Greek and Latin Root Words

Biology Greek and Latin Root Words

Biology is a “science of words.” Unlike other branches of scientific study such as physics and chemistry, which rely heavily on mathematical formulas and calculations, most biological concepts are explained through words. Words are also used to describe your observations, to make your inferences, and explain your conclusions.

In biology, you will encounter many words that will be new to you. Most of them are based on ancient Greek and Latin languages. Many are used only when talking about biology. In this class, you will be more comfortable, and more successful, if you learn some of these words and use them as much as possible in class discussions and in your writing.

Listed below are some of the more common biology root words.

Please learn each root word and its definition. If you learn the examples and their meanings, you might find it helpful.

Root Word Examples


a, an – without acellular, asexual, anaerobic

ab – away from abdomen, abduct

ad – towards adduction, adhesion

aero – air aerobic, aerodynamic

alb – white albino, albumen

amnio – fetus amnion, amniocentesis

amoeb – change amoeba

amphi – both amphibian

andr – male androsterone, androgeny

anis – unequal anisodactyl, anisogamy

antho – flower anther, anthocyanin

anthro – human anthropogenic

anti - against, opposite antibiotic, antibody

archae – ancient archeology, Archaeopteryx

arcto – north Arctic, Antarctic

arthro – joint arthropod, arthritis

aur – ear aural, auditory

auto – self autotroph, automobile

avi – bird avian


bi – two bipedal, binomial, binocular

bio – life biology, biodiversity, biosphere

blast – germ, bud blastula, erthyroblast

brachi- arm brachiopod, brachiosaurus

brachy- short brachytherapy, brachytdactyl

brady- slow bradycardia


cani- dog canine, Canidae

capill- hair capillary

card- heart cardiac, cardiopulmonary

cauda- tail caudal

cav- hollow cave, cavity, vena cava

centi- hundred centimeter, centipede

centri – center centromere, centriole

cephal- head cephalothorax

cerebro- brain cerebrum, cerebellum

cerv- neck cervical

chemi – chemical chemosynthesis, chemotherapy

chlor- green chlorophyll, chloroplast

chrom- color chromosome

chrys- golden chrysalis

cide – kill herbicide, homicide, suicide

circum- around circumduction, circumnavigate

co- together codominance, coevolution, cooperate

corp- body corpse, corpus

crani – skull cranium

cycl- circular cycle, unicycle

cyt- cell cytokinesis, cytoplasm, leucocyte


dactyl- finger, toes Pterodactyl, anisodactyl, zygodactyl

deci- ten decimeter, decade

de- away from deciduous, decomposer

dendr- tree dendrology, dendrite

dent- tooth dental, dentist

derm- skin epidermis, dermatologist

di- two dihedral, dissect

dia- through diameter, diaphragm

dino- terrible dinosaur, dinoflagellate

diplo- double diploid, diplocephalus

dont- tooth orthodontist, mastodon

dors- back dorsal

duct – to carry abduct, oviduct

dur- hard durable, endure


echino- spiny echinoderm

eco- house ecology, ecosystem

ecto- outside ectoderm, ectotherm

endo- inside endocrine, endotherm

epi- upon epidermis, epiphyte

equi- horse, equal equine, equilateral

erythr- red erythrocyte

eu- true, genuine eukaryote, Eubacteria

ev- change evolution, evaporation

exo, extra- outside exocytosis, exoskeleton, extracellular


facil- easy facilitator, facilitated diffusion

feli- cat feline, Felidae

fer- carry transfer, conifer

fil – thread filament

flagell – whip flagellum

fol- leaf foliage, follicle

fru – fruit fructose, fruiticose


gam-sexual gamete

gastro- stomach gastrointestinal, gastric

gen- source, origin gene, genus, Genesis

glu – sweet glucose, glycolysis


hemo- blood hemoglobin, hematology

haplo- single, simple haploid

hepa- liver hepatic

herb – plant herbivore, herbicide

hetero- different heterosexual, heterozygous

homi – man hominid, hominoid

homo- same homosexual, homozygous, homeostasis

hormon- that which excites hormone

hydr- water hydrate, hydrant

hyper- above hyperactive

hypo- beneath hypodermic


ichthy- fish ichthyology, Ichthyosaurus

incis- cut into incision, incisor

infra- under infrared

inter- between interspecific, interstate

intra- within intravenous

iso- equal isothermal, isodactyl


kilo- thousand kilogram


leo- lion leonine, leopard

leuc- white leucocyte, leucoplast

lip- fat lipid, liposuction

logy – study of biology, zoology

lupi – wolf lupine


macr- large macroevolution, macronucleus

mamma- breast mammal, mammary gland

melan- dark melanin, melatonin

mer- part isomer, polymer

meso- middle mesoderm, mesothelioma

meta- following, change metaphase, metamorphosis

micro- small microscope, micobiology

mito- thread mitosis, mitochondria

mono- one monomer, monosaccharide

morph- form morphology, metamorphosis

multi- many multicellular

myco- mushroom mycology

myo- muscle, mouse myoglobin, myocardium

myx- slime myxameba, myxomycete


neur – nerve neuron, neurotransmitter


omni – all omnivore

ortho – straight orthodontist, orthopedic

osteo – bone osteopath

ova-, ovi- egg ovary, oviduct


par – near parasite

path – disease pathogen

ped, pod – foot pedal, biped, quadruped, tripod

photo – light photosynthesis, phototropism

phyll – leaf chlorophyll, leucophyll

plast – particle chloroplast, leucoplast

poly - many polymer, polysaccharide

post – after postnatal

pre- before prenatal

prim- first primate, primary

pro, proto – first Protozoa, prokaryote, prophase

psuedo- false pseudopod

ptera-, ptero – wing Pterodactyl, Chiroptera


quad – four quadruped


soma, some – body chromosome, lysosome

sperma – seed sperm, spermatazoa

stasis – position homeostasis, metastasis

syn – together photosynthesis, chemosynthesis


therm- heat endothermic, exothermic

thesis – arrangement photosynthesis, hypothesis

tropho- nourishment autotroph, heterotroph

tropic- turning phototropism


uni – one unicellular


ventr – belly ventral

vora, vore – feeding herbivore, omnivore


zoa, zoo – animal zoology, Protozoa

zyg – join together zygote, heterozygous


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