Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Intro to magic the gathering syllabus

Instructor:Tom Xu, Benjamin Yee, James Wang

Email address:

Room Number:________________

Week 1: Learn the different card types of Magic the Gathering, basic play rules.

Week 2: The Stack – What is it, how to use it to your advantage, etc.

Week 3: How to use a multicolored deck, and how to tweak the precon decks.

Week 4: Optimal Play strategies and when to play them

Week 5: Other formats will be explained. Sadly there will not be enough time to explore most of these formats. (First date for handing out precons, assuming they arrive on time. I’ll be aiming to get the precons here by week 5, however, this may be delayed to week 6 due to shipping issues.)

Week 6: Metagame analysis. We will discuss what a metagame is and how to prepare for it. (Secondary date for precons– just in case if they don’t arrive on time.)

Week 7: Grand melee. We will play a giant multiplayer game of magic for bragging rights

Week 8: Final tournament. We will play a 3 round Swiss tournament with a cut to the top 2 players.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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