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New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee


Friday, January 25, 2013

Santa Fe, NM



At 8:11a.m. The Committee Chair, Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH, called the New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee January 25, 2013, meeting to order.

Introductions of new committee members:

Ms. Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH – District V

Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH – District III

Mr. Richard Hatch, Public Member



Rebecca Howard, RDH

Laura Moss, RDH

Doris Martinez, RDH

Denise Teague-Myrick, RDH

Ermelinda Baca, RDH

Burrell Tucker, DDS

Kimberly Martin, DMD

Robert Blewer, Public Member

Richard Hatch, Public Member

OTHERS PRESENT: Jennifer Salazar, Assistant Attorney General

STAFF PRESENT: Kathy Ortiz, Board Administrator

Cynthia Salazar, Administrative Assistant

Amos Padilla, Compliance Liaison

Roll Call was taken by Ms. Kathy Ortiz and a quorum was determined present.


Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to approve the agenda as written. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


October 26, 2012 Regular Meeting

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2012 Meeting as written. Ms. Doris Martinez, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.


A. Chair’s Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

Written report attached (Attachment A)

Ms. Rebecca Howard will resign as of April 1, 2013

B. Secretary’s Report – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH reported to the committee from October 16, 2012 thru January 14, 2013 the following licenses were issued:

7 Dental Hygiene licenses issued by Examination

6 Dental Hygiene licenses issued by Credentials

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to enter the Secretary’s report into record. Ms. Doris Martinez, RDH SECONDED the motion which was PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

C. WREB Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

Written report attached (Attachment B)

D. NERB Report – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH

Written report attached (Attachment C)

E. CRDTS Report – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH

Included with NERB report

F. ADEX Report – Dr. Robert Gherardi, DMD

Written report attached (Attachment D)

G. AADB Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

No report given

H. NM Health Services – Dr. Devi Gajapathi, BDS

Written report (Attachment E)

I. NMDHA Report – Ms. Stephanie Dominguez, RDH

Written report attached (Attachment F)

J. UNM Dental Hygiene Program Report – Ms. Christine Nathe, RDH

Written report attached (Attachment G)

K. San Juan Community College – Dr. Julius Manz

Written report attached (Attachment H)

L. Dona Ana Community College – Ms. Evelyn Hobbs, RDH

No report given

M. Eastern New Mexico University – Roswell

No report given

N. PIMA Medical Institute – Melissa Plese, RDH

No report given

O. NM Department of Health – Ms. Carol Hanson, RDH

Written report attached (Attachment I)

P. Ad Hoc Committees

No report given


A. Confirm Future Meeting Dates and Locations

April Committee Meeting – April 26, 2013 – Santa Fe

July Committee Meeting – July 26, 2013 – Ruidoso

October Committee Meeting – October 25, 2013 – Albuquerque

January Committee Meeting – January 24, 2013 – Santa Fe

B. NM Radiology Exam – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH

Discussion will take place during the Board meeting

C. Therapeutic Lasers Position Statement – Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD

Discussion will take place during the Board meeting

D. Eastern New Mexico Dental Hygiene Program

The committee discussed the letter that was received by Ms. Howard, RDH regarding accreditation.

E. Jurisprudence Exam Update – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

Ms. Rebecca Howard & Ms. Laura Moss will review the Hygiene exam(s) and provide the updates to the board office staff.

Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD and Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH were appointed to a Jurisprudence Exam Committee to continue working on new Jurisprudence Exams.


A. Elections:

1. Election of Committee Members

a. Chair

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to nominate Ms. Laura Moss, RDH as Chair of the NM Dental Hygienist Committee. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

b. Vice Chair

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to nominate Ms. Doris Martinez, RDH as Vice Chair of the NM Dental Hygienist Committee. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH


c. Secretary

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to nominate Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH Secretary of the NM Dental Hygienist Committee. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH


d. Election of Two (2) DH Committee Representatives for Dental Board

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH made a MOTION to nominate Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH and Ms. Denise Myrick-Teague, RDH as Representatives for the NM Dental Hygienists Committee to the NM Dental Board of Dental Health Care. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH


B. Appoint Complaint Committee Members:

Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made MOTION to appoint Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH and Mr. Robert Blewer to the complaint committee. Dr. Burrell Tucker SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

C. Pediatric Prophys – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH

Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH will write a letter that will be added to the Dental Board website under News and Information.

D. Ms. Catherine Sovereign, RDH – CRDTS Examiner

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to recommend Ms. Catherine Sovereign, RDH as a CRDTS examiner. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

E. Ms. Tammy Sanderson, RDH – CRDTS Examiner

Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to recommend Ms. Tammy Sanderson, RDH as a CRDTS examiner. Mr. Robert Blewer SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH recommended to submit Ms. Denise Myrick-Teague, RDH as a CRDTS examiner for 2014.

F. PBIS – NM Board Letter

Informational purposes only


Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH recommended to submit Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH as an ADEX/NERB examiner for the Dental Hygiene Committee

H. Human Services Department – Randy Scott

Informational purposes only

I. HB-17 Dental Therapist – Dr. Robert Gherardi, DMD

Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH made a MOTION to collaborate with the NM Board of Dental Health Care and issue a joint statement regarding HB17 Dental Therapist bill. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

J. Legislative Bills – Dr. Jessica Brewster, DDS

Information purposes only

K. AADB Mid-Year Meeting, April 21-22, 2013, Chicago, IL

Ms. Doris Martinez, RDH made a MOTION to appoint Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH as representative for the AADB Mid-Year meeting and to be reimbursed if it has been projected in the budget. Ms. Laura Moss, RDH SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

L. Proposed Rule Changes

a. 16.005.001 General Provisions

b. 16.005.003 Mandatory Reporting Requirements

c. 16.005.009 Non-Dentist Owners

d. 16.005.0019 Dental Hygienist, Licensure by Examination

e. 16.005.0030 Dental Hygienists, Disciplinary Proceedings, License Revocation or Suspension for Disciplinary Actions

The Committee discussed the proposed rules and has referred back to the rules committee for amendments.

M. Public Comment

Kevin Bogg, Real Estate Broker who specializes in Dental Real Estate Transactions and Acquisitions, wanted to ask the Dental Board for the number of dentists who practice in the State of New Mexico. Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH suggested he talk to the board staff.


Chair: I will hear a motion for closure of the meeting to enter into Executive Session.

Committee Member Dr. Burrell Tucker, DDS: I move that the New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee close this meeting in order to enter into Executive Session to discuss the items listed in the agenda. Pursuant to Sections 10-15-1.H 1, 3 & 7 of the Open Meetings Act authorizing closed sessions for matters related to issuance, suspension, renewal, revocation of a license. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Chair: Would the Board Administrator take a roll call vote to enter into Executive Session?

Roll Call Vote:

Rebecca Howard, RDH Aye

Laura Moss, RDH Aye

Doris Martinez, RDH Aye

Denise Myrick-Teague, RDH Aye

Ermelinda Baca, RDH Aye

Burrell Tucker, DDS Aye

Kimberly Martin, DMD Aye

Robert Blewer, Public Member Aye

Richard Hatch, Public Member Aye

Chair: The motion is approved by a unanimous approval. Let the record show that at 9:27 a.m. the Committee entered into closed session and the recorder has been turned off.

(Items listed on Agenda)



Discussion and Board Action:


Back in Open Session

Let the record show that the recorder was turned back on. The New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee returned to open session at 9:53 a.m. Pursuant to 10-15-1. H 1, 3 &7 of the Open Meetings Act, the matters discussed in the closed meeting were limited only to those specified on the agenda pertaining to licensing matters.


Let the record show that the Complaint Committee Members Mr. Robert Blewer abstained from voting on committee recommended cases.

(Items listed on Agenda)



Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to dismiss the case for no violation of the Act or Rules. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Discussion and Committee Action:


Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to rescind the Board’s action from the July 27, 2012 Committee meeting in which the Committee issued an NCA to deny the application for local anesthesia permit. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED. Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH, RECUSED.

Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION to grant the local anesthesia permit with Advisory Letters to the Applicant and the two dentists who signed the general anesthesia affidavits regarding the recanting of the sworn testimony included in the affidavits by the two dentists. Ms. Ermelinda Baca, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED. Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH, RECUSED.


There being no other business to come before the Committee, Ms. Laura Moss, RDH made a MOTION at 9:56 a.m. to adjourn the Dental Hygiene Committee meeting. Ms. Doris Martinez, RDH SECONDED the motion. Motion PASSED by UNANIMOUS APPROVAL.

Submitted by: ___________

Cynthia Salazar, Administrative Assistant Date

Approved by: ________________________________________ ___________

Rebecca Howard, RDH Chair Date



| |January 25, 2013 |

| |Toney Anaya Bldg. |

| |2550 Cerrillos Rd., 2nd Floor |

| |Santa Fe, NM 87505 |

| |Rio Grande Room |

| |8:00 A.M. |



|New Committee Member Introductions | |




|Minutes for Committee 10.26.12 DRAFT | |


|Committee Chair – Ms. Rebecca Howard ,RDH Chair Report Janaury 2013 | |

|Secretary’s Report – | |

|DH by Examination – Licenses issued = 7 DH 10/16/12 to 01/14/13 DH by Examination | |

|DH by Credentials – Licenses issued = 6 DH 10/16/12 to 01/14/13 DH by Credentials | |

|WREB Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH WREB Report January 2013 | |

|NERB Report – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH NERB Report January 2013 | |

|CRDTS Report – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH NO REPORT | |

|ADEX Report – Dr. Robert Gherardi, DMD ADEX Report January 2013 | |

|AADB Report – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH NO REPORT | |

|NM Health Services – Dr. Devi Gajapathi, BDS Medicaid Report January 2013 | |

|NMDHA Report – Ms. Stephanie Dominguez, RDH NMADHA January 2013 | |

|UNM Dental Hygiene Program Report – Ms. Christine Nathe, RDH UNM Report January 2013 | |

|I. San Juan Community College – Dr. Julius Manz San Juan Report January 2013 | |

|Dona Ana Community College – Ms. Evelyn Hobbs, RDH NO REPORT | |

|Eastern New Mexico University, Roswell NO REPORT | |

|PIMA Medical Institute – Melissa Plese, RDH NO REPORT | |

|New Mexico Dept. of Health – Ms. Carol Hanson, RDH Dept. of Health Report January 2013 | |

|Ad-Hoc Reports | |


|Confirm Future Meeting Dates | |

|April Committee Meeting – April 26, 2013 – Santa Fe | |

|July Committee Meeting – July 26, 2013 – Ruidoso | |

|October Committee Meeting – October 25, 2013 - Albuquerque | |

|January Committee Meeting - | |

|NM Radiology Exam – Ms. Laura Moss, RDH | |

|Therapeutic Lasers Position Statement - Dr. Kimberly Martin, DMD ADHA Laser | |

|Eastern New Mexico Dental Hygiene Program - CODA Accreditation Letter | |

|Jurisprudence Exam Update – Ms. Rebecca Howard, RDH | |


|Elections: | |

|1. Election of Committee Officers | |

|Chair | |

|Vice Chair | |

|Secretary | |

|2. Election of Two Committee Representatives for Dental Board | |

|Appoint Committee Members: | |

|1. Complaint Committee | |

|Pediatric Prophys, - Rebecca Howard, RDH | |

|Catherine Sovereign, RDH - CRDTS Examiner | |

|Tammy Sanderson, RDH – CRDTS Examiner Letter | |

|PBIS - NM Board Letter | |

|ADEX-NERB Exam | |

|Human Services Department - Randy Scott | |

|HB-17 Dental Therapists – Dr. Robert Gherardi, DMD HB 17 Dental Therapist Letter | |

|Legislative Bills – Dr. Jessica Brewster, DDS | |

|AADB Mid-Year Meeting, April 21-22, 2013, Chicago, IL | |

|Proposed Rule Changes | |

|16.005.0001 – General Provision | |

|16.005.0003 – Mandatory Reporting Requirements | |

|16.005.0009 – Non-Dentists Owners | |

|16.005.0019 – Dental Hygienists, Licensure by Examination | |

|16.005.0030 – Dental Hygienists, Disciplinary Proceedings, License Revocation or Suspension For Disciplinary Actions | |

|Public Comment | |


| | |

|Complaints: | |

|12-105-COM | |

| | |

|Committee Discussion and Action: | |

|11-65-APP | |




|HB 17 Dental Therapist Bill | |

|SB0099 | |

|SB0108 | |

(Attachment A)

New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee Chair Report

January 25, 2013

October: 19-20: Attended NMDHA Scientific session in Albuquerque.

January 11-13: Attended WREB dental hygiene typodont workshop in Boise, ID to prepare models for the 2013 WREB Dental Hygiene All Examiner Workshop calculus standardization and calibration exercises.

Regularly: Visit board office in effort to keep up with reviewing applications for licensure and grading x-rays that have been submitted as completion for certification.


Rebecca Howard, RDH

(Attachment B)

WREB report to the New Mexico Dental Hygiene Committee Meeting


Board of Dental Health Care

January 25, 2013


Rebecca Howard, RDH

The WREB 2013 Dental Hygiene exam season will begin February 22 with anesthesia and restorative exams in Portland, OR. Both of these exams will incorporate electronic scoring training. The first dental hygiene clinical exam will take place February 23-26 in Glendale, Arizona.

In preparation for the various areas, team captain and chief workshops will be held over the next few weeks. All guides, manuals, and online information have been finalized.

Examiner x-ray standardization and calibration will be conducted on line. Examiners are required to complete the standardization exercises and calibration test before each assigned exam.

WREB newsletters, exam dates, and other information can be found at

(Attachment C)

New Mexico Board of Dental Healthcare

January 25, 2013


Submitted by Laura Moss, RDH BS

I am scheduled for 4 WREB exams and 3 CRDTS exams for the 2013 examining season. I am scheduled for the first CRDTS exam to be given in New Mexico at UNM on May 17-19. I am looking forward to CRDTS being in New Mexico.

Dr. Brewster and I were able to attend the NERB annual meeting held in Florida January 9-12. The meeting was very informative and packed with information. There were over 500 attendees.

On January 10 Dr Brewster and I attended the New Member Orientation:

This included and Introduction and History of NERB. All aspects of NERB were addressed including their association with ADEX. The overall finances of the organization were discussed. How examiners are assigned and the process for examiners to follow was shared. Ample time was given for questions from the attendees. Currently

After the Orientation session Dr. Brewster and I attended break-out sessions:

I attended: Review of the Functions of the Dental Hygiene Examiner- The entire process of the hygiene exam were covered. While there are similar aspects with the other examining boards there are some differences that I was glad to see. Currently, NERB is using paper grading with plans to upgrade to tablets.

On Friday January 11 Dr Brewster and I attended the Town Hall Meeting. This gave attendees to ask any questions and also bring up and suggestions for the NERB board. State caucus meetings were held. As of now Dr Brewster and I are the only members. But each state is allowed more than two members and I encourage the Dental Hygiene Committee and/or Board members from New Mexico to join. Public members are also a part of NERB. There was discussion and a vote on the NY state issue. Currently, hygienist’s in NY must pass a clinical exam. It was voted that NY members would be able to keep their status as voting members of NERB.

On Saturday January 12 we attended the Educational Session. There were two educational sessions. The first session was given by Dr. Louis G. DePaola DDS MS. “What’s Bugging You: Infection Control Principles for NERB Examiners”

The afternoon session was the Public Advocacy Committee 11th annual Educational Conference - “The Corporate Practice of Dentistry: Impacts on Patient Safety and Implications for the Independent Testing Community” The Dental Board director from Ohio presented recent experiences in her state. She added a note that while Ohio has had problems her view on corporate dentistry has improved due to better examples of corporate practices. She made a note that she no longer likes the term corporate dentistry and prefers the term A Dentist from Miami spoke about his experience selling his practice to a corporate entity. This dentist was retained as a Clinic Supervisor and has had only a positive experience. This practice seemed to be controlled by ethical dentists who were in charge of different aspects of the dental practice. A registered Dental Hygienist employed by Coast Dental gave a presentation on the role of hygienists in corporate dentistry. She reports a positive experience and related that hygienists who are employed at Coast Dental have full control over their own schedule. She also related that the popularity of corporate dentistry is in part due to the availability of services including evening and weekend appointments. This topic is certainly on all state boards agenda. I think there is a lot to learn and in the forefront is keeping citizens safe just as is it is with any dental practice.

I am happy to share the information collected at the NERB meeting with any Board or Committee member.

(Attachment D)


November 9-11, 2012- Rosemont, IL

Dear fellow Board members, this report will be more in depth than usual since it is the first meeting of ADEX that we have had a representative attend and I thought it would be helpful to include some background information. Also I am sending it out to the Board members before our next meeting as there are some issues that I would like the rules committee to consider that arose during the meeting.

I attended the ADEX (American Board of Dental Examiners Inc.) meeting on Nov. 9-11, 2012 in Rosemont (Chicago) IL.

Overall the meeting was very well organized, on time and the group was very hospitable and glad to have NM as a new member and accepting the exam. During the meeting I attended meetings of the; Quality Assurance Committee, Dental Examination Committee, the Board of Directors and the ADEX House of Delegates. I was a voting member of the Examination committee and the House of Delegates. ADEX is an organization of the Boards of Dentistry from the states which accept the exam. Every state is represented by one delegate who has input into the policies and exam design of ADEX. Delegates are assigned to one or more committees by the president and then these committees report to the HOD for final decision on the actions taken.

ADEX only develops the Dental and Hygiene exams that are given; it DOES NOT administer the exams. Administration is left to testing agencies (NERB, SERTA) or individual states (Nevada, Hawaii, Florida) that decide to administer the exam. ADEX has a budget of $250,000 which is paid for by agencies and states that administer their exam, proportionately to the number of exams given. ADEX budget is divided by the number of exams given and a fee is charged per exam. ADEX budget does NOT increase for more exams; in fact the fee per exam will decrease if the budget was the same. All ADEX staff is voluntary with costs going to mailings, professional fees for exam development experts and statistical and psychometric analysis. ADEX has 30 state Boards as members and is accepted in 41 states.

Several actions were taken during the meeting, only those of interest are reported:

** Steps are being taken to better calibrate grading examiners and floor examiners to uniformly apply criteria.

** Three levels of grades are given on clinical exams, Acceptable, Marginally Acceptable, and Critical Deficiency. The first two pass the third does not.

** Applicants passing the exam will be reported as having passed with a grade of 75% or higher. Exact grades are not reported as they are not statistically valid.

** The exam consists of 6 stand alone parts;

1. Computerized exam in applied diagnosis and treatment planning (150 questions)

2. Endodontic treatment on mounted typodont teeth. File and fill an anterior tooth, Canal access for a posterior tooth.

3. Fixed prosthodontics exam on mounted typodont teeth consisting of an anterior PFM prep and a posterior bridge prep including one full gold and one PFM abutment.

4. A restorative exam on live patients of an anterior class 3 composite.

5. A restorative exam on live patients of a posterior class 2 composite or amalgam.

6. Periodontal exam on live patients consisting of calculus and pocket detection, calculus removal and treatment management. This portion of the exam is optional for the candidate.

This clinical periodontal exam is optional since the 2011 since NERB and SETRA do NOT require it for passing their exams. (See recommendations at end of report) This is due to a study that indicated that most dentists did not perform scaling in their offices but delegated it to dental hygienists.

Exam Statistics—

First time pass rate- 94.3% Ultimately pass- 99.2% Including all factors for candidates not completing or passing exam the overall pass rate is 97% (i.e.; 3% never get licensed) The dental hygiene license pass rate is 87.2%.

Observations and recommendations-

ADEX is truly interested in developing a valid universally accepted exam. Their goal is to create one exam for licensure in the US... ADEX is open to input from member states. Due to their relative membership ADEX is at this time driven by NERB and SERTA. The overall feeling of the exam is that it micro-manages the process and babies candidates to the end point of making the dental exam easier to pass except for critical failures. I will pursue avenues to become an ADEX examiner to get further insight to the exam.

I recommend that N.M. continue to accept the ADEX exam, however, we should include in our rules and regs. a statement where we state what exams we accept that says, “Accepted examinations must include clinical competency in endodontics, restorative dentistry and periodontics”. This would encourage candidates that take ADEX, NERB and SERTA to take the periodontal portion of the exam if they wish to come to NM.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert J. Gherardi DMD

(Attachment E)

January 25, 2013

Santa Fe, NM

• The New Mexico Human Services Department/ Medical Assistance Division (MAD) began covering CDT code D7310 - Alveoloplasty on the same day as extraction and made it effective June 1, 2012. MAD will allow reimbursement for one per quadrant per life time.

• Medical Assistance Division updated their system to include the new CDT-2013 code set effective 1-1-13. Providers have to start using the new dental codes effective 1/1/2013.

Dr. Devi Gajapathi B.D.S

Dental Program Manager

New Mexico Medicaid

(Attachment F)


Report to the New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Committee

January 25, 2013

The New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Association hosted a visit from ADHA District IX Trustee Sandy Tesch, RDH, MSHP from Austin, Texas on January 18. She conducted strategic planning for the board and a seminar on Current Issues in Dental Hygiene which was well attended.

Members of the association participated in “Posole Ole”, a fundraiser walk for Special Olympics on December 1, 2012 at the Balloon Fiesta Park in Albuquerque. NMDHA is a long time supporter of Special Olympics and participates annually in its fundraisers and events, promoting oral health.

NMDHA component societies continue to offer continuing education on a regular basis. Windi Vigil from Ivoclar Vivadent presented “Lasers in Hygiene” on January 24 to the High Desert Dental Hygienists’ Society. Albuquerque Day, an annual continuing education sponsored by the component, will be held on March 22 and will feature Dr. Lionel Candelaria, Dr. Lisa King and Dr. John Pederson as speakers.

Hygienists will be going to schools in February during Children’s Dental Health Month to instruct children on healthy oral health care habits and to distribute toothbrushes.

NMDHA continues to participate in meetings of the New Mexico Oral Health Advisory Council and the NMDA/NMDHA Liaison Committee in an effort to improve oral health care in New Mexico.

Submitted by

Stephanie Dominguez

Stephanie Dominguez, RDH, BS

President, NMDHA

(Attachment G)

University of New Mexico

Division of Dental Hygiene

January 2013 Report

TO: NM Board of Dental Health Care

FROM: Christine Nathe, Program Director

DATE: 1/25/13

The University of New Mexico, Division of Dental Hygiene celebrated 50 years of educating dental hygienists in New Mexico on Saturday evening, October 20, 2012 with a Gala Event at the Hyatt Regency in Albuquerque. Many members of all classes, including the first class attended!

The Division of Dental Hygiene began a mentoring program in conjunction with the New Mexico Dental Hygienists’ Association to help foster student learning and community involvement in the program.

The Division continues to educate all students in a variety of clinical settings in the state and participate with other UNM departments in the education of their students. The faculty and students will be traveling to Nicaragua again this summer to further clinical educational opportunities while serving those in need.

All graduates of the 2012 entry-level BSDH program passed all board examinations. The Division had one graduate from the BSDH degree completion program this fall 2012.

A new class of 24 students was accepted to begin coursework in January. All 24 students are from New Mexico and are represented from various communities across the state.

(Attachment H)

Report of the San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program to the New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care.

Friday, Jan 25, 2013

Dr. Julius N. Manz – Director

San Juan College Dental Programs

4601 College Blvd

Farmington, NM 87402

Phone: 505-566-3018, e-mail: manzj@sanjuancollege.edu

Faculty and Staff:

Full Time:

Julius N. Manz DDS – Director

Sherry Paxson, RDH – First Year Clinic Coordinator

Tammy Sanderson, RDH – Second Year Clinical Coordinator

Ruby Woodard – Program Administrative Assistant

Georgia Cotie – Clinical Manager

Dalene Meek – Clinic Administrative Assistant


Chuck Schumacher, DDS

Craig Layton, DDS

Cameron Black, DDS

Dennis Miller, DMD

Phil Dunn, DDS

Becky Miller, RDH

Mandi Pickering, RDH

Brittany Nichols, RDH

Nancy Rhein, RDH, PA

Shandra Antonson, RDH

Advisory Council:

Dr. Chuck Schumacher

Dr. Ronald Johnson

Dr. Gene Hilton

Amy Davis, RDH

Becky Miller, RDH

Linda Parks, RDH

Michelle Tensay, Public member

Kaycie Hatch, Dental Hygiene Student Senior Class

Kallie McLaughlin, Dental Hygiene Student Junior Class


The San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation. The Programs next Accreditation site visit will be in 2017.

Staffing Changes

Dr. Mike Tornow and his wife Ivy have resigned as adjunct insturctors teaching the Head and Neck anatomy course due to scheduling constraints. Dr. Phillip Dunn has agreed to take over teaching the Head and Neck Anatomy course.

Class of 2013

National Boards:

The class of 2013 will be eligible to begin to sit for the NBDHE in April 2013

WREB Local Anesthesia Boards

100% of the class of 2013 have taken WREB Local Anesthesia Boards

100% have passed their LA boards

Clinical Boards

The class of 2013 will be eligible to begin to take their clinical boards after successful completion of their Mock Boards on April 29, 2013. Some students have expressed an interest in taking the CRDTS exam this year as it is offered at UNM.

It is a great benefit to our Program and to our student to have options of taking different licensing examinations. Each examination offers pros and cons.


The Program is scheduled to graduate 10 students on May 11, 2013.


The Program has accepted 12 new students for the class of 2014 out of 25 qualified applications.

Farmington, NM – 6

Aztec, NM – 2

Kirtland, NM – 1

Cuba, NM – 1

LaPlata, CO – 1

Pleasant View, CO - 1


The Program enjoys a state-of-the-art facility.

Purchasing a Digital upgrade to the Programs Panoramic Radiology unit

The Program is upgrading its clinical unit lighting with LED lights

Civic/Community Activities

Mission of Mercy – The San Juan College sent 11 senior dental hygiene students and 3 faculty to the NM Mission of Mercy in Las Cruces

The Program will participate with both classes in the Sept 12-15 2013 MOM in San Juan County

NMDHA scientific session: Oct 18-20, 2012

GKAS: Feb 1, 2013

Farmington Health Fair

Kiddie Clinic – screenings, radiographs, fluoride, prophies and OHI for community preschool children

Nursing home – Senior student rotation to provide preventive dental care to residents of Life Care

nursing home.

Indian Health service – Senior student rotation with IHS

School Educational Programs – Senior student rotation providing oral health education to area schools

(elementary to high school)

Head Start assessments, education and fluoride program

IHS Sealant Program

Special Needs Clinic

The Program is currently collaborating with the Farmington Museum to create a Dental/Oral Heath interactive exhibit in the city’s children museum which will aim to increase the knowledge of children and parents about the importance of oral health.

The Program is compiling a Dental History exhibit to be displayed outside the Programs dental clinic.

Upcoming Plans and Projects

San Juan College Dental Hygiene Program is continuing to work in conjunction with the NMDA and the ADA to examine the feasibility of establishing a Community Dental Health Coordinator (CDHC) education program at San Juan College and to seek funding for such a program

Dr. Julius N. Manz, Director

(Attachment I)

To: New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and the Dental Hygiene Committee

From: Carol Hanson, RDH, MPH

NM Dental Support Center (NMDSC) Coordinator

New Mexico Department of Health/Public Health Division/Health Systems Bureau

Office of Primary Care and Rural Health

300 San Mateo NE, Suite 900

Albuquerque, NM 87108



Date: January 25, 2013—NMDSC Highlights

• Developed October, November, and January 2013 Provider Newsletters with the NMPCA. Distributed newsletters via e-mail to network dental providers, network dental educators, UNM dental residents, executive directors of community health center dental clinics, and other interested parties

• Maintained and updated NMDSC Provider and Educator databases and distribution lists

• Co-planned and participated in the November 2, 2012 NMPCA/NMDSC Dental Provider Meeting. The meeting took place at the new First Choice Community Health Care Dental Clinic in Los Lunas and a total of nine attended.

• Participated in the October 15, November 6, and December 4, 2012 NM Health Resources 2013 Provider Retreat Planning Committee meetings

• Planned and facilitated the October 19, 2012 NM Dental Educator Consortium Meeting. Total of 11 attended.

• Attended NM Public Health Association 9th Annual Health Policy Forum on December 6, 2012

• Attended DOH Public Health Transformation Workgroup meetings on November 13, 2012, December 13, 2012, and January 8, 2013

• Traveled to Taos Picuris Dental Clinic on November 29, 2012 to meet face-to-face with new dental hygienist and provided an orientation of community health dentistry in NM

• Attended the NM Oral Health Advisory Council Meeting in Albuquerque on November 30, 2012

• Planned and facilitated the December 11, 2012 NM Dental Educator Consortium Conference Call

• Provided technical assistance to 21 network providers

• Disseminated information on continuing education availability and other pertinent information to network dental providers and educators

• Assisted Office of Oral Health (OOH) in providing dental screenings and sealants for students in Penasco, Dixon, Clayton, Des Moines and Pojoaque elementary schools

• Assisted OOH by co-planning and participating in “Turn the Curve Meeting—Improving Access for Oral Health Care Bernalillo County” October 25, 2012

• Assisted OOH by participating in the Santa Fe Oral Health Coalition (SFOHC): met with Santa Fe County Commissioner Liz Stephanics to discuss water fluoridation on December 5, 2012; attended Santa Fe Oral Health Coalition conference calls on December 20, 2012, and January 7, 2013; worked on developing a resolution for the city of Santa Fe to proclaim February as Children’s Oral Health Month and February 8 as Children’s Dental Health Day

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Hanson


New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department


New Mexico Board of Dental Health Care and

New Mexico Dental Hygienist Committee

Toney Anaya Building ª% 2550 Cerrillos Road ª% Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

(505) 476-4680ª% Fax (505) 476-4545 ª% rld.state.nm.us


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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