Trudeau Mentors 2004-2015

[Pages:5]Trudeau Mentors 2004-2015

Name Adam, Dyane Anderson, George Arbour, Louise Axworthy, Lloyd Battle, Ken Bartleman, James Beale, Elizabeth B?gin, Monique Berthiaume, Guy Bertrand, Fran?oise Blackstock, Cindy Blakeney, Allan

Bloodworth, Margaret

Blyth, Chuck Bombardier, Denise Bougie, Jacques Broadbent, Ed

Campbell, Don

Campbell, Maria Caron, Joseph

Cartwright, Susan Catley-Carlson, Margaret

Year 2008 2011 2004 2007 2007 2009 2012 2007 2010 2013 2012 2004 2011 2009 2014 2011 2010

2010 2010 2011



Occupation (selection) Former Chair of the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman; former Commissioner of Official Languages

President and CEO, Forum of Federations

Former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights President, University of Winnipeg; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada

Director, Caledon Institute of Social Policy

Chancellor, Ontario College of Art and Design; former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

President and CEO, Atlantic Provinces Economic Council

Professor, University of Ottawa; former Minister of Health and Welfare, Canada President and CEO, National Library and Archives of Quebec (Biblioth?que et Archives nationales du Qu?bec) President and CEO, Quebec Federation of Chambers of Commerce Executive Director, First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada Former Premier of Saskatchewan Former Associate Secretary to the Cabinet and National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister; former Deputy Clerk

Former Superintendent, Nahanni National Park Reserve

Journalist, writer, social critic

Former President and CEO, Alcan Inc.

Former Leader, New Democratic Party; Founding President, Rights and Democracy Senior Strategic Advisor, Davis LLP; former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; former Ambassador

Metis writer, playwright and teacher

Former diplomat; Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation Former Senior Advisor to the Privy Council Office; former Assistant Deputy Minister; Commissioner, Public Service Commission of Canada

Chair, Global Water Partnership (Stockholm)

106 Trudeau Mentors 2004-2015


Name Charron, Louise Chr?tien, Raymond Couillard, Philippe Crispino, Len

Davis, Elizabeth

Deschamps, Marie

Year 2014 2006 2012 2012



Deverell, Rita


Dowdeswell, Elizabeth

Dupuis, Ren?e Edwards, Leonard Fellegi, Ivan Fonberg, Robert

Fortier, Michael

Fortier, Yves

Fowler, Robert Fraser, John Franklin, Ursula Georgetti, Ken Hamilton, Sylvia Hanson, Arthur Harcourt, Michael Harder, Peter H?bert, Chantal Heinbecker, Paul Iacobucci, Frank Jaager Roy, Evaleen


2009 2013 2009 2015



2008 2015 2007 2015 2008 2006 2004 2009 2011 2005 2006 2013

Jamieson, Roberta


Joe, Misel


Johnson, Pierre Marc


106 Trudeau Mentors 2004-2015

Occupation (selection)

Retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada

Former Canadian Ambassador to the United States

Former Minister of Health, Quebec

Former President and CEO, Ontario Chamber of Commerce Healthcare Specialist, Sisters of Mercy, Newfoundland and Labrador

Retired Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada

Theatre artist, television producer and director, founder of Vision TV; former Nancy's Chair in Women's Studies, Mount Saint Vincent University Former President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization Lawyer and writer; former Chief Commissioner of the Indian Claims Commission Former Deputy Minister and Ambassador, Canada

Chief Statistician Emeritus Former Special Adviser to the Privy Council; Former Deputy Minister of National Defense Former Minister and Senator, Canada; Vice Chairman, RBC Capital Markets Former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations; international arbitrator Former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations; retired diplomat Former Master of Massey College; former journalist

Professor emerita and physicist, University of Toronto

Former President of the Canadian Labour Congress

Filmmaker; writer Former President, International Institute for Sustainable Development Former Premier of British Columbia Senior Policy Advisor, Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP; former Deputy Minister Journalist, Toronto Star, Le Devoir Former Assistant Deputy Minister, Canada; former Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations Lawyer, Torys LLP; former Chief Justice, Federal Court Former Senior Vice-President, Electronic Arts; Principal, Jaager Roy Advisory Inc. President and CEO, National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation; member of the Mohawk Nation from the Six Nations, Grand River Territory Saquamaw and Administrative Chief, Mi'kmaq Grand Council (Newfoundland) Former Premier of Quebec


Name Johnston, Donald

Judd, Jim

Kariya, Paul Labelle, Huguette Lankin, Frances Lazar, Avrim Lessard, Daniel Louie, Clarence

MacDonald, Jessica

MacKinnon, Janice Mailhot, Louise Manji, Irshad Marchildon, Gregory Martin, Sandy Maxwell, Judith May, Elizabeth

McAskie, Carolyn

McLauchlan, Wade McLellan, A. Anne McTeer, Maureen Moody, Robert P. Morin, Marie-Lucie Morley, David Murray, Larry Neve, Alex

Year 2006


2012 2007 2012 2014 2012 2014


2008 2008 2005 2006 2013 2004 2005


2013 2009 2011 2015 2014 2006 2008 2008

Occupation (selection) Lawyer; former Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Former Deputy Minister, Canada; former Secretary of the Treasury Board; former Director, Canadian Intelligence Security Service Executive Director, Clean Energy Association of British Columbia Former Chancellor, University of Ottawa

Commissioner, Review of Social Assistance in Ontario; former Minister, Ontario Former President and CEO, Forest Products Association of Canada; former Assistant Deputy Minister, Canada

Former journalist and broadcaster, Radio-Canada; author

Chief of the Nk'Mip Band in Osoyoos, British Columbia; CEO, Osoyoos Indian Band Development Corporation Former Deputy Minister to the Premier, British Columbia; Executive Vice-President, Heenan Blaikie Consulting Former Minister of Finance, Saskatchewan; Professor, University of Saskatchewan Strategic Counsel, Fasken Martineau; former Justice, Court of Appeal of Qu?bec Author, journalist

Professor, University of Regina

Vice President, East Coast, Suncor Energy

Former President, Canadian Policy Research Networks

Head of the Green Party, Canada; former President, Sierra Club Canada Senior Fellow, Graduate School of Policy and International Affairs, University of Ottawa; former Assistant Secretary General for Peacebuilding, United Nations

President Emeritus, University of Prince Edward Island

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Cabinet Minister

Lawyer; author

Former Chief Executive Officer, Pier 21; former Deputy Minister, Education, Nunavut Former Executive Director for Canada, Ireland and the Caribbean at the World Bank CEO, Save the Children Canada; former CEO, Institute for Canadian Citizenship Former Acting Chief of Defence Staff; former Associate Deputy Minister and Deputy Minister, Canada

Secretary General, Amnesty International Canada

106 Trudeau Mentors 2004-2015


Name Nolen, Stephanie Nutt, Samantha Obomsawin, Alanis Owen, Stephen Patten, Monica Pettigrew, Pierre Redfern, Madeleine Richard, Bernard

Roberts, Don

Roberts, Ed Rosenberg, Morris Saganash, Rom?o Saint-Pierre, Pierre Schindler, David

Seymoar, Nola-Kate Simon, Mary Simpson, Jeffrey Sims, John Smith, Gordon Speaker, Raymond A.

Stirk, Jillian

Stoddart, Jennifer Strahl, Chuck Thompson, Rosemary

Year 2006 2011 2009 2015 2008 2010 2013 2012


2010 2005 2005 2010 2014

2009 2014 2005 2012 2007 2008

2015 2015 2012 2013

Occupation (selection) Author and journalist, national and international affairs, The Globe and Mail

Founder and Executive Director, War Child Canada

Documentary filmmaker; member of the Abenaki Nation

Former Member of Parliament; former Deputy Attorney General of British Columbia

President and CEO, Community Foundations Canada

Executive Advisor, International, Deloitte; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada Former mayor, Iqaluit; former Executive Director, Qikiqtani Truth Commission Former Ombudsman and Child and Youth Advocate of New Brunswick; former Minister, New Brunswick President and CEO, Nawitka Capital Advisors; former Vice-Chair of Wholesale Banking at CIBC World Markets Inc Former Member of Parliament, Minister, and Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador

Former Deputy Minister of Health, Canada

Former Director of Quebec and International Relations for the Grand Council of the Crees Former President and CEO, SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. Killiam Memorial Professor of Ecology, University of Alberta, and Founding Director of the Experimental Lakes Area Former President and CEO, International Centre for Sustainable Cities (now Sustainable Cities International)

Past President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami

Journalist, national affairs, The Globe and Mail Former Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General of Canada Former Deputy Minister, Canada; former Canadian Ambassador to the European Union and NATO Former Leader of the Representative Party of Alberta; former Minister, Canada Former Canadian ambassador to Norway; former Assistant Deputy Minister of Strategic Policy, Global Issues, and European Affairs

Former Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Former Minister, Canada

Former Correspondent, CTV and CBC; Director of Communications and Public Affairs, National Arts Centre

106 Trudeau Mentors 2004-2015


Name Turpel-Lafond, Mary Ellen

Watt-Cloutier, Sheila

White, Jodi

Wiwa, Ken

Wright, Robert Yeates, Glenda

Year 2011

2006 2010 2004 2011 2014

Occupation (selection)

Representative for Children and Youth, British Columbia; Former Administrative Judge, Saskatchewan Provincial Court

Former Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Iqaluit

President, Sydney House Consultants; former President, Public Policy Forum Former Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on Peace, Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation; former journalist, international affairs, The Globe and Mail

Former Deputy Minister of Finance, Canada

Former Deputy Minister, Canada and Saskatchewan

106 Trudeau Mentors 2004-2015



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