Trash Quizbowl Packet Archive

Lafer's RPG Packet – 40 tossups – completed 11/18/2010

1. This character hosts one mini-game where you have to throw beanbags at several approaching Kilwalas, and another where the triplets Piette, Vicks and Wedge act out a human shell game. You must visit this character and play Simon Says with him in order to receive the Crono clone. For 10 points, name this man who appears as a disembodied head and arms, who runs the Tent of Horrors at the Millennial Fair in Chrono Trigger.

ANSWER: Norstein Bekkler

2. One lesser-known method of getting this item is casting the Ragnarok esper on a Harpy or an Aquila, and it can also be won by betting a Tintinabar in the Coliseum. In Final Fantasy XIII you get this item as a reward for finishing Mission 55, which requires killing a Neochu. Perhaps the most famous of these is obtained in Darill's Tomb by solving a puzzle involving the phrase THE WORLD IS SQUARE, For 10 points, name this accessory that doubles experience points gained.

ANSWER: Experience Egg or Growth Egg

3. When asked about the fate of this character, Hironobu Sakaguchi cryptically answered: “use your imagination”. His standard equipment is a Punisher and a Silk Robe that cannot be removed. He is a member of the Oracle class and has a special ability, Pray, which requires no MP to use. When using him, the party gets an instant Game Over if he dies. For 10 points, name this man who you must defend in the snowfield battle at Narshe, the leader of the Returners in Final Fantasy VI.


4. According to Dawn of Souls, this man once studied at the library located in the Lifespring Grotto. This man's brother lives in Onrac, and his help is required in order to get the spells Nuke and Life2, as well as the Chime. For 10 points name this resident of Melmond, a noted linguist who can translate the language of Lefeinish when given the Slab in the original Final Fantasy.

ANSWER: Dr. Unne

5. Rare monsters in this area include the Vorres, and an enemy that drops the strongest heavy armor in the game, the Helvinek. A hidden merchant in this area sells the Maximilian armor and the Telekinesis technick. Hunts that take place in this area include one that requires a party member to have critically low health to spawn – the Deathscythe. Three doors in this area are opened by medallions and hide the bosses Fury and Humbaba Mistant and the esper, Chaos. For 10 points, name this dungeon that was formerly a city until it was destroyed by the Midlight Shard – a location in Final Fantasy XII that contains the Zodiac Spear.

ANSWER: Necrohol of Nabudis

6. Final bosses in this game include the dictator of Facinaturu, Orlouge, and a possessed version of one of your party members called the Master Ring. Characters that can be recruited into your party include the robot EngineerCar, a slime called Slime found after being swallowed by the monster Tanzer, and an alcoholic samurai named Gen. The player can choose between the seven characters Blue, Red, Asellus, Riki, Emelia, Lute, and T260G at the start of the game, all of which have separate storylines that play out differently depending on what is done in previous storylines. For 10 points, name this Squaresoft RPG, the first game in its series on the Playstation, whose previous incarnations include the Final Fantasy Legend games and the Romancing SaGa series.

ANSWER: SaGa Frontier

7. This man first came to prominence when he smuggled goods through the Ukatis System blockade, during which he was shot down by his future wife, Nayama, who eventually turned to the Dark Side. The trial of this man's friend Sunry is a major plotline on the planet of Manaan. Before this character joins your party you must kill some poachers from the Czerka Corporation, and he will then open up the force field that leads to the Star Map on his home planet, Kashyyyk, For 10 points, name this sarcastic old man and former Jedi who is a playable character in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

ANSWER: Jolee Bindo

8. To advance to the boss of this area, you must go to the hotel and speak with “the man with the gold tooth whose eyebrows are connected”, who is invisible. Everdred tells the player how to access this area, which is done by going to the back wall of Jackie's Cafe and pressing L. Enemies in this area include the Enraged Fire Plug, the Dali's Clock, and Robo-Pump, while the boss of the area is the Mani-Mani statue. For 10 points, name this location where “no” means “yes”, the bizarro version of the city of Fourside in Earthbound.

ANSWER: Moonside

9. This character's grave appears in Elfland in the original Final Fantasy. The token that bears this character's name is located in a swamp located south of Cantlin, and his shield is located behind a gold door in Cannock Castle. This character himself hails from Aliahan and is the son of Ortega, and he avenges his father's death by killing Baramos in the third game in the series he appears in. Among his descendants are the princess of Moonbrooke, and the prince of Cannock, as well as a hero whose hometown is Tantegel Castle. For 10 points name this famed knight whose sword is found in the Dragonlord's castle, who, along with his descendants, are protagonists of the first three games in the Dragon Quest series.

ANSWER: Erdrick (Accept Roto or Loto, his Japanese name)

10. In Revenant Wings, this character appears as a Sahagin in the Sky Saloon of the party's airship. The Tetra Master card for this character can be found in Kuja's room in the Desert Palace or won in the Treno tournament and is among the rarest cards. In the DS remake of the game he most prominently appears in, he performs additional functions such as giving access to the Bestiary and the Music Box. Near the end of Final Fantasy IV, it is revealed that he is a member of a race of beings that lives in a cave on the moon. For 10 points, name this Hummingway that can change your character's names.

ANSWER: Namingway

11. In one game, they have the name Chromeo or Nugget when captured and are best hunted in the Neverglade, though they first appear in Whealbrook Cave. In the most recent game in which they appear, they are the objective of the “Comeback Kid” quest, in which they must be killed by the Power Throw ability. In their first appearance, they are found near Hauksness and have 4 hit points. Their more powerful “liquid” variety, also known as a babble, is often the namesake of the most powerful equipment in the game in which they appear. For 10 points, name these enemies that have extremely high defense and run away easily but give large amounts of experience, a mainstay of the Dragon Quest series.

ANSWER: metal slime

12. This character's namesake “pants” are worn as a helmet and confuse the character that equips them. This character's name is Vinegar in the original Japanese. His descendant, the eighth of his name, rules Medina Village in 1000 AD, and a statue of him appears in that village after his master is defeated. The last fight with him is an optional fight in his namesake fort, where he takes on the sobriquet “The Great”, though in his most notable appearance he is dropped into a pit when a cat accidentally presses a switch. For 10 points, name this bumbling subordinate of Magus in Chrono Trigger who is often accompanied by Slash and Flea.

ANSWER: Ozzie (accept Vinegar before it is mentioned)

13. This character's super moves are Hand of Fate, Spirit Charge, and Tackle, and when first meeting him he forces the protagonist to drag crates from the hold of his ship. Late in the game his nemesis is revealed to be Plergoth, the purple Gigas, and he rejoins the party in Glacia after his attempts to help Plergoth fail. His son was killed by that arcwhale, also known as Rhaknam, and he disappears for much of the game after he harpoons Rhaknam with his ship, the Little Jack. For 10 points, name this Ahab ripoff with an artificial arm, a playable character in Skies of Arcadia..

ANSWER: Drachma

14. This creature can be evolved from a Crusader using the Heart Warden in Dawn of the New World. In another game, it appears in the Isle of Feres, Theor Forest, and Choral Castle and drops the Ultimatus in the third battle. In the first game in which it appears, it appears in Gaoracchia Forest, the Ossa Trail, and Iselia Forest, and drops three items named for the imperial regalia of Japan. For 10 points, name this skeletal blade-wielding creature that appears in multiple games in the Tales series.

ANSWER: Sword Dancer

15. A vehicle with this name replaces one that can use the Flaming Hell and System Id abilities, and is the only one used against the game's final boss, Urobolus. The game of this name is known for its deep cast of villains, including a general obsessed with huge cannons, Vanderkaum; a group of 12 men whose personalities were downloaded into the SOL-9000 computer after their death, the Gazel Ministry; and a dark-clad man who often asks weaker villains if they “desire the power”, Grahf, who is secretly Lacan, the past-self of the protagonist. Playable characters include the demihuman Rico Banderas and the annoying pink animal Chu-Chu. For 10 points, name this game featuring Elly Van Houten and Fei Fong Wong, a Square game from 1998 featuring the namesake giant robots, or Gears.

ANSWER: Xenogears

16. This character can find items such as the Dirty Pair of Pantaloons and the Tangled Ball of Yarn when you ask him “Do you see anything interesting?” and he will clean your armor when you say “Can you do something about this gory mess?” He gains points to strength, willpower and constitution when he is near a “Landmark” location, such as a certain tree in the Brecilian Forest. His two talent trees are Fortitude and Growl, and he can be obtained by any race by retrieving a Wilds Flower and giving it to the Kennel Master in Ostagar. For 10 points, name this aptly named Mabari Hound from Dragon Age: Origins.

ANSWER: Dog (accept “the dog from Dragon Age” or reasonable equivalents)

17. This enemy drops an item that only hits 25% of the time but often scores critical hits – the Casey Bat. In his first appearance, the dungeon he is in is accessed by hiding behind a waterfall and saying the “password” – which requires standing still for three minutes. The second time you fight him he is defeated by PSI Starstorm when his HP is low enough – this fight takes place in the Deep Darkness. In the first fight, he can be distracted by the Jar of Fly Honey. For 10 points, name this sentient pile of vomit, a boss in Earthbound.

ANSWER: Master Belch (accept Master Barf)

18. In Xenogears, Rankar, the first boss, is this type of creature. The Giruveganus is this type of animal, and other examples in Final Fantasy XII are the monster that is causing sandstorms between the Estersand and Westersand – the Earth Tyrant – and a mark that can be fought outside the Pharos, the Pylraster. In Earthbound the Ego Orb is the only enemy in the Lost Underworld that is not this type of animal. (*) In Final Fantasy VI, a monster of this type can drop a Ribbon in the colosseum and is also fought in a certain forest and is the most difficult regular enemy in the game. For 10 points, identify this type of animal frequently found in the Giant's Claw and Reptite Lair in Chrono Trigger in 65 million BC, a now-extinct type of “terrible lizard”.

ANSWER: dinosaur (accept tyrannosaurus before *)

19. The most recent game in this series features the protagonist Clarissa Arwin, and is a strategy RPG subtitled XF. The last two games in the main series use a battle system called “Hex”, and all of the games feature an optional superboss that drops an item called the Sheriff Star: Ragu o Ragula. The first game in the series features the antagonists Lady Harken, Berserk, Alhazad, and Zeikfreid – known collectively as the Quarter Knights – and one of its protagonists has a pet mouse named Hanpan. It pre-dated Final Fantasy VII as one of the first RPGs to have 3D graphics in battles. For 10 points, name this five-game series developed by Media Vision for the Playstation and Playstation 2, known for its steampunk setting.


20. When fighting this boss, it uses various “programs” that mimic the abilities of previous bosses such as Dadaluma, Atma Weapon and Air Force. It is often used to block the party's progress, preventing access to Vector's imperial palace and blocking the exits of Thamasa when controlling General Leo. For 10 points, name this mechanical enemy that is finally vulnerable when fighting it in Kefka's Tower in Final Fantasy VI.

ANSWER: Guardian

21. In Star Ocean 2, the character Ashton is obsessed with these objects. In Super Mario RPG, the volcano where you encounter the Axem Rangers is named for one of these objects, and in Secret of Mana, this item allows you to be invulnerable to enemy attacks for a little while, though it prevents you from attacking. In Final Fantasy VII, Aeris can drop these onto Shinra soldiers that are chasing Cloud in the Sector 5 church, For 10 points, identify these items that often reveal items when broken and are thrown by Donkey Kong.

ANSWER: barrels

22. This man rides around on a train called the Loco Express, and in the end of the game he has a wedding with his fellow villain, Valentina. His minions include Chef Torte, Knife Guy and Grate Guy, and his namesake tower features a curtain that Mario can duck behind and turn into an 8-bit version of himself. For 10 points, name this villain that is served by a troop of Snifits, a bizarre bearded man that kidnaps Princess Toadstool in Super Mario RPG.

ANSWER: Booster

23. The blue-haired woman with this name is a fellow party member of Aguro, Jerin and the unnamed hero in the first game in her namesake series. She appears as “Iris” in the second game in the series, and is also secretly the Sinistral of Death, Erim. The superior second game in the series features Dekar, Guy and Maxim and is known for its creative and difficult puzzles. For 10 points, name this series whose entries include The Rise of the Sinistrals and The Fortress of Doom.


24. This character always has the “atheist” negative status effect, and when he is discovered, he is commanded to dance and then kill Mustadio. He is obtained by bringing the Aquarius Stone to the Clockwork City of Goug, For 10 points, name this robotic companion from Final Fantasy Tactics.

ANSWER: Worker 8 (or Construct 8)

25. In order to not die horribly in the Pure Lands, you should probably buy this character's supply of Vestguards, Needle Helms and Gauntlets, which he sells after a certain Fortress is raised. Although he claims that his items are “purrfectly priceless”, he charges twice as much as other merchants for items such as Candy and Chocolate. For 10 points, name this salesman, a pink cat that pops up in many different locations in Secret of Mana whose name is Japanese for “cat”.


26. Getting this item requires the Venus Crest, which is obtained in a chest in the Farplane, and the Venus Sigil, which is obtained by dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts in the Thunder Plains. The item itself can be found by entering the coordinates 12, 57 in the airship and defeating Geosgaeno in the Baaj Temple. For 10 points, name this object, Lulu's celestial weapon in Final Fantasy X, that is also the name of the default job class in Final Fantasy III.

ANSWER: Onion Knight

27. According to the clan primer, one creature of this name was created to oppose Knight-Star Pashtarot, and in the Zodiac system of Ivalice he is represented by Cancer. His constant spawning of Dark Lords and the locking of the magic command makes the battle against him in Final Fantasy XII quite difficult at low levels. In Super Mario RPG, the super-boss Culex is a parody of this villain, who morphs into his true form when the Crystal is used on him. For 10 points, name this end-boss that uses Black Hole and Big Bang, the living embodiment of Zemus's hatred in Final Fantasy IV.

ANSWER: Zeromus

28. This character's cousin is the heir to the Rolek company, which is involved in the slave-trade. That cousin, Neil, helps this character with his inventions, such as the airplane, which he uses to fly to the Tower of Babel. Real-world locations that this character visits include the Nazca Lines and some Incan ruins, and among his powers are the ability to move things telepathically with his flute or change into the warriors Shadow and Freedan. For 10 points, name this protagonist of the sequel to Soul Blazer – Illusion of Gaia.


29. The Time Egg is used at this location in order to access the game's final boss, the Time Devourer. Earlier in the game, this location near Arni Village is used to travel between the real world and Another World, and it was also the location where Serge was attacked by a panther as a child. For 10 points, name this enigmatic beach, a location in Chrono Cross.

ANSWER: Opassa Beach

30. Allies of the protagonist of this game include the robot Napoleon, and the android Nagisa, a creation of the main character's father, Dr. Akihabara. The villains, led by strange characters such as Meta Crab and Dr. Einst, are known as Hackers. For 10 points, name this poorly translated Quintet/Enix game for the Super Nintendo that involves combat with three custom-built robots.

ANSWER: Robotrek (accept Slapstick the Japanese title)

31. In Chrono Cross, Lisa's father is changed into one of these objects. In Secret of Mana, Flammie is obtained in a town ruled by these sorts of organisms, Matango. A “rock road” named for these objects is the location of the Masamune and Godhand in Final Fantasy X. In Earthbound, an enemy may cause one of these to grow on your head, which reverses the directions on your controller. For 10 points, name these items that heal your party in Super Mario RPG, a certain type of fungus.

ANSWER: mushrooms

32. This character disguises himself as Zip Toad in order to steal the Nitro Honey Syrup from the Businessman, and he appears in the guise of Professor Frankly in the Rogueport Sewers in Chapter 7. In his most famous disguise, he flatters Mayor Dour, and is defeated when the protagonist finds the lower case “P” in a treasure chest and speaks his true name. For 10 points, name this villain that turns the villagers of Twilight Town into pigs in Chapter 4 of Paper Mario: the Thousand Year Door – a sheet-wearing ghost that steals Mario's identity.

ANSWER: Doopliss

33. This ability was originally known as Jihad in the Japanese Version. Along with Odin, it teaches Meteor, and equipping it is the only method of learning Merton. For 10 points, name this Esper that is the reward for defeating the eight Dragons in Final Fantasy VI.

ANSWER: Crusader

34. This ability can be utilized to trigger the “Lucky Sevens” status effect if a character has max HP and two materia equipped, since it does damage based on your amount of materia multipled by 1111. This is appropriate since the attack's name is an anagram of “materia”. For 10 points, name this dreaded attack used by Emerald Weapon in Final Fantasy VII.

ANSWER: Aire Tam Storm

35. The Titanium Seal of this place can be earned by fishing up coins from this city's fountain. This city is currently controlled by a council including Archmage Modera, Aethas Sunreaver, and Rhonin Redhair. Inns here include the Legerdemain Lounge, Cantrips & Crows, and the Filthy Animal, and its flight pad is known as Krasus' Landing. Originally located in the Alterac Mountains, it was moved to Crystalsong Forest in the most recent expansion. The location of the Violet Hold, for 10 points name this floating city that serves as a sanctuary for both Alliance and Horde players in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion of World of Warcraft.

ANSWER: Dalaran

36. The consequences of retrieving this item include receiving a Bag of Dragonite, some sauerkraut and the ability to access Lumine Hall. This tome was once checked out by Apple Kid, but after defeating Starman Deluxe it is revealed that he returned it to the Onett Library. For 10 points, name this self-help book that is desired by the bashful Tenda tribe in Earthbound.

ANSWER: Overcoming Shyness book

37. According to an Artefact in Final Fantasy Tactics, these creatures were once shot out of a “highly imprecise” cannon. Other than Memoria, playing against one of these creatures is the only way to get the Mog Tetra Master card in Final Fantasy IX. In a DS remake, this creature can replay cutscenes or music tracks and is called the Godbird by the Dwarves. Cait Sith's Toy Box limit break sometimes drops this creature for 4 times normal damage, and it is generally summoned by a carrot in an area where it can be smelled. For 10 points, name this corpulent avian known for storing items and for falling on enemies during the ChocoMog summon.

ANSWER: fat chocobo (prompt on “chocobo”)

38. TWO ANSWERS REQUIRED: The last news we hear of these characters is that they are fighting in the Higheast Rebellion. One of them is loved by Nina, but can't get over the death of Odessa Silverberg, while the other is the wielder of the Star Dragon Blade, which is one of the only weapons that can harm Neclord. They can be recruited in South Window in the second game in the series, and in the first game they appear to perish after Gregminster Castle collapses. For 10 points, name these loyal soldiers of the Toran Liberation Army, two of the most powerful characters in the Suikoden series.

ANSWER: Flik and Viktor

39. In Bahamut Lagoon, a negative status effect turns you into one of these creatures. One of these creatures is Shion's avatar in the UMN in Xenosaga, and Janice in Chrono Cross takes on the appearance and mannerisms of one of these animals. One of these dramatically kills a Catoblepas before going berserk and is known as Fury, and another one in Final Fantasy XII annoyingly runs away from the party in Golmore Jungle and is known as the “vorpal” one of these. In Secret of Mana, one of these is exhibited with a man in a sideshow that precedes the first appearance of the Sprite. For 10 points, name this animal that appears in Final Fantasy VI as the Leafer enemy and as a creature that heals your party slightly when Setzer loses on slots, the lagomorph.

ANSWER: rabbits or bunnies or bunny-rabbits

40. Among this company's early releases were the action-RPG Exile: Wicked Phenomenon and a remake of the platformer Popful Mail for Sega CD. Their 32-bit releases include Albert Odyssey and Dragon Force for the Saturn, and Alundra and the Arc the Lad collection for the Playstation, though they may be best-known for the excellent re-releases of Eternal Blue and Silver Star Story – the first two games in the Lunar series. For 10 points, name this defunct company run by Victor Ireland, known for the pop culture references and cheesy humor that they incorporate into their RPG translations.

ANSWER: Working Designs


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