Chapter 8 part 1: Rome’s Beginnings

Chapter 8 part 1: Rome’s Beginnings

I. The Origins of Rome

-Italy- boot shaped, Mediterranean, toe points to Sicily

-Alps- northern border; Apennines through Italy from north to south

-terrain easier to farm than Greece, support more people

-Latins built Rome on plain of Latium

-Rome- central Italy, on Tiber River

-2 stories tell Rome’s beginning: legend of Remus & Romulus & tale of Aeneas & Trojan


-Greeks & Etruscans influenced Roman way of life

-Etruscans- skilled metal workers, model for Roman army

II. The Birth of a Republic

-Tarquins- leaders of Etruscan-ruled Rome, 100 yrs. of rule, Romans rebelled

-Romans established republic

-Rome- large powerful army: excellent, disciplined soldiers

-roads connected military settlements

-Roman Confederation- full citizenship to some people: vote & serve in gov’t

-allies- could rule their own local affairs

Chapter 8 Part 2: The Roman Republic

I. Rome’s Government

-patricians & plebians- 2 classes of people

-consuls- top gov’t officials; praetors- gov’t officials; Senate most important lawmaking

body; Assembly of Centuries- legislative body

-Plebeians challenged class system by strike; Romans then allowed them to set up their

own legislative group call the Council of the Plebes

-dictator- today: oppressive ruler; in Roman Republic- served the people & ruled

temporarily during emergencies

-Cincinnatus- best-known early Roman dictator, led army of men to defeat powerful


-The Twelve Tables- first code of law, basis of future laws.

-Law of Nations- address issues of conquered people

-rule of law- laws should apply to everyone equally

II. Rome Expands

-Carthage- state on coast of North Africa- powerful enemy

-First Punic War- began as dispute between Rome and Carthage over the island of

Sicily; 20 year war; Rome won

-Second Punic War- began after Carthage expanded into Spain, Rome helped people

of Spain rebel

-Hannibal- Carthaginian general; fought in Second Punic War

-Battle of Cannae- Hannibal’s forces overpowered the Romans

-Roman general Scipio led his forces to defeat the Carthaginians at Battle of Zama

-Rome destroyed Carthage in Third Punic War

-took all of Greece & Macedonia & parts of Africa during Punic Wars

Chapter 8 part 3: The Fall of the Republic

I. Trouble in the Republic

-gap between rich patricians and poor plebeians grew- farmers suffered

-Latifunda- large farming estates created when wealthy Romans bought small farms

-farmers whose land had been bought traveled to cities to find jobs

-Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus- wealthy brothers, tried to reform gov’t; killed

-Marius- former military leader, appointed counsel, promised land to poor men if they

became soldiers

-Sulla drove Marius out of Rome; declared himself dictator, spent 3 yrs. reforming gov’t

b/4 resigning from office

II. Julius Caesar

-Julius Caesar, Crassus, & Pompey formed triumvirate after Sulla left office

-Caesar marched to Rome & defeated Ponpey’s forces after Crassus died in battle

-declared self dictator of Rome for life; made many changes

-Julian calendar- changed slightly in A.D. 1582, but basically still used today

-many enemies as well as supporters

-“Ides of March”- enemies killed him on March 15

III. Rome Becomes an Empire

-Octavian- Caesar’s grandnephew, inherited wealth

-Antony & Lepidus- 2 of Caesar’s top generals

-Octavian, Antony, & Lepidus formed Second Triumvirate- quarreling began

-Antony fell in love with Cleopatra VII and formed alliance with her; Octavian declared

war on Antony to keep him from taking over republic

-Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra’s forces at Battle of Actium

-Cicero was political leader, writer, & public speaker who favored representative gov’t

& supported Octavian

-Octavian restored the republic with some reforms & took title Augustus (“revered one”);

began Roman Empire

Chapter 8 part 4: The Early Empire

I. The Emperor Augustus

-Pax Romana- long era of peace that began with Augustus

-built permanent, professional army & created special guard called Praetorian Guard (to

guard him)

-restored Rome’s splendor & fed hungry poor with imported grain

-appointed a proconsul (governor) for each province, replacing politicians appointed by


-made tax collectors permanent workers

-create set of laws for people who were not citizens

-Julio-Claudian emperors were rulers who followed Augustus: Tiberius, Caligula,

Claudius, and Nero; Caligula & Nero were cruel leaders; Tiberius & Claudius

were competent rulers

II. Unity and Properity

-Vespasian resotred order to Rome after the chaos following Nero’s death

-Jewish temple in Jerusalem destroyed by Vespasian’s armies to put down rebellion

-Mount Vesuvius erupted & destroyed city of Pompeii in A.C. 79

-Roman empire flourished under rule of: Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, & Marcus Aurelius

-Aqueducts- created during prosperous times of good emperors

-Roman Empire- one of largest in history; people united by law, Roman rule, & shared

identity as Romans

-most people farmers: grew olives, grapes, & grain; others artisans who traded within

& outside Empire

-Roads and currency- prosperous trade

-gap between rich merchants, shopkeepers, & skilled workers and poor farmers and

city dwellers


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