Introduction to the New Testament Study Guide #15

Introduction to the New Testament Study Guide #15

Name: ___________________


Make sure you are looking up the bold-faced words in the glossary

Chapter 16 - Acts 13-28

1. The central figure in Acts 13-28 is ________________.

2. The city that replaced Jerusalem as the city of greatest importance in apostolic times was _________________.

3. The first missionary journey was made by _____________ & _______________.

4. All three of Paul’s missionary journeys began in the city of ______________.

5. The issue of what salvation requires was debated at the _________________________.

6. Paul set out on a second missionary journey with _______________; ______________ joined him later at Derbe, and _____________ joined them at Troas.

7. On Paul’s return to Jerusalem after his third journey, he was arrested when he spoke the word __________________.

8. It was necessary for his safety to move the imprisoned Paul to __________________.

9. Paul appealed to _______________ and was sent to ______________ for trial.

10. While in Rome, Paul wrote letters to Philemon and to the _______________, ________________, and ___________________.

11. What is xenophobia? What do the OT, Jesus and Acts 13-28 have in common in the way they address this problem?

12. What role did Antioch play in the life of Paul and the early church?

13. What issue did the Jerusalem Council debate? How should we apply its decisions today?

14. What effect did the spread of the gospel have at Ephesus?

15. How did Paul, a prisoner, know that he would eventually reach Rome?

16. How did Paul’s appeal to Caesar both save and trap him?

17. For what reason, in Paul’s own view, was he “in chains”? What reasons might others give?

18. In what sense did Paul’s arrival in Rome represent a fulfilling of what God told Ananias in Acts 9? How many years was it from his conversion to his arrival in Rome?


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