Setting the Mood in your classroom: What are the things ...

The Classroom Environment


1) Creating an environment of respect and rapport

a. Greet students in the morning - stand at the door, walk around to indiv desk, make rounds when students are doing morning procedures

b. Talk in a calm voice

c. Be aware of your body language

d. Never argue. It takes two people to argue – don’t be the second person. State your request, clarify understanding, give an if then statement and end the conversation.

2) Establishing a culture of learning

a. Communicate high expectations for all students

b. Lighting – lamps can provide softer lighting and be calming - flourescent lamps can be harsh

c. Music – use it to change the mood in the room – classical, jazz etc for calming activities – up tempo music for active activities

d. Temperature- keep the room at a comfortable temperature and be sensitive to the fact that some students are more sensitive to temperature change than others – be flexible – allow jackets, sweaters etc.

3) Managing classroom procedures

a. Post schedules. Let students know in advance when there will be a change.

b. Model, and practice classroom procedures (lining up, walking in the hall, entering the room, center procedures, transitions) – this will save valuable instructional time later!

c. Gives cues and prompts

4) Managing student behavior

a. Use a system that is easy to manage and understand – keep it simple.

b. State your rules clearly and positively

c. Set consequences you can enforce and always follow through

d. Be consistent.

5) Organizing physical space

a. Make materials easy for students to access on their own

b. Teach them to organize their materials

c. Give them adequate space to move around and store things.

d. Students should have a place to work quietly and a place for group work

If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change it!


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