characteristics of his | | |

|music? Type? Romanticism or realism? | | |

|Art | | |

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|Artists to look at: | | |

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|Caspar David Friedrich | | |

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|[pic] | | |

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|Jean Francois Millet | | |

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|[pic] | | |

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|Eugene Delacroix | | |

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|[pic] | | |

|*What works are they famous for? Describe | | |

|their art work and if they are Romantics or | | |

|Realists artists | | |


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