Problem-Solving/Response-to-Intervention (RtI) Beliefs ...


Directions: For each selected student, please use the scale provided to indicate the degree to which each critical component of Response to Intervention (RTI) is present in permanent products (e.g., meeting notes, psychoeducational reports) that resulted from the RTI process. See the attached rubric for the criteria for determining the degree to which each critical component is present.

|Component |1 = Present |Evidence/Comments |

| |2 = Partially | |

| |Present | |

| |3 = Absent | |

|Problem Identification |

|One or more replacement behaviors were identified. | 1 2 3 | |

|Data describing current and expected levels of performance were collected. | 1 2 3 | |

|A gap analysis was conducted to determine the appropriate tier of intervention | 1 2 3 | |

|Problem Analysis |

|Hypotheses were developed across multiple domains. | 1 2 3 | |

|Hypotheses were developed to determine if the student was not performing the | 1 2 3 | |

|replacement behavior because of a performance and/or skill deficit. | | |

|Data were used to determine viable or active hypotheses for why the replacement |1 2 3 | |

|behavior was not occurring. | | |

|Intervention Development and Implementation |

|Short- and long-term goals were clearly stated in relation to the benchmarks. | 1 2 3 | |

|Interventions were developed to address barriers identified by verified hypotheses. | 1 2 3 | |

|An intervention plan specifying the logistics of the intervention(s) selected was | 1 2 3 | |

|provided. | | |

|Data were provided demonstrating that the intervention plan was implemented with | 1 2 3 | |

|integrity. | | |

|Intervention support plan with personnel was developed. | 1 2 3 | |

|Program Evaluation/RTI |

|Criteria for positive RTI were defined | 1 2 3 | |

|Progress-monitoring data were collected/scheduled. | 1 2 3 | |

|A decision regarding the student’s RTI was documented. | 1 2 3 | |

|A plan for continuing, modifying, or terminating the intervention plan was provided. | 1 2 3 | |


1. Replacement behavior identified

a. Present = Replacement behavior was provided in observable and measurable terms.

b. Partially Present = Replacement behavior was provided, but not in observable and measurable terms.

c. Absent = Replacement behavior was not provided.

2. Data on current and expected levels of performance collected

a. Present = Data were collected on current level of student performance, current level of peer performance, and the benchmark.

b. Partially Present = Data were collected on current level of student performance, but data on the current level of peer performance or the benchmark were not collected.

c. Absent = No data were collected on the current level of student performance.

3. Gap analysis conducted

a. Present = Data were used to calculate the gap between the student and the benchmark and the peers and the benchmark.

b. Partially Present = Data were used to calculate the gap between the student and the benchmark but not the peers and the benchmark.

c. Absent = No analysis was conducted to determine the gap between the student and the benchmark.

4. Multiple hypotheses developed

a. Present = Reasons for the student not performing the replacement behavior were developed. The reasons provided span multiple hypothesis domains (e.g., child, curriculum, peers, family/community, classroom, teacher).

b. Partially Present = Reasons for the student not performing the replacement behavior were developed, but the reasons do not span multiple hypothesis domains (e.g., curriculum hypotheses only).

c. Absent = Reasons for the student not performing the replacement behavior were not developed.

5. Hypotheses developed to determine performance or skill deficit

a. Present = Hypotheses were developed to determine whether the student not performing the replacement behavior was due to a performance and/or skill deficit.

b. Partially Present = A discussion of performance versus skill deficits was provided, but no formal hypotheses were developed addressing whether the student was not performing the replacement behavior because of a performance and/or skill deficit.

c. Absent = No discussion of, or hypotheses investigating, whether the student was not performing the replacement behavior because of a performance and/or skill deficit was provided.

6. Data collected to determine viable hypotheses

a. Present = Data were collected using RIOT (Review, Interview, Observe, Test) procedures for all hypotheses to determine the reasons that are likely to be barriers to the student performing the replacement behavior.

b. Partially Present = Data were collected using RIOT (Review, Interview, Observe, Test) procedures for some hypotheses to determine the reasons that are likely to be barriers to the student performing the replacement behavior.

c. Absent = Data to determine the reasons that are likely to be barriers to the student performing the replacement behavior were not collected.

7. Short- and long-term goals clearly stated

a. Present = Short- and long-term goals for student RTI were clearly stated in relation to the benchmark.

b. Partially Present = Short- and long-term goals for student RTI were clearly stated but did not relate to the benchmark.

c. Absent = Short-term and long-term goals were not stated.

8. Interventions linked to barriers from verified hypotheses

a. Present = The components of the intervention plan can be linked directly to barriers to learning identified by verified hypotheses.

b. Partially Present = Some of the components of the intervention plan can be linked directly to barriers to learning identified by verified hypotheses.

c. Absent = Little or none of the components of the intervention plan can be linked directly to barriers to learning identified by verified hypotheses.

9. Intervention plan developed specifying logistics

a. Present = An intervention plan specifying who will be responsible for delivering the intervention(s), what procedures the individual(s) will follow, when the intervention(s) will be delivered, where the intervention(s) will be delivered, and what materials will be needed was provided.

b. Partially Present = An intervention plan was provided, but some logistical information (i.e., who, what, when, where, materials needed) was missing.

c. Absent = No intervention plan specifying who will be responsible for delivering the intervention(s), what procedures the individual(s) will follow, when the intervention(s) will be delivered, where the intervention(s) will be delivered, or what materials will be needed was provided.

10. Data provided demonstrating intervention integrity

a. Present = Quantifiable data were provided demonstrating that the intervention plan was implemented as intended.

b. Partially Present = Information was provided to support claims that the intervention plan was implemented as intended, but no quantifiable data were present.

c. Absent = No information on the degree to which the intervention plan was implemented as intended was provided.

11. Intervention support plan developed

a. Present = An intervention support plan was developed that included the personnel responsible for providing support, the dates on which support was to be provided, and timelines for follow-up to address intervention implementation issues.

b. Partially Present = An intervention support plan was developed, but either the personnel responsible for providing support, the dates on which support was to be provided, or the timelines for follow-up to address intervention implementation issues was not provided.

c. Absent = No intervention support plan was developed.

12. Criteria for determining positive RTI defined

a. Present = The rate at which improvement on the target skill is needed for the student’s RTI to be considered positive was provided in measurable terms.

b. Partially Present = Quantifiable data defining improvement in the target skill needed for positive RTI was provided, but the data did not include a rate index.

c. Absent = No criteria for determining positive RTI were provided.

13. Progress-monitoring data collected/scheduled

a. Present = Progress-monitoring data were collected at an appropriate frequency using measures that are sensitive to small changes in the target skill.

b. Partially Present = Progress-monitoring data were collected but were not collected frequently enough or were collected using measures that were are not sensitive to small changes in the target skill.

c. Absent = Little or no progress-monitoring data were collected.

14. Decisions regarding student RTI documented

a. Present = Documented decisions regarding whether a student demonstrated positive, questionable, or poor RTI were made based on progress-monitoring data.

b. Partially Present = A discussion of the student’s RTI was provided, but no decisions regarding positive, questionable, or poor RTI were made.

c. Absent = No discussion of the student’s RTI was provided.

15. Plan for continuing, modifying, or terminating the intervention plan provided

a. Present = A plan for continuing, modifying, or terminating the intervention plan was provided based on the student’s RTI.

b. Partially Present = A plan for continuing, modifying, or terminating the intervention plan was provided, but it did not link directly to the student’s RTI.

c. Absent = No plan for continuing, modifying, or terminating the intervention plan was provided.


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