Living Free Ministries

Welcome my freedom fighting, fellow patriot, truth seeking friends to this edition of In the News Briefs and Editorial… November 16th, 20207 Months of Monday night ZOOM calls and more to come !!! THEME: #Hashtags (A fun new past time!) Who knew that sharing a few news briefs would turn into being an investigative reporter? There is an overwhelming amount of information these days, making it possible to only share a fraction of what I discover. As Sam said in Lord of the Rings, “What tale have I fallen into?” He also said: “THERE’S SOME GOOD IN THIS WORLD, MR FRODO, AND IT’S WORTH FIGHTING FOR.”Let’s look at some interesting words together:1. Kracken ( A word I heard Sidney Powell use over the weekend.)Sidney Powell’s declaration of war against this monstrous conspiracy was clear: “I am going to release the Kraken!” (A reference from mythology, when Zeus unleashed the gigantic sea monster, known as the Kraken). See interview… (Lou Dobbs interview with Sidney Powell) Attorney Sidney Powell said: “I never take a case I cannot prove.”“We have so much evidence, I feel like it’s coming in through a firehose. Hundreds of thousands of voters have stepped forward with their experiences of voter fraud.““All of this was the culmination of four years of a concerted effort by big tech companies, the social media companies, and even the (news)media companies.”2. Dominion Company ( & Eric Coomer) BTW: They have a corporate office here in Denver.Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell (2 of Trump’s attorneys) were recently interviewed, and they say they have the evidence, and they will expose the most fraudulent election in American history.Rudy said this. “It is way beyond what many people think, including a very dangerous company that did the votes in 27+ states. A company that is not American. A company that’s foreign. They are linked to The Clinton Foundation, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein and are funded heavily by democratic donations. Algorithms were used to calculate how many votes needed to be flipped and the Dominion software flipped the votes. Dominion is a company that has close, close ties with Venezuela, and therefore China, and uses Venezuelan software that has been used in other countries to steal elections. I don’t think anyone has any idea of the dimension of the national security problem that Dominion makes.“The Dominion company is a radical Left company. One of the important people there is a big supporter of Antifa. Eric Coomer has written horrible things about the President over the last 3 or 4 years. The software that they use is done by a company called Smartmatic, a company that was founded by Chavez and by Chavez’s two allies, who still own it. It’s been used to cheat in elections in South America, and it was banned by the United States about a decade ago.” “Dominion voting machines were used in several states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the same states that stopped counting in the middle of election night. The Smartmatic system has a back door that allows it to be ‘mirrored and monitored,’ allowing the intervening party to gain an electoral advantage.”Sidney Powell said, “President Trump won the election by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software, which was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn- witness testimony of why the software was designed. It was designed to rig elections.”“We have identified the exact algorithm they used, and planned to use, from the beginning, to modify votes in this case, to make sure Biden won. That’s why he said he didn’t need your votes now; he would need your votes later. That’s right. In his demented state he was speaking the truth more than he knew. It is massive election fraud that is going to undo the entire election.”“They can do anything they want with the votes. They can have the machines not read the signature. They can have the machines not read the down-ballot. They can have the machines read and catalog only the Biden votes. It’s like: drag-and-drop whatever you want, wherever you want votes.3. Great Reset (Globalist Klaus Schwab) 4. Bellwether Counties went overwhelmingly for Trump.5. Gesara /Nesara (Look into this!!) 6. Did the election take place under a state of emergency of an executive order? YESJust a reminderNO States are Certified yet.Electors vote in December.There is ONLY 1 President at a time and it is not Joe Biden.Janet Porter, author of the “heartbeat bills” in several states says Trump will be vindicated. Cyber Intelligence reveals Biden didn’t even win 1/3 of the vote.If you or anyone you know has evidence of voter fraud, here is the Election Fraud Line #...800.895.4152 Luke 12:2 “The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.”GOOD NEWS !! 16 new pro-life women were elected to the US House of Representatives !And now some alarming news…Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who Joe Biden said he would appoint as coronavirus advisor, is the same man who wrote the article, “Why I Hope to Die at 75.” Dr. Emanuel said that “by 75, creativity, originality, and productivity are pretty much gone for the vast, vast majority of us." It would seem that Dr. Emanuel doesn’t highly value the elderly. This should concern every American—and it should really concern Joe Biden, who is 77! Dr. Emanuel must have never known people like Dr. Billy Graham who was very sharp and made a huge contribution far past the age of 75. Dr. Emanuel is listed as an oncologist, bioethicist, and a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, which is a liberal organization in Washington, D.C., that pushes the progressive agenda.More alarming news… especially for Israel. The Biden Israeli policy will most likely lead to a Israeli/Iran war. GOSH…. I’m still mystified about why so many people voted for a person/platform that is okay with killing babies, are anti-Israel and promote socialism … except they are misinformed about what socialism really is… and they are enthralled with “free” this and free that.. income equality they say … It only takes a quick look at the Venezuela’s timeline to see that now everyone is poor .. Just ask a Cuban or Venezuelan immigrant why they left their countries. "I grew up in socialism — I saw what happens when it runs out of money and it is not pretty,”said Congresswoman-elect Victoria Spartz, R-Ind.. She appeared on Fox and Friends today and shared her personal experiences living under socialism.Wondering if this might be true. Allow me to think out loud for a moment… “ Maybe the reason grown adults are acting like children about President Trump is because he’s stepped up and has acted like the “strict parent” to a group of spoiled, ignorant, and entitled “teenagers” in a Government that has been in need of a true Father figure for a long time.” Maybe… just maybe…. BREAKING NEWS: Both Moderna and Pfizer are on track to seek permission for emergency use in the U.S. within weeks. Moderna announced initial Phase 3 data showing its COVID19 vaccine is up to 94.5% effective. We have now entered into COVID mania again !! (FOLLOW THE MONEY) Did you hear that Elon Musk had 4 COVID19 tests done last Friday in the same doctors’ office by the same nurse… 2 came back positive and 2 negative…. HUMMM something doesn’t’ quite add up here… And so it is probably true that the “case” #’s are skewed, don’t you think? Elon said: "Something extremely bogus is going on. I was tested for Covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD," Musk said in a tweet. ************************Stay well my friends.. Zinc stops viral replication inside lung cells. Quinine tonic water transports zinc into the cell. Vitamin C stops the cytokine storm. Vitamin D builds the immune system … And all are freely available over the counter. The top 3 daily supplements according to our doctor.. Vitamin C – 4-6000mg Vitamin D – 5,000 IU and Zinc 25-30 mg. He said it is very important to keep your viral load down and your immunity up. SO much more… but that’s a good start. Interesting conversations we have had with him … He said that most of the world population will get infected sooner or later. He also said that the vaccine is harmful, herd immunity doesn’t matter and the antibodies are short lived. He said “over his dead body” would he take this vaccine. Much more specific info about the vaccine coming in our next zoom on November 30th. COVID passports are coming ! Isn’t it interesting to you that you’ll have to carry proof that you took the vaccine to go to a concert, but you didn’t need an ID to vote in a presidential election? Ticketmaster may soon implement a system in which?customers could be required to provide either a negative COVID-19 test result or?proof that they have obtained a COVID-19 vaccination prior to attending a concert or event through the platform. “DO NOT ACCEPT ANOTHER LOCKDOWN !! With a 99.9% survival rate, we have to fight back. Do not close your business, do not stop seeing your family. If you are afraid to live your life because you might die, then you have already died.”LOVE THIS !! New York Sheriff Stands Up to Cuomo -- Refuses to Enforce His Anti-Thanksgiving Decree Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday it will still be necessary to social distance, wear masks and take other COVID-19 precautions after a vaccine becomes available to Americans. His new coronavirus guidance: “Do what you’re told.”Doesn’t it seem to you there is more behind this than your health??? This wasn’t and never will be about public health. “Governor Brown has directed the Oregon Superintendent of Police to work with local law enforcement agencies to enforce the rules on social get-togethers.Violations will be Class C misdemeanors, punishable through a citation, fine or arrest.“I am not asking you. I am ordering you to stop your informal social gatherings, your house parties, and to limit your social interactions to six and under, not more than one household, and I’m asking that immediately,” she said.”The Democratic governors of California, Oregon, and Washington issued travel advisories on Friday morning asking people visiting or returning home from outside those states to self-quarantine for 14 days to help slow the spread of coronavirus.Many state government-imposed COVID-19 restrictions lack concern for First Amendment freedoms, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said in a Thursday Zoom speech to the Federalist Society. Although laws that allow governors latitude in a response to emergencies can sometimes be appropriate, such laws should not overrule the First Amendment’s religious liberty protections, US Supreme Court Judge Samuel Alito said. “The pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty,” Alito said. “It is an indisputable statement of fact, we have never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive and prolonged as those experienced for most of 2020Mario Murillo said: Every Christian must realize that we are in a second American Revolution. We are not just fighting for the rightfully elected President. We are fighting for our very freedom. If our elections are corrupted, then we have lost our freedom. We must all put aside our differences and our apathy. This is the greatest battle in our lifetime and we must all get involved, because everything is at stake! A comment from one of Mario’s followers. I stumbled upon the prophecy of President Trump’s comparison to Cyrus not long before election day, and I clung to the hope of a big win, and like so many I was crushed but very suspicious at the ‘loss’ and seeming certain demise of America. Your words of encouragement that patience will prevail held true. The loss was necessary to expose the evil, and no one could have imagined this depth of corruption, but so sadly it’s also believable. What she is describing is called The Long Game / The ART of War … knowing how to defeat your enemy. This president could have already proven to win this election had he chosen to do so. Instead, he is taking the time to expose the fraud and deception world-wide that has corrupted the electoral process for decades. His goal is not merely to win his own election, but to bring down the entire system that has hijacked freedom all over the world - for generations.NOTE: According to new intel received 11/17.. the trucker’s event spoken about last night on the zoom has been cancelled.As news spreads about the fishy manner in which the pop media prematurely called Joe Biden “President Elect”,?thousands of independent truckers, their loved-ones, and their friends, are ready to take action.Stop the Tires: From November 26th through the 29th, truckers will park their trucks, and deliveries will stop – a dramatic way to show their precarious position in a field that had been mauled by Biden and Obama prior to Donald Trump offering some relief. They see dark times ahead, based on Biden’s announced plans.John 10:10 NKJV 10?The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.15 College football games canceled or postponed this past Saturday.. most of those canceled or postponed due to contact tracing.. not that many players actually having the virus. Mental health issues are through the roof !! The thief is active !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I’m not a hashtag girl, but they are kind of fun to write !! Perhaps a new past time?? Let your imagination run wild !!! Let’s have some fun…. #SavetheSteal #Balance #MorethanConquerors#NoSurrender#ManufacturedCrisis #FreedomofSpeech#TakeaStand#Preposterous#Resolve#Allegiance#TRUTHprevails #DefendourValues#Vindication#Don’tbeaLemming#WarriorUp#OverturnevilwithGood #StrengthinNumbers#PromiseMadePromiseKept#ReleasetheRoar#SupportTruthfulJournalism#MAGA#RedTsunami#BeingPlayed#ChessGame#1984Nightmare#DigFurther #SteppedBack/NotDown#Bombshell#TrapSet#FakeNews#HouseofCardsSo far, there are 234 pages of sworn affidavits alleging Election irregularities from just ONE county in Michigan. Here are the allegations:EYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots where 60% of them had the SAME signatureEYEWITNESS saw a batch of ballots scanned 5 timesEYEWITNESS saw 35 ballots counted that were NOT connected to a voter recordEYEWITNESS saw poll workers marking ballots with NO mark for candidatesVOTER said deceased son was recorded as voting TWICEEYEWITNESS said provisional ballots were placed in the tabulation boxFAILED software that caused an error in Antrim County used in Wayne CountyRepublican challengers not readmitted but Democrats admittedRepublican challengers physically pushed from counting tables by officialsDemocrats gave out packet: “Tactics to Distract Republican Challengers”Republican challenges to suspect ballots ignored The potential voter fraud being uncovered in Michigan is UNPRECEDENTED.TRUTH is the new hate speech “and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake.” Matthew 24:9Do you know about the Trump Accountability Project.. a detailed database ? AOC has called those of us who have supported Trump, psycho fans, maggots and morons. We are branded haters. There is an actual website. We are being targeted. OH CANADA !!! The Canadian government is erecting a network of COVID detainment camps and “isolation” sites to incarcerate those who don’t cooperate with medical tyranny. The WHO has already primed the public to accept the detainment camps as “a public health measure” and has previously broadcast that “vaccine hesitancy” is a global public health threat. >>>> Hurricane Iota has explosively intensified to a potentially CAT 5 as it bears down on Nicaragua. (tonight) COMING SOON and very soon : So much to be aware of.. (Vaccination ID to travel - Common pass – WEF (World Economic Forum / Bill Gates) (UN) (IMF) (NWO)We know that cashless payments are coming and fiat currency will be out The 2021 Summit is on the horizon. There are already more than 1 million Coloradans using a COVID-19 exposure tracking service on their smartphones…. “When it’s uncomfortable … When it’s unpopular… Even when it’s dangerous to speak the truth… Is the precise time when the truth should be spoken.A good reminder though: Disagreeing and disrespecting are two different things.. We must speak the truth in love. Matthew 10:16“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Ever heard the phrase… NOT on my WATCH???Isaiah 21:6 New King James Version6?For thus has the Lord said to me:“Go, set a watchman,Let him declare what he sees.”What can we do as fellow watchman on the wall? Declare what he sees !!! Proverbs 18:15 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. RALLY together as they did in Washington DC this past Saturday… Keep contacting our governor, senators and Congressmen regardless of their party affiliation. They are to represent us the people and not their own agendas. The most important thing right now, call the secretary of state 303.894.2200 #3#4 for elections and tell them that you oppose certifying the election until there has been a complete investigation of the Dominion Software used in CO. It takes 3 minutes. They are answering the phone. They need to know that even in CO, we’re on to their scheme. “COURAGE is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” Billy GrahamIn North Korea, people are forced to listen to propaganda. In the USA people do it willingly. Do NOT listen to MSM to get your information. There are MANY other good reliable sources to follow. TURN THE NEWS off !!! Turn on worship music and sing your lungs out even if you can’t carry a tune. Worship is a war cry and it brings in the peace of Christ. HE HEARS HIS PEOPLE!!! “Your brain works just like a computer so make sure you’re the only one programming it.”MANY are changing to different social media platforms. As Joe Oltmann (of FEC United) said, “I have moved to Parler. In the next month I will completely disconnect Facebook. You should too. I’ll see you on Parler and MeWe. For those that think you should stay on Facebook, that is your choice. I choose not to support a weaponized platform that wants to indoctrinate, interfere and strip away our rights.” Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for the Tower Of Babble to fall !!! IN CLOSING>>>>Let’s pray President Trump’s team prevails in court, sparing no one in its resulting investigations. Let’s pray the courts declare and restore President Trump in his rightful place as a second term president, and that He rules our nation in God’s favor, for it is only by Him that this evil has been exposed. Think of other nations – the world order – and how it can be with this corruption exposed and useless! Praise God!Let’s also pray for those who will have difficulty with a second term for President Trump. Let’s pray their hearts are changed to see God’s plan to save America, the innocents, to stop the slaughter, riots, and injustices we’ve seen for too long. Let’s pray in God’s plan to heal the divide in our country and the world, that results in a mass conversion of believers and we will be a true Christian Nation again of, by, and for the people! Amen and Alleluia. Albert Einstein said, “ The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. “ Thomas Payne said, “ The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. “ Our HOPE is in the Lord.. Always has been and always will be. We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. It is us, the remnant, who bring healing, marked by our conduct and character. *************************These notes and various links will be uploaded by Thursday morning. If you need my notes before then, text or email me. See you back for another exciting zoom episode on 11/30.. In the meantime, bless you and your family as we celebrate Thanksgiving next week. FYI: Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade will go on with no audience due to COVID-19Floats and performers will travel just one city block down 34th Street. The event will be on television . ................

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