Lesson Plan for UAB Observation #1

Teacher: Hillery Montel Grade: 4-6 School: RBE

Date:6/24/14 Start Time:8:10 End Time (45 minutes later): 8:55

Number of Students:15-20 Number of ELLs:15-20 Names of NEPs: Elizabeth Torres

Other aspects worth mentioning:

UAB’s SIOP Lesson Plan

Subject: Science

Unit Theme: Solar System

Lesson Topic: Rotation and Revolution


|(broad goals on which objectives are based) |(what students will learn during this 45-minute lesson) |

| |SWBAT |

|Alabama COS [Give code number(s) and standard(s).] |Content Objective(s): Academic Achievement |

|6th grade: 8.) Describe how Earth's rotation, Earth's axial tilt, and |How ELLs are expected to (partially) meet the AL COS: |

|distance from the equator cause variations in the heating and cooling of |1. SWBAT describe the difference between the rotation and revolution of the earth. |

|various locations on Earth |2. SWBAT explain what causes day and night. |

| |3. SWBAT explain what causes the seasons. |

| | |

|TESOL Standards [Underline the targeted standard(s)] |Language Objective(s): Academic Language |

|ELLs will use English to: |To meet the content objective(s), ELLs will learn to use English in one or more of |

|Communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success|the following ways: discourse functions, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and/or|

|in the content area of #4 science. |skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing): |

| |1. SWBAT compare and contrast rotation and revolution by acting and creating a |

| |model. |

| |2. SWBAT discuss what causes day and night by creating a foldable and discussing it|

| |with their peers. |

| |3. SWBAT discuss what causes day and night by creating a foldable and discussing it|

| |with their peers. |

SEQUENCE (Order of activities planned for this 45-minute lesson)

The actual amount of numbered points may vary. This depends on the amount of different activities that are planned.

BEGINNING (5 to 10 minutes)

MOTIVATION or “hook” activity

1. Review by using a hot onion. (IPOT)

2. Video clip. Ask questions, “Have you ever wondered what causes day and what causes night?” “What about the seasons?” “Do you think it is the same season everywhere on Earth?” Have students answer questions in their journals.

MIDDLE (If this takes longer than expected, skip certain parts in order to review during the last 5 minutes.)

PRESENTATION of new knowledge and/or skills

3. Go over new vocabulary by having students copy words into their notebook and discuss with their partner.

4. Introduce concepts of rotation and revolution by acting out and making a model. (IPOT)

5. Then students will read passage about rotation/revolution and highlight important facts then share by doing concentric circles. (IPOT)

PRACTICE/APPLICATION of new knowledge and/or skills

6. Student will make a foldable of day and night with a partner. (IPOT)

7. Students will make a foldable of seasons with a partner. (IPOT)

END (final 5 minutes)


9. Students will play a review game with a partner to determine the difference between rotation and revolution. (IPOT)

Now list and/or explain how this lesson plan will meet each of the 8 SIOP components and their features:

I. PREPARATION: List and/or explain how you plan to do the following

Content Objectives & Language Objectives (students’ oral interaction): The objectives will be written on the board and I will explain them at the beginning of the lesson. The students will also be asked to read the objectives with me.

Appropriate Content Concepts: The content is age appropriate and was chosen from the ALCOS.

Supplementary Materials needed: paper plates, glue

Ideas for Content Accommodations: visual support, peer support

Meaningful Activities planned: Video, vocabulary in notebooks, concentric circles, foldable, review game

II. INSTRUCTION: Give names of specific techniques for each feature & explain how you plan to do them.

These 6 components are not in a fixed order. They occur in a cyclical manner, often simultaneously, throughout a SIOP lesson.


Links to Students’ Cultural Backgrounds: I will link to students’ background by asking questions during the motivation. “When we talked about the moon phases we talked about how the northern hemisphere is different from the southern hemisphere, do you think that it would be the opposite in Mexico or the same?”

Links to Students’ Prior Knowledge: I will link to students’ prior knowledge by asking question about prior lessons and doing the hot onion review.

Key Vocabulary emphasized (visible, oral, interaction): Students will be shown vocabulary words they will have the picture and definition. They will also be asked to explain the word to their table. Then students will copy the definition into their notebooks.


Appropriate Speech: I will make sure to speak slower when appropriate and give explicit directions.

Academic Tasks Explained Clearly: I will explain tasks explicitly and model what to do.

Techniques to Clarify Content Concepts: Modeling


Opportunities for Students to Use Strategies: Students will use strategies during concentric circles, making a model of rotation and revolution, making foldables, and during the review game.

Scaffolding Techniques: I will use visual support, graphic organizers, and modeling to scaffold.

Question Types to promote higher-order thinking: Do you think it is the same season in other countries as it is here? Do you think it is day at the same time everywhere on earth?


( Meaningful Interactive Peer-to-peer Oral Techniques (name at least 4 different IPOTs):

1. Turn and Talk

2. Foldables

3. Concentric circles

4. Review game

( Multiple grouping configurations—pairs & new pairs (name the IPOTs), triads, groups, full class:

1. Turn and talk will be to their table.

2. Foldables will be with a partner.

3. Concerntric Circles will be two small groups.

4. Whole group

Sufficient wait time: I will give sufficient wait time and time to share with a partner.

Clarification of key concepts in L1 (if needed):


Hands-on materials to practice new concepts: Vocabulary in notebooks and acting out vocabulary, concentric circles, and making a foldable.

Activities to apply content and language knowledge: turn and talk, phases of the moon recreation, sequencing the phases, and putting it altogether

(Activities that integrate all 4 language skills (list below after the following feature) ****

Ample opportunities to practice each of 4 literacy domains (list several activities after each skill):

Listening: video, turn and talk, concentric circles

Speaking: turn and talk, concentric circles, review game

Reading: concentric circles, review game, foldable

Writing: vocabulary, foldable


Support of content objectives: Content objectives will be posted on the board; I will go over the objectives at the beginning and end of class. Content objectives will be practiced through video, vocabulary, reading passage, making a foldable, making a model, and the review game.

Support of language objectives: Language objective will be posted on the board; I will go over the objectives at that beginning and end of class. Language objectives will be practiced through IPOTS.

All students engaged 90% of time: Students will be engage through multiple activities and grouping.

Appropriate pacing: Lesson will last 45 minutes and there will be little down time.

III. REVIEW/ASSESSMENT: Give names of specific techniques for each feature & explain how you plan to do them

Review of key vocabulary and language: At the end of the lesson we will review vocabulary words from the lesson by showing the pictures and definition.

Review of key content concepts: The concepts will be reviewed by a sorting activity.

Ongoing feedback to students regarding language production and the application of new content concepts: I will give feedback throughout the lesson and checks throughout the lesson the understanding of students based on their performance of different tasks.

Formal & informal assessment of student progress (formative & summative) in meeting lesson objectives: I will be able to informally assess by observing students answers and conversations. I will assess formally by checking the sorting activity.


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