Come, Enter the Mikvah

THE FRIGHTENING REALITY OF the NOAHIDE LAWSAND A THIRD TEMPLE NOT AUTHORIZED BY YAHUWAH***Please read as foundations: “Beware of the Noahide Laws”/Mikvah of Present Reality #13.0 and “Israel’s Sanhedrin Make Their Move Towards Internationalizing the Noahide Laws...” #50.0/Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance. This is “frightening reality” simply because it points to the coming of anti-messiah. It shows us that we are already inside a world government that is moving quickly to take over. Abba allows it to be frightening, at least until His people wake up and look at the danger square in the face, and act as He has said for us to act! Then as we take note of the enemy, He moves in with His Spirit, with His peace, and with His power, to make “the righteous as bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1) Abba does not want us to remain frightened, but if frightening truth wakes up an apathetic person to action, He allows it. In 2008, I wrote the article “Beware of the Noahide Laws.” It is compact information that you must know, and I mean MUST KNOW, because the frightening reality is now coming into clear focus! You must also know the information in “Israel’s Sanhedrin Make Their Move Towards Internationalizing the Noahide Laws...”, written at Hanukkah, December 2018, because it updates the article from 2008 into our present reality. For all of mankind, whether a person is lost or saved, an unbeliever or a believer, to yield their life to obey the International Noahide Laws will remove any chance for eternal life. Steven ben Nun, Israeli News Live, said recently: “If you believe that Messiah is the divine son of God, you’re going to have your head taken off…That is in the Noahide Laws.” Steven also said “the mark of the Beast will be directly associated with the Noahide Laws.” He’s right! Let’s look at Revelation 14:9-13: “And a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, `If anyone worships the Beast and his image, and receives his mark upon his forehead or upon his hand, he also shall drink of the wine the wrath of Elohim which is poured out undiluted into the cup of His wrath. And he shall be tortured with fire and sulfur before the set apart angles and before the Lamb. And the smoke of their torture goes up forever and ever. And they have no rest day or night--those worshipping the Beast and his image, also if anyone receives the mark of his name. Here is the endurance of the set-apart ones. Here are those guarding the commands of Elohim and have faith in Yahushua. And I heard a voice out of heaven saying to me, `Write, blessed are the dead who die in the Master from now on. Yea, says the Spirit, in order that they may rest from their labors and their works follow with them.’ ” These faithful martyrs who die because of the edict of the “mark,” are the majority of the martyrs in Revelation 7:9-17. They will refuse to deny Messiah. They will refuse to stop guarding the Torah along with their belief in Messiah. They will defy the Noahide International Laws. The rabbinic counsel says that only Jews that can prove their Jewish lineage from their mother are considered Jews. All others are “gentiles.” The Sanhedrin will be the right arm of the False Prophet, to uphold the laws of the False Prophet. It is all about using religion to control the people. It is all about worshipping the Beast as a god, the world-Caesar, the one who sits as god, ruling the world. In the first century, those that did not worship the Roman Caesar were beheaded! That’s II Timothy 4. The Apostle Sha’ul did not bow to worship the Roman gods, nor their human agents who thought they were gods. Thus, he was beheaded. From the article “Beware of the Noahide Laws”: “Noahide Laws and Decapitation: The penalty for violating any of these Noahide Laws is spelled out on page 1192 of the Encyclopedia Judaica, `…violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decaptiation’…Now…let us examine further Public Law 102-14, which sets the Noahide Laws as the basis for International Law to which all Americans must conform…” Many lives of believers will be taken because they stand against the Noahide Laws! They are not just part of an Israeli religious belief-system. It is International Law! The United States Congress passed them into Law March 20, 2001, placing the laws under the Lubavich and, the then, Rabbi Shneerson. From “Beware the Noahide Laws:” “Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, the head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in 1943, writing in The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia `Pharisaism became Talmudism--the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered.’ In other words, the Lubavitchers are re-born Pharisees.” Messiah called the ancient Pharisees “the seed of vipers,” and said “you are of your father the devil.” Today, if a Jew wants to make aliyah, he must prove his Jewish lineage from his mother. The Pharisees were indignant at Messiah, saying “our father is Abraham.” Messiah did not deny that. But, he knew that though they were Jews by their mothers, by their fathers they had lineage back to the post-flood fallen angels (reptilians/vipers) and the Nephilim (demons/devils). They had hybrid lineage, hybrid DNA. The ruling Pharisees, not all of them, for we have Nathaniel, Zechariah, and Gamaliel, too, came from the puppet priests put into power by the Maccabees. They were puppets of Rome. They were not legitimate. Today, to be a Jewish Orthodox rabbi, a man has to prove his lineage back to the 1st century Pharisees. In my documented and very important article “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome,” you will see how intertwined the Pharisees were with Rome and how Rabbi Akiva, founder of Rabbinic Judaism, was also in league with Rome, thus you will see how today chief Rabbis are still in league with Rome. Israel as a whole is tied to the United Nations and the Vatican, as well as to the Rothschild dynasty, and the United States. I have warned for over ten years that the U.N., the Vatican, and International Law is backing the Sanhedrin to be THE deciding council on world religious affairs, with the power, as they had from Rome in the days of the 1st century, to execute death according to these same laws that sealed the death of Messiah and of all believers in Him who also guarded the Torah, whether Jews they accept as Jews, or “gentiles.” ***I quote here from Lamb and Lion Ministries “The Rebirth of the Sanhedrin”: “On October 13, 2004, the Sanhedrin Council of the Jewish nation was reconstituted for the first time in 1,600 years. The ceremony took place in the Israeli town of Tiberias, located on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee. This was the site of the council’s last meeting in the year 425 AD. This incredible development, largely ignored by the press, appears to be one more step toward the construction of a Jewish temple in Jerusalem.” Wow! They prophesied there didn’t they? Yes, its rebirth was for the purpose of their near-future work with the anti-messiah, as they prepare the way for his entrance to rule from Jerusalem, making Jerusalem the headquarters of the one world government! As Steven ben Nun also recently said: “Jerusalem will be the headquarters of the one world government!” It is now being prepared to be so, with a temple that Yahuwah is not authorizing. It will be controlled by the Beast/anti-messiah and his False Prophet. Mark 13:9-14, 19-20: “But take heed to yourselves, for they shall deliver you up to the Sanhedrin (council, tribunal) and to congregations. You shall be beaten and you shall be brought before rulers and kings of My sake, for a witness to them. And the Good News has to be proclaimed first to all nations. And when they lead you away and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand what you are to say. But whatever is given to you in that hour speak that, for it is not you who are speaking, but the Set-Apart Spirit. And brother shall deliver up brother to death and a father his child. And children shall rise up against parents and shall put them to death. And you shall be hated by all because of My Name. And he who endures to the end, he shall be saved. And when you see the abominaton that lays waste, spoke by Daniel the prophet, set up where it should not be, he who reads let him undertand, then let the who are Judea flee to the mountains…for in those days there shall be distress such as has not been from the beginning of creaton, which Elohim created, until this time, nor ever shall be. And if the Master had not shortend those days, no flesh would have been saved, but because of the chosen ones whom He chose, whom He chose, He shortened the days.” This portion of Scripture is soon to happen, and almost no western-culture believer is prepared for it. Most do not even know how to hear from the Spirit, let alone be able to withstand persecution without going insane. If you do not know how to hear from the Spirit of Yahuwah within your re-born spirit, for that is where He speaks, how can you hear Him tell you what to say before the Sanhedrin? Mark 13:9, word translated “councils” in most Bibles: Strong’s Greek Concordance #4892 is “sanhedrion,” “meaning a sitting together, council, referring to the Sanhedrin, the meeting place of the Sanhedrin.” The stopping of the sacrifices was done by Messiah (Daniel 9:24-27). He does not mention the stopping of sacrifices in Matthew 24, Mark 13, or Luke 21, but He does mention the setting up of the “abomination that lays waste.” Note regarding “abomination that lays waste” from The Scriptures: “We find this term in Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, and Daniel 12:11. Then Messiah prophesied about the end times in Matthew 24:15, revealing to us that we shall receive the abomination that lays waste, set up in the Set-Apart place. This prophecy by Daniel was fulfilled the first time during the time of Antiochus Ephiphanes, but Messiah here prohesies about the end tmes. In 2 Maccabbes 6:2, it is an interesting historical record that we find this to be Zeus, or Ba’al Shamen as the Syriac version of 2 Maccabbes 6:2 renders it – the great sky deity or sun deity. Note well: It is in itself an abominaton, but it also lays waste. What is laid waste? The true worship is laid waste! We read many passages of Scripture about the laying waste of the True Worship, i.e. Psalm 79:1:`Oh Elohim, the gentile have come into Your inheritance. They have defiled Your set-apart Temple, they turned Jerusalem into ruins. They have given the dead bodies of Your servant as food for the birds of the heavens. The flesh of Your kind ones to the wild beasts of the earth. They have poured out their blood like water all around Jerusalem with no one to bury them.’ ” Just as Antiochus Ephanes was a type of anti-messiah, his setting up of a statue of Zeus on the replacement ark in the “holy of holies” is basically what the false prophet will do in setting up an image of the Beast in a temple to be worshpped by the world. This is what the Sanhedrin will order to be done. The Cabalist Sanhedrin will be the servants of the anti-messiah to carry out his death wishes against all believers who do not worship the Beast. The members of the Sanhedrin are 70 Cabaists. Cabala is ancient mysticism rooted in Satanism. They tap into the extra dimension of the dark kingdom in their rituals. It is evil for evil goals to be fulfilled. Matthew 5:22: NAS: “the supreme court” - INT: “the Sanhedrin” – KJV: “council.” Also see Matthew 10:17, Matthew 26:59 [Messiah was sent to His death by the Sanhedrin], Mark 14:55, Mark 15:1, Luke 22:66. John 11:47: (the word is “Sandrion” – the Pharisees met together … the Pharisee leaders, the High Priest and council appointed by the Maccabees after Antiochus, the “seed of vipers” – hybrid lineage – condemned by Messiah.STRONGS NT 4892: συν?δριονσυν?δριον, συνεδρ?ου, τ? (σ?ν and ?δρα; hence, properly, 'a sitting together'), in Greek authors from Herodotus down, any assembly (especially of magistrates, judges, ambassadors), whether convened to deliberate or to pass judgment; Vulg.concilium; in the Scriptures 1. any session or assembly of persons deliberating or adjudicating (Proverbs 22:10; Psalm 25:4 (); Jeremiah 15:17; 2 Macc. 14:5; 4 Macc. 17:17): συν?γαγον συν?δριον (A. V. "gathered a council]"], John 11:47. 2. specifically: a. the Sanhedrin, the great council at Jerusalem (Talmud, ????????????), consisting of seventy-one members, viz. scribes (see γραμματε??, 2), elders, prominent members of the high priestly families (hence, called ?ρχιερε??; see ?ρχειρευ?, 2), and the high priest, the president of the body. The fullest periphrasis for Sanhedrin is found in Matthew 26:3 R G; Mark 14:43, 53 (viz. ο? ?ρχιερε?? κα? ο? γραμματε?? κα? ο? πρεσβ?τεροι). The more important causes were brought before this tribunal, inasmuch as the Roman rulers of Judaea had left to it the power of trying such cases, and also of pronouncing sentence of death, with the limitation that a capital sentence pronounced by the Sanhedrin was not valid unless it were confirmed by the Roman procurator (cf. John 18:31; Josephus, Antiquities 20, 9, 1). The Jews trace the origin of the Sanhedrin to Numbers 11:16f. The Sanhedrin (A. V. council) is mentioned in Matthew 5:22; Matthew 26:59; Mark 14:55; Mark 15:1; Luke 22:66;. Acts 4:15; Acts 5:21, 27, 34, 41; Acts 6:12, 15; Acts 22:30; Acts 23:1, 6, 15, 20, 28; Acts 24:20; used ((as in classical Greek)) of the place of meeting in Acts 4:15. b. the smaller tribunal or council (so A. V.) which every Jewish town had for the decision of the less important cases (see κρ?σι?, 4): Matthew 10:17; Mark 13:9. Cf. Winers RWB under the word Synedrium; Leyrer in Herzog edition 1 under the word Synedrium (Strack in edition 2); Schürer, Neutest. Zeitgesch. 2te Aufl. § 23, II., III. (and in Riehm, p. 1595ff); Holtzmann in Schenkel see, p. 446ff; (BB. DD., under the word (especially Ginsburg in Alex.'s Kitto); Hamburger, Real-Encycl. ii, pp. 1147 -1155; Edersheim, Jesus the Messiah, ii. 553ff; Farrar, Life of Christ, Excurs. xiii.). Read the above words in Red! Messiah was tried by the Sanhedrin and found guilty of death. They sent Him to Herod. Herod, the regional authority for Rome, sent Him to Pilate for final prosecution. The Sanhedrin was the judicial arm of Rome to do with matters within Israel to do with religion. This is exactly the way it will be except that “Rome” will back all decisions of the Sanhedrin 100% in order to kill all believers in Messiah. The False Prophet will represent Rome, and so both Rome and the Sanhedrin will join together in Jerusalem. Vatican City, Rome, will give the Sanhedrin the power to make their decisions and carry them out. The State of Israel has already given the Sanhedrin power in all decisions to do with religion. Their Supreme Court gave them this power. So, folks, we’re back 2,000 years with a little editing and more power to the 70, the Sanhedrin who is going to judge by the Noahide Laws! In “Beware of the Noahide Laws,” you will read some of what I write here with compact documentation. On March 20, 1991, then President, George W. Bush, signed the Noahide Laws into U.S. Law. It was passed by 102nd U.S. Congress, putting these laws under the jurisdiction of the Lubavitch founder, the then Rabbi Schneerson. The law states that it is written because of a need to define moral code for all mankind. Its real purpose was hidden as a tribute to Rabbi Sneerson, who was 89 on March 26, 1991. March 26, 1992, the law was used to declare “Education Day,” in honor of Rabbi Schneerson’s 90th birthday. You can read the Congress declaration for yourself. It is based on very flimsy rhetoric, but it successfully hides the real purpose of the Noahide Laws. It is International Law. It set in motion the laws that would condemn all but those who align to the Beast and his False Prophet. Please go back and read my recent article: “Israel’s Sanhedrin Makes Their Move Towards Internationalizing the Noahide Laws – Hanukkah Altar Dedication - 70 Nations Invited/Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance.” Thanks to the open proclamations at Hanukkah by the Sanhedrin, the reporting of Steven ben Nun in recent days, reporting by Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat, and reporting by Kimberley Rogers-Brown, whose article is included in my article on the dedication of the altar at Hanukkah, we are now getting a taste of what this is about. It is all coming into clear focus now, and it is frightening. We are a lot futher along towards the reign of anti-messiah than most want to admit. The watchmen are admitting it however. I am declaring it to warn you about it. Revelation 20:4: “And I saw thrones – and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them – and the lives of those who had been beheaded because of the witness they bore to Yahuwah, and because of the Word of Elohim, and who did not worship the Beast, nor his image, and did not receive his mark upon their foreheads, or upon their hands - these lived and reigned with Messiah for a thousand years.” Let’s look at what caused their decapitation! First, they were beheaded because they bore witness to Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus. Second, they were beheaded because of the Word of Elohim, the Word of Yahuwah. There you go! They either broke the Noahide Law of Idolatry by believing in Messiah (Christians), or they broke the Noahide Law of Blasphemy because these “gentiles,” believers in Messiah also guarded the Torah (Messianic). According to the Sanhedrin no one can guard the Torah except a Jew who can prove their lineage through their mother. Matthew 10:22: “And you shall be hated by all for My Name’s sake. But, he who endures to the end shall be saved (delivered).” John 16:1-2: “These words I have spoken to you so that you do not stumble. They shall put you out of the congregations, but an hour is coming when everyone who kills you shall think he is rendering service to God. And they shall do this to you because they did not now the Father, nor Me.” Matthew 10:32-33: “Everyone, therefore, who shall confess Me before men, him I shall also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But, whoever shall deny Me before men, him I shall also deny before My Father who is in heaven.” By 133 CE, because of Rabbi Akiva’s inside relationship with the Roman Emperor, he organized a plot against the “talmudi yeshua,” the followers of salvation, which the emperor went along with. Refer to Daniel Gruber’s Rabbi Akiba’s Messiah, the book I based my article on: “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and It’s Link to Rome.” Rabbi Akiva, founder of Rabbinic Judaism in 133 CE, spread it around that Simon bar Kokhba, who actually led a revolt against Rome in 132 CE, was the messiah, knowing the believers would not accept him as messiah. Since he and the emperor were in good stead, he persuaded him to send the believers to their death for not accepting bar Kokhba as the messiah. The Romans killed the true believers by decapitation, by feeding them to the lions, by using them as human torches at parties, by burning them at the stake, and by sending them into the arenas to fight the gladiators. The Sanhedrin will use a similar plot, using Rome – the Vatican – to back them. Thus, the Sanhedrin, loyal to Rome, will be used to execute the “talmudi yeshua” of today, because they will not accept the Beast as the messiah. They will use International Law, as the Roman Emperors were once “international law,” to make sure that those who do not worship the Beast as messiah, will be executed using the Noahide Laws. This is huge people! In 133 CE, because of this plot by Akiva, the synagogues put out all the believers, not letting them attend anymore. As in Acts 15:15-21, spoken by Apostle Ya’cob, the former gentiles who had become believers in Messiah would go to the synagogues to learn the Torah. But, after they were driven out of the synagogues, because they were believers in Yahushua, they slowly departed from the Torah. Daniel Gruber says this was the worst thing that ever happened to the believers – being separated from the Torah. I agree! It is not just belief in Messiah that will cause the modern-day Sanhedrin to condemn to death the believers, but also the combination of guarding of Torah with belief in Yahushua Messiah – both are considered idolatry. According to the Noahide Laws, idolatry is belief in any Deity they consider not their God, like Jesus/Yeshua/Yahushua. Blasphemy is the use of the Name of the Father. I had a dream about this several years ago. At that time, there was no Sanhedrin. In the dream, there was a questionnaire sent out by the U.S. government to every person to identify the name of their God. There were many examples of names on the questionnaire. We were supposed to circle one of them.In the dream, I was counseling a group of believers as to how we could get around this questionnaire, for I was experienced in such things when I helped Jews in Russia prepare to go before the Jewish Agency to get approval to make aliyah in Israel. The parents of many of the Jews had their babies baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church to save them from death when the purge was on to kill Jews. So, on their birth certificates, and other papers, they are listed as Christians. One young girl only had her grandfather’s birth certificate to give to the Jewish agency to show her Jewishness. It listed the grandfather as Russian Orthodox. He was baptized as a baby to save his life during the time of Stalin. The agency turned her down for aliyah because they said she was a Christian. So, in the dream, I was counseling how to get around this survey. On the list of God’s names, we did not see “Jesus,” or Yeshua, or any reference to Him, which I thought was strange. I still ponder that and have my suspicions. But, we did see “Yahweh.” When I saw that, I stood before the people and said, “they’ve got us, we cannot deny Yahweh.” We knew that meant our death. Was Abba showing me the future? I think so. Messianic Jewish brother Steven ben Nun, of Israeli News Live, brings out, in a recent YouTube video, why Messiah called the Pharisees “seed of vipers,” and told them “you are of your father the devil.” Note the dialogue in John 8:40-47 and Matthew 23:31-33. The puppets of Rome, the Pharisee leadership, were indignant at Messiah’s reply to their saying “we are of the seed of Abraham.” Messiah did not deny that. They were of the lineage of Abraham. However, like Jewish law today, only Jews are considered Jews if their mother was a Jew. Messiah did not deny that they had lineage to Abraham by their mothers, but He called them of “seed of the viper,” referring to their fathers as the Devil. The lineage of the puppet priests, put into power by the Maccabees to serve Rome in the 1st century, had lineage back to the post-flood Nephilim. Today, rabbis in Israel must be able to trace their lineage back to those same ancient Pharisees. Rabbinic Judaism is controlled by the lineage of Pharisees. That doesn’t mean that all rabbis today are the seed of the viper. There are even a tiny few who are secret believers in Yeshua. But, still caution is needed. There are also those rabbis who are claiming to have converted to Christianity, yet their writings tell that Messiah is not Deity but that he was a created man. These fit the description in Jude 1:4. Christians have been romantically caught up in the pseudo holiness of the “Holy Land,” and “holy Jews.” Most do not remember that Yahuwah has to judge the people of the Land severely before Messiah comes. Judgment is revving up. In Revelation 11, Yahuwah calls Jerusalem, “Egypt” and “Sodom.” Please refer to my 2018 article: “Setting the Stage for the Death of the Two Witnesses in Jerusalem – Revelation 11:3-12”/Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance. I learned a lot about the underhanded corruption when I lived in Israel. I learned of corrupt rabbis, agents of Rome, deceivers, even murderers. I learned about the IDF within the IDF, and the inner government within the government--about the globalists, masons, Cabalists, and Satanists, within the inner workings of the government, military, and religious leadership. I learned about the control by Masons and Jesuits. Today, those of the synagogue of Satan are controlling Israel. Cabala is pure Luciferic/Satanic occultism. Listen to these three recent YouTube videos by Steven ben Nun:“The Sanhedrin Nikki Haley and the 70 Nations” January 10th 2019“John Identifies the Reptilians Seed of Vipers” January 28th 2019 “The Great Deception” February 3rd 2019 Please be aware: The secret plans of rabbis, the U.N., and the Vatican, to build a “third temple,” will directly lead to preparation for the appearing of anti-messiah. The Sanhedrin and the Vatican/Pope are united. Thus I ask: Will the Sanhedrin become the judicial arm of the “False Prophet?” It sure looks that way. I question why President Trump recognized Jerusalem as “the eternal capital of the Jewish people,” and moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Was he acting on orders from higher ups? The reason I ask, is that in doing so he set up Jerusalem to be the city of the anti-messiah. He set up Jerusalem for the building of an illegal third temple to house the Beast, to cause war within the gates of the Old City, to cause the needed chaos to bring the Order. As the 1947 partition map of Israel shows, Jerusalem was put under the jurisdiction of the United Nations. Tel Aviv was made the capital. The United Nations is all over Israel. In doing what he did, Trump became labeled by Israel, and false prophets within Christianity, as another Cyrus. Now Trump is proposing a peace plan that is disastrous. So, who’s he working for? Israel, its leaders in league with the Globalists, the U.N., the Vatican, and Nimrod’s U.S., honored Trump with a coin acknowledging him as a modern Cyrus. The Sanhedrin is already using the support by deceived Christians to build a temple. However, it will NOT be the Temple of Ezekiel 40-46. It will be a temple for anti-messiah, who will be a world-ruling Caesar. Yahuwah will not sanction salvation through the blood of animals! As in Ezekiel chapter 8–chapter 11:23, Rabbinic Judaism is far-departed from Yahuwah and His Word. Zechariah 6:12-15: “Thus says Yahuwah of Hosts, `See, the Man whose name is the Branch (Nazar/Nazarine)! And from His place, He shall branch out, and He shall build the Hekal/Temple of Yahuwah. It is He who is going to build the Hekal of Yahuwah. It is He who is going to bear the splendor. And He shall sit and rule of His throne, and shall be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between Them both…And those who are far away shall come and build the Hekal of Yahuwah. And you shall know that Yahuwah of Hosts has sent Me to you. And this shall be if you diligently obey the voice of Yahuwah your Elohim.” When Messiah comes, He will have the temple of Ezekiel 40-46 built to His specifications! Messiah fulfilled all the laws of animal sacrifice. His blood atones for the sins of all who repent and receive Him as Savior and Master. Animal sacrifice ended when Messiah said “It is finished!” At the same time, the High Priest sacrificed the perfect lamb for the nation, calling out “It is finished.” What he did not realize was that when he said “It is finished,” Yahuwah said “Yes! Animal sacrifice is finished. Now, through My Son, My Lamb, I can forgive sin.” A temple built by the Sanhedrin will not be authorized or blessed by Yahuwah and Yahushua! He will not be in it! This “third temple,” will be an illegal temple. It will be built for a world ruler to inhabit. We will see the “abomination that lays waste, standing where it should not”: Matthew 24:15-16. Messiah said that when the Jews see this third temple built and inhabited, they must immediately flee to the mountains, for it will kick off the greatest time of horror the world has ever known. Once the anti-messiah sits enthroned in it, his worldwide rampage of evil will begin, targeting Christians and Messianic believers above all. Why is the Temple Mount “the most contested 35 acres on the planet?” Again, I urge you to watch Steven ben Nun’s YouTube video from February 3, 2019 on Israeli News Live, “The Great Deception.” Steven said he went into great depth on this subject in an earlier broadcast the morning of February 3rd, but his computer was hacked, his notes taken, and his broadcast shut down. He said he was giving a lighter version on the second try. This information is not supposed to be made public. But, His children must prepare for what is coming all too fast. I learned about the connection of the Vatican with Israel years ago. I learned about the interlocking of the Sanhedrin with the Vatican: A cooperative effort to wipe out all true believers – a worldwide Inquisition of the Jesuit Vatican under the “antichrist.” I’ve written several articles on it. There will be a great worldwide Inquisition using the Noahide Laws! Refer to these two articles: “We Played the Flute for You But You Did Not Dance,” a warning of the coming Inquisition by the Jesuit-controlled Vatican, and “The Hidden Agenda Behind the Pope’s Visit”/my report on the Papal visit to Israel, and other strategic world events that affect our lives. Why is the Pope so favorable to the Muslims, to their Muftis and Wafts? The Vatican created Islam to secure Jerusalem for the Pope. It has come down to a cooperative effort between leaders of Islam, Nazi Arabs, the Sanhedrin, the Vatican, and current Israeli government leadership, to bring Mazzini/Pike Plan Part III to reality. The idea is to purposely start World War II in order to open the way for the world ruler to come to power! This is the fulfillment of Revelation 17. The cup that the whore holds is full of the blood of the set-apart ones. The great worldwide Inquisition will use the Noahide Laws! Steven ben Nun refers to Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, who, with Chabad, is a chief promoter of the Noahide Laws. Riskin is a go-between between the Vatican and Israel, and between Christian leaders like John Hagee and Israel. John Hagee is now saying the Jesus never called Himself the Messiah. But, He sure did! Rabbi Shneerson, deceased, founder of the Lubavitch, under which the Noahide Laws are placed by the U.S. Congress, wrote to rabbi Riskin before his death, laying out a plan for Jewish infiltration into Christianity and the Messianic Movement, among “gentiles” and the Western nations in general, to make the Noahide Laws palatable to them. In other words – back to Jude 1:4! The Word clearly says that no one in Messiah is a gentile. The rabbis know that that most Western-culture believers are from the House of Ephraim. But, as in the 1st century forward, today’s rabbis fear losing their power over their people. Thus Ephraim is not allowed to make aliyah. However, in reading the Scriptures under “Aliyah Scriptures,” you will see how dear it is to Yahuwah’s heart to bring the ten tribes home. That’s most of us! Refer to: “Who Are the Ten?”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. The “anti-missionary movement” is very active by religious Jews to convert Christians to Judaism. Rabbis target Christians, especially American Christians, to seduce them into denying Jesus/Yeshua, converting to Judaism, and/or accepting the Noahide Laws. But, for a Christian or non-Jew of any type to obey the international Noahide Laws, they first have deny Messiah, by the name Jesus, Yeshua, Yahshua, Yehoshua, Yahushua, Yehovah, or any other name-references. To believe in Messiah is considered “Idolatry” under the Noahide Laws. Get the details in “Beware the Noahide Laws” under the Mikvah of Present Reality. Under the Noahide Laws, those who are not biological Jews through their mothers cannot guard Torah! Under the law of “blasphemy,” the Name of Yahuwah cannot be used, or any reference to Him except “ha shem,” or “adonai.” But, never His Name! The Vatican condemned the use of “Yahweh” back under Pope John Paul II. They took “Yahweh” out of their Bibles, hymn books, prayer books, schools, churches, and even forbade its use in private prayer in Catholic homes. In the first century, the Sanhedrin condemned Messiah to His death legally, in league with Rome, for blasphemy. Note the reaction of the High Priest when Messiah answered his question. Messiah before the High Priest - Matthew 27:62-66: “And the High Priest stood up and said to Him, `Have You no answer to make? What do these witnesses have against you?’ But, Yahushua remained silent. So the High Priest said to Him, `I put You under oath, by the Living Elohim, that You say to us if You are the Messiah, the Son of Elohim.’ Yahushua said, `You have said it.’ Besides I say to you, from now on you shall see the Son of Adam sitting at the right hand of Yahuwah and coming on the clouds of heaven.’ Then the High Priest tore his garments, saying `He has blasphemed! Why do we need any more witnesses? See, now you have heard His blasphemy. What do you think?’ And they answered and said, `He is liable to death.’ ” In that day, the use of Yah, or Yahu, or Yahweh, or any form of Abba’s Name, was illegal. This is why Messiah’s Name was reduced to “Yeshua,” because to use Yah, as in Yahushua, would have been considered blasphemy. In John 17, Messiah said He gave His Father’s Name to His disciples. By the reaction of the High Priest in the Scripture above, his immediately crying out “blasphemy,” Messiah had to have used His Father’s Name. Nothing else would have given them the right to send Him to Pilate for execution. If anyone said His Name, they were worthy of death. Those with the High Priest were the judicial council, the Sanhedrin. Today the “70,” which is what Sanhedrin means, their 70 members, have returned to execute judgment for the Romans on the children of Yahuwah and Yahushua. When I first heard that the Sanhedrin had been re-established after all these centuries, I remembered Mark 13:9: “Take heed to yourselves, for they shal deliver you up to the Sanhedrin…” Steven ben Nun said: “The Sanhedrin of today puts it like this: `Every gentile must keep Noahide Laws.’ ” Though they know well that the end of Ephraim’s punishment was on Yom Teruah September 13, 2007. At that time, they celebrated the end of the 2,730-year captivity of Ephraim in the nations, saying “now Messiah can come, Ephraim’s punishment has ended.” Yet, though they know well where the ten northern tribes scattered to, and what regions each one settled down in, still they hold fast that only Jews can make aliyah. They have by religious decree erased the ten northern tribes who were scattered in AMONG the gentiles, whom Father wants to bring back to the Land. The rabbis are reluctant to acknowledge the ten tribes, even though each tribe has been distinguished by DNA. Many of the Bene Manasseh of India have returned to Israel to make aliyah, not as Jews, but as the tribe of Manasseh. Even though Jewish leaders know well who the ten tribes are, they hold absolute power in Israel, so they make Judah the exclusive and only tribe. The combination of the Vatican and the Sanhedrin comprise the whore of Babylon, the woman (false religion) who rides the world’s political system Beast. Please read the very important article: “Exposing the Roots of Rabbinic Judaism and It’s Link to Rome.” This substantiates that modern rabbinic Judaism and Roman Catholicism are in unity with one goal--to bring about one world order/government under a one world ruler. The Roman Catholic Church created Islam to obtain the “holy land,” especially the Temple Mount and East Jerusalem. Steven says that “Elite” Rabbis – the leading ones, like the Sanhedrin, are in league with Rome for benefits, power, and privileges. He talked about Chabad and the Chabad Noahide Senate, conducted by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin. Leading Muslims and leading Rabbis join with the pope for the same goals. Most of the leading Muslims are Nazis; they honor Hitler. Hitler believed in using Islam to crush the Christian world, to overrun it, opening the way for world government. It’s happening now in Europe. Please read: “Hitler’s Secret Plan for World Conquest Exposed – It is Unfolding Before Our Eyes in Western Europe, the U.K., and America”/Mikvah Present Reality. Folks, this is dangerously evil. The spirit of the whore of Babylon, as personified in Proverbs 7 and Revelation 17, also carries a seducing and beguiling spirit. Using human logic and reasoning and appealing to religious spirits in those who are not stable in Messiah or His Word, these slick religious ones use subtle words to lure the believer into spiritual prostitution. Once ensnared, they form a type of self-defense. This appearance of “holiness” is a great deception. Clearly in the Sanhedrin’s dedication of the altar at Hanukkah in preparation for the 3rd temple, we saw the link of world government with ancient Nimrod’s plans for using his “tower” to unite the world’s people. America was created as a nation in order to restore/reincarnate Nimrod--god of the Masons, a giant, a Nephilim of post flood days, founder of Babylon and Assyria. Nimrod had other names through the centuries, like Osiris of Egypt, and Apollo of Greece. This “Apollo” is none other than the resurrected Apollyon of Revelation 9:11, 11:7, 17:8 and II Thessalonians 2:3 – the “apolea,” destroyer. The Sanhedrin invited 70 nations to the altar dedication. It was the 70 nations that Yahuwah established after Genesis 11, when He scattered the people into all nations. He put 70 of His angels over each of the 70 nations. Jews made up the story that God spoke in the 70 languages of earth to all people from Mount Sinai in His thundering. Historically Esau/Edomites went into Italy and founded Rome. Historians admit that Rome never fell, and its civilization never went into oblivion – it just went into the Roman Catholic Church. Its Popes became the new Caesars, expecting worship. Emperor Constantine, founder of the Roman Catholic Church, expected worship as Caesar and as the Pontifex Maximus of the Church. Steven says this also. Ya’ir Davidy says this. Rabbis say this. Obadiah refers to Esau. Steven ben Nun talks about Christians who have bought into the Noahide rhetoric, denied Messiah, converted to Judaism, and now keep the Noahide Laws. The enemy is out to damn the elect. Without Messiah, a person is damned to the lake of fire. This is the great deception that Messiah talks about that will deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24-25: “And false messiahs and false prophets shall arise and they shall show great signs and wonders, so as to led astray, if possible, even the chosen ones. See, I have forewarned you.” Note: The CJCUC: Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation is actually “The Vatican and Israelis Pact.” When Steven reported these things, he was warned to stay out of it and not talk about it because he was causing trouble with getting this pact signed. Since his video exposing all this yesterday, he is on the hot seat. Wow – Steven holding back the pact being signed! The enemy is frustrated! The Vatican wants the Temple Mount! The U.N. wants to make it another of their “World Heritage Centers.” The Wafts (2014) wanted to put the Pope on a throne on the Mount. They want him to be enthroned on the Temple Mount. The Vatican created Islam, for the purpose of getting the Temple Mount for a pope to sit in. The Jesuits say that they will “enthrone the god who sits in St. Peter’s chair” on the Temple Mount. When I was in Jerusalem 2014, I was there on the upper hill, miscalled “Zion,” where the Pope held his historic mass. It was said by Cardinals present that the Pope wore his crown. These Cardinals took their crosses and other religious gear and claimed that area as theirs. The rabbis over the Upper Hill knew that Israel had given that area to the Vatican. I believe Israel finally admitted it. Anyway, the Vatican owns a lot of Israel’s land! They slowly infiltrated by building churches, shrines, and holy areas, all over Israel. They also claim territory that was said by Constantine’s mother, Helena, to be important biblical sites--most all wrong--but the Church took over anyway. Steven ben Nun mentioned unifying of Protestantism and Catholicism, like with Tony Palmer and Kenneth Copeland and others of the Charismatic/Evangelical church, to bring all former Protestants under the Vatican, along with Hinduism, Witchcraft, and all religions. Jehovah’s Witnesses are under the Vatican, too. Steven said, “Pope Francis/Jorge Bergoglio believes in the Noahide Laws, so Israel united with him to bring this to pass.” Sure sounds like the False Prophet aligning with the arm of execution, the Sanhedrin, to bring his power to the Temple Mount! Steven ben nun said: “If you believe that Messiah is the divine son of God, you’re going to have your head taken off...That is in the Noahide Laws.” Oh how the rabbis twist Scripture, add to it, and take from it! By rabbinic Talmudic law, if a married man has an affair with a single woman, that is not considered adultery. Thus many rabbis and religious Jews go to the sex slaves, legalized prostitutes, in Tel Aviv. These holy-looking men are being used to trap ignorant and deceived Christians, but slowly and surely, they are infiltrating the ranks of Christianity, especially in America. Why “especially in America?”--Because America contains the largest composite in the world of the whole House of Ya’cob, all 13 tribes (Joseph is represented by two tribes.) The enemy wants to destroy totally all children of Yahuwah – all children of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob! Today, their descendants are as the stars of the heavens and the sand of the sea for number, and the enemy, as with King Herod of old, will kill every human on earth to get to the seed of the “woman,” those who are of Yahuwah and Yahushua. Noahide laws include “The Miztvot of Non-Jews – Punishment for Breaking Noahide Laws.” The penalty for idolatry is death by beheading (Revelation 20:4). Under rabbinic law martyrdom isn’t murder! Let us be “wise as serpents, harmless as doves.” Ignorance will lead to the damnation of “even the elect.” Do not be deceived by religious looking, religious sounding, men! They are not holy! They are wicked deceivers! Jude 1:4, 6: “For certain men have slipped in, whose judgment was written about long ago, wicked ones, perverting the favor of our Elohim for indecency, and denying the only Master Yahuwah, and our Master Yahushua Messiah…And the angels who did not keep their first estate, but left their own dwelling, He has kept in everlasting shackles under darkness for the judgment of the great day.” “…whose “condemnation/judgment was written about long ago,” refers to the passing of judgment by Yahuwah on the 200 fallen angels as in Enoch I. Go back over the Scriptures in which Messiah calls the Pharisees “seed of the viper,” and “of your father the Devil.” He is not being cold-hearted or “judgmental.” He is stating fact. By their mother’s they were children of Abraham, but by their fathers of the seed of the Nephilim. The Nephilim/demons, disembodied giants of pre and post flood days, seeking to take a body, continued to mate with human women through the bodies they took. They leave a long lineage that goes back to the 200 fallen angels who descended on Mount Hermon in the days of Jared. Therefore, in calling them the “seed” of the vipers, Messiah was referring all the way back to their lineage as Reptilians – the fallen angels among the “seraphim” class. These were beautiful Reptilians, dragon-like, flying serpentine creatures, as in Ezekiel 28. Note that the king of the pit, the anti-messiah, the Apollyon/Abaddon of Revelation 9:11, 11:7; 17:8, and II Thessalonians 2:3 is a Reptilian who arises out of the pit, and either shape shifts, or takes a cloned human body. He is given the power, authority, and throne of Satan. He is the Beast of Revelation 13:1-9. He will receive the worship of the world’s people demanded by a union of the Roman Vatican and the Israeli Sanhedrin. Those not worshipping this creature, will be sentenced to death. These are the Revelation 7:9-17 martyrs. Are you ready to move into what Yahuwah has for you to do to prepare to stand strong without denying Yahushua? Pastor McQueen said that Abba has been speaking to her “are you ready?” He spoke that to her before He sent her and her family to Germany as missionaries years ago. My sign of moving forward, since 1986, has been seeing 33s everywhere look, and sometimes it’s really amazing where I see them. It’s increasing now. Abba is saying to me, “you’re going somewhere.” I keep asking “where?” We’ve being told, however He tells us, that we must be prepared for its time now to move forward. I hope you’re connecting the dots between the ancient past and the present. Notes from Steven Ben Nun: “The Sanhedrin, Nikki Haley, and the 70 NationsJanuary 10, 2019: Steven is risking his life to share this information. Steven is ex-CIA under Reagan and George Bush Sr. He says Republicans and Democrats, and CIA, are in bed together to do money laundering, drug trafficking, providing weapons to terrorist groups, and bring in a one world government. I know he’s telling the truth. He also said that Christians are excited about a third temple, yet it is where anti-messiah will sit to reign as god. This concerns me, how many Christians are buying into the deceptions of rabbis. Satan’s forces want to take over our temple, our bodies, our minds, our spirits, and reign within us a gods! Technology is being developed for them to do that. Steven talked about the vaccines that are dulling the minds of people. The enemy knows there is an outpouring of the Spirit of Yahuwah coming, and people are waking up to seek the real God of heaven and earth. Thus, Satan and his forces are doing everything they can to ruin our minds, emotions, bodies, and will, in order to stop people from wanting to know the real God of heaven and earth. Steven addressed the Sanhedrin’s asking Nikki Haley, U.S. Representative to the United Nations, to be the President of the 70 Nations Organization of the Sanhedrin. He said the focus is being shifted from the United Nations to the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin wants to unite all the nations of the world, of which the 70 are symbolic, around a world government and world ruler. Therefore, the Sanhedrin’s goals are the same as the Globalist, Satanist, and one world government goals! The Sanhedrin wants to replace the United Nations. In this YouTube video, Steven gives a lot of insider information because of his years in the CIA, seeing things that give him inside information now. One quick example, Steven said: “The Chinese are controlled by the Jewish elite like you’d never know…Yes, the world is controlled by that union that includes the Jesuits.” “Chabad-Lubavitch Centers in China:” Steven showed a chart as to where they are.The Chabad- Lubavitch Centers are in all major cities of China. Donald Trump’s children were all made to learn Mandarin Chinese. Steven said: “Trade war with China – no way! It’s all staged…International MAFIA, money laundering – all personal plays by Trump and those like him… to reach their goals. It’s all a staged show.” Steven said that the things he is hearing from his inside sources is what he already knew from his years in the CIA, when he saw the raw evil that was being done. Hey – the CIA had LSD created in laboratories, then gave it to college students in the 70s, to experiment on how it would affect their minds. It was nothing but an ugly experiment that became a huge drug epidemic. We’re lab rats for experiments on our minds and bodies. From 1896-2016 the 120 years of Nephilim rule – look what has been done! Make sure you’ve read my recent article on 5-G technology. They plan to microwave us all, cook us like meat in a microwave oven. The earth will become one giant oven as they beam on us from out outer atmosphere. Satan’s one world government Globalists have been planning to get the earth down to 500,000 people for a long time. Now they have many methods of doing that. I’ll stop here. Do your own research as you are led. But, please read the Scriptures I list. Study with the Spirit to lead you into all truth. Get into the Word for yourself to hear from Him. Talk to Abba about what is happening. Get His wisdom and His understanding! Let Him speak into your re-born spirit. We can maintain peace because we believe Romans 8:28-39. “Nothing can separate us from the love of Messiah…If Elohim be for us, who can be against us?”Share the articles. Share the podcasts! Share the Good News of salvation through the blood of the Lamb of Yahuwah! Shalom, in His love upon which we build our lives,YedidahFebruary 11, 2019 ................

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