
 In this convention, one man needed to crawl through an open window to open chapel doors which had never been unlocked. This event included the passing of 11 declarations, the 9th of which was supported by (+) Frederick Douglass. This event took place at the Wesleyan Chapel, and one document which was created stated “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and (*) women are created equal”. That document was the Declaration of Sentiments. This event near Rochester had speakers such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. For 10 points - name this convention which gathered to give women the right to vote. ANSWER: Seneca Falls Convention <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>One concept by this man improved upon the previous Debye model and this man proposed a law that explained the Dulong- Petit law at high temperatures. With Leon Szilard (+), this man developed a refrigerator that used heat as an input, and this man published his Annus Mirabilis work to the Annalen der Physik in (*) 1905, when he established the theories of Brownian motion and the Photoelectric effect. This man and Chandrashekar Bose are the namesakes on a 5th state of matter, and this man is most famous for 2 types of a concept. Special and General Relativity were discovered by, FTP, what physicist who proposed that E = MC^2. Answer: Albert Einstein <SD/ Historical Science>One side in this battle was seen crossing the Malian Gulf prior to it and this battle occured 5 days after the winners landed at Anthela. This battle saw forces that came from Thracis siphon the enemy forces to the (+) “middle gate”, where this battle was mainly fought. This battle’s winners went on to win the Battle of Plataea and this battle was concurrent with the battle of Artemisium. This battle turned when a (*) man named Ephialtes gave away a secret passage to the enemy. A last stand at this battle saw 300 men act as a rearguard for the rest of their army. FTP, name this 480 BCE battle which saw Darius the Great and the Persian Army win a Pyrrhic victory over Leonidas and the combined Greek forces. ANSWER: Battle of Thermopylae <SD/ Greco-Roman Ancient History>A branch of the Welsh house of Penmynydd took power and this conflict, and during it, The Duke of Somerset led a victory for Margaret of Anjou at the battle of Wakefield. Later in this conflict, a mirage of three suns appeared over the battlefield at(+) Mortimer’s Cross. During this war, The Earl of Warwick was known as the kingmaker due to his defection, and Henry VI was captured at St. Albans. In this war, Henry III died at the Battle of Bosworth field, leading to the rise of the House of Tudor. For ten points, name this civil war in which the Houses of York and Tudor for the kingship of England.ANSWER: Wars of the Roses <VR/European History> Daniel Sickles tried to pass legislation to preserve this battle’s field. A senator from Maine and president of Bowdoin college won a Medal of Honor for his gallantry in this battle. That man was (+) Joshua Chamberlain. Theaters of fighting in this battle included Devil’s Den, the Wheat Field, the Peach Orchard and Little Round Top. An attack at this battle was predicted by James Longstreet and originated from (*) Cemetery Ridge, Pickett's charge. George Meade won this battle against Robert E. Lee, which made him retreat from his campaign on Washington DC. For 10 points - name this bloodiest battle in the civil war. ANSWER: Battle of Gettysburg <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>This modern day state contains the rock churches of Lalibela, built by the Zagwe Dynasty. The treaty of Wuchale was signed by this country, and it was ruled by the Communist(+) Derg Regime after they overthrew its monarchy. An obelisk in the north of this country called King Ezana's Stela was built by the(+) Axumites, and this modern country was victorious against Oreste Baratieri at the battle of Adowa. This kingdom won a war against Italy under Menelik II, but their monarchy concluded after the overthrow of Haile Sellasie. For ten points, name this East African nation with capital at Addis Ababa.ANSWER: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia <VR/World History>One general in this war won the battle of Palo Alto using the “Flying Artillery” technique. This war was instigated after the Thornton Affair and its treaty was negotiated by Nicholas Trist. This war featured a complete (+) Irish - American army called St. Patrick’s Battalion. This contained the battles of Chapultepec Castle and the Siege of Veracruz. This war, which was ended by the Treaty of (*) Guadalupe Hidalgo, began after conflicts on the Rio Grande. For 10 points - Name this war of the United States and its southern neighbor. ANSWER: Mexican - American War <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>The RTLMC helped provide instability during this event and this event was also helped by Romeo Dallare and Theoniste Bagosora. The (+) Gikondo Massacre was part of this event that saw French intervention in Operation Turquoise. The failed UNAMIR plan was part of this event which saw the infamous order (+) “cut down the tall trees”. An infamous plane crash that ended the presidency of Juvenal Habyarimana started this event, and this event was depicted in a movie set in a Hotel. FTP, name this massacre of Hutus by Tutsis in the namesake African country. ANSWER: Rwandan Genocide <SD/ World History> The usage of indentured servers known as corvée to contribute to this structure caused controversy for its constructor, Ferdinand de Lesseps. An event at this location was mitigated by Lester Pearson, which earned him the 1957 Nobel Peace Prize and later the Prime Ministership of Canada. The Great(*) White Fleet passed through this artificial structure on its global tour. The resignation of UK PM Anthony Eden occurred after a crisis at this location. That crisis empowered President(*) Nasser, and resulted in the nationalization of this waterway. For 10 points, name this canal connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean in Egypt.ANSWER: Suez Canal <VR/Historical Geography>The murder of Ernst van Rath instigated one part of this event, which resulted in the damaging of millions of windows in one night. Victims of this event that traveled on the MS St. Louis were refused refuge in three different countries. The(+) Wannsee Conference was held to carry out the ultimate goal of this event which Reinhard Heydrich helped formulate. The Kristallnacht, or Night of the Broken Glass, occurred during this event which is memorialized at(*) Yad Vashem. For ten points, name this planned mass extermination of the world’s Jewish population by Nazi Germany.ANSWER: the Holocaust [accept Shoah; anti-prompt on Kristallnacht during the first line] <AJ/European History>This composer’s clarinet concerto in A major, which was written for Anton Stadler, resulted in the production for more basset clarinets to perform it. This composer’s student, Franz (+)Sussmayr, completed the Lacrimosa section of one of his works. 41 symphonies were written throughout this composer of the opera “Abduction from the Seraglio”, and his most famous opera sees Tamino play the title(*) instrument. For ten points, name this child prodigy who composed The Magic Flute and Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.ANSWER: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart <AJ/Historical Fine Arts>This man’s nephew, Arthur of Brittany, was put into custody by him after this man marched on Mirabeau. This leader, who denied the appointment of (+) Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury, faced a rebellion of 25 nobles that were led by Robert Fitzwalter. Philip Augustus defeated this man at one battle, which eventually forced him to sign a(*) 1215 document at Runnymede. For ten points, name this English king who signed the Magna Carta. ANSWER: King John Lackland <AJ/European History>One military leader from this country known as the Duke of Caxias saw a major win at the battle of Cerro Cora that helped this country win a war. Using the (+) Golden Law, this country banished slavery, and this country’s Cry of Ipiranga allowed it to declare independence. This country saw major conflict in the War of the (*) Triple Alliance with its allies Uruguay and Argentina, where this country was headed by the second of two emperors named Pedro. The Portugese left, FTP, what country that is the largest in South America. ANSWER: Brazil <SD/ World History> This leader won a decisive victory at a battle in which Marshal Davout defeated an army twice his size, causing this man to say “tell your marshal he is seeing double”. This man signed the Treaty of(+) Campo Formio with Count Philipp von Cobenzl, which resulted in the splitting of Venice. At one battle, this man retreated from the Pratzen Heights to secure victory, and at another, he was defeated by the(*) Seventh Coalition, which resulted in his exile to St. Helena. For ten points, name this victor of the Battles of Jena-Auerstedt and Austerlitz who was ultimately defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. ANSWER: Napoleon Bonaparte [Accept Napoleon I] <AJ/European History>A military invention known as the corvus helped one side in these wars win the battle of Mylae. Failure to pay up the first of these three conflicts led to the (+) Mercenary Wars with Mathos, and one of these conflicts grew out of a disagreement between Hiero II and the Mamertines. At one battle in these conflicts (*), Varro and Paullus pushed forward, only to be flanked by double envelopment and Cannae. One side adopted the Fabian Tactics after it's defeat and Lake Trasimene, and Scipio added Africanus to his name after winning the Battle of Zama, the final battle in the second of these conflicts. For 10 points, name these wars where Rome defeated Carthage. ANSWER: Punic Wars <SD/ Ancient History> With Simon Perkins, this man started out his career as a wool grower in Springfield. This man was victorious at the battle of Black Jack and with members such as Thomas Higginson, this man was the leader of an organization called the (+) “Secret Six”. After the sack of Lawrence, this man orchestrated the Pottawatomie massacre, which insinuated (*) “Bleeding Kansas”. This man also conducted an uprising which was put down by JEB Stuart and Robert E. Lee in West Virginia. For 10 points - name this radical abolitionist who was hanged for leading a raid on Harpers Ferry.ANSWER: John Brown <Shohom Chakraborty, US History> During a contest with her brother, this deity ate pieces of a sword and spit them out, resulting in three children being born. This deity was worshipped at the Ise Shrine, and she was born along with her brother and the storm god (+)Susanoo when her father returned from a trip to the underworld and washed his face. Her brother once threw a dead animal at her, and this deity then sulked in a (*) cave until she was lured with a dance and a mirror. For ten points, name this sister of Tsukuyomi, the Shinto goddess of the sun. ANSWER: Amaterasu <KG/Historical Mythology>This person gave into the demands of the nationalist Akali Dal movement, and brought its leader, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, into political prominence for electoral support. This politician initiated a period of democratic(+) shutdown where she arrested her political rivals, and postponed elections, known as “The Emergency”. This prime minister initiated the Smiling(*) Buddha Nuclear Test, and Blue Star in which she infiltrated the Golden Temple in Amritsar, causing her own Sikh bodyguards to assassinate her. For ten points, name this 3rd prime minister of India and daughter of Jawaharal Nehru.ANSWER: Indira Gandhi [Prompt on partial answer] <VR/World History>This man was the host of the popular General Electric Theatre show. This man created a program used to defend the United States called Star Wars or the (+) Strategic Defense Initiative. This man gave the “A Time for Choosing” speech and swiftly ended a strike of air traffic controllers. He also initiated Operation Urgent Fury for the invasion of Grenada. This man was embroiled in a scandal where he supplied arms to (*) rebels in Nicaragua. This president told Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall” and faced the Iran - Contra scandal. For 10 points - name this actor and 40th US president.ANSWER: Ronald Reagan <Shohom Chakraborty, US History>This man first began his political career with the CCF, after criticizing Marcus Duplessis on live television. This man instituted an anti inflation act with his finance minister Donald Macdonald, and in response to his institution of the Energy Bill and his profanity, this man claimed he had said “fuddle- duddle”. This man responded to the FLQ by invoking the War Measures Act, which ended the October Crisis. FTP, name this Canadian Prime minister, who gave birth to the current prime minister Justin. ANSWER: Pierre Trudeau (Prompt on Trudeau) <SD/ World History> ................

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