American Romanticism: Powerpoint

American Romanticism: Powerpoint


Mr. Miles

Name: _________________________

1. What is the time period of American Romanticism?

2. In 1800, the population is ______________. By 1850, the population has grown to ________________________.

3. During this period, the first significant ____________ _______________ rises to power, and cities begin to ___________________.

4. As literacy in America spreads, publishing expands and newspapers become very popular. In 1800, there were _________ newspapers in America. By 1830, there were ________________, and by 2007 there are ____________ in New York City alone.

5. Literacy also creates people who want to be _____________ ________________. People start following issues like slavery, women’s rights, ____________ _______________, and ____________ ______________.

6. During this period, there are also major changes in religion. Church is in _______________and is no longer mandatory. In addition, people begin to view Bible stories as ________________.

7. Classicists (i.e. Revolutionary Period) believe that man is perfected ____ ______________. Romantics, on the other hand, believe that man is __________________ by society.

8. Classicists write about the __________ and ____________. Romantics are concerned with the distant __________ and the far ___________.

9. Classicists put their faith in _______________, whereas Romantics rely more on emotion.

10. Classicists believe totally in reason, whereas the Romantics trust their _________________.

11. A romantic hero is someone who breaks ________ ________ __________ and is the center of their own _________________.

12. The father of American literature is ____________ _______________.

13. Puritanism began in the ____________ and ended in the ______________. Classicism ran from the ________________ to the ___________________. Romanticism originated in the ______________ and ended in _____________. Why major event happened in 1861? ___________________. Why would such an event mark the end of Romanticism? ____________________________________.

14. Here are some tenets of Romanticism:

A. It had nothing to do with ______________.

B. It drew influence from the ____________, ______________, and ___________________.

C. It was concerned with ______________.

D. It stressed the _________________.

E. It defined man by his ability to ___________ _____________.

15. Romantic characters will think with their _____________, trust their _______________, and communicate and learn from ___________________.

16. The father of American poetry was ___________ _________ _____________.

17. The father of the American short story was _________ __________ _____.

18. The father of the American novel was __________ ___________ ____________.


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