ENGLISH 200--INTRO TO LIT--Fall 2002

ENGLISH 200--INTRO TO LIT--Fall 2002

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Introductory study of fiction, poetry, and drama demonstrating techniques by which literature reflects human experience. Substantial student writing about literature is required.

OBJECTIVE:To further appreciate fiction, drama, and poetry & to improve writing skills

TEXTS: Literature: A Pocket Anthology by R. S. Gwynn

INSTRUCTOR: Loretta Martin Murrey, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English

E-MAIL ADDRESS: loretta.murrey@wku.edu CAMPUS PHONE: 659-6938

OFFICE HOURS Tue. & Wed. 12-2:30 & by appointment

TEACHING SCHEDULE (All classes in Room 168)

Mon. 9-11:45 & 12-2:45 English 200 Intro to Lit

Tue. 9-11:45 English 319 Teaching Language in the Grades

Wed. 9-11:45 English 302 Language and Communication

ATTENDANCE: Please sign the roll when it is passed around each week. Absences beyond two (or four half-class absences), if not verifiable excused absences, will result in a full letter grade reduction per absence. We will take a break, but you may leave class individually as needed. Your children are welcome.

DISABILITIES: Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Office for Student Disability Services, Room 445, Potter Hall. The OFSDS telephone number is 745-5004 V/TDD. Please do not request accommodations directly from the professor without a letter of accommodation from the Office for Student Disability Services.

JOURNAL (25 points): We will begin class each week with 10 minutes of journal writing. By the end of the semester you will need a total of 20 full standard-size pages or the equivalent (25 pages for marble journals, and 30 for smaller). Some options include 1) your impressions of the literature read in this class (ie. author, title, setting, major characters, theme, your impressions of the story, new words or phrases you like, and questions you would like to discuss in class); 2) your own short story, drama, or poetry, or 3) your thoughts and activities, as in a more traditional journal.

DISCUSSION OF LIT (25 points): When you read the literature, I suggest you take notes so you'll be prepared to discuss. Notes could include a summary, the theme, a question, something interesting, or something you're reminded of.

QUIZZES (30 points each): There will be quizzes over fiction, drama, and poetry terms.

PAPERS (100 points each): You will write 3 papers as explained on the accompanying handout. They will be computer-generated and 400+ words. You may ask the Resource Room tutor, a friend or classmate, or me for assistance. Papers will be reduced 10 points for each week late. If you like, I will grade your papers in your presence.

A+=100, A=95, A-=92, B+=88, B=85, B-=82, C=78, etc.)

REVISIONS (20 points each): You may choose to revise each paper.

FINAL GRADE: A=450-500 points B=400-449 C=350-399 D=300-349 F=0-299


AUG 19 Intro to Course MORNING class selects short stories.

(AUG 26=Last day to drop a course without a grade & receive 100% refund)

26 Intro to Fiction, pp. 5-24

SEPT 2 NO CLASS--Labor Day

9 KY Writers of Children's Lit

16 KY Fiction Writers

23 Crossword Puzzle & Draft of Paper # 1 due for Editing Workshop AFTERNOON class selects plays

30 FICTION TERM QUIZ Optional Individual Conferences



OCT 7 Bookstore Café (9:30-10:00) & Horse Cave Theatre (10-11)?

14 Intro to Drama, pp. 70-97

Paper # 1 Revision Due

(OCT 14=Last day to drop a course with a “W” or change from credit to audit)


28 Crossword Puzzle Due BOTH classes select poems.

Draft of Paper # 2 due for Editing Workshop.

NOV 4 DRAMA TERM QUIZ Optional Individual Conferences



16 Intro to Poetry, pp. 25-69

KY Poets

18 Paper # 2 Revision Due

A Woman Named Joy: KY Poet Laureate Joy Bale Boone

25 Paper # 3 due if plan to revise

DEC 2 Crossword Puzzle Due Richard Taylor, Poet Laureate, video clip


BROOMSEDGE CHRONICLES or KY poem explic. due


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