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Study Group

July 2014 Listening Guide

Becoming a ¡°Return on Life¡± Advisor

Mitch Anthony

Advisors need to focus on shifting their central value proposition from ROI to ROL (Return on Life).

ROI is a promise that can¡¯t be kept.

Our Value Proposition as Kingdom Advisors:

¡°IN HUMILITY VALUE OTHERS above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to

the interest of others.¡± - Philippians 2:2-3

The Industry Blueprint:

The financial services industry was born in a boiler room and now finds itself in the living room, and

it doesn¡¯t know how to behave.

In the 90¡¯s, the industry was all about product. The bottom line with product is that you have to have

sales people selling products, and the focus of conversation must be transactional.

Then, the Internet caused product margins to shrink. The industry found itself commoditized. At this

point, the industry moved from product focus to process focus. Unfortunately, the processes have

also been commoditized.

What¡¯s next? We need to be properly positioned in the life of our client.

Possible Positions:

1. The ¡°Weather Advisor¡±

2. The ¡°Clairvoyant Advisor¡±

Return on Life Advisor:

Begin by with having a conversation about what money is all about to put

money in its proper place. Money is nothing more than a utility that we

skillfully manipulate in order to navigate life.

We also have to be able to describe to our clients what it is that we do.

How do we help them get the best possible life with the money they

have? ¡°I do this by helping my clients making wise financial decisions.¡±

Position yourself around the decision making process related to money.

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Becoming A ¡°Return On Life¡± Advisor

Mitch Anthony

1. You are your clients¡¯ financial life coach. You are helping them

figure out what to do and what to get from their money. You will

inform them that you need to know more than just numbers to

coach them financially.

2. You are also their strategic planner. You will help them make

decisions based on their unique situations.

3. Finally, you access and utilize financial tools and products in order to achieve a highly

personalized strategic financial plan.

Know Your Client¡¯s Story:

What is it that makes this client¡¯s situation unique?









Know a ¡°number of stories and a story of numbers.¡±

We are lacking the tools that help us to get a client¡¯s story.

Know Your Client¡¯s Story:

The New Retirementality book explains the return on

life at the client level.

We all have to determine what we will do with our

time before we determine what we will do with our

money in a retirement scenario.

Copyright 2014 ? Kingdom Advisors ? All Rights Reserved



Becoming A ¡°Return On Life¡± Advisor

Mitch Anthony

Know Your Client¡¯s Story:

As advisors, we can help people build a bridge between a person¡¯s means and their meaning. God

made everyone with a unique sense of meaning. There is a vast ecology of needs in the world and

our eyes, ears, and hearts are tuned differently.

The bridge comes through insights into people¡¯s lives (personal insights, purposes, passages, and

possibilities ahead).

Some questions to use are:

1. Have you had any experiences with any other financial professionals either good or bad

that you think would be worth your time to tell me about?

2. Would you mind talking about your best and worst financial experiences in life? What¡¯s

happened to you with money that¡¯s most memorable?

3. Where do you want to give? Where do you want to spend?

4. What are some changes/opportunities you see coming that concern you in the next year to

five years?

5. What is your vision for the future? Before you write ¡°the end¡± on the last piece of your

story, what are some scenes that need to be filled in for you to feel like you¡¯ve completed

your vision and gotten your return on life?

Copyright 2014 ? Kingdom Advisors ? All Rights Reserved



Becoming A ¡°Return On Life¡± Advisor

Mitch Anthony

Group Discussion: Take time in your groups to talk about the following questions.


Discuss Mitch¡¯s overview of the financial services industry. Did it resonate with you? How can you apply some of the

wisdom he offered in this area to decisions that you make about your business?

2. What would it look like for you to move from a ¡°clairvoyant¡± or a ¡°weather advisor¡± to focusing on being a ¡°Return on Life¡±


3. Answer the following questions that Mitch challenged you to discuss in your groups during his teaching time:

a. What is most meaningful to you every day? Every week? Every year?

b. Have you had any experiences with any other financial professionals either good or bad that you think would be

worth your time to tell me about?

c. Would you mind talking about your best and worst financial experiences in life? What¡¯s happened to you with

money that¡¯s most memorable?

d. Where do you want to give? Where do you want to spend?

e. What are some changes/opportunities you see coming that concern you in the next year to five years?

f. What is your vision for the future? Before you write ¡°the end¡± on the last piece of your story, what are some scenes

that need to be filled in for you to feel like you¡¯ve completed your vision and gotten your return on life?

Monthly Content

July Theme: ¡°¡°Strengthening Your Value Proposition¡± Using transferable concepts allow you to pass

biblical wisdom to clients in a clear and memorable manner.

Study Group:

National Teleconference:

 ecoming a Return on Life


Advisor with Mitch Anthony,

Advisor Insights

Interview between Ron Blue

and Mitch Anthony of Advisor


Monthly Focus Resources available at MemberHome

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Join us for our August Study Group!

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