1 - Doral Academy Preparatory School

Midterm Review

1. Lines the run parallel with to the prime meridian on a globe.

2. To draw a map of the round earth on a flat surface, map makers use

3. A city and its surroundings make up a ______ region.

4. Designing and making amps is the work of

5. The shortest distance between two places on the earth follows a

6. ________ location is its global address

7. To study and interpret the Earth’s complexity, geographers, often divide it into

8. In studying the Earth and its people, geographers use

9. How has the Geographer’s craft changed over the last 100 years?

10. Desalination

11. The ______ is the Earth’s land or crust

12. According to the theory of______, the earth’s continents were once joined in one large landmass and then separated.

13. In the process of _____ earth’s surface is worn down by wind, glaciers, and water.

14. A saturated, porous underground layer of rock through which water flows slowly is

15. Gravity is the physical force that

16. The force that does most of the work of wearing down earth is

17. The total amount of water in the hydrosphere genrally

18. How are the hydrosphere, lithosphere, and the atmosphere related?

19. When the heavier sea plate dives beneath the lighter continental plate it causes

20. When there are the same amount of day and night time hours it is

21. In tropical regions what is the only exception for change to cooler temperatures

22. Dead zones in between trade winds

23. What part of the earth gets direct sunlight year round

24. Day to day conditions of the atmosphere make up

25. Long-term atmospheric conditions that people can expect to be generally true make up

26. Because of _____ winds tend to blow diagonally rather than from due north, south, east or west

27. Why is the green house effect necessary to life/

28. During el Nino years, whether in western South America become

29. Each climate region has it own kid of

30. How do human activities impact climates?

31. In the northern hemisphere winds blow

32. Which climate region has all 4 seaons

33. A government by one person is called

34. Ideas spread from on culture to another by the process of

35. The _________ model uses birthrates and death reates to show changes in the population of a country or region.

36. Why is negative population growth a concern?

37. The idea behind demaocracy is that

38. The immediate goal of conservation is to

39. Which of the following is an example of how culture affects the daily lives of people?

40. At the _______ are rapids and waterfalls that blocked ships from traveling farther uspstream.

41. Thunderstorms that can cause tornadoes are

42. Trees cannot grow above the

43. Why is it especially important to conserve fossil fuels?

44. As commercial fishing has declined what activity has taken its place?

45. Aside from latitude, what other factor greatly influences climate in North America?

46. What type of climate dominates the extreme southeastern United States?

47. The string of cities along the coast in the northeastern United States is called

48. A partially self-governing country with close ties to Great Britain is a

49. Why is the United States one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world?

50. Compared with 1970, what has happened to the number of single- and two-person household in the United States?

51. high plateau encircled by mountains is called.

52. _______ is A electricity generated from falling water.

53. In the tropical rain forest, trees grow close together and form dense layer of leaves called the

54. Most of the Andes were formed by the collision of which two tectonic plates/

55. Which Latin American country has the larges oil reserves?

56. In the mountains of latin Ameica, the most important determinant of cimate vegetation is

57. Where is the world’s largest tropical rain forest?

58. What physical features have kept some Latin American’s people isolated

59. that type of vegetation surrounds the Amazon river

60. Frozen Land is called

61. Several Mountain ranges that run parallel to each other are called

62. People who are descendants of a region’s first inhabitants are _________ people.

63. To increase their farmland, Aztec farmers built “floating” fields called_______.

64. A form of a language that is unique to a particular place is a _______.

65. The loss of the most educated people of a country through emigration is called

66. People of mixed Native American and Spanish ancestry are called

67. With small areas and rapidly growing populations, ________ contain some of the most densely populated countries of Latin America

68. Where does most of the population of South America live?

69. Why has urbanization been a major challenge for Latin American countries?

70. Which language is dominant is South America.

71. Dialects that blend indigenous, European, afican, and asian languages are called

72. royally appointed officials

73. dictator is also called

74. family or groups of people that are run by the head women

75. one negative cause of bad health care in Latin America is

76. floating islands are called

77. a condition caused by a lack of proper food

78. who is the president of the united states of America


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