Dear Parent of Guardian:

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Due to budget cuts this year which have reduced the number of copies available to teachers, I have not sent the students home with a hard copy of the course syllabus, though we have reviewed it thoroughly in class. I have, however, posted my syllabus online. I encourage you to download a copy to review with your child.

This letter serves several purposes. First, I would like verification that you and your child have read and understand the syllabus. Secondly, I need positive permission for the films we will be viewing during the course of the school year.

This letter is being sent to you in compliance with the district policy requiring parents/guardians to approve the intended use of videotapes that require positive parent permission prior to their scheduled showing. As part of that policy, we ask you to complete this form, authorizing or exempting your child from the videotape showing. Please return this completed for me and I will keep it on record for the remainder of the school year. Students exempted from any of these showings will be allowed/required to complete an alternative assignment.

I may show clips from some of the following throughout the course of the school year:

• Dead Poet’s Society

• To Kill a Mockingbird

• Shakespeare in Love

• Romeo + Juliet (1996)

• West Side Story

• The Odyssey

• Troy (clips only)

• O Brother, Where Art Thou?

• Stranger Than Fiction

• The Simpsons

• The Lord of the Flies

In addition, I may videotape presentations by your son or daughter. These video tapes will not be distributed publically and will only be used for educational purposes. They will only be shown to the students in their class period and will be deleted at the end of the semester, if not prior.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. I can be reached via telephone at (951) 894-5750 ext. 6730 or electronically at


Kristine Lapierre

Please cut here and return the portion below. You may keep the top half for your reference.



I have read, understand, and agree to the classroom management plan, grading policy, course materials, film list, and curriculum for Mrs. Lapierre’s Advanced English I class.

Printed student name ____________________________________________Period ___________

Student Signature________________________________________________________________

Printed Parent Name _____________________________________________________________

Parent Signature_________________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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