The Ringing World


Index 2017

Introductory Notes

Acronyms and abbreviations: ANZAB Australian & New Zealand Assoc of Bellringers; AGM Annual General Meeting; Assoc Association; ART Association of Ringing Teachers; B Bob; BR bell ringers; CA County Association; CC Central Council; contrib contributor; D Delight; DA Diocesan Association; DG Diocesan Guild; obit obituary; QP quarter peal; quarters quarter peals; RW Ringing World; S or ST Saint; S Surprise; TB Treble Bob; TP Treble Place.

Filing orders: Mc filed as Mac; St filed as Saint; personal initials under first letter e.g. AJB in the 'A' section. Letter writers are indexed under the main heading ‘letters’; names of individual CC Committees e.g. Public Relations Committee are indexed under the main heading ‘Central Council Committees’.

Locators: bold locators are used where appropriate to indicate the most significant reference(s) or front page articles; italics are used for photographs and illustrations, though these are only distinguished where they form a significant subject in themselves rather than as part of the article; the suffix (let) is used for letters; the suffix (eds) is used for editorials.

Alphabetical Index

12-bell ringing: Cirencester, Glos, S John Bapt in 1767 96; judging striking 220–221; new contest for North West 121–123

see also National 12 Bell Striking Contest

50 Ringing Things (ART) 332, 527–528 (let), 574 (let), 1255

Abbey ringers remembered 538

Abbots Bromley, Staffs, S Nicholas 516

academic journal, bells 787

access to towers, 'Thought for the week' 567

accidents/incidents: Bristol, C Bris, S Michael 359; "Cumberland Secretary takes plunge" 682; Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM 171 (eds), 175, 245 (let)

Accrington, Lancs, S James 953

activity trackers 101 (let)

Adams, David (contrib) 121–123

ageing and ringing 592

Agg, Anne and Rex 817

Ainsworth, Alan 1133

Ainsworth, Elva, family ring 482, 495

Alderney Channel Islands’ Ringing Centre 'Wells Bells' 1063

Alderney, S Anne, long length peal: breaking the Maximus record 1030–1031, 1034; Bristol S Maximus composition 1136; congratulations 1136; Hilling interview 1134; Mounsey interview 1134; photos 1125, 1128; publicity 1129; success 1100; technology 1126; Thurman interview 1135; Tiebout interview 1134; umpiring 1129; Wilby interview 1126–1127

All Wales Striking Competition 1071

Allen, Clive (obit) 358, 564

'Alternative Hobbyist': beekeeping 739 (eds), 757; brick laying 236–237; buttons 853; harp 636–637; post boxes 404–405, 471

see also rowing; Scout Association

America see Canada; USA

Anderson, John E. (Jack) (obit) 830, 854

Anderton, Frank (obit) 283

Anglican Church see Church of England

Angrave, Mick (contrib) 1172, 1197

anniversaries: Abbots Bromley, Staffs, S Nicholas 516; Ash by Wrotham, Kent, SS Peter & Paul 781; Elizabeth II, Queen, 70th Wedding Anniversary 911 (eds), 928–929; Exeter Colleges Guild 217–219, 916, 932; first ten-bell peal 300th 309; Handbell Ringers of GB 50th 120, 174 (let), 517; Leeds and Liverpool Canal bicentenary 69; Radio Leicester’s 50th 1172; Reed, Colin and Beryl 472; Roving Ringers 70th reunion 548–549; Sibson, Derek 698; Stepney, Gr London, S Dunstan 1100; World War I 816 (let)

appeals see charity; fund raising; restoration projects

Appleby, Robert (contrib) 150

Armistice centenary 1206 (let)

Armitage, Geoffrey D. (obit) 284–285

'Around and About', 25 Years Ago 574, 854

'Around' peal tour, Pidley, Cambs 866

ART see Assoc of Ringing Teachers

art: Durham Cathedral's Lumiere Festival 1109; Milton Keynes soundmap 1123

ASCY see College Youths, Ancient Society of

Ash by Wrotham, Kent, SS Peter & Paul 781

Ash, John (contrib) 617–619

Ashton, Emily (contrib) 1074

Aslett, Peter (contrib) 587

Aspland, Andrew R., resignation 150

Assoc of Ringing Teachers (ART): 50 Ringing Things 332, 527–528 (let), 574 (let), 1255; 2016 Annual Report 380–381; awards 2017 263; awards 2018 applications 1028; conference 2017 243 (eds), 264, 265–267, 267 (eds); learning handbells 168; Learning the Ropes 1024, 1053–1055, 1150, 1246; A Ringer's Guide to Learning the Ropes 72; Teacher’s Guide to Learning The Ropes 957–958; Technology in Teaching 550; "What happens after an ART course?" 1254–1255; workshops 571

Athawes, Angela (contrib) 1001

Atkinson, Eric (contrib) 119

Atom (obit) 522

Audley, Helen (contrib) 1254

augmented rings, Blockley, Glos, SS Peter & Paul 1253

see also new bells; restoration projects

Austin Reed 759

Australia: Bexley, Aus, New South Wales, S Gabriel 492; new bells for Ingleburn 96; steel bells 196–197, 223 (let)

ANZAB 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 434–435

Austrian student research project 494, 574 (let)

Aves, Simon (author) 1080–1081

awards: Assoc of Ringing Teachers 263, 1028; Beamish, David 25; Dorothy L. Sayers Award 1056–1057; Skelton, Neil 71; Technology in Teaching award 550

Bachelor, Sandra (contrib) 116

Back, Charles William, Lance Corporal 927

Bagley, David (contrib) 500, 514

Bailey brothers 764–765

Bailey, Margaret (contrib) 1149

Bailey, Roger (obit) 11, 30 (let)

Baldry, Tony, Sir 691 (eds), 692–693

Balls, Ed, returns to ringing 1147

Bamford, Stuart I. (author) 408

Bampton, Margaret Anne (obit) 587, 615

Banister, William 622

Banton, Jonathan (contrib) 998

Barber, Alan (contrib) 999

Barber, Rachel (contrbi) 711

Barnes, Jean (contrib) 283

Barnes, Phillip (contrib) 126, 450, 763, 766, 1156–1157

Barnes, Tim (contrib) 1105

Basford, Hazel (contrib) 1175

Basil, Jones 1133

Basildon, Essex, S Martin of Tours, Basildon Bell Tower 685

Bath & Wells DACR: honorary life members reunion 1122; QP month 632

BBC see broadcasts; Children in Need; radio

BBC Music Day: 280 towers ring for 619; "all about harmony" 523; "an insight into" 644, 645; BellBoard 496, 567; full list of towers 772–773; ringing response to 671 (let)

Beach, Donald John (Don) (obit) 118, 261

Beach, Jonathan (contrib) 261

Beacham, David (obit) 188, 198 (let)

Beaminster, Dorset, 50 Years Ago 638

Beamish, David, honours 25

Bedford, Stephen J. (contrib) 1251

beekeeping, 'Alternative Hobbyist' 739 (eds), 757

beer and ringing, 'brewsters' 270 (let), 293 (let), 319 (let)

'Beer Matters' 1292

Belcher, Lesley (contrib) 1254–1255

belfry maintenance: bell frames 495; louvres 741; Manual of Belfry Maintenance 832; woodwork 722

Belgium see Ypres, West Flanders

bell founders: John Taylor & Co 619 (eds), 812; Matthew Higby & Company 620; and Nicholson Engineering Ltd 550; Radio 4 interview 3 (eds), 24; steel bells 196–197

25 Years Ago: 12-tonne bell case at Loughborough 167

50 Years Ago: York bell foundry 1206

see also Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd

bell frames 495

bell funds see Fred E. Dukes International Bell Fund; fund raising; grants

bell towers, 'Thought for the week' 23

BellBoard: 178 Methods 371; Agg, Anne and Rex 817; Ainsworths three generations ring 482; Alderney Channel Islands’ Ringing Centre 'Wells Bells' 1063; Alderney long length 1087; 'animal week' 250; Austin/Williams wedding peal 841; BBC Music Day 496, 567; big bells 31; Birmingham undergraduate peal 1232; Birmingham, W Mids, Cath Ch of S Philip 941; Bladon, Brian 1139; Bridle, Peter 225; Bristol, S Thomas the Martyr 1207; Bristol undergraduate peal 1271; Brock, Dennis 673, 1187; Calvert band 176, 192; Carey, Ben 987; combination with 407; Cumberland Youths 394; Dillistone, Pip 648; Dordrecht Challenge 1109; Exeter Colleges Guild 916; FaceTime 56, 72; Goodyer, Tom 298; Grand Tour 2017 225, 240; Groves, Bernard 696; Haynes, Bill 528; Higby, Matthew 458; Hilling, David and Matthew 1038; Holdsworth, James 745; Horton's Four 506; January review 8, 24; Lawson, Gareth L. M. 176; 'likes' 79; Liverpool, Mers, Cath Ch of Christ, 1160; London, C London, Cath Ch of S Paul 793; long length Bob Doubles 176, 192; Manchester arena attack 554; in memoriam 600; National 12 Bell Striking Contest prep 625; outdoor ringing 767; Page, Daniel 965; performance list 128; Pipe, Henry J. W. 56, 72; Reading, Alan 1012; Regan, Alison 722; Ringing World access 980; Sherwood, Anna 965; silent peals 320; Southwark bells 342; Town, James 745; tribute performances 153; Tulloch spliced s maximus 576; University of London Society handbell peal 865; university ringing 107, 153, 176, 200; York, N Yorks, Cath & Metropolitical Church of S Peter (York Minster) 298; York ringers 200; young ringers QP 275; Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George 888

bellringers’ blessing 879

Bells & Bellfounding (Milsom) 1232

Bells4StGeorgeYpres 733–735

see also Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George

Bennett, Peter (CRAG Team) 789

Bentley, Alan (contrib) 28

Beresford, Jeremy (contrib) 1171

Beresford, Peter (obit) 1171

Beverley Surprise, 'Education Column' 856

Bevis, Peter 6 (let)

Bexley, Aus, New South Wales, S Gabriel 492

Biddenden, Kent, All Saints, 100 Years Ago 1218

Big Ben: casting 905–906; out of action 836, 837; 'Thought for the week' 931

Birkenhead Park, Merseyside 360

Birks, Frederick, 2nd Lieutenant 975

Birmingham, W Mids, Cath Ch of S Philip, National 12 Bell eliminators 264

Birmingham, W Mids, National 12 Bell team 610

Birmingham, W Mids, S Martin (Bullring) 1296; 50 Years Ago 45; Ringing World National Youth Contest 641–643, 737–741, 767 (let)

Birmingham, W Mids, SS Peter & Paul, Aston, Don Finnemore 716

birthdays: Brock, Dennis 1187, 1200; Goodyer, Tom 298, 336; Robertson, Ross 796; Slatford, Fred 845; Walker, Jim 878

Black Bourton, Oxon, S Mary V 1225–1226

Blackawton Boys, Devon, S Michael, history 78–79, 102–103

Blackman, Jean Elizabeth (obit) 999

Bladon, Brian 1139, 1152

blessings: Southwark, Gr London, Cath Ch of S Saviour 76–77; Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George 979, 1077–1079

Blockley, Glos, SS Peter & Paul 1253

Bodenham, Harry 784

books, inc ('Book Review'): 50 Ringing Things 332, 527–528 (let), 574 (let), 1255; academic journal on bells 787; Bells & Bellfounding 1232; Compendium of Plain Doubles Methods 408; Fifty English Steeples (Flannery) 164–165; historian J. C. L. Stahlschmidt 4–5; A History of Change Ringing in Scotland 1080–1081; listening skills 28–29; Manual of Belfry Maintenance 832; A Ringer's Guide to Learning the Ropes 72, 640; Teacher’s Guide to Learning The Ropes 957–958; On This Day... 710

Booth, Roger (CRAG Team) 789

Borden, Kent, SS Peter & Paul 909–911, 913

Border, Ruth (contrib) 235

Borman, Will (contrib) 515

Boston, MA, USA, Christ Church, Old North 100–101

Bosworth, Will (contrib): ART conference 2017 265–267; bell projects in York 141; Church Buildings Council 815; Diocesan Advisory Committee 804; Heritage Lottery Fund 815; judging striking 669–670; long length on Alderney 1030–1031, 1034; Ringing for Peace 1104–1105; Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George 1077–1079

see also BellBoard

Bow, Gr London, S Mary, peal withdrawn 621 (let)

Bowers, Malcolm (contrib) 879

Bradford, Andy (contrib) 357

Bradley, Edna (obit) 331, 928

Brent Tor, Devon, S Michael 249

'brewsters' 270, 293 (let), 319 (let)

brick laying, 'Alternative Hobbyist' 236–237

Bridle, Peter, 5000 peals 225, 252

Bristol, C Bris, National 12 Bell team 611

see also Gloucester & Bristol DA

Bristol, C Bris, S Mary V, Redcliffe 931

Bristol, C Bris, S Michael 359

Bristol S Maximus, long length 1136, 1252 (let)

Bristol, S Thomas the Martyr 1207

Bristol University Society (UBSCR), cupid selfie challenge 120

British Empire Medal, Neil Skelton 71

broadcasts: BBC Music Day 496, 523; bell founders interview 3 (eds), 24; Chilham, Kent, S Mary on BBC 47; Radio Leicester’s 50th Anniversary 1172; Russian bells 1027; Songs of Praise 349; Sunday Worship 841 (let)

25 Years Ago: memorial service of John Arlott 107

Brock, Dennis 673, 1187, 1200

Brooke, Norfolk, S Peter 617–619

Brown, Kathleen M. (obit) 1148

Brown, Keith 866

Brown, Michael Ernest (obit) 307–308

Bulleid, Chris (contrib) 21

Bund, Konrad (contrib) 1281

buoy bell 716

Buswell, Alan (contrib): mid-year 2017 observations 741, 783; November observations 1223; QP report 2016 330; QP September records 1027

Buswell, Brian Maurice (obit) 612–613

Buswell, Neil (contrib) 1076

Butler, Bill, On This Day... 710, 716

see also peal ringers, 'prolific'

Button, Roger (contrib) 383, 458

buttons, 'Alternative Hobbyist' 853

calendar, Ringing World 544, 1052

'Call me observation': Christmas Special 1290; conductors 735; exam season 591; practices 519; "quirky foibles" 567; ten pin bowling 543; "To Peal or not to Peal?" 639, 671 (let); understanding the more advanced ringer 615

calling methods see 'Education Column'; talking while ringing

calling positions 1248

Cambrai anniversary 6 (let)

Cambridge, Cambs, National 12 Bell team 611

Cambridge, Cambs, Our Lady & Eng Martyrs 600

Cambridge Minor, 'Education Column' 652–653, 712, 760, 808

Cambridge University Guild (CUGCR), Annual Dinner 2017 292–293

Camp, John E. (obit) 29 (let), 221

Campbell, Wendy (contrib) 539–540

Campton Festival of Bells 1151, 1204–1205

Canada: anniversary of confederation 1156–1157; York ringers' trip 932

cancer see Strike Back Against Blood Cancer campaign

Canford School Society 528 (let)

Cannon, Freda (obit) 70, 213–214

Canterbury, Kent, Cath & Metropolitical Church of Christ: exile in 19th Century 1082–1083; logbook 790, 839, 917, 982, 1035

Carey, Ben 220, 987

Carey, Ian (contrib) 1001

Carr, Alan, Revd (contrib) 1223

Carson, Marie (contrib) 636–637

Caryer, Chris (contrib) 548–549

Casserley, Richard (obit) 1074, 1099, 1220

casting see bell founders

Cattell, Mike (contrib) 1196–1197

Cawley, David (contrib) 689–691

centenaries, World War I 816 (let)

see also anniversaries

Central Council: 2016 AGM 418–425; 2017 Annual Meeting minutes 1051; 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 409–448; apathy towards 523 (eds); Christmas message 1251; Church Buildings Council 691 (eds), 692–693, 979; CRAG response 479–481 (let); date touches 1286–1287; Decisions framework 1105; Ecclesiastical Insurance Group 625; Edinburgh meeting 383, 545–547, 547 (eds); Historic England meeting July 615; louvres 741; Manual of Belfry Maintenance 832; new leadership 545–546, 574 (let); new website 144, 148, 433; November away day 1183; reform plans 663, 837; 'Ringing Remembers' 1257; visual aids for public speaking 621 (let); volunteers called for workgroups 914; "What people say" 26–27; woodwork 722

simplifying the rules: approach and architecture 934–935, 937; consultation 1227 (eds), 1230–1231; First Draft 1058–1059

see also CRAG (Central Council Review Action Group)

Central Council Committees: CRAG report 505

Administrative Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 432–433; March meeting 311; October meeting 1102

Bell Restoration Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 438–439; restoration projects 337–339

Biographies Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 439–440; meeting in Edinburgh 662

Carter Ringing Machine Collection 446

Compositions Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 440

Dove's Guide 447

Education Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 440; reform needed 199 (let); resources from 171

Information and Communications Technology Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 440–441

International Reports: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 434–436

Methods Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 441–442; CRAG report 502–503 (let); CRAG response 527 (let); decisions on peals, methods and calls 247–249; public consultation 55 (let), 102 (let), 243 (eds)

Peal Records Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 442–446

Public Relations Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 433–434

Publications Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 437

Redundant Bells Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 437

Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 447

Ringing Centres Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 437

Ringing Trends Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 437

Rolls of Honour steward 446–447

Tower and Belfries Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 437–438; news from 75

Tower Stewardship Committee: 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 438

Central European Association, 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 435

Chadwick, Simon (contrib) 28–29, 682–683

Chagford, Devon, S Michael 1258–1260

Chalk, Peter (contrib) 96

Chamberlain, Russell (contrib) 215, 287, 783, 1247

Change Ringing, an Introduction to the Early Stages of the Art of Church or Hand Bell Ringing (Troyte) 792 (let), 841 (let)

Chapman, Elizabeth nee Bate (obit) 518, 780

charity: abseil at Dorchester Abbey 384; Children in Need 640, 880; Heritage Open Days 640; Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust 317–318; sponsored peal by Robert Wood 75; WaterAid 960; World Challenge 522

see also Children in Need; Strike Back Against Blood Cancer campaign

Cherry, Alistair 1030–1031, 1034

Chester DG, Mid-Cheshire branch QP f/night 1279

child protection see safeguarding

Children in Need: Heritage Open Days 640; #PealForPudsey 880, 1007; ringing for 1152

Chilham, Kent, S Mary, BBC drama 47

chiming: CRAG report 503 (let); deaf ringers 29–30 (let)

Christchurch, SI, New Zealand, S Paul, Papanui: rebuild 961; transitional ringing facility 1177–1178, 1179 (eds), 1181

Christmas: "A Christmas dream" 1285; 'Call me observation' 1290; Central Council president 1251; challenge at Old Brampton 48; Duston's bell tree 1228; 'Education Column' 1261; Marske by the Sea tree 1245; 'Puzzle Corner' 71, 1288–1289; sound of bells 1251 (eds); 'Tail Ends' 1294–1295; "The Christmas Call" 1251; Yuleboard 1271

Church Buildings Council: meeting July 615; news from 979; resources 815; weekend in Edinburgh 691 (eds), 692–693

Church of England: Festival Churches 692–693; interaction with ringers survey 1289; "organisation and decline" 1159 (let), 1182 (let); ringer relations 519, 855; safeguarding 195 (eds), 219 (eds), 222–223 (let), 222 (let); safeguarding standards update 959, 961, 961 (let); Witch Hunt 915 (let)

Cirencester, Glos, S John Bapt, twelve-bell ringing 1767 96

City of Things 1123

Clack, Mavis (obit) 1294

Clark, Becky (contrib) 979

Clark, Miriam (obit) 878

Clark, Revd Dennis (obit) 198 (let)

Clerical Ringers, Guild of 1289

Clifton, Graham (contrib) 1249

'clocking' bells 739 (eds), 742

clocks 458, 514

clothing for ringing, 50 Years Ago 1036

Coates, John A. 1072

Coleman, Steve (contrib): criticism of CC 477–478, 501–502 (let); "Ears Only" 127–128; "In Scary Company" 355–356; "no ageism" 314

Coleridge statue, Ottery St Mary 1217

Coley, Richard (contrib) 1217

College Youths, Ancient Society of (ASCY): Canada, anniversary of confederation 1156–1157; dinner 2017 1180; first ten-bell peal 300th 309; in Lincoln 997; National 12 Bell team 585; Old Fogles Summer Tour 921; West Yorks peal weekend 557

commemorative ringing: 2018 "things to ring for" 1250; Canada, anniversary of confederation 1156–1157; Elizabeth II, Queen, 70th Wedding Anniversary 911 (eds), 928–929, 1123; Hurricane Harvey 1097; 'Marking an occasion' 215; monarch deaths 671 (let), 718 (let), 742 (let); reasons for ringing 1155 (eds), 1158 (let); Ringing for Peace 1103, 1104–1105, 1132 (let); Royal Wedding 1252 (let); Tadcaster, N Yorks, S Mary 620; World War I ringing 816 (let)

Compendium of Plain Doubles Methods (Bamford) 408

compensation for ringers 198 (let), 199 (let)

compositions: Bristol S Maximus long length 1136; Smith's '23 all the work' 61

75 Years Ago: "The nature of the rows" 224

computers/technology: Alderney peal live stream 1126; FaceTime peal 56; raising and lowering 198 (let); simulators 1229 (let); Technology in Teaching award 550

see also websites

conductors 1155 (eds); 'Call me observation' 735; calling positions 1248; talking while ringing 1124; 'That's all' 1124, 1132 (let), 1158–1159 (let), 1182 (let); your first touch 1176

1000 peals as conductor: Reading, Alan 1012, 1064

3000 peals as conductor: Dove, C. Barrie 819

see also 'First Peal as Conductor'; Lightweight Conductor

Congleton, Cheshire, S Peter: "mostly visitors" 621 (let)

Cook, Colin (contrib) 1147

Cooper, C. J. 95, 102 (let), 149–150 (let)

Corbin, David (contrib) 524–525

corn dollies 781

Cornworthy, Devon, S Peter 933, 936

Cossavella, Ann (contrib) 976

course bells, 'Education Column' 520

Coventry DG, Richard III tour 804–805

Coventry Spires 592

Crabtree, Ellen (contrib) 307–308

CRAG (Central Council Review Action Group): Central Council Committees 505; communication 551 (let); Edinburgh new President response 545–547; final word on 763, 766, 816 (let); findings explained 451–452; members of 788–789; report and CC leadership response 449–450, 451 (eds), 454–455 (let); response to report 475 (eds), 477–478, 478–481 (let), 501–503 (let), 526–527 (let); rules consultation 1230–1231; summary of findings and proposals 425–428; survey 101–102 (let), 126

see also Central Council

Cranfield, Frances (contrib) 732

Creese, Malcolm (contrib) 1053–1055

Cresshull, Ian (contrib) 974

cricket, "How's bat?" 1001

Cringles, Revd George G. (contrib) 47, 1003

Cripps, Nigel (contrib) 716

Crowther, Tony (contrib) 1074

Cub Scouting 1–2

Cuff, Percy Charles, Pte 1170

CUGCR see Cambridge University Guild

Cumberland Youths: BellBoard 394; Whitechapel Trophy 1079

DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee) bell advisors conference 804

date touches 1286–1287

Davidson, Pat (contrib) 1038

Davies, Chris (contrib) 1292

Davies, Peter (contrib) 71, 543, 1027

Davis, Doug (contrib) 144, 148, 1173

Dawlish Guild of Devonshire Ringers 608

Dawson, George (contrib) 100–101

DBS checks 1009 (let)

see also safeguarding

de Wet, Tertius 836

deaf ringers 29–30 (let)

Deane, Jonathan (contrib) 857–859

Dearnley, David, judging striking 220

deaths see obituaries

Derick Obergene Society QP Week 899

Desborough, Northants, S Giles 1172

Desmond, John (obit) 1002

Devon early change ringing see under histories

Devonshire Ringers Guild 1010–1011

Dew, Janet (contrib) 1148

Dinsey, Poppy 833–835

Diocesan Advisory Committee conference 804

disabled ringers 29–30 (let)

dogs at ringing practices 742 (let), 766–767 (let), 793 (let), 865 (let), 916 (let)

dogs, Bella (obit) 1219

Dorchester, Dorset, S Peter, tea shops 360

Dordrecht, S Holland, Netherlands, 't Klockhuys 1099, 1109

Dorothy L. Sayers Society 1056–1057

Dorset County Assoc: AGM 2017 215; training and dinner 1245

Double Oxford, 'Education Column' 616

Douetil, Julia 879

Dove's Guide: Central Council report 447; practice information 223 (let)

Downes, Sarah (contrib) 189

Downton, Wilts, S Lawrence 1038

Ducker, Ali (contrib) 1173

Duffield, Derbys, S Alkmund 1182 (let)

Dunn, Samuel James (Jim) (obit) 904

Durham and Newcastle Association: Northern District QP day 949; Ramble in Sunderland 829

Durham, Durham, Cath Ch of Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary & S Cuthbert 1109

Durham University Society (DUSCR), review of 2016-17 813

Duston, Northants, S Luke, bell tree 1228

EACR see Essex Assoc

Earis, Philip (contrib) 408, 696

Easter, 'Thought for the week' 311

Ecclesiastical Insurance Group (EIG) 625

Edinburgh University Guild, formation 816 (let)

'Education Column' 499 (eds); Beverley and Primrose 856; calling positions 1248; Cambridge Minor 652–653; Christmas Special 1261; chunks of work 712; Double Oxford and Kent 616; Ipswich and Norwich 908; more about place bells 760; Oswald and London 956; Plain Bob and course bells 520; splicing 808, 1004; St Clement's 568; talking while ringing 1124, 1132 (let), 1158–1159 (let), 1182 (let); touches 808; writing of 1099; Wrong and Home 568; your first touch 1176

Edwards, Jacob (contrib) 522

Edwards, Simon (contrib) 1–2, 589

Eisel, John (contrib): Blackawton Boys 78–79, 102–103; Canterbury band exile 1082–1083; Gloucester, Glos, S Mary de Crypt 1266–1269

Devon early change ringing: "A false dawn" 476; Banister, William 622; Calstock band 552; "Embarrassment at Exeter" 814–815; Guild of Devonshire Ringers 1010–1011; Holsworthy, Woodbury and Clyst St George 504; "Kelly - place and person" 588; S Sidwell 884–885; Troyte, Charles A. W. 672, 768

Elizabeth II, Queen, 70th Wedding Anniversary 911 (eds), 928–929, 1123

Ellis, Anthony (contrib) 383, 855

Elwell-Sutton, Stephen (contrib) 1221

Essex Assoc: striking competitions 1074, 1269

100 Years Ago: ringing for victories 1105

etiquette, learner perspective 791

events, ringing for see commemorative ringing

Everett, Alison (CRAG Team) 789

Exeter see under histories, Devon early change ringing

Exeter Colleges Guild: 50th anniversary 217–219, 916, 932; "Not the dinner weekend" 984

Exeter, Devon, Cath Church of S Peter, National 12 Bell team 585

Exeter Pupils' Ringing Taster Day 826

Exminster Affair 367

FaceTime 56

fake news 961 (let)

Farnsworth, Richard (obit) 69

Fay, Prudence (contrib) 11, 523, 1005–1006, 1220

fees for service ringing 198 (let), 199 (let)

Fellows, Evelyn (Molly) (obit) 70

Fellows, Michael John 1133

Festival Churches 692–693

festivals: Campton Festival of Bells 1151, 1204–1205; Durham Cathedral's Lumiere Festival 1109; Great Dorset Steam Fair 917; Heritage Skills Festival 736; Pearlies’ Harvest Festival 1024; Salisbury DG 565; South Warrington Festival of Ringing 1279

Fielding, Michael (obit) 1002

Finch, Raymond E. (obit) 198 (let)

Finnemore, Don 716

fire, Bristol, C Bris, S Michael 359

Fire Service Guild: 2017 news 1025; Autumn update 117

'First Peal as Conductor': Aldridge, Stephen R. 32; Back, Julian 1064; Baxter, Andrew R. 649; Bence, Toby A. 60; Clarke, Janet M. 1111; Foddering, Linda 58; Gillis, Matthew 919; Hajok, Alexandra J. 155; Hayden, James E. 1013; Howes, Julian O. 58; Jarvis, Daniel R. 201; Mayes, Tom E. 843; Merryweather-Clarke, Alison T. 650; Neil, Peter 920; Pollard, Catherine 819; Porter, Helen 105; Quintin, Sarah J. 276; Scott, Peter J. 37; Spencer, Michael 104; Waters, Cameron A. 1272; Wright, Katie L. 32

'First Peal Congratulations': A; Ace, Jennifer E. 10; Allen, Tristan M. 106; Attaway, Rachel 395; B; Bailey, Lucy 674; Banister, June 1112; Barnell, Christine 508; Bellis, Clare S. 892; Bence, Toby A. 60; Bihn, John 1162; Bosman, Anna M. 459; Brown, Nye 10; Byrne, Janice A. 675; C; Carwardine, Hugh A. 649; Cayton, Danni 36; Chafen, Daniel C. M. 602; Cockbain, Hendy B. 33; Coulter, Jude 1088; Cowdale, Jayne 819; Cowling, Geoff 771; Crafer, Janet 154; Cunningham, Juliet E. 529; D; de Kok, Thirza R. 1188; Deacon, Val 1273; Dunn, Karen 601; Dyer, Samuel C. 868; F; Followell, Roy 178; Franzen, Paul 343; Frith, Sarah E. 1210; G; Gibson, Adam K. 943; Graham, Jennifer A. 276; Gregory, Daniel R. B. 919, 1229; H; Hallett, Aaron 1112; Hamby, Stephen E. 58; Hamilton, Alistair 201; Hardwick, Bob 33; Harris, Nicki 819; Herrington, Bradley 602; Higgins, Carol A. 1209; Hoey, Richard V. 130; Hopkins, Kevyn 988; Horton, Thomas 178; Hunnebeck-Wells, Amelie 58; Hunnebeck-Wells, Corinne S. 58; J; Jeffers, Cliff 1161; Jeffries, Sandy L. 602; Jerome, Matthew N. 942; Jones, Yuka M. 1137; K; Keeble, Sophie M. 508; King, Colin F. 844; King, Matthew J. R. 577; Kingston, Ian 928; Kulas, Maria 301; L; Laedlein, Jen 1089; Larter, Barnaby R. 1272; M; Mandell, Courtney J. A. 794; Meakin, Frazer 397; Meyer, Andrew D. 603; Mitchell, Cameron 369; Mitman, Alicia 919; Moller, Janet M. 154; Monck, Ashley F. E. 33; Moore, Adam D. 1272; Moriarty, Sarah 1065; N; Nestor, Thomas 746; O; Osman, Dena 1272; P; Painter, Greg 699; Pang, Margaret Y. 10; Parfrey, Helena G. 31; Parfrey, Philippa M. 31; Paul, Austin 968; Pawley, Caroline N. 1088; Pelley, David 699; Q; Quartly, Phil 674; R; Reade, Lucas 129; Renton, Callum 154; Richardson, Joshua J. 820; Roden, Stephen 819; S; Schofield, Patricia M. 556; Scott, Isabella 683; Senior, Samuel M. 130; Shannon, Peter 919; Sharp, Rebecca J. 483; Sims, Paul 699; Stevens, Alison 1065; Stock, Matthew 1188; Stokes, Cathryn A. 32; Stone, Matthew 34; Stuttard, Michael J. T. 33; Sweet, Joel 919; T; Talbot, Eleanor C. 397; Telfer, Brian W. 508; Turner, Laura 300; W; Warren, Stella Y. 1139; Watson, Ollie E. P. 80; Weston, Alastair 769; Whitfield, Dave 819; Whitmee, Alan J. 251; Williams, Matthew 943; Worger, Charlie 33

Fisher, Peter (contrib) 359

Flannery, Julian (author) 164–165

floods 767

Foreman, Ruth (obit) 174 (let), 224 (let), 539–540

Foster, Rachel (obit) 46

Foulds, Michael (contrib) 505

founders see bell founders

Fred E. Dukes International Bell Fund: applications for 2018 1174, 1198; Bexley, Aus, New South Wales, S Gabriel 492

Friends of Dorothy Society (FODS) 1200

Frost, Maureen (contrib) 215, 360, 1245

fund raising: Campton Festival of Bells 1204–1205; Historic England 804; Kilifi, Kenya, Africa, S Thomas 788; London, C London, Cath Ch of S Paul 734; Lundy Island, Devon, S Helen 912, 960; Milton Regis, Kent, Holy Trinity 1173

see also charity; Children in Need; grants

Furniss, Peter (contrib) 825

Furnivall, Tony (CRAG Team) 789

Galley, Giles (contrib) 119, 1099

Garrett, Edward Charles (obit) 116

Garton, Linda (contrib) 641–643, 1008, 1151

Gawley, Anna (contrib) 1199

Gay, Martin Alan (obit) 164

Gay, Phil (contrib) 1081

Geoff, Armitage (obit) 22

George, James, peal book 1106–1107

George VI, King of England's death 718 (let), 742 (let)

German Bell Museum 1281

Gescher, Germany, 'Bell Town' 1281

Gingell, Rebecca (contrib) 613

Gipson, John G. (obit) 639, 662, 902–904, 953, 999

Gloucester & Bristol DA: Cuff, Percy Charles, Pte 1170; devolution in 526 (let); "no ageism" 314

Gloucester, Glos, S Mary de Crypt 1266–1269

Godalming, Surrey, SS Peter & Paul 857–859, 888 (let)

Godmanchester Curfew Bell 1011

Gofton family 388–389

'good' ringer, meaning of 1132 (let), 1159 (let), 1182 (let), 1284–1285

Goodman, Norman Jesse 939

Goodyer, Tom, 90th birthday 298, 336

graduations, ringing for 682–683

Grahamstown, EC, South Africa, Cath Ch of S Michael & S George 259–260, 293

Grainger, Bruce (contrib) 591

Grand Tour 2017 225, 240, 361–363, 368, 471

Grandsire Doubles, your first touch 1176

Grandsire Variable Treble Caters, terminology 7 (let)

Grantham, Lincs, S Wulfram 346–349

grants: Bell Restoration Committee 337–339; Heritage Lottery Fund 815; Lundy Island, Devon, S Helen 329; 'Thought for the week' 335

Graves, Philip (contrib) 683–684

Graves, Robert (obit) 683–684

gravestones, 'Thought for the week' 143

Gray, Michel Orsman Gary (obit) 470, 636

Gray, Philip (obit) 406

Great Dorset Steam Fair 917

Great Longstone handbell week 842

Great Ryburgh, Norfolk, S Andrew 124–125

Green, Robin (obit) 1048

Griffin Ringers Outing 1147

Griffiths, Clare (contrib) 1049

Grimwood, David (contrib) 311, 335, 1289

Groves, Bernard, handbell peal 696, 706

Guild of... see under named society

Guildford DG: Farnham District QP Weekend 1046; Guildford District QP Weekend 1092

Haighton, Revd Michael (contrib): "Ring out Freedom - in Christ" 1075; teas and services 1051; 'Thought for the week' 23

Halford, Victoria (contrib) 1149

Hall, Annie (contrib) 592

Hall, Susan (contrib) 48, 1152

Halls, Pat (contrib) 716

Hampton Grammar School 574 (let)

Hancock, Bob (contrib) 1247

Handbell Ringers of GB: 50th anniversary 120, 174 (let), 517; West Midland Region 1075

handbells: Assoc of Ringing Teachers initiative 168; Great Longstone handbell week 842; Groves, Bernard 691 (eds), 696, 706; Middlesex CA 613; music on 831; Rothbury handbells 1262–1263

Hardie, Sara (contrib) 928

harp, 'Alternative Hobbyist' 636–637

Harpole, Helen (contrib) 685

Harris, Brian (contrib) 1022–1023

Harris, Frederick R. (obit) 906

Harris, Tom (contrib) 1196

Harrison, John (contrib): 2018 "things to ring for" 1250; brick laying 236–237; Elizabeth II, Queen, 70th Wedding Anniversary 1123; pullometer 1207

Harrow School, Middlesex 613

Hartnell, Richard (contrib) 1075

Haseldine, Julie, 1000 peals 374

Hawkins, Trisha (contrib) 471

Hayward, Bob (contrib) 1292

health and safety see accidents/incidents; safety in ringing

Heaven, Lindsay (contrib) 791

Helliwell, Anthony J. 953

Helliwell, Ray (contrib) 953

Hennessy, Louisa 1101, 1103 (eds)

Henney, Janice (obit) 1263

Henry, David (contrib) 93

Henry Johnson Commemoration Dinner: 100 Years Ago 225; 2017 dinner 244

Hereford DG: Ledbury striking contest 167; members of 816 (let); and safeguarding 222 (let), 245 (let)

Heritage Lottery Fund: grants 815; 'Thought for the week' 335

Heritage Open Days: Borden, Kent, SS Peter & Paul 909–911; Children in Need 640

Heritage Skills Festival 736

Hertford College Youths 1228–1229, 1252 (let)

Hertford County Assoc: Kimpton Cup 1074; Western district QP week 186

Hibbert, Bill (contrib) 196–197

High Wycombe, Bucks, All Saints school society 497–499

High Wycombe, Bucks, National 12 Bell team 585

Higson, Jennie (contrib) 1096

Hilling, David and Matthew, 1000th peal 1036, 1108, 1132 (let)

Hilling, David (contrib) 1129

Hilling, Matt, long length peal 1030–1031, 1034, 1134

Hine, Tim (contrib) 1102

Hinks, Tom: BellBoard 722; judging striking 220

(contrib): Great Longstone handbell week 842; judging striking 220–221

Historic England: meeting July 615; statement on funding 804

histories: Blackawton Boys 78–79, 102–103; Canterbury band exile 1082–1083; Canterbury Cathedral logbook 790, 840, 917, 982, 1035; Chagford, Devon, S Michael 1258–1260; Exminster Affair 367; Gloucester, Glos, S Mary de Crypt 1266–1269; Godmanchester Curfew Bell 1011; Gofton family 388–389; Grahamstown, EC, South Africa, Cath Ch of S Michael & S George 259–260; Grantham, Lincs, S Wulfram 346–349; Hertford College Youths 1228–1229, 1252 (let); A History of Change Ringing in Scotland 1080–1081; Metcalf, John 'Blind Jack' 936; peal book of James George 1106–1107; Pye, William 796; Richard III tour 804–805; Richmond, N Yorks, S Mary 860–861, 884–885, 915 (let); South Africa's bells 836; St Peters in Thanet, Kent, S Peter Ap 689–691; Stahlschmidt, J. C. L. 4–5; steel bells 196–197; Wymondham, Norfolk, Abbey Ch of S Mary V & S Thomas a Becket 764–765

Devon early change ringing: "A false dawn" 476; Banister, William 622; Calstock band 552; "Embarrassment at Exeter" 814–815; Guild of Devonshire Ringers 1010; Holsworthy, Woodbury and Clyst St George 504; "Kelly - place and person" 588; S Sidwell 884–885; Troyte, Charles A. W. 672, 768; "Uplowman and East Budleigh" 938

see also peal ringers, 'prolific'; World War I

Hobbs, Michael John (obit) 190, 491

Holden, Peter (contrib) 96

Holland, David 1098

holidays see outings/tours

'home' calling position 568

Honeyball, George William Waylen, Private 901–902

Honolulu, HI, USA, Cath Ch of S Andrew, 25 Years Ago 768

honours, Beamish, David 25

see also British Empire Medal

Horringer, Suffolk, S Leonard 833–835

Horseman, Michael (contrib) 1122

Hough, Richard (contrib) 143, 1151

Houston, TX, USA, Hurricane Harvey 1097

Hughes, David J. (obit) 22, 140–141

Hughes, Nick (contrib) 332

Hull, David (contrib) 517, 1136

Hunt, Caroline and Paul (contrib) 933, 936

Hunt, Charlie (contrib) 1130–1131

Hunt, D. John (contrib) 491

Hurricane Harvey 1097

Hurry, Lewis (contrib) 472, 980

Hutton, Som, Blessed Virgin Mary 1149

Hyde, Carrie (contrib) 121–123

incidents see accidents/incidents

installations, Kirkham, Lancs, S Michael 905

insurance, Ecclesiastical Insurance Group 625

internet see websites

Ipstones, Staffs, S Leonard 1153–1155

Ipswich Surprise, 'Education Column' 908

Jack, David (contrib) 1153–1155

Jackson, Derek (contrib) 780

Jackson, Ronald Graham (obit) 876

Jackson, Ruth (contrib) 780

Jakeman, Stephen (contrib) 960

Japan, bells 50 Years Ago 23

jargon see terminology

Jasper, Peter (contrib) 497–499, 737–741, 739 (eds)

Jefferis, Mike (contrib) 1023

Jelley, John M. 340

John, Graham (contrib) 706

John Taylor & Co (bell founder) 619 (eds), 812

Johnson, Andrew (contrib) 1264–1265

Johnson, James (contrib) 1255

Johnson, Maddie 620

Johnson, Margaret (contrib) 757

Johnston, Ron (contrib) 563–564

Jones, Ruth (obit) 758

Jordan, Harold Charles (obit) 310, 332

Journal of Campanology 787

'Joy Bells', Cambrai 1130–1131

Joyce, Peter (contrib) 309

judging striking: 12-bell ringing 220–221; Exminster Affair 367; Ledbury's different approach 167; National 12 Bell Striking Contest 172–173, 669–671; strikeometers 647–648 (let); 'tiddlywinks' 621 (let)

Julie McDonnell Bob Doubles 21

'Just Getting it Better': "Ears Only" 127–128; "In Scary Company" 355–356

Kelly, David (contrib) 49–51, 1181

Keltek Trust: activities during 2016 49–51; Christchurch Transitional project 1181; new bells in Australia 96

Kenrick, Jenny (contrib) 542

Kensington Ringing Week 2017 944

Kent CA, 100 Years Ago, World War I 907

Kent, 'Education Column' 652–653

Kent TB, 'Education Column' 616

Kilby, Robert (obit) 262

Kildwick, N Yorks, S Andrew 830

Kilifi, Kenya, Africa, S Thomas, funding 788

Kimber, Jean (obit) 930, 1244

Kimber, Nick (contrib) 1244

Kimpton Cup 1074

Kipling, Benjamin 620

Kippin, Chris (contrib) 1106–1107

Kirkcaldy, David (contrib) 75, 495, 545–547, 1048

Kirkham, Lancs, S Michael 904

Knight, Peter (contrib) 117

Knight, Walter (contrib) see 'Tail Ends'

Knights, Richard (contrib) 69

Knott, Chapman (contrib) 613

L Martin Daniels peal week 579

Ladies Guild: 10-bell QP day 210; and the Dorothy L. Sayers Society 1056–1057; in Liverpool 1057

lady ringers: Women’s Royal Naval Service 1199

50 Years Ago: "Oldest lady ringer" 45

Lancashire Assoc (LACR), Wigan branch, QP week 467

Launcells Ringers 240, 551 (let)

Lay, David (contrib) 217–219

learning to ring: ART course 1254–1255; ART handbells 168; contribution from Lindsay Heaven 791; 'good' ringer, meaning of 1132 (let), 1159 (let), 1182 (let); 'Improve your ringing' courses 1221; Let’s Ring! 876–877; 'Let's Ring' - a one week course 268–269, 572–573; "On learning" 542; 'progress' 639; pullometer 1207; Stone, Glos, All Saints 216; 'Striking Out' 189; Teacher’s Guide to Learning The Ropes 957–958; "two years on" 695

see also 'Education Column'; 'Just Getting it Better'

Lee, Donald Edward (obit) 262, 468

Lee, K. George (contrib) 575

Lee, Richard and Andrew (contrib) 468

Lee, Rob (contrib) 713–715, 717

Lee, Zoe (contrib) 586

Leeds and Liverpool Canal bicentenary 69

Leeds High School, 50 Years Ago 228

Leicester DG, Loughborough District QP and Firsts Month 1020

Leicester, Leics, S Margaret, National 12 Bell eliminators 264

Leicester Rising Ringers 596

Lent, 'Thought for the week' 239, 359

Let's Ring!: Grand Day Out 1032–1033; a one week course 268–269, 572–573; outing 876–877; QP day 1145; quarter peals 784

letters: A; Aldridge, Geoffrey 671 (let), 1059 (let); Appleby, Robert 318 (let); Aspland, Andrew R. 481–482 (let); Atkinson, David 647 (let), 671 (let); Atkinson, Sharon 940 (let); Aves, Simon 816 (let); B; Bagot, Hervey 223 (let); Ballard, Derek 198 (let); Barber, Alan 671 (let); Barnes, Phillip 478–479 (let), 501 (let), 1132 (let); Barnfield, A. J. 983 (let); Barton, Jo 149 (let); Bedford, Stephen 365 (let); Bennett, David 621 (let); Bennett, R. 365 (let), 503 (let); Bentley, Alan 574 (let); Bevis, Peter 6 (let); Biggles (dog) 865 (let); Blundell, Giles 501 (let); Brown, Robin 528 (let); Burbridge, Alan 7 (let); Burns, Adrian 694 (let); Buttery, Brian 694 (let); Button, Roger 223 (let); C; Chester, Mike 101–102 (let), 126, 319 (let), 481 (let), 502 (let); Clode, Martin 1206 (let); Coleman, Steve 501 (let), 526 (let); Collis, Robin 940 (let); Conway, Colin 198 (let), 245 (let), 816 (let); Cooles, Robert 342 (let); Corson, Stuart 940 (let); Cresswell, Carole 481 (let); D; Dalling, Peter 199 (let); David, John 1206 (let); David, Nicky 1182 (let); Davies, Mark 502 (let), 527 (let); de C. Henshaw, Michael J. 526 (let); Dennis, Bob 55 (let); Donaldson, Alistair 480 (let); E; Earis, Philip 454–455 (let); Eccleston, Mark 341 (let); Eisel, John 7 (let), 55 (let), 915 (let); Elks, Nick 551 (let), 621 (let); F; Farrimond, Martin 453 (let); Flavell, Kate 1158 (let); Fleming, Keith H. 841 (let); Fletcher, Denise 816 (let); Foulds, Michael 199 (let), 454 (let); Frost, Alan 126 (let), 223 (let); Frost, Alan (NHTOAF) 101 (let); G; Gander, Mike 480 (let), 1087 (let); Gay, Phil 767 (let); Gibb, John 621 (let); Glover, Harry 7 (let), 293 (let); Gorrod, Philip J. 480 (let); Gwynne, Lucy 527–528 (let); H; Haas, John 865 (let); Hansford, Mike 551 (let); Harris, Brian 502 (let), 1105 (let); Harrison, John 30 (let), 1158 (let); Hayns, John 1132 (let); Henderson, Ian 342 (let); Hilling, David 1132 (let); Hitchins, Laurence 149 (let); Hodge, Alison 599 (let); Hodister, Remi 55 (let); Horne, David 453 (let); Horton, Roderick R. 390 (let); Hough, Richard 816 (let); House, David 621 (let); Howard, Andrew 6 (let), 983 (let); Howes, Mick 816 (let); Hughes, Chris 293 (let); Humphrey, Simon 648 (let); J; Johnson, Andrew 503 (let), 1252 (let); Johnston, Richard 1158–1159 (let), 1182 (let); Jones, Derek 149 (let), 481 (let); Jones, Mary 1252 (let); K; Kippin, Chris 527 (let); L; Lay, Graham 480 (let); Lebon, Rod 1229 (let); Lewis, Catherine 1132 (let); Linford, Simon 222 (let); Livings, Brian 224 (let); Loveless, John 198 (let), 453–454 (let); Lucas, Gordon I. 1206 (let); Lucas, Sebastian 599–600 (let); M; McRobert, Derrick 29–30 (let), 793 (let); Major, Richard 961 (let); Marsden, Sue 718 (let); Mew, Chris 479 (let), 1009 (let); Meyer, Simon 30 (let); Miers, Fred 482 (let); Moore, Christopher 528 (let); Moreton, Michael P. 55 (let); Morrison, Don 502–503 (let); Morton, Sue 671 (let); N; Newman, Colin G. 390 (let); Niblett, Peter 102 (let), 527 (let); Norman, Richard 767 (let), 1105 (let); Norton, Will 915 (let); O; O'Mahony, Christopher 479–480 (let), 1105 (let); P; Page, Jack 792–793 (let); Palmer, Derek 916 (let); Parkes, Nick 621 (let); Partington, John P. 174 (let); Pearson, Fred 222–223 (let); Pearson, Gill 742 (let); Peebles, Andrew 915 (let); Pereira, John 1252 (let); Perry, Robert J. 1059 (let); Petchey, Martin 694 (let); Peterson, Magnus 792 (let); Phyall, Sheila 1105 (let); Pickford, Chris 30 (let), 1182 (let), 1252 (let); Piercey, Elizabeth 1059 (let); Pilgrim, Mike 1182 (let); Pinnock, Revd Martyn 174 (let); Place, Mark 5–6 (let); Pladdys, John 365 (let), 647–648 (let); Porter, Len 245 (let); Price, Helen 574 (let); Price, Richard E. 574 (let); Pugh, Ashley 174 (let), 318 (let), 792 (let); Pullin, Geoff 224 (let); Pullin, Richard 648 (let); R; Rake, David 718 (let); Ramsbottom, James 502 (let); Reade, Alan 222 (let), 961 (let); Reading, Simon 222 (let), 293 (let); Reed, Beryl 742 (let); Reeves, Arthur 341–342 (let), 365 (let); Regan, Mark 319 (let), 574 (let); Rogers, Phil 793 (let), 1206 (let); Roulstone, Ian 222 (let); Rowe, Val 1105 (let); Rowlands, David 29 (let); S; Sanderson, Peter 341 (let), 503 (let); Sealey, Philip 1087 (let); Seymour, Alan 1132 (let); Sharp, Chris 574 (let); Shelley, Mike 503 (let); Sheriff, Robert 940 (let); Shipp, Robin 502 (let); Simon, Nicholas 961 (let); Smith, Anthony P. 365 (let), 481 (let); Smith, David 1132 (let), 1159 (let); Smith, Richard A. 55 (let), 319 (let), 454 (let); Spearey, Edward 526–527 (let); Squirrell, John G. 198 (let); Steele, Ted 888 (let); Stockmann, Caroline 621 (let); Sunman, Adrian F. 1182 (let); Sutton, Helen 718 (let); T; Taulbut, Richard 480–481 (let), 1182 (let); Thorogood, John 551 (let), 742 (let); Timmins, David 101 (let); Towler, Jim 1159 (let); Tremain, Phil 7 (let); Twyman, Allen 1036 (let); U; Underdown, David 6 (let); Uphill, Michael 149–150 (let), 198–199 (let), 224 (let), 318–319 (let), 341 (let), 365 (let), 914–915 (let); V; Verrall, F. Richard 102 (let), 199 (let), 915 (let); W; Waller, Ben 1252 (let); Weeks, Richard 224 (let); Wellen, Robert 1158 (let); Westman, Jet (dog) 766–767 (let); White, Michael V. 198 (let), 1132 (let); Whittington, Philippa 245 (let); Wilkes, Diana 293 (let); Willans, William 621 (let); Willis, Anne 841 (let); Woolley, Robin 1159 (let); Worthington, Tessa 390 (let), 1206 (let); Wright, Chris 126 (let); Y; Young, Mike 1009 (let); Young, Phil 319 (let)

Lewis, Colin A. (contrib): Grahamstown, EC, South Africa, Cath Ch of S Michael & S George 259–260; Webster, Eric Edward (obit) 707

Lewis, John D. (obit) 1293

Lewis, Robert (contrib): bell founders interview 24; Lewis, John D. 1293; Tom Westley interview 883, 887

Liddington, Wilts, All Saints, new ring 145–147

lightning strikes 671 (let)

Lightweight Conductor see under Education Column

Lilley, Jim 820

Lilliputters Guild practices 589

Lilliputters Ringing Tour 977–978

Lincoln, Lincs, Cath Ch of BVM 736

Linford, Revd John (obit) 1099

Linford, Simon: Fifty English Steeples (Flannery) 164–165; Stoke on Trent, Staffs, former ch of S John Ev, Hanley 97–99

(contrib): Linford, Revd John 1099

Lismore, NSW, Australia, S Andrew, World War I 1070

listening skills: 'good' ringing 1284–1285; Whiting Society 28–29

Liverpool, Mers, Cath Ch of Christ, 1160

Liverpool, Mers, Municipal Building 1201, 1202–1203

Llandaff & Monmoth DA (L&MDA), QP f/night 1167

Llandrillo yn Edeyrnion, Denbighs, Wales, S Trillo 825

Llandysul, Ceredigion, Wales, S Tysul 329

Lockhart, Simon (contrib) 1071

London Bridge attacks 571 (eds)

London, C London, Cath Ch of S Paul: appeal 734; National 12 Bell team 585; Strike Back Against Blood Cancer campaign 73–74

London, C London, S Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge, 100 Years Ago 406

London DG: QP day 66; S&W District QP Week 1046

London Surprise, 'Education Column' 956

Long, Graham (contrib) 213–214

long length peals see peals, long length

Longworth, Oxon, S Mary, restoration 761–763

Looker, Charles (contrib) 1011

Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust 317–318, 342 (let)

louvres 741

Love, Dickon (contrib) 1200

Loveless, John (contrib) 902–904, 1204–1205

Lundy Island, Devon, S Helen: fund raising 912, 960, 1086; National Lottery support 329; A week on Lundy 730

Lunn, Brooke (contrib) 1227

Lunn, Leslie 592

McArdle, Clare (contrib) 640

McCallum, Andrew 381

McCardle, Clare (contrib) 1254

McDonnell, Julie see Strike Back Against Blood Cancer campaign

McEune, Rhona (contrib) 807, 1295

McIlwrick, Tony (CRAG Team) 789

MacKenzie, Irene E. (contrib) 813, 1121

McNaughton, Hamish (contrib) 999

McRobert, Derrick (contrib) 936

Maidstone Grammar School 224 (let); 50 Years Ago 194

maintenance see belfry maintenance

Manchester arena attack 554, 575

Mancroft Appeal300 473–475, 569–571

Manship, David (obit) 952

Manual of Belfry Maintenance (CC) 832

Markwick, Anne (contrib) 878

marriages see weddings

Marsden, Sue (contrib) 781

Marsh, Jane (contrib) 1172

Marshall, Chris (contrib) 471, 907

Marshall, Katherine (contrib) 289–291

Marske by the Sea, N Yorks, S Mark: Christmas tree 1245; open day 852

Mason, George, Private 1197

Matthew Higby & Company (bell founder) 620

Matthews, Dave 899

Mattingley, David (contrib) 1000

Maurice, Brian (obit) 238

May, Bobbie (contrib): AGM and ringing day 758; 'Go East' 611; ODG in Devon 1146; ODG striking competitions 45, 1033

media see broadcasts; newspapers; publicity; radio

Medical Ringers Guild 732

meetings, safeguarding standards 1133

Melbourne, Derbys, S Michael, National 12 Bell team 610

Melbourne, Mary (contrib) 876

Mellor, Martin (contrib) 952

Merrett, Sue (contrib) 1219

Metcalf, John 'Blind Jack' 936

methods named

Singles: Didcot (QP) 463; Rous Hotel (QP) 605

Minimus: Ashby St Ledgers TP (QP) 751; Barby TP (QP) 751; Biggetywitch TB (QP) 38; Bucket TB (QP) 38; Bumble TB (QP) 38; Charwelton TP (QP) 751; Church Stowe TP (QP) 751; Compeyson TB (QP) 38; Cratchit TB (QP) 38; Edgcote TP (QP) 751; Fawsley TP (QP) 751; "Fobbed off" 1206 (let), 1252 (let); Fritwell TB (QP) 1141; Havisham TB (QP) 38; Langdon Hills TB (QP) 1141; Lower Basildon TB (QP) 677; Lutton TP (QP) 751; Melchbourne TP (QP) 751; Morning Fog S (QP) 108; Pitton TP (QP) 751; Red Nose TB (QP) 325; Reverse Upton by Birkenhead TB (QP) 677; Scrooge TB (QP) 38; Thorpe Achurch TP (QP) 751; Tulkinghorn TB (QP) 38; Ufford TP (QP) 751; Yarwell TP (QP) 751; Yatton Keynell TB (QP) 1141

Doubles: 1st Gold (QP) 83; Armston Place (QP) 677; Aunt Lucy (QP) 945; Black Hair-Streak (QP) 654; Blackmoor (QP) 376; Blaston P 602; Bosham (QP) 376; Bramling Cross (QP) 83; Bramshott (QP) 376; Brimstone (QP) 463; Bringhurst B 602; Bronze Wedding (QP) 63; Brown Argus (QP) 511; Brown Hairstreak (QP) 726; Buriton (QP) 376; Cantium Treble Pl (QP) 629; Chalkhill Blue (QP) 726; Challenger (QP) 83; Chawton (QP) 376; Chequered Skipper (QP) 511; Chilham Treble Pl (QP) 677; Clouded Yellow (QP) 511; Collingbourne Ducis Differential Pl (QP) 1276; Collingbourne Kingston Differential B (QP) 1276; Comma (QP) 463; Common Blue (QP) 511; Copper Wedding (QP) 63; Cranoe P 602; Crayford (QP) 1141; Crystal Wedding (QP) 63; Dark Green Fritillary (QP) 654; Darkest Peru (QP) 945; Dingy Skipper (QP) 463; Doneraile (QP) 654; Donkey (QP) 181; Doris (QP) 254; Drayton P 602; Duke of Burgundy (QP) 511; Eaglethorpe B (QP) 677; Endeavour (QP) 83; Essex Skipper (QP) 654; Eye Brook B 602; Eye of the Storm (QP) 254; Fiftieth Birthday (QP) 654; Froxfield (QP) 376; Fuggles (QP) 83; Funtington (QP) 376; Gatekeeper (QP) 654; Glanville Fritillary (QP) 511; Goldings (QP) 83; Gone with the wind (QP) 254; Graffham (QP) 376; Grayling (QP) 726; Green Hairstreak (QP) 463; Green-veined White (QP) 463; Grizzled Skipper (QP) 463; Heath Fritillary (QP) 511; High Brown Fritillary (QP) 654; Holly Blue (QP) 463; Horninghold P 602; I don't mind (QP) 205; Iron Wedding (QP) 63; Ivory Wedding (QP) 63; Lace Wedding (QP) 63; Large Blue (QP) 654; Large Heath (QP) 654; Large Skipper (QP) 511; Large Tortoiseshell (QP) 581; Large White (QP) 463; Leslie Andrews (QP) 726; Liss (QP) 376; Lodsworth (QP) 376; Lulworth Skipper (QP) 654; Marbled White (QP) 654; Marsh Fritillary (QP) 581; Meadow Brown (QP) 654; Medbourne B 602; Midhurst (QP) 376; Mountain Ringlet (QP) 726; Mr & Mrs Brown (QP) 945; Nevill Holt P 602; North Cerney Pl (QP) 1165; Northchapel (QP) 376; Oxford Six-score (QP) 376; Painted Lady (QP) 581; Pirate Radio (QP) 871; Potterhanworth Single Court (QP) 325; Pottery Wedding (QP) 63; Produban (QP) 511; Purbrook (QP) 376; Real's Wood White (QP) 726; Rogate (QP) 376; Ruby Wedding (QP) 629; Sapphire Wedding (QP) 376; Scotch Argus (QP) 726; Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (QP) 1141; Silk Wedding (QP) 63; Silver-spotted Skipper (QP) 726; Small Blue (QP) 581; Small Copper (QP) 581; Small Heath (QP) 581; Small Pearl-bordered Fritillery (QP) 581; Something Else (QP) 1276; Something Simple (QP) 846; Something Special (QP) 1276; South Harting (QP) 376; St Kyneburgha (QP) 38; St Kyneswitha (QP) 38; St Mary's Peterborough (QP) 581; St Paulinus (QP) 871; St Tibba (QP) 38; Stedham (QP) 376; Steep (QP) 376; Stockerston B 602; Stoke Dry P 602; Stoughton (QP) 376; Swallowtail (QP) 581; Target (QP) 83; Thurning Place (QP) 677; Tony's Tipple (QP) 581; Uncle Pastuzo (QP) 945; Up to you (QP) 205; Wall Brown (QP) 654; Warnford (QP) 376; Welham B 602; Welland Valley B 602; Wellington Boots (QP) 945; Wellington Cathedral (QP) 13; Whatever you want (QP) 205; Whitbread Golding Variety (QP) 83; White-letter Hairstreak (QP) 726; Wigsthorpe B (QP) 677; Wind in the Willows (QP) 254; Wolverton (QP) 63; Wood White (QP) 654; Wooden Wedding (QP) 63

Minor: Adonis Blue (QP) 558; Alan Foster D 892; Angersleigh B (QP) 945; Ann's Birthday TP (QP) 376; Arthur Whiting D 892; Beverfleet S 843; Big Wet Cold One S (QP) 181; Boudica (QP) 302; Cald of Man (low) Lighthouse S (QP) 157; Canon Street Station B (QP) 945; Cantick Head Lighthouse S (QP) 279; Cape Wrath Lighthouse S (QP) 325; Casquets Lighthouse S (QP) 350; Chanonry Lighthouse S (QP) 558; Chastleton Treble Pl (QP) 923; Cloch Point Lighthouse S (QP) 629; Clodock B (QP) 677; Cnut TB (QP) 63; Coolydoody Slow Course 1208; Coolydoody Slow Course (QP) 700; Copinsay Lighthouse S (QP) 700; Coquet Lighthouse S (QP) 751; Corsewall Lighthouse S (QP) 923; Covesea Skerries Lighthouse S (QP) 1068; Covfefe S (QP) 605; Crammag Head Lighthouse S (QP) 1068; Cromarty Lighthouse S (QP) 1165; D-Day D (QP) 797; Daffodil S (QP) 279; Dunchad D (QP) 302; 'Elf n 'Appiness Slow B (QP) 13; Evelyn D (QP) 1016; Fenchurch Street Station B (QP) 302; Footrot Flats D (QP) 1092; Half-Sharp's D 507; Hannah D (QP) 279; Harry S 486; Hilfarrance B (QP) 302; Hinton Waldrist D (QP) 230; Holywell Slow Course 1208; Houghton Slow Course 1208; Jansongkrot D (QP) 1092; Kewstoke B (QP) 83; Kingsthorpe TP 509; Lian's Farewell S (QP) 132; Lightning B (QP) 230; Marmalade Sandwiches (QP) 797; New Cambridge S (QP) 945; Old Man of Coniston B (QP) 511; Old Original Favourite Grand Grasshoppers' Green Herbarian Band D (QP) 38; Orange-tip (QP) 558; Paddington Bear (QP) 797; Peacock (QP) 558; Pearl-bordered Fritillary (QP) 558; Piella Bakewell Treble Pl (QP) 700; Pop Goes The Weasel Treble Pl (QP) 923; Red Admiral (QP) 558; Reformation D (QP) 1114; Rock Lighthouse S (QP) 581; Rowberrow B (QP) 254; Sarnia Slow Course (QP) 204; Shipham B (QP) 302; Small Tortoiseshell (QP) 558; Small White (QP) 558; Smithies B (QP) 325; Speckled Wood (QP) 558; St Antony of Egypt D (QP) 109; St Brigid Of Ireland D (QP) 157; St Caedmon D (QP) 181; St Eustace Of Luxeuil D (QP) 325; St Francis Solano (QP) 751; St Mary TB (QP) 38; Stawley B (QP) 376; Surley S 843; Thunderbolt B (QP) 254; Tip of the Iceberg S (QP) 132; Tour Of Britain B (QP) 945; Waitangi D (QP) 108; Walkinstown Short Course TB (QP) 1276; Warrior Treble Pl (QP) 945; Warwich Slow B (QP) 13; Wellington Anniversary D (QP) 109; West Wyalong D (QP) 510; Wick St Lawrence B (QP) 181; Yarwell D 602

Triples: Albion D B (QP) 991; Alfreton B (QP) 63; Alkham Valley B (QP) 871; Annable’s Chelsea B (QP) 871; Ashford Little B (QP) 1276; Birthday Bob (QP) 846; Century Little B (QP) 108; Chiswick B (QP) 654; Crabble Mill B (QP) 1092; Dewsbury B (QP) 581; Double Cambridge Cyclic B (QP) 605; Glastonbury B (QP) 677; Golden Gate B (QP) 325; Hornmead B (QP) 1114; Horringer B (QP) 279; Jane Austen Little B (QP) 923; John David B (QP) 1092; Julie McDonnell New Bob 32; Kensington B (QP) 350; Longparish B (QP) 605; Magnis Campanis Pl (QP) 325; Mythering B (QP) 350; Pearl B (QP) 108; Quadruple Double Extreme B (QP) 677; St Hugh B (QP) 1213; St Mary Bourne B (QP) 991; Temple Ewell B (QP) 230; Temple Ewell Pl (QP) 302; Western Heights B (QP) 774; Winford B (QP) 109

Major: Adam and Jack's Northern Adventure S (QP) 108; Aldenham B (QP) 1068; Alphabet Ring D (QP) 325; Antigua D 300; Arkell's D 649; Arlecdon S 1040; Aviemore D 675; Beamish A 484; Beaufort S 57; Big Monk S 485; Big S Alliance (QP) 63; Blaydon A 300; Blue Tit S 578; Bobcat Little B (QP) 108; Boveney D 321; Boynton S 201; Brandon Hill D 397; Brendon Hills S 966; Brighouse A 603; Brown Windsor D 697; Buckland Dinham S 1110; Bushey Heath S 1162; Buzzard S 1111; Candlemas D 153; Cara D (QP) 205; Chaffinch S 462; Chiliad S 1064; Chopwell S 675; Clitheroe A 1111; Coal Tit S 967; Cocking A 889; Compton Castle S 9; Corbridge D 675; Crown S (QP) 398; Darcy D 530; Defiant S 460; Dowgate S 603; Dukestown A 989; Earl of Radnor S 321; Emily Charlotte S 343; Fairey Battle S 201; Fanglemcmangledandrum A 1110; Faringdon A 769; Farncombe D 889; Felmersham S 556; Fitzwilliam Hunt (QP) 63; Frampton Marsh A 484; Fulney A 891; Garlick Hill D 277; Garlick Hill S 890; Ghost S 251; Gladiator S 201; God's Acre Delight 177; Great Spotted Woodpecker S 795; Greenhead A 1040; Greenhead D 1188; Grindelwald S (QP) 1276; Haltwhistle S 890; Hampden D 769; Hampden S 104; Hartlepool A 484; Hedon A 675; Hemingbrough Alliance 202; Hemingford Grey A 867; Hessle A 105; Hitchin D 373; Hoddesdon S 530; Hollinside A 300; Hughenden A 675; Hurricane S 395; Illston A 322; It-ta-mayka-no-seeeen-sa! A 1161; Jamestown A 1089; Jiggery-Pokery A 1110; John's Green D (QP) 821; Julie McDonnell A 33; Julie McDonnell B 300; Julie McDonnell S 33; Keats S (QP) 376; Kelham S 509; Kettle A 1236; King's Lynn Festival D 747; Kingstown A 1089; Knackers Knowle S 460; Ladymead S 601; Lapwing Alliance (QP) 325; Lark Rise D 276; Launceston Castle D 723; Lesslessness S 154; Lockheed Hudson S 9; LXV D 226; Lysander S 154; Magpie S 1015; Manangle S (QP) 581; Mark D 226; Menin Road Ridge S 1000; Michaelmas Daisy D 1139; Midhurst Castle D (QP) 846; Millom A 769; Monarch's Way D 649; Monday Morning Alliance (QP) 945; Mosman Park D 370; My Ding-a-Ling A 321; Nemo S 461; Newcastle College B 57; Newton Abbot D 794; No. 5075 Wellington S 601; Old Erringham Castle D (QP) 846; Old Market S 343; Old Town D (QP) 923; Patrington A 202; Pendleton S 675; Penny Lane D 276; Peregrine Falcon S 868; Peter S (QP) 13; Pied Wagtail S 990; Polden Hills S 601; Pons Fractus S 967; Primrose D 483; Prudhoe D 1040; Quingentesimus S 1041; Rasputin D 818; Ratby D 301; Reading Abbey S 57; Red Kite S 818; Retirement D (QP) 1114; Riding Mill A 890; Robin Redbreast S 1209; Rogate Castle D (QP) 846; Roos D 697; Roscoff Alliance 492; Royston D 57; Ruth's Enjoyment B (QP) 230; Ryton A 1040; Ryton D 202; Searight D 1233; Seminary S (QP) 605; Shotley Bridge A 889; Slaley S 1040; So what are we going to call this then? A 57; Spitfire S 154; St Andrew's B (QP) 1238; St George's D 484; Stocksfield D 890; Strawberry Fields LS 276; Tanfield A 484; Tercentenary Little Alliance (QP) 629; Timsbury Bottom D 746; Trudoxhill D 674; Tynemouth S 1188; Urmston D 675; Valencia S (QP) 1191; Valise S 323; Verney D 626; Warborough B (QP) 398; Watercress Line S 723; Wathaurong S 370; Winter Jasmine D 82; Wycombe D 226; Xenodocheionology S 1110; Xirdalan S 1273; Zeal Hill A 698; Zwickau S 323

Caters: Big Ben B (QP) 945; Nicholson TP 301; Pebworth Bob 923

Royal: Alphin Brook S 1233; Beinn Dearg D 1110; Ben Lui S 460; Ben Vane S 251; Bidean Nam Bian D 80; Bretton D 1066; Capricorn A 57; Clowne D 252; Crayford LDiff B 1163; Denmisch S 794; Fetter Lane S 155; Ford Alliance (QP) 254; Gokyo Ri S 843; Highamferrers S 1234; Horsegate A 1014; Julie McDonnell S 506; Landmark A 484; Lochnager S 104; Malvern Priory A 603; Meldreth Village D 892; Newcastle S 723; Newthorpe D 1235; Northampton A 344; Peterlord LS 891; Quaffed D 676; Rotherby S 344; Silvergate A 1138; Slioch S 299; St Andrew Alliance 1273; Supersonic S (QP) 846; Westhawe D 943; Xanthicus A 578; Yorkshire A 1234

Cinques: Tiebout's Mental Block 299

Maximus: Cassiobury S 1163; Cyclops S 555; Erebor S 555; Frog Island S 1090; Griphook S 555; Hursley A 344; Julie Mcdonnell Little Alliance (QP) 846; Nu.Q A 312; Radio Leicester Golden Anniversary S 1172; Sonnos S 484; Straker's Passage S 555; Tripartite Bridge Diff (QP) 204

Fourteen: 1st Albanian S 460

see also Central Council Committees, Methods Committee

Mew, Chris (contrib): 1968 letter on CC challenges 455; CRAG response 449–450, 451 (eds); Gray, Michel (obit) 636; safeguarding at meetings 1133; safeguarding update 246, 959, 961, 1009 (let); York Minster Head of Tower 150

Meyer, Simon (contrib) 1024, 1180; (CRAG Team) 789

Middlesex CA: Handbell Day 613; QP day 66; S&W District QP Week 1046; Summer School 1005–1006

Milsom, Michael (author) 1232

Milton Keynes soundmap 1123

Milton Regis, Kent, Holy Trinity 1173

mini-rings: ART course 1254; two-handed or one 767 (let), 792–793 (let); Waikato open weekend 516

Mitchell, Angela, new Head of Tower at York 598–599

Mitchell, Stephen (contrib) 587

Moore, Ann (contrib) 564

Morris, Frank Halliday (obit) 1196

Morris, George (contrib) 188

mother's day 287

Mounsey, Paul (contrib) 1134

muffles, World War I ringing 816 (let)

Murphy, Isobel (contrib) 335

museums, Germany 1281

music: Armistice Bells for the 2018 WWI centenary 1104; handbells 831; harp, 'Alternative Hobbyist' 636–637; Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM 817

see also BBC Music Day

musical notes and numbers 1037

"Mystery door" 1175, 1182 (let), 1200

Nabb, Graham (contrib) 168

naming methods see methods named

National 12 Bell Striking Contest: 2018 arrangements 1076; eliminators 171 (eds), 172–173, 264; final at Southwark 643 (eds), 647–648 (let), 664; finalists 585–586, 610–611, 668; judging 172–173, 220–221, 669–671; listen live 619; montage teaser 1147; qualifying bands 291 (eds), 311; York band 195

National Lottery see Heritage Lottery Fund

National Youth Contest see Ringing World National Youth Contest

Naval Service see Royal Naval Guild; Women’s Royal Naval Service

Naylor, Eric (obit) 118, 149 (let)

new bells: Godalming, Surrey, SS Peter & Paul 857–859, 888 (let); Horringer, Suffolk, S Leonard 833–835; Liddington, Wilts, All Saints 145–147; St Winnow, Cornwall, S Winnow 809–811; York's Ring for Peace 141; Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George 733–735, 880

see also installations; restoration projects

New Year: honours 25; 100 Years Ago: midnight ringing 23

New York, NY, USA, Trinity Ch 93

New York, Trinity Shield 1270–1271

New York, Volition 312

New Zealand see ANZAB; Christchurch, SI, New Zealand, S Paul, Papanui

Newing, Angela (contrib) 1288

news see broadcasts; newspapers; publicity; radio

newspapers: fake news 961 (let); Grahamstown, EC, South Africa, Cath Ch of S Michael & S George 293; national media 147 (eds)

Newton, Evie (contrib) 1200

Nicholson, Andrew (contrib) 550

Nicholson Engineering Ltd 339, 550

Nightingale, Rose (contrib) 1255

Nixon, John David, Revd (obit) 710, 976

noise (sound control)

50 Years Ago: bells 'positively shriek' 731

100 Years Ago: "noisy bells" 673

see also sound of bells

non-ringable bells see unringable bells

Noon, Joy 978

North American Guild, 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 435

North Leigh, Oxon, S Mary 1033

North Wales Assoc (NWACBR), Wrexham and Maelor branch outing 1151

Northallerton, N Yorks, All Saints, 50 Years Ago 310

Norwich Surprise, 'Education Column' 908

Nottingham University Society (NUSCR) 1149

Nunn, Tony (contrib) 951

obituaries: Allen, Clive 358, 564; Anderson, John E. (Jack) 830, 854; Anderton, Frank 283; Armitage, Geoffrey D. 284–285; Bailey, Roger 30 (let); Bampton, Margaret Anne 587, 615; Beach, Donald John (Don) 118, 261; Beacham, David 188, 198 (let); Bella (dog) 1219; Beresford, Peter 1171; Blackman, Jean Elizabeth 999; Bradley, Edna 331, 928; Brown, Kathleen M. 1148; Brown, Michael Ernest 307–308; Buswell, Brian Maurice 612–613; Camp, John E. 29 (let); Cannon, Freda 70, 213–214; Casserley, Richard 1074, 1099, 1220; Chapman, Elizabeth 518, 780; Clack, Mavis 1294; Clark, Revd Dennis 198 (let); Desmond, John 1002; Dunn, Samuel James (Jim) 904; Farnsworth, Richard 69; Fellows, Evelyn (Molly) 70; Fielding, Michael 1002; Finch, Raymond E. 198 (let); Foreman, Ruth 174 (let), 224 (let), 539–540; Foster, Rachel 46; Garrett, Edward Charles 116; Gay, Martin Alan 164; Geoff, Armitage 22; Gipson, John G. 639, 662, 902–904, 953, 999; Graves, Robert 683–684; Gray, Michel Orsman Gary 470, 636; Gray, Philip 406; Green, Robin 1048; Harris, Frederick R. 906; Hobbs, Michael John 190, 491; Hughes, David J. 22, 140–141; Jackson, Ronald Graham 876; Jones, Ruth 758; Jordan, Harold Charles 310, 332; Kilby, Robert 262; Kimber, Jean 930, 1244; Lee, Donald Edward 262, 468; Lewis, John D. 1293; Linford, Revd John 1099; Manship, David 952; Morris, Frank Halliday 1196; Naylor, Eric 118, 149 (let); Nixon, John David, Revd 710, 976; Noon, Joy 978; Pembleton, Fred 906, 1120; Phillips, Jim 1203 (eds), 1222, 1227; Pratt, Margaret 142, 235; Randall, Doris 116; Reeves, Andrew 94, 212; Roberts, Christopher C. 262, 586; Saddleton, Peter E. J. (Wing Commander) 140; Sadler, Jose 1002; Sanderson, Ronald J. 331; Sansom, John 930; Scott, Alex C. 660; Seamons, Anita 711; Small, Peter 1246; Smith, John 1023, 1174; Staniforth, Jill 46, 70, 125–126 (let), 169–170; Sutherland, James Alexander 826; Sutton, Eric 542, 1022–1023; Todd, David James 563–564; Twynham, Nicholas Alistair 852; Vane, Dennis 830; Webb, Valerie Anne 1072; Webster, Eric Edward 707; Webster, Felicity 306; Williamson, Francis Keith 515, 528 (let); Williamson, Gillian A. (nee Anderson-Smith) 92; Worth, John, remembering 258; Yorke, Arthur 1098

occasions for ringing see commemorative ringing

Offen, Richard (contrib) 840, 917, 982, 1035

O'Hagan, Michael (contrib) 1076

old bells see redundant bells

Old Brampton, Derbys, SS Peter & Paul 48

Old RW News: CC challenges 455

10 Years Ago: "ring of truth" 191

25 Years Ago: 12-tonne bell case at Loughborough 167; 'Around and About' 574, 854, 941; bell founders gift page 5; bellfounders' gift page 706; CC in Peterborough 551; 'editorial' 95; Evesham, Worcs, The Bell Tower 614; "First by past masters" 245; "Flummoxed!" 525; glycerine 742; "Great George" celebrates 236; "harmonious hoom" 1063; Honolulu, HI, USA, Cath Ch of S Andrew 768; "Meditation, reminder" 367; mistakes 471; "one of the most enjoyable" 269; Pimlico, Gr London, S Saviour 394; Ringers’ bulletin board 900; "Rounds as usual" 394; Scotland first 100 628; "trials of publicity" 107; Winchester, Hants, Cath Ch of Holy Trinity, S Peter, S Paul & S Swithun 191; "York ringers in London" 56

30 Years Ago: Groome, Christopher 615

50 Years Ago: "A ceremony of bells" 709; "American organist's appreciation" 143; Beaminster, Dorset 638; Belfry Gossip 614; bells 'positively shriek' 731; Birmingham, W Mids, S Martin (Bullring) 45; clothing 1036; "Cupid at Manchester" 275; 'Eleanor Spriggs' peal 194; "Feet influence in pulling" 492; first pealers 176; "Get back to ringing" 684; Hall, John 566; "heart-warming experience" 1026; "I mean no harm" 765; Japan's bells 23; Kingston's Great Leap Forward 275; Leeds High School 228; "Lesson from Uphill" 566; Maidstone Grammar School 194; Moscow Kremlin bells 340; "New ways of life" 92; Northallerton, N Yorks, All Saints 310; "Oldest lady ringer" 45; peal ringing "a disease" 262; Points from 1966 peals 997; radar training ship bell 167; "RW too dazzling" 765; smooth backstroke 955; Suffolk Guild 765; Taunton School 312; "the little men" 54; "understanding Dean" 765; Upham, Hants, Blessed Mary of Upham 902; "visitors and steepleage" 1026; York bell foundry 1206

75 Years Ago: Archbishop handbells in York 614; Big Ben 905–906; composing, "The nature of the rows" 224; Edwin Jennings peal 173; Murphy, G. V. 861; National Association 694; "Ringers' Conference" 663; sport and church work 939; St Bride's and St Saviour's 791; "the experts" 287; "when peace comes" 731

100 Years Ago: "A belfry danger" 47; Ambridge ringers 1096; belfry reform 590; Biddenden, Kent, All Saints 1218; Brent Tor, Devon, S Michael 249; CC delay of AGM 270; clergy and ringing 718; 'clocking' bells 742; after dark 1000, 1009, 1096; "educating the public" 349, 1246; Essex Assoc 1105; Greenwich ringers loss 624; Henry Johnson Commemoration Dinner 225; "Keep the flag flying" 907; "length of a peal" 54; London, C London, S Magnus the Martyr, London Bridge 406; "nation's voice" 1131; "new spirit" 597; New Year ringing 23; "News of London Ringers" 564; "no slackers" 515; noisy bells 673; peal analysis 298; "Pershore peal" 23; "preparing for peace" 651–652; Reciprocal Proof 937; "Ringing after dusk" 74, 119, 174; "ringing after sunset" 937; RW price "reason why" 200; service book 1050; after sunset 1009; war memorials 166; Wright, Sgt S. A. 406; Wykehamists 406

O'Mahony, Christopher: new CC President 545–547

(contrib): CC reform plans 837; Christmas message 1251; Ecclesiastical Insurance Group 625; Harrow ringers remember 1157; new leadership 545–546; November away day 1183; 'Ringing Remembers' 1257; volunteers called for workgroups 914

Ongley, Bernard 48, 75

open days: Exeter Pupils' Ringing Taster Day 827; Marske by the Sea, N Yorks, S Mark 852; Waikato mini-ring open weekend 516; Wellesbourne, Warks, S Peter 241–243

Open University Society (OPUSCR), Lincolnshire weekend 335

opinion pieces: "contribution from a learner" 791; "reflections of a 70-yr old ringer" 359; "two years on - thoughts from a learner" 695–696

see also 'Call me observation'

Orchard, Nigel (contrib): 'brewsters' 270 (let); online sharing of RW 219

Oswald Surprise, 'Education Column' 956

Ottaway, John (contrib) 1285

outdoor ringing 767, 784

outings/tours: "An itchy unicorn and a bread sandwich" 951; Boston & Toronto 932; College Youths Old Fogles Summer Tour 921; D&N QP weekend 139; Desborough, Northants, S Giles 1172; Grand Tour 2017 225, 240, 361–363, 368, 471; Griffin Ringers Outing 1147; Intrepid boat 682; Let’s Ring! 876–877; Lilliputters Ringing Tour 977–978; Liz and Friends 974; ODG in Devon 1146; Pidley, Cambs 866; RAF Guild 1243; Ramble in Sunderland 829; Richard III, King of England 804–805, 816 (let); South Wales ringers to Tulloch 660–661; Thurcaston/Swithland 119; Wayfarers 2017 Tour 998; Wrexham and Maelor branch 1151

Oxford DG (ODG): 10-bell competitions 45, 1219; Banbury 10-bell competition 45; Banbury QP f/night 467, 1291; AGM and ringing day 758; Deddington Deanery Pilgrimage 803; Exeter College new annex 471; 'Go East' 611; handbell day 514; May Morning tradition 471; Newbury branch QP week 257; outing to Devon 1146; Ringing World National Youth Contest 591; striking competition at North Leigh 1033

Page, Daniel, BellBoard 965; (contrib) 1129

Pagett, James, silver bell 469

Parting, Geoff (contrib) 975

Pattenden, Stephanie, judging striking 220

payment of ringers 198 (let), 199 (let)

peal books: James George 1106–1107; Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM 1049

peal ringers: Great Ryburgh, Norfolk, S Andrew 124–125; Holland, David 1098

50 Years Ago: statistics 176

1000 peals: Aked, Colin 697; Barnes, Phillip R. J. 61; Carey, Benjamin 1112; "five in one tower!" 541; Haseldine, Julie 374; Hilling, David and Matthew 1036, 1038, 1108, 1132 (let); Hodge, Michael C. E. 746; Holdsworth, James W. 1090; Kemp, David 1015; Newman, Richard A. M. 129; Sheeran, Michael 301; Stokes, Ruth 603

2000 peals: Furniss, Peter J. 9; Knipe, Jeffrey 843; Rogers, Philip 725

3000 peals: Mason, R. Kingsley 1137; Morton, Frank R. 299

5000 peals: Bladon, Brian 1139, 1152, 1209; Bridle, Peter 225, 252

7000 peals: Turner, Colin 34

'prolific': Ainsworth, Alan 1133; authorship correction 383; Basil, Jones 1133; Fellows, Michael John 1133; Goodman, Norman Jesse 939; Jelley, John M. 340; Pearson, Arthur Vaughan 340

#PealForPudsey 1007

peals: Chogolisa S Maximus 365 (let), 390 (let), 454 (let), 481 (let), 502 (let); over FaceTime 56; Stedman Triples three-part bobs-only peals 1264–1265

50 Years Ago: peal ringing "a disease" 262

100 Years Ago: "length of a peal" 54; peal analysis 298

1000 peals: Rotherham, S Yorks, Minster Ch of All Saints 356

corrections: numbers of changes 1182

peals, long length: 10,360 Nova Delight Royal 1001; Bob Doubles 176, 192; Bristol 1136, 1252 (let); spliced s maximus 576, 599–600 (let), 713–715, 717; St Anne, Alderney, Channel Is, S Anne 1030–1031, 1034, 1063, 1100, 1126–1127 407

Pearce, Robert (contrib) 809–811

Pearlies’ Harvest Festival 1024

Pearson, Arthur Vaughan 340

Pembleton, Fred (obit) 906, 1120

Pembleton, Tracey (contrib) 1120

Pendery, Mark (contrib) 596

pendulum clocks 514

Penney, Pip: A Ringer's Guide to Learning the Ropes 72 ; (contrib) 29, 640, 957–958

Percy, Howard (contrib) 1104

Perth, WA, Australia, The Bell Tower (Swan Bells) 1121

Peterborough DG: striking competition 1096; Summer Festival 1096

Peterson, Magnus (contrib) 1256–1257

Pfeiffer-Rupp, Rüdiger (contrib) 1281

Philadelphia Guild 186

Phillips, Andrew (contrib) 140–141

Phillips, Jim (obit) 1203 (eds), 1222, 1227

photo competition, Ringing World 1029, 1031 (eds), 1052, 1055 (eds)

Pickford, Chris (contrib) 1284

Pidley, Cambs, peals around 866

Pimlico, Gr London, S Saviour, 25 Years Ago 394

Pink, Alan (contrib) 521–522, 786–787

Pipe, George (contrib) 169–170

Pipe, Henry J. W. 56, 72

Piper, Stuart (contrib) 538

place bells, 'Education Column' 712, 760

Plain Bob Doubles 792 (let); calling positions 1248; 'Education Column' 520; 'Education Column' Christmas Special 1261; your first touch 1176

Plain Bob Minor, calling positions 1248

Plaskett, Robert 1038

Platinum Delight Minor 928–929

Platt, Jim (contrib) 563–564

Pluckrose, Joy (contrib) 235

Pocahontas400 309

poetry (inc Poet's Corner): bellringers’ blessing 879; 'Pompey Pals remembered' 1000; "The Christmas Call" 1251

50 Years Ago: "I mean no harm" 765

'Points from Peals', 50 Years Ago 997

post boxes 404–405, 471

Potter, David E. (contrib) 331, 1232

Power, James, Fr. (contrib) 1157

PowerPoint, public speaking 621 (let)

practices: away from home 955; "Call me observation" 519; dogs at 742 (let), 766–767 (let), 793 (let), 865 (let), 916 (let); info in Dove's Guide 223 (let)

100 Years Ago: "Ringing after dusk" 74

Pratt, Margaret (obit) 142, 235

Primrose Surprise, 'Education Column' 856

'Psycho' 319

public events, ringing for, WW1 correction 30 (let), 55 (let)

see also commemorative ringing

public relations: 'positive and negative' 95; 'Tips' 287, 311, 349, 384; Wellesbourne, Warks, S Peter 72, 241–243

100 Years Ago: "educating the public" 349

public speaking 619 (eds), 621 (let)

publicity: Alderney, S Anne, long length peal 1129; Balls, Ed, returns to ringing 1147; January 55; national media 147 (eds); Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM incident 171 (eds), 175

25 Years Ago: memorial service of John Arlott 107

see also broadcasts; radio

Pullan, Tony (contrib) 145–147

Pullin, Geoff (contrib) 1096

pullometer 1207, 1252 (let)

Pusey, John (contrib) 494

'Puzzle Corner': A brain teaser 782; Christmas 71, 1288–1289; historic puzzle 782, 806–807; Puzzlers wanted 855

Pye, William 796

quarter peals: 2016 report 330; 2017 observations of a record keeper 741, 783, 1223; Julie McDonnell Bob Doubles 21; Let's Ring! 784; Strike Back Against Blood Cancer campaign 21

radio: bell founders interview 3 (eds), 24; Radio Leicester’s 50th Anniversary 1172; Russian bells 1027; Sunday Worship 841 (let)

Rae, Bob (contrib) 596–597

RAF Guild, Bedfordshire outing 1243

raising and lowering software 198 (let)

raising bells "wrong to right" 1206 (let), 1256–1257

Randall, Doris (obit) 116

Rawlinson, Andrew (contrib) 121–123

Read, Susan (contrib) 1255

Reading, Alan 1012

recruitment: Alderney, S Anne, long length peal 1129; Borden, Kent, SS Peter & Paul 909–911, 913; Campton Festival of Bells 1204–1205; commemorative ringing 1158 (let); Kildwick, N Yorks, S Andrew 830; Mancroft Appeal300 473–475; Middlesex CA Summer School 1005–1006; seminar for Surrey ringers 364; 'Thought for the week' 407; York Minster new band 864, 907, 914–915 (let), 940 (let)

Redgrave, Suffolk, S Mary 1292

redundant bells: Chilham, Kent, S Mary 47; making use of 7 (let)

Reed, Colin and Beryl 472

Rees, Ian (contrib) 1001

Reeves, Andrew (obit) 94, 212

Regan, Alison 722

Regan, Mark (contrib): cricket, "How's bat?" 1001; Westley Group Ltd 1180; Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM 175, 1049; York Minster band sacked debate 319 (let), 341 (let)

Regin, Alan (contrib) see Rolls of Honour

rehanging bells: Chagford, Devon, S Michael 1258–1260; Cornworthy, Devon, S Peter 933, 936; Stourton, Wilts, S Peter 524–525

25 Years Ago: Winchester, Hants, Cath Ch of Holy Trinity, S Peter, S Paul & S Swithun 191

see also restoration projects

religion and ringing, York Minster band sacked debate 126 (let), 174 (let), 198–199 (let)

see also Church of England

remembrance see World War I

restoration projects: Bell Restoration Committee 337–339; Black Bourton, Oxon, S Mary V 1225–1226; Brooke, Norfolk, S Peter 617–619; Christchurch, SI, New Zealand, S Paul, Papanui 961; Cornworthy, Devon, S Peter 933, 936; Ipstones, Staffs, S Leonard 1153–1155; Llandrillo yn Edeyrnion, Denbighs, Wales, S Trillo 825; London, C London, Cath Ch of S Paul 734; Longworth, Oxon, S Mary 761–763; Lundy Island, Devon, S Helen 329, 912; Milton Regis, Kent, Holy Trinity 1173; Redgrave, Suffolk, S Mary 1292; Rothbury handbells 1262–1263; Taunton, Som, S Mary Magd 593–595; 'Thought for the week' 335; in York 141

see also augmented rings; new bells; rehanging bells

Richard III, King of England tour 804–805, 816 (let)

Richmond, N Yorks, S Mary 860–861, 884–885, 915 (let)

Ridgman, Tom (contrib) 306

Ridley, Chris (contrib) 1224

"Ringers' Conference", 75 Years Ago 663

A Ringer's Guide to Learning the Ropes (ART) 72, 640

ringers, young: BellBoard 275; Christmas challenge at Old Brampton 48; Cycle Tour 2017 1104; Salisbury DG day out 980; Salisbury DG overseas tour 472; service ringing 13.6 years average 523; Yorkshire Assoc 517; "youth of today" 688

see also Ringing World NYC; safeguarding

ringing cribbage 599 (let)

Ringing for Peace 1103, 1104–1105, 1132 (let)

Ringing Foundation (RF), archive records 1247

ringing practices see practices

Ringing World : 2018 merchandise 981, 983 (eds); 2019 Calendar 544, 1052; BellBoard users 980; business update 1179; editor's health 1079; "great and small" 1291; new front cover 1029, 1055 (eds), 1059 (let), 1203 (eds); online sharing of 219; photo competition 1031 (eds), 1052, 1132 (let); Puzzlers wanted 855; subscription renewal reminders 1252; subscriptions increase 3, 1179; try for free 499

100 Years Ago: subscriptions increase 200

corrections: Bampton, Margaret Anne 615; CC supplement 407; Hawarden peal 584; Mark Regan's talk 311; missing/duplicated pages 243, 499; peals - numbers of changes 1182; prolific peal ringers 383; QP South Elmham 471; York Minster new band 907

Ringing World National Youth Contest: 2018 arrangements 1203; arrangements at Birmingham 641–643; confirmed entrants 195; Coventry Spires 592; final at Birmingham 737–741, 767 (let); Leicester Rising Ringers 596; Oxford DG team 591; results 2017 665–667, 666; runner-up teams 748–749; team updates 576; "why you should get involved" 759; "youth of today" 688

Roaf, Dermot (contrib) 471

Roberts, Christopher C. (obit) 262, 586

Roberts, Jackie (contrib) 710

Roberts, Jenny (contrib) 538

Roberts, Keith (contrib) 1000

Roberts, Richard H. (contrib) 852

Robertson, Ross 796

Rogers, Graham (contrib) 860–861, 884–885

Rogers, Simon (contrib) 116

Rolls of Honour: April 1917 271–274, 294–297; August 1917 719–722, 743–745; December 1917 1184–1187; February 1917 52–54; January 1918 1283; July 1917 623–624, 646–647; June 1917 532–533, 553–554; March 1917 151–152; May 1917 391–393, 456–458; November 1917 1060–1062, 1084–1086; October 1917 962–965, 985–987; September 1917 838–839, 862–864; thanks 1105 (let)

rope etiquette 126 (let)

Rose, Jon (contrib) 519, 955

Rossiter, Steve (contrib) 1129

Rothbury handbells 1262–1263

Rotherham, S Yorks, Minster Ch of All Saints, 1000 peals 356

Roving Ringers 70th reunion 548–549

rowing 55 (let)

Rudd, Simon (contrib) 569–571

Ruddlesden, Ernst 1034

Russell, Julia (contrib) 71

Saddleton, Peter E. J. (Wing Commander) (obit) 140

Saddleton, Philip (contrib) 140

Sadler, Jose (obit) 1002

safeguarding: application of standards 859 (eds), 935 (eds), 940 (let), 983 (let), 1009 (let); awareness training 1105 (let); Church of England 195 (eds), 219 (eds), 222–223 (let), 222 (let); Church of England update 959, 961, 961 (let); Hereford DG 245 (let); meetings 1133; new Head of Tower at York 598–599; ongoing York debate 341–342 (let); "update from Chris Mew" 246; York Minster new band 914–915 (let); Yorkshire Assoc 150, 318–319 (let)

safety in ringing: dogs at practices 742 (let), 766–767 (let), 793 (let); learner perspective 791

100 Years Ago: "A belfry danger" 47

see also accidents/incidents

St Anne, Alderney, Channel Is, S Anne see Alderney, S Anne

St Clement's Minor, 'Education Column' 568

St George's, Grenada, Windward Is, S George 193–194, 224 (let), 384

St Martin's Guild (Birmingham) 1282

St Martin's Society of Change Ringers, AGM 2017 813

St Peters in Thanet, Kent, S Peter Ap 689–691

St Winnow, Cornwall, new bells 809–811

Salisbury DG: Festival 2017 565; QP week 1194; young ringers day out 980; young ringers overseas 472

Sanderson, Peter (contrib) 932

Sanderson, Rachael (contrib) 813

Sanderson, Ronald J. (obit) 331

Sansom, John (obit) 930

Sansum, David (contrib) 263

Save Britain's Heritage 287

schools and ringing: Canford School Society 528 (let); Exeter Pupils' Ringing Taster Day 827; Hampton Grammar School 574 (let); Harrow handbell day 613; Maidstone Grammar School 194; Mancroft Appeal300 473–475; starting a society 497–499

Scotland, A History of Change Ringing in Scotland 1080–1081

Scott, Alex C. (obit) 660

Scott, Elaine (contrib) 69, 596–597

Scout Association 1–2

Seabright, Nicky, Revd (contrib) 1175

Seaman, Paul: BellBoard 600; (contrib) 999

Seamons, Anita (obit) 711

service ringing: attendance at service 1051; payment of ringers 198 (let), 199 (let); "planes, snow and..." 708–709; and ringers' teas 1051

Sheffield, S Yorks, Cath Ch of S Peter & S Paul: National 12 Bell eliminators 264; and safeguarding 222 (let)

Sheffield, S Yorks, S John Ev, Ranmoor, World War I 596–597

Sherwood, Anna, BellBoard 965

Shipley, Rowena (contrib) 164

Shipp, Robin (contrib) 832

Sibson, Derek, peal anniversaries 698

silent peals, BellBoard 320

simulators, ringing 1229 (let)

Skelton, Neil 71

Slatford, Fred 845

Small, Peter (obit) 1246

Smith, David (CRAG Team) 789

see also 'Education Column'

Smith, J. Ann (contrib) 600

Smith, John (obit) 1023, 1174

Smith, Lionel (contrib) 1291

Smith, Norman 61

Smith, Richard (contrib) 451–452

Smith, Vivien (contrib) 909–911, 913

social history 95

society naming conventions 390 (let)

society of... see individually named societies

software see computers/technology

solenoids 458

Songs of Praise 349

Sonntag, Hendrik (contrib) 1281

Sotheran, Peter (contrib) 384, 852, 1245

sound control see noise, bells

sound of bells: Christmas 1251 (eds); 'soul music' 101 (let); 'Thought for the week' 71

South Africa: Grahamstown, Cath Ch of S Michael & S George 259–260, 293; researching bells in 836

South African Guild, 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 435

South Warrington Festival of Ringing 1279

Southwark, Gr London, Cath Ch of S Saviour: blessing the bells 76–77; National 12 Bell final 643 (let), 647–648 (let), 664; National 12 Bell team 610

Spearing, Mandy (contrib) 1177–1178, 1181

splicing surprise, 'Education Column' 808, 1004

sport, bellringing as 1087 (let), 1105 (let)

SRCR see Cumberland Youths

Stahlschmidt, J. C. L. 4–5

Staniforth, Margaret Jill (nee Poole) (obit) 46, 70, 125–126 (let), 169–170

Staves, Ian (contrib) 193–194

Stedman Doubles 792 (let)

Stedman Triples, three-part bobs-only peals 1264–1265

steel bells, Australia 196–197, 223 (let)

Steele, Ted (contrib) 1169

Steeple Aston, Oxon, SS Peter & Paul 1249, 1250

Stephens, Michael (contrib) 495, 931

Stepney, Gr London, S Dunstan 1100

Stockmann, Caroline (contrib) 72, 171, 785–786, 1152

Stockton Heath, Cheshire, S Thomas, 'Striking Out' 189

Stojkovic, Niki (student researcher) 494, 574 (let)

Stoke on Trent, Staffs, former ch of S John Ev, Hanley, new home for bells 97–99

Stone, Glos, All Saints 216

stories, "Five Build a Castle" 1003

Stourton, Wilts, S Peter, rehanging bells 524–525

Stracey, Alastair (contrib) 1228–1229, 1269

Strike Back Against Blood Cancer campaign: 10 QPs 21; BellBoard 275; plans for 2017 73–74; Songs of Praise 349; Strike Back Express 521–522, 785–787

strikeometers 647–648 (let)

striking competitions: All Wales Striking Competition 1071; Essex Assoc 1074, 1269; Ledbury's different approach 167; new 12-bell contest for North West 121–123; New York, Trinity Shield 1270–1271; Oxford DG 10-bells 45, 1219; Peterborough DG 1096; skittles comparison 543; Worthington Memorial Trophy 1012; Yorkshire Assoc 1002

see also judging striking

striking, "In Scary Company" 355–356

'Striking Out' 189

Stuttard, Rebecca (contrib) 1056–1057

Sunday Worship 783

Sunter, Jenny (contrib) 244

Sutherland, James Alexander (obit) 826

Sutton, Eric (obit) 542, 1022–1023

'Tail Ends' 742 (let); advertising 711; Austin Reed 759; Christmas Special 1294–1295; compliance 979; driving licences 855; enthusiasm 931; gender bias 1099; inequality 1247; maps 831; Mid-Life 1223; plumbing 1123, 1174; pseudonyms 907; puzzling 1175; rental cars 687; Samaritans 1151; Satnav 955; ships 807; signs 1027; slide evenings 1075; visitor books 783

talking while ringing 1124, 1132 (let), 1158–1159 (let), 1182 (let), 1248

Taunton School, 50 Years Ago 312

Taunton, Som, S Mary Magd 593–595

Taylor, Catherine R. (contrib) 904

Taylor, Hannah, judging striking 220

Taylors bell foundry 619 (eds), 812

Teacher’s Guide to Learning The Ropes 957–958

teaching ringing: seminar for Surrey ringers 364; Technology in Teaching award 550

see also Assoc of Ringing Teachers

Teasdale, Christopher (contrib) 1263

technology see BellBoard; computers/technology

terminology: Grandsire Variable Treble Caters 7 (let); learner perspective 791; 'the Exercise' 119

terrorism: London Bridge attacks 571 (eds); Manchester arena attack 554, 575

Teugels, Jef L. 836

Tewkesbury Shield 2017 500

'That's all' (calling) 1124, 1132 (let), 1158–1159 (let), 1182 (let)

On This Day... (Butler) 710, 716

'Thought for the week': "A Ringing Highlight" 471; access 567; bell towers 23; "best gift" 1295; Big Ben 931; "Can bells speak louder than words?" 71; Church and ringers 519, 855; church architecture 1151; communication and community 383; connections 1175; Easter 311; fellowship 543; gravestones 143; Heritage Lottery Fund 335; hidden news 783; hunting 1027; "It takes all sorts!" 591; joy to the world 1099; Lent 239, 359; March 191; 'Marking an occasion' 215; mother's day 287; November 1123; practices away from home 955; 'progress' 639; recruitment 407; reformation 1199, 1223; "Reformation games" 615; 'refresh' 735, 807; "Ring out Freedom - in Christ" 1075; service attendance 1051; social history 95; something new 711; "Something old - something new" 1003; "Stand... if you are able" 1247; standards 495; stickability 907; "the curate learns to ring" 263; 'the Exercise' terminology 119; "The need to be prepared" 47; tourist season 879

Thurcaston/Swithland outing 119

Thurman, John (contrib) 1135

'tiddlywinks' 621 (let)

Tiebout, Paul (contrib) 1134

Todd, David James (obit) 563–564

Tompsett, Sue (contrib) 1072–1073

touches, 'Education Column' 808

tours see outings/tours

Toussaint, Neil (contrib) 167

Towell, David (contrib) 516

Town, Jennie (contrib) 193–194

Town, Katie, judging striking 220

Toyne, Cyril 518

training see Assoc of Ringing Teachers (ART); 'Education Column'; learning to ring; teaching ringing

Tremain, Phil (contrib) 191, 212, 1123

Trent, Peter (contrib) 124–125

Trinity Shield 1270–1271

Trossachs, Scotland, outdoor bells near Lock Drunkie 915 (let)

Troyte, Charles A. W. 672, 768, 792 (let)

Truro, Cornwall, Cath & P Ch of S Mary 1029, 1031 (eds)

Truro DG: AGM 2017 263; QP and call change week 1118

Tuhey, Rosemary (contrib) 593–595

Tulloch Ringing Centre, Scotland: 'Improve your ringing' courses 1221; South Wales ringers outing 660–661; spliced s maximus 713–715, 717

Turner, Malcolm S. (contrib) 356

Turner, Matthew (contrib) 660–661

twelve-bell ringing see 12-bell ringing at head of index

Twickenham, Gr London, S Mary V 587

Twynham, Nicholas Alistair (obit) 852

Tysoe Women's Institute centenary 718 (let)

UBSCR see Bristol University Society

umpiring, Alderney, S Anne, long length peal 1129

Underdown, David (contrib) 901

Underwood, John F. (contrib) 826

Underwood, Sandra (contrib) 736

United States see USA

Universities Association Summer Tour 1072–1073

university ringing: BellBoard 107, 153, 176, 200; graduations, ringing for 682–683; A level results 811 (eds)

University societies see under individually named cities

unringable bells: Bicycle Bell 383; Big Ben 836, 837, 905–906; buoy bell 716; Godmanchester Curfew Bell 1011; 'Joy Bells', Cambrai 1130–1131; Pagett's silver bell 469; South Africa 836; Stoke on Trent, Staffs, former ch of S John Ev, Hanley 97–99; Ypres Memorial Bells 917

25 Years Ago: 12-tonne bell case at Loughborough 167

50 Years Ago: radar training ship bell 167

Unsworth, I. P. (contrib) 1170

Uphill, Michael (contrib) 1291

USA: Boston, MA, USA, Christ Church, Old North 100–101; York ringers' trip 932

25 Years Ago: Honolulu, HI, USA, Cath Ch of S Andrew 768

50 Years Ago: "American organist's appreciation" 143

van Deventer, Pieta 836

Vane, Dennis (obit) 830

Venn, Ted (contrib) 1225–1226

Vintage College Youths 1156

visitor books 783

visual aids, public speaking 621 (let)

Volition, New York 312

voluntary workers 270 (let)

Waikato mini-ring open weekend 516

Walker, Duncan (CRAG Team) 789

Walker, Jim 878

Walker, Mark 384

Waller, Ben (contrib) 21

Walthamstow, Gr London, S Mary 289–291

Walton, Adrial (contrib) 764–765

war memorials, 100 Years Ago 166

Warnham, W Sussex, S Margaret 1196–1197

Warren, Lucy (contrib) 1129

WaterAid 960

Watton at Stone, Herts, S Andrew & S Mary 1169

Wayfarers 2017 Tour 998

Webb, Helen (contrib) 1056

Webb, Valerie Anne (obit) 1072

websites: Central Council new site 144, 148, 433; combination of with Bellboard 407

see also BellBoard

Webster, Eric Edward (obit) 707

Webster, Felicity (obit) 306

weddings: Austin/Williams 841; bellringers’ blessing 879; Ridley/Smith 1224; Stokoe/Lee 357

Wellen, Robert (contrib) 565, 917

Wellesbourne, Warks, S Peter 72, 241–243

Wells, June and John (contrib) 1129

Westley Group Ltd: first bell cast 1159, 1180; and Whitechapel bells 881–883, 887

Westley, Tom interview 883, 887

Westphalian Bell Museum 1281

'What's Hot' see BellBoard

Wheeler, Colin (contrib) 1262

Wheeler, Patrick (CRAG Team) 789

White, Brian (contrib) 315

White-Horne, Catherine (contrib) 216, 268–269, 572–573, 1032–1033

White, Michael V. (contrib) 1243

Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 315 (eds); auction of equipment 288; Bicycle Bell 383; "bright futures" 315; closure 55 (let), 250; final work in York diocese 493; "Last bell cast" 313–314; Longworth, Oxon, S Mary 761–763; petition presented at No. 10 385–387; plans for site 339; Save Britain's Heritage 287; and Westley Group Ltd 881–883, 887

Whitechapel Guild, Washington 366

Whitehead, David (contrib) 364

Whiteley, Martin (contrib) 469

Whiting Society, listening skills 28–29

Whittaker, Clyde (contrib): BBC Music Day 644, 645

CRAG Team: approach and architecture 934–935, 937; introduction 789; rules consultation 1230–1231; rules First Draft 1058–1059

Wigney, Mike (contrib) 682

Wilby, Andrew (contrib) 317, 912

Wilby, Joanne (contrib) 812

Wilby, Martin 1296

Wilby, Michael: long length peal 1030–1031, 1034, 1126–1127 (contrib)

Willasey, Nick (contrib) 1147, 1202–1203

Williams, Michael A. (contrib) 471, 912, 960, 1086

Williams, Terry (contrib) 660, 905

Williamson, Francis Keith (obit) 515, 528 (let)

Williamson, Gillian A. (nee Anderson-Smith) (obit) 92

Williamson, Lucy (contrib): Ringing World National Youth Contest 759; "youth of today" 688

see also 'Call me observation'

Willis, John (contrib) 517, 1037

Willott, Robert (contrib) 1253

Winchester & Portsmouth DG (W&PDG), Lord Mayor support 192

Winchester, Hants, Cath Ch of Holy Trinity, S Peter, S Paul & S Swithun, 25 Years Ago 191

Winchester, Sgt Frederick H. 381

Witchell, Revd David (contrib) 711, 1199

women ringers see lady ringers

Women’s Royal Naval Service 1199

Wood, Celia (contrib) 404–405

Wood, Robert, sponsored peal 75

Woodruff, Roy (contrib) 1174

woodwork 722

Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM: incident 171 (eds), 175, 245 (let); music 817; peal book 1049

World Challenge 522–523

World War I: Abbey ringers remembered 538; Armistice centenary 1206 (let); Back, Charles William, Lance Corporal 927; Birks, Frederick, 2nd Lieutenant 975; commemorative ringing at Lismore 1070; Cuff, Percy Charles, Pte 1170; Harrow ringers remember 1157; Honeyball, George William Waylen, Private 901–902; 'Joy Bells', Cambrai 1130–1131; Mason, George, Private 1197; muffles 816 (let); 'Pompey Pals remembered' 1000; "preparing for peace" 651; reasons for ringing 1155 (eds), 1158 (let); ringing during 7 (let), 30 (let), 55 (let); Ringing for Peace 1103, 1104–1105, 1132 (let); Sheffield, S Yorks, S John Ev, Ranmoor 596–597; Warnham & Horsham 1196–1197; Winchester, Sgt Frederick H. 381; Wright, Sgt S. A. 406

100 Years Ago: "Keep the flag flying" 907

see also Rolls of Honour

Worth, John (obit), remembering 258

Worthington Memorial Trophy 1012

Wright, Chris (contrib) 830, 1254

'wrong' calling position 568

'wrong', raising bells 1206 (let), 1256–1257

Wymondham, Norfolk, Abbey Ch of S Mary V & S Thomas a Becket 764–765, 828

York, bell projects 141

York, Hornsea, S Nicholas 493

York, N Yorks, All Saints 493

York, N Yorks, Cath & Metropolitical Church of S Peter (York Minster): Archbishop involvement 319 (let), 341 (let); Church of England 195 (eds); Head of Tower advert 142, 149 (let), 150, 198 (let), 199 (let); injunction dismissed 95, 102 (let), 149–150 (let); National 12 Bell Striking Contest 195 (eds); new band recruited 864, 907, 914–915 (let), 940 (let); new Head of Tower appointed 595 (eds), 598–599; ongoing correspondence 387 (eds), 390 (let), 453–454 (let), 481–482 (let); precursor at Grantham, Lincs, S Wulfram 346–349; and religion 126 (let), 174 (let), 198–199 (let); ringing again 7; and safeguarding 222–223 (let), 319 (let), 341 (let), 365 (let); voluntary workers 270 (let); "warm welcome" 5–6 (let)

York, N Yorks, S Helen 141, 493

Yorkshire Assoc (YACR): safeguarding 318–319 (let); safeguarding notice 150; striking competition 1002; young ringers 517

young ringers see ringers, young

Youth Contest see Ringing World National Youth Contest

Ypres Memorial Bells, Great Dorset Steam Fair 917

Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium, S George: BellBoard 888; bells arrival 1008; blessing 979, 1077–1079; Harrow ringers remember 1157; new bells 733–735, 880

Yuleboard 1271

Zimbabwe Guild, 2017 Annual Meeting Papers 435–436


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