Behavior - PBISWorld


|1st Offense |2nd Offense |3rd Offense |4th Offense | |

|Level 1 |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |

|Horseplay |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |

|No imbalance of power but involves |Warning |Time to Think form sent home w/letter to |Student calls home from |Student calls home from |

|“goofing around” or playing that may | |parent |office |office |

|include pushing, shoving, grabbing, name | |Opportunity for apology |1 Silent supervised recess/ |2 Silent supervised |

|calling/teasing, or rude gestures, lack of | | |Time to Think form |recess/Time to Think form |

|respect | | |Opportunity for apology |Opportunity for apology |

| | | | | |

|Level 2 |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |

|Mild Aggression |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |

|Verbal aggression: emotional blackmail, |Time to Think form sent |Student calls home from |Student calls home from |Principal calls home |

|teasing, rumors |home w/letter to parent |office |office |3 Silent supervised recess/ |

|physical aggression: purposeful name |Opportunity for apology |1 Silent supervised recess/ |2 Silent supervised recess/ |Time to Think form |

|calling, pushing, shoving, tripping, hair | |Time to Think form |Time to Think form |Opportunity for apology |

|pulling, pinching | |Opportunity for apology |Opportunity for apology | |

|Level 3 |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |

|Moderate Aggression |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |

|punching, slapping, kicking, |Principal calls home |Principal calls home |Principal calls home |Principal calls home |

|threats of emotional/physical |2 Silent supervised recess/ |One Session ISS/Time to Think form |Two Sessions ISS/Time to Think form |Three Sessions ISS/Time to Think form |

|violence, purposeful exclusion |Time to Think form |Opportunity for apology |Opportunity for apology |Opportunity for apology |

|directed profanity, disrespect of |Opportunity for apology | | | |

|property | | | | |

|Level 4 |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |15 sec. Intervention |

|Severe Aggression |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |Log Behavior Report |

|Physical contact intending severe |Principal calls home |Principal calls home |Principal calls home |Principal calls home |

|harm, harassment (racial, ethnic, |3 Silent supervised recess/ |Two Sessions ISS/Time to Think form |Three Sessions ISS/Time to Think form |One Day OSS/Time to Think form |

|sexual, religious, etc...) |Time to Think form |Possible Restitution |Possible Restitution |Possible Restitution |

|stealing, destruction of property |Possible Restitution |Opportunity for apology |Opportunity for apology |Opportunity for apology |

| |Opportunity for apology | | | |


Note: Administrative discretion is reserved for all infractions. Consequences assigned may be modified. Students may be placed on individual plans with additional consequences. Other ‘inappropriate behaviors’ will be addressed with school-wide disciplinary action.

One session of ISS equals two school hours. (Revised 11/08)

Central Elementary Mean/Aggressive Behavior Rubric 2009-2010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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