Rubric for Expressive/Descriptive Writing

Name ________________________________________

Formatting: 2-3 pages, double spaced?  _____/5 Formatting: Margins, font, etc. _____/3

Proper MLA heading? _____/4 Creative title? _____/2

Rubric for Descriptive Writing

Late Papers - 10% deduction per day

| |4- Excellent |3- Very Good |2-Satisfactory |1-Needs Improvement |

|Ideas |*“paints a picture” for the reader |*creates some clear images for |*sometimes strays from the topic |*poorly focused on the topic |

| |*well-focused on the topic |the reader |*ideas are not well-developed |*ideas are unclear |

| |*clear ideas are well-supported |*focused on the topic |*more details are needed |*few details are given |

| |with interesting and vivid details |*ideas are well-supported with | | |

| | |details | | |

|Organization |*well-focused on the topic |*generally focused on the topic |*somewhat focused on the topic |*not focused on the topic |

| |*logical organization |*some lapses in organization |*poor organization |*no clear organization |

| |*excellent transitions |*some transitions |*few transitions |*no transitions |

| |*easy to follow |*usually easy to follow |*difficult to follow |*difficult to impossible to |

| | | | |follow |

|Introduction |Introductory paragraph clearly |Introductory paragraph states |Introductory paragraph attempts to |No attempt is made to state the |

| |states subject of essay and |subject of essay but is not |state subject of essay but does not|subject of the essay in an |

| |captures reader's attention. |particularly inviting to the |capture reader's attention. |introductory paragraph. |

| | |reader. | | |

|Word Choice |*precise, vivid and interesting |*fairly precise, interesting and |*vague, mundane word choices |*very limited word choices |

| |word choices |somewhat varied word choices |*wording is sometimes repetitive |*wording is bland and not |

| |*wide variety of word choices |*wording could be more specific |*more descriptive words are needed |descriptive |

|Sensory Detail |Essay includes details that appeal |Includes details that appeal to |Includes details that appeal to |Includes no details that appeal |

| |to at least three of the five |fewer than three of the five |only one of the five senses. |to one of the five senses. |

| |senses (taste, touch, sound, sight,|senses. | | |

| |smell). | | | |

|Figurative Language |Writer effectively uses simile, |Writer uses one example of |Writer may try to use simile, |Writer does not include simile, |

| |metaphor, and personification to |simile, metaphor, or |metaphor, and personification but |metaphor, or personification in |

| |describe the subject. |personification to describe the |does so incorrectly. |essay. |

| | |subject. | | |

|Sentence Fluency |*uses complete sentences |*uses complete sentences |*occasional sentence fragment or |*frequent use of sentence |

| |*varying sentence structure and |*generally simple sentence |run-on sentences |fragments or run-on sentences |

| |lengths |structures |*simple sentence structure is used |*sentences are difficult to |

| | | |repeatedly |understand |

|Conventions |*proper grammar, usage |*few errors of grammar and usage|*errors in grammar, usage and |*frequent errors in grammar, |

| |*correct spelling |*mostly correct spelling, |spelling sometimes make |usage, spelling, capitalization |

| |*correct punctuation |punctuation |understanding difficult |and punctuation |

| |*correct capitalization |and capitalization |*some errors in punctuation and |make understanding difficult or |

| | | |capitalization |impossible |

|Voice |*voice is fitting for the topic and|*voice is fairly clear and seems |*voice rarely comes through |*voice is weak or inappropriate |

| |engaging |to fit the topic |*not always suited for audience and|*no sense of audience and purpose|

| |*well-suited for audience and |*suited for audience and purpose |purpose | |

| |purpose | | | |


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