University of Aberdeen | Celebrating 525 Years



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NB: A thesis will not be made confidential unless written justification (see Section C), approved by Supervisors and Head of School, is submitted along with the hard copy of the thesis. Please make sure that Section C of this form is completed in order to provide written justification

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NB: Candidates are advised to consult a supervisor or other member of staff before signing. Candidates should note that any user of their work will be required to sign or agree to a copyright declaration and conform to the provisions of current copyright law

To be completed and returned to: The Information Desk, Floor 1, The Sir Duncan Rice Library (in person) or Cataloguing Unit, Room 106, The SDRL, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3AA (by post)



Under the University’s regulations governing the submission of theses and dissertations for higher degrees, available at, any thesis (unless restricted) may be:

1. Consulted for research purposes by any user within the University Library, whether that user is a registered staff member or student of the University or a member of the public

2. Made available through the University of Aberdeen institutional repository and be accessible to a wide variety of people and institutions (including automated agents) via the World Wide Web.

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Rights granted to the University of Aberdeen through this agreement are entirely non-exclusive and royalty free. The candidate is free to publish their Thesis in its present version or future versions elsewhere. The candidate agrees that administrators of the University of Aberdeen institutional repository or any third party with whom the University has an agreement to do so may, without changing content, translate the Thesis to any medium or format for the purpose of future preservation and accessibility.

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The candidate understands that a thesis deposited in the University of Aberdeen institutional repository without restriction will be accessible to a wide variety of people and institutions (including automated agents) via the World Wide Web, e.g. EthOS

The candidate understands that once their thesis is deposited, a citation to the thesis will always remain visible. Removal of the thesis can be made after discussion with the administrators of the University of Aberdeen institutional repository, who shall make best efforts to ensure removal of the thesis from any third party with whom the University has an agreement.

By signing the declaration the candidate agrees as follows:

1. That the candidate is the author or co-author of the thesis and has the authority on behalf of the author or authors to make this agreement and to hereby give the administrators of the University of Aberdeen institutional repository the right to make available the thesis in the way described above

2. That the candidate has exercised reasonable care to ensure that the thesis is original, and does not to the best of their knowledge break any UK law or infringe any third party’s copyright or other Intellectual Property Right

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We agree that this thesis be made confidential for the reasons outlined above for the period specified in Section A

Signature (First supervisor): Date:

Signature (Second supervisor): Date:

Signature (Head of School): Date:


Copies provided:

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|7. |Written justification (Section C), approved by Supervisor and Head of School why there should be no access |*Yes/No |

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*Delete as appropriate

Details of the material removed from the publicly available copy:

Additional descriptive keywords or phrases describing the subject of the thesis:


Email address (non-university if leaving the institution) in case of queries



Biological Sciences Business School

Divinity, History and Philosophy Education

Engineering Geosciences

Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture Law

Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition Natural and Computing Sciences

Psychology Social Science


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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