Journal Topics for Romeo and Juliet

Essay topics for Romeo and Juliet: Choose ONE of the following topics and write about them in an essay. DO NOT write short, choppy, bare minimum sentences. Choose the topic that spark enough creativity in you to write the best response. This essay will be two pages, double spaced, 12 font.

← The Nurse is an older character that is always there for Juliet. Friar Lawrence is an older character who is always there for Romeo. Who is always there for you? How does this person help you? Give some examples of how this person helps you. What would/should you say to this helpful person if you were given the chance?

← Tybalt is mean. He also has a REALLY short temper. Pretend that you are emailing him and talking with him about his personality. What do you say to him? What does he say to you?

← Benvolio is peaceful character and always tries to get the people around him to stop fighting. Tell a story of a time when you or a friend played the role of the peacemaker.

← Romeo breaks the ban on fighting. Pretend you are writing to the Prince about this situation. Choose to ask him to forgive, kill, or banish Romeo.

← When Romeo and Juliet meet at the party they fall in “love at first sight”. Considering their age, is this real love? What is your opinion of “love at first sight”? Does it really happen? If it does happen, can it last? Why or why not?

← Benvolio and Mercutio are Romeo’s two closest friends. What qualities do you look for in friends? Which of these qualities did Benvolio and Mercutio share? Which of the two would you prefer to have as a friend, and why?

← If Romeo and Juliet were modern teenagers, they would be unlikely to turn to a monk and a nurse for advice/help. Who would their modern mentors be and why? Give several examples for each character, and include an explanation why each option would make sense for a teenager of 2016.

← Lord and Lady Capulet and Lord and Lady Montague seem to be very out of touch with their children. Do you think modern day parents are more or less in touch with their children than the Capulets and Montagues? What does a parent have to do to be “connected” to their teenager’s life and choices? What may cause a parent to lose touch?


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