Royal Public School BokaroPractice paper (2019-20)TERM – 2 ENGLISHSET : B Class : IX F.M : 80Reading Section – 20 Marks01.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows: (8)(i)On 3 August 1996, Leander Paes became the first Indian to win an individual medal in 44 years when he defeated Fernando Meligeni of Brazil in an exciting match in the Centennial Olympic Games at Atlanta. Paes ranked 31 places below the Brazilian, played with gusto and determination against a player who has two ATP tour titles under his belt, and clinched the bronze medal. He was given a standing ovation when Paes raised his hand in triumph and said a silent prayer.(ii)Leander's father had won a bronze medal in the Munich Olympics 1972 as a member of the Indian hockey team. It is creditable to Leander Paes as he got it in an individual event.Later he dedicated the medal to his coach and his doubles teammate. “They have helped me out and given me advice and kept me in good frame of mind. This medal doesn't just show my efforts; it shows the efforts of the whole team”.Paes was recognised as a prodigy by Vijay Amritraj in the '80s. Even so, Paes' true mentor has been Naresh Kumar, the former Indian Davis Cup Captain. His incredible Davis Cup record speaks for itself. While it may be said that some of his Davis Cup victories were achieved because he was playing on his favourite surface, grass and enjoyed home support. But at Atlanta, Paes had nom. of these advantages except his coach, close family members and the expatriates.(v)While Davis Cup victories bring in good cash rewards and ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) points, there he was playing for just a medal. Paes explains it all when he says, "When 1 am playing for my country I don't expect anything." That straightaway sets him apart. He succeeds because of his willingness to take his chances, swift reflexes and mental strength, and the fact that he does not accept defeat easily(a)Leander's victory at Atlanta is significant because (b)His father's Olympic triumph in 1972 was different from his own because it was (c)Leander gave credit to his coach and his teammate in doubles for his victory. how did they help him?(d)If you are required to sum up Leander's qualities as a player, which one would you like to highlight and why?(e)In India, while registering his victories in Davis Cup one could say that he won because_______.At Atlanta he won because.02.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:(12)(i)One of the great values of punctuality is that it gives discipline to life. We have to get up in time. We have to do things at the appointed time. All these entail certain amount of sacrifice. It dispels laziness and removes our 'take-it-easy attitude'. A disciplined person always gets recognition and social acceptance. He is wanted and appreciated. Therefore, punctuality can make us socially acceptable people.(ii)Another significant merit of punctuality is that it provides ample time to do our work correctly and properly. Doing things hurriedly or haphazardly can have disastrous consequences. When we do things in time there is every chance that they end up as fine works.The virtue of punctuality is said to be the key to success. Look at the great world leaders who have achieved fame and success. Punctuality was their hallmark. They kept their promises. Punctuality is a virtue that is appreciated by all. Washington once took his secretary to task for being lute. The secretary laid the blame upon his watch. Washington reported: “Then, Sir either you get a new watch or 1 must get a new secretary.” People like them are ideals whom we should follow in earnest.When individuals are not punctual they cause a lot of inconvenience to others. people have to wait for them and waste their valuable time. Want of punctuality reveals want to culture and is discourteous to the person we fail. Unpunctuality invites trouble and worry. History is full of cases which show that lake of punctuality has caused defeat, loss of kingdom and golden opportunities. It is said that Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo in 1915 because one of his general came late. Many people loss good opportunities of job or promotion when they reach late for appointment.(v) All of us are not born with the virtue of punctuality. We have to cultivate it painstakingly. Only constant vigil and practice can implant this virtue.It calls for great deal of sacrifice. It calls for courage to root out laziness and the ‘take-it- easy attitude’. It demands a disciplined life. That is why very few individuals have the virtue of punctuality. But, know it for certain that it is the surest way to success.B.Read the given questions and write the answer in about 30-40 words:(a)What is the writer's concern in this passage?(b)What would he the consequences of not maintaining punctuality in your work?(c)Give some examples to show that lack of punctuality has caused trouble and worry. (d)How did the great world leaders achieve fame and success in their life?C.On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following:(a) A disciplined person always gets:(i) Recognition(ii) social acceptance(iii) Work done correctly and property(iv) all of the above(b) If you are not disciplined, you will:(i) Work hurriedly or haphazardly(ii) You will be punctual(iii) Be appreciated by people(iv) none of the above(c) We are not born with the virtue of punctuality. (True / False)Give one word for 'to keep a strict watch'. (pars 5)Write the grammar section – 30 marks03.More and more people are now used to carrying mobile phone to their workplace. However, the use of mobile phone can be dangerous of time. Write an article in 100-150 words on ‘Mobile Culture – The Ethics’. Take hint from the information given. (8)Don’t use mobiles…Write driving at petrol pumps inside the aircraft when in ICUIf you are near a heart patient or someone who has a pacemakersorDescribe your favourite dancer in 100-150 words.04.You won the Best Student Award this (10)Year Make a diary entry in 100-150 words expressing your feelings. You can take help from the given hints.Hints: Best student Award for excellence in studies as well as achievement in co- curricular activities. Joy knows no bounds – parents have promised a scooty/ bicycle. Friends and teachers appreciate – proud moment. orYou recently participated in a “Robot Making event in your school participants from as many as 30 schools in the city took past in the event. Write about the event in 100-150 words describing how many robots were made and who was awarded the best prize etc.05.Gap Filling :-3Thousand of species of plants (a) ____________ animal are fast disappearing from the face (b) __________ our earth and no one else (c) ________ human being is responsible for this falling of trees in the hilly regions has destroyed the lives of people living there.06.Sentences Reordering :3Exercise / for / health / good / doing /is days / aware / their / health / these / people/ are / more / of health / are / in / available / may / foods/ also / the / market.07.Omission:-e.g Before. fondMissing word ofAfter watchingI am so fond watching___________________________Cricket I have always sports ___________________________and till it remains my passion ___________________________My father against my joining ___________________________Sports Academy. My sports ___________________________Player Dhoni. There is a film made on his life journey ___________________________08.Sentences Transformation :3Prerna : Are you going for the picnic ? Ram:No, I can’t because my father is unwell.Prerna :I will pray to God for his speedy recovery.Prerna wanted to from Ram (a) _____________ to this Ram answered that he could not go because (b) ____________ Further, Prerna said that (c) ___________.(Literature Section – 30 Marks) 09.Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that fallow :4Away away in the Northland,Where the hour of the day are few.And the night are so long in winter,That they cannot sleep them through;The place being talked about is the ______________.In this region days are short and the night are ____________.In line 4 ‘they’ refers to the people who live in this region. (True/False) A synonym for ‘away away’ can be orRead the following retracts carefully and answer the questions that follow: The sound was a familiar one. One could say that the rats and I Shared the room. I took out my box of matches and lighted the kerosene lamp on the table.The house was not electrified; it was a small rented room. I had just set up medical practice and my earnings were meagre.The familiar sound was that of the ____________.The author was a __________by profession.The author had a small rented room that was not electrified. (True/ False)The word that is antonyms of abundant in the above passage is ________.10.Answer of the following questions in 30-40 words each (any five). (10)Why was Kezia afraid of her father? Why did Einstein call his desk drawer at the patent office? Why?Who were Abdul Kalim’s school friends? What did they become later?Why was the child forbidden to hear the music? Why did Toto enter the large kitchen kettle? What was the routine of Iswaran? Why did the happy prince ask the swallow to stay? 11.Attempt the following long answer type questions in 100-150 words. (8)What did the guru and discipline find in the city of fools? Would you advice anybody to live in such a place?orGive a brief description of Toto, the monkey.12.Why did Albert Einstein leave the school of the age of fifteen? Do you think a liberal environment in the school helps in learning in a better way? (8)orWhy did Kezia like Mr. Macdonald and hate her father? **** ................

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