Kay Arthur

God’s Promises

Deuteronomy 12:8, 1 Chronicles 11:1-9 The place where God’s name will dwell-- Jerusalem, city of David

Deuteronomy 29:22-27 “All the nations will say, ‘Why has the Lord done thus to this land? Why this great outburst of anger?’ ‘Because they forsook the covenant of the Lord, the God of their fathers, which He made with them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt. ‘Therefore, the anger of the Lord burned against that land, to bring upon it every curse which is written in this book; and the Lord uprooted them from their land in anger and in fury and in great wrath, and cast them into another land, as it is this day.’

Deuteronomy 30:1-10 then the Lord your God will restore you from captivity, and have compassion on you, and will gather you again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered you.

Israel’s History

AD 70. Second Temple (Herod’s Temple) was destroyed by fire on the 9th of Av/Ab (656 years after Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the First Temple).

AD 73. Rome kept a tight grip on the land, especially Jerusalem. Jewish uprisings

AD 132 -135. Hadrian, Roman Emperor, decreed: 1. Circumcision forbidden. 2. Rebuild Jerusalem as a Roman city. Bar Kochba Revolt led by Simon bar Kochba, a Jewish zealot. “Bar Kosba” = Son of the Star, Messiah. COINS: For the Freedom of Jerusalem, Prince of Israel. 600,000 Jews fell in the battle, plus those who died of famine, disease and plagues. Survivors sold as slaves, price of a horse.

Hadrian rebuilt Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina. Places his statue of Jupiter on the Temple Mount. For 500 years the Jews are forbidden to enter Jerusalem. In those days, Jews would bribe the Roman soldiers so that on the 9th of Av when they remembered the destruction of the temple they could go in and get as close to the Western (Wailing) Wall as possible to fast and pray for the rebuilding of the temple, for the coming of Messiah. At a typical orthodox Jewish wedding, you see the breaking of the glass--to remember the destruction of the temple.

Hebrew Scriptures canonized. Jewish population that was centered in Judea moved to the Galilee. Another man, who saw what Bar Kochba was doing was wrong, left and moved up to a coastal city, Jabna (between Joppa & Ashdod), along with other Jewish scholars anxious to preserve their heritage and the Word of God, where they canonized the Hebrew Scriptures.

AD 200—Holy Books. Jews gather in Tiberias & Safed (Galilee). Combined the Oral Law (which details how a Jew lives in this century in regard to creating fire, keeping the Sabbath, or how much is he allowed to carry, etc.) and the Mishnah—teachings, to form the Talmud, similar to a commentary on the Word of God .

324-638 Byzantine Period. Constantine declares Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. Israel becomes the Christians’ (not Jews’) Holy Land, and with it comes anti-Jewish legislation because the Church doesn’t know God’s Word,—the TaNaKh. Palestine is now impoverished physically, rain is stopping, becoming barren and overtaken as the Jews decline in Palestine. Those of the Diaspora, especially Babylon, are doing better . The Babylonian Talmud is revered => the Bible, used throughout the Diaspora so that the Jews in France (Gaul), in Spain, in Italy, in Egypt—had a common link. During this time of the Diaspora, rabbinic scholarship flourished- the people were unified by the Talmud, their customs, and their synagogues.

638-1099, Islamic Age, The Dome of the Rock was built on the Temple Mount. Since the Muslims allowed Christians & Jews to worship freely in the land of Palestine, some Jews returned.

1099-1244, Crusader Period. Pope Urban II invited Christian princes, knights to undertake the deliverance of Jerusalem (an un-holy call, motivated by greed). On their way to Jerusalem, the uneducated Crusaders decide to kill Jews b/c they are not baptized! They turned Mosques into churches (88 years). No Jews or Muslims could live in Jerusalem—only visit it.

1187 – 1192 Ayyubid Interlude. Salah al-Din, founder of this dynasty, brought the cross down off of the Dome and turned the churches back into mosques. But Jews were allowed to return to Jerusalem from North Africa, France, England, etc.

1260 – 1517 Mamluk Period. The new Islamic rulers of Egypt, from Central Asia, conquer Jerusalem. They established madrasses (Islamic schools). They also built hostels for Muslims who were allowed back into the land.

1517-1917 Ottoman Period . The Ottoman Turks take Jerusalem from the Mamlukes. The Ottoman Empire is Constantinople, Asia Minor, parts of Europe, the Balkans, Egypt, Syria and they add Judea and Israel in 1517. The walls that you see around Jerusalem today were built by Suleiman. When he died, the Jews built a Jewish Quarter along the Zion Gate .Then the Jews began studying in Jerusalem and Safed. In 1832 the Pasha of Egypt, Mohammed Ali (different one), denuded the land of trees in order to build—that’s why you have these tree planting operations —but allowed Christian missions, schools, foreign consulates, and architectural expeditions.

1882, Leon Pinsker, wrote Auto-Emancipation, a call to the Jewish people to move back to Palestine to buy property, build settlements—it was the beginning of Zionism!

1896, Theodore Herzl, began calling for a Jewish State in Palestine for the Jews, secured by public law. Only 200 people attended his conference in Basel, Switzerland on August 27, 1897. “If I stated in public today that I created the Jewish State, it would be received with laughter all over the world. Perhaps in five years’ time (1912) the whole world will understand.”

November 2, 1917 Lord Balfour, Balfour Declaration, national home for the Jewish people with a clear understanding that nothing would be done to prejudice the rights of non-Jewish communities already in the land. This British Mandate ended 400 years of Ottoman rule. British Field Marshal Allenby entered the Citadel (Jaffa Gate)—declared Jerusalem the capitol of the country. In World War II (1939-1945) six million Jews were murdered in Europe. Jewish ships came to American shores, but we turned them away and sent them back to the Holocaust camps. Tension between the Jews and the Arabs was so great that in 1947 the UN intervened and decided to make Jerusalem an international city. They voted 33-13 to partition the country west of the Jordan (Israel) into two parts. One for Jews—one for Arabs. Jews said Yes and the Arabs said No (they want the Jews in the sea). In May, the British withdrew- all hell broke out.

May 14, 1948. Segment from my novel, Israel My Beloved, to read what happened on that day.

[Ben is a doctor. It’s 3:55.] “Ben, turn it on. I’ll listen to it here. Maybe this broadcast will wake Israel (woman) from her coma. (They don’t know where she’s come from or who she is but they discovered a number on her arm. So not knowing her, they called her Israel.) And he says, Do you want to listen with me? No, I’ll leave you and Israel alone. There was a lot of static coming from the radio, but Ben listened anyway. If he ever married and had children he wanted to be able to tell them what he had heard firsthand. At this moment in Israel’s history, the voice of David Ben-Gurion came on the air. ‘In the land of Israel the Jewish people came into being. In this land was shaped their spiritual, religious and national character. Here they lived in sovereign independence. Here they created a culture of national and universal import and gave to the world the eternal Book of books. Exiled from the land of Israel, the Jewish people remained faithful to it and all the countries in their dispersion never ceasing to pray and hope for their return and the restoration of their national freedom.’ Ben got up and went to Sarah’s bed. Israel, are you listening? Do you hear? Open your eyes, Israel. Just look at me so I know. Ben paused. Sitting on the edge of the bed not wanting to miss Ben-Gurion’s words. ‘By virtue of the natural and historic right of the Jewish people and of the Resolution of the General Assembly of the UN we hereby proclaim the establishment of the Jewish State in Palestine to be called Israel.’ Their Israel.

Ben’s fingers moved back and forth over the tattoo on her arm. His voice choked with emotion. Ben-Gurion’s done it. We’ve done it. Now the question is will the United Nations accept us? Maintaining our state is going to be war, Israel, full blown all-out war! The Arab nations will not give us our land without a fight. They want to drive us into the sea. He rose from the bed and went back to the chair to continue listening to the broadcast. It was about 4:35 according to Ben’s watch. Ben-Gurion was bringing his speech to a close. ‘With trust in the Almighty, we set our hand to this Declaration at this session of the provisional council of state in the city of Tel-Aviv on the 5th day of Iyar 5708, the 14th day May 1948 let us all stand to adopt the scroll of the establishment of the Jewish state.’ Ben jumped from his chair and stood on his feet. Tears streamed down his face as the rabbi prayed, To Him who has kept and sustained us and brought us to our time.

God watches over His word to perform it.


Understanding Israel’s History


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