UN1001: Perspectives on Inquiry – Origins

Fall 2008

HU2700 Introduction to Philosophy

Course Policies and Regulations

Some Philosophical Questions

St. Anselm's Ontological Argument for the Existence of God

Cosmological Argument: Aquinas's Argument from Efficient Causes

Design Argument for the Existence of God

Atheism and the Problem of Evil

Materialism, Idealism, and Dualism

The Mind-Body Problem

Paper 1: Topics and Instructions

Old Exam 1

Exam 1 Study Questions

The Self

Determinism and Freedom


Introduction to Epistemology, Rationalism

Empiricism: Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Skepticism

Kant's Theory of Knowledge: Transcendental Idealism

Ethics Questionnaire

Ethical Absolutism, Relativism, Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories of Obligation

Kant's Non-consequentialist Theory of Obligation

Paper 2: Topics and Instructions

Exam 2 Study Questions

Final Examination (take-home)

HU3700 Philosophy of Science

Course Policies and Regulations

Course Schedule (partial)

Some Questions in the Philosophy of Science

A Common View of Science

Scientific Observation is Objective and Fallible

Experiment in Science

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Inductivism: Pro and Con

Falsificationism: the Original Version

Sophisticated Falsificationism

Objections to Sophisticated Falsificationism

The Copernican Revolution

Kuhn's Philosophy of Science

Detailed Notes on The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (optional)

Discussion of Kuhn's Philosophy of Science on National Public Radio (optional)

Lakatos's Research Programs

Broadcast of Lakatos Lecture on Science and Pseudoscience (optional)

Absolutism and Relativism

Feyerabend's Anarchistic Philosophy of Science

Paper 1: Topics and Instructions

Old Exam 1

Exam 1 Study Questions

Realism and Antirealism in Science

Questionnaire on the Philosophy of Science

Background Information on Evolutionary Biology

Background on Intelligent Design Theory: Irreducible Complexity

Dover, PA trial: Behe testimony I

Dover, PA trial: Behe testimony II

Dover, PA trial: Behe testimony III

Dover, PA trial: Behe testimony IV

Dover, PA trial: Behe testimony V

Dover, PA trial: Behe testimony VI

Dover, PA trial: Judge Jones's decision

Paper 2: Topics and Instructions

Exam 2 (take home)

Final Examination (take home)

Spring 2008

HU2701 Logic and Critical Thinking

Course Policies and Requirements

Logic and Critical Thinking: A Preview

Tentative Course Schedule

Analyzing Arguments, Deductive Arguments: Validity

Inductive Arguments: Strength, Cogency

Extended Arguments

Old Exam 1 (answers)

Introduction to Propositional Logic

Tautologous, Self-Contradictory, and Contingent Propositions

Relationships Among Propositions, Validity/Invalidity via Truth Tables

Indirect Truth Tables, Some Valid/Invalid Argument Forms

Old Exam 2 (answers)

Natural Deduction

Rules of Inference

More Rules of Replacement, Conditional Proof

Indirect Proof

Old Exam 3 (answers)

Old Final Exam

HU3710 Engineering Ethics

Course Policies and Requirements

Ethics Questionnaire

Larry Hinman's Ethics Site

Tentative Course Schedule – revised March 4, 2008

Theories of Obligation; Absolutism, Relativism, Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories, Theories of Intrinsic Value

Non-consequentialist Theories: Divine Command, Kant

Non-consequentialist Theories: prima facie duties, moral rights

Virtue Ethics

Individual and Collective Obligation

Common, Personal, and Professional Morality

Analyzing Cases

Sample Case Analysis


Codes of Engineering Ethics

1914 ASCE Code

Applying the Codes

Florman's Criticisms of the First Fundamental Canon

Honesty and Dishonesty in Engineering

Course Paper Topics and Assignment

Old Exam 1

Study Questions for Exam 1

Intellectual Property, Expert Witnessing

Conflicts of Interest

Safety: Assessing and Evaluating Risks

Safety: Risk Perception, the Respect-for-Persons Standard,

Legal Liability

Organizational Disobedience and Whistleblowing

Old Exam 2 (with answers to Part I)

Study Questions for Exam 2

Enforcing and Promoting Engineering Ethics

Final Exam

HU3711 Biomedical Ethics

Course Policies and Requirements

Ethics Questionnaire

Larry Hinman's Ethics Site

Tentative Course Schedule

Theories of Obligation; Absolutism, Relativism, Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories, Theories of Intrinsic Value

Non-consequentialist Theories: Divine Command, Kant

Non-consequentialist Theories: prima facie duties, moral rights

Virtue Ethics

Feminist Moral Theory

Casuistry in Ethics

Study Questions for First Exam

Old Exam 1

Case Discussion Initiators

Course Paper Assignment

Old Final Exam

Study Questions for Final Exam

Fall 2007

HU3700: Philosophy of Science

Course Policies and Requirements

Provisional Course Schedule (revised Nov. 9, 2007)

Discussion Questions for Chalmers, chapter 1

A Common View of Science

Scientific Observation is Objective and Fallible

Experiment in Science

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Inductivism: Pro and Con

Falsificationism: the Original Version

Sophisticated Falsificationism

Objections to Sophisticated Falsificationism

The Copernican Revolution

Old Exam 1

Study Questions for Exam 1

Kuhn's Philosophy of Science

Course Paper Assignment

Lakatos's Research Programs

Absolutism and Relativism

Feyerabend's Anarchistic Philosophy of Science

The New Experimentalism

Realism and Antirealism in Science

Old Exam 2

Study Questions for Exam 2

Exam 3 - take home

Exam 3 Answer Key

Final Exam

HU5117: Theories of Language

Some Possible Course Paper Topics

Fall 2006

HU2701: Logic and Critical Thinking

Course Policies and Requirements

Provisional Course Schedule

Logic and Critical Thinking: A Preview

Analyzing Arguments, Deductive Arguments: Validity

Inductive Arguments: Strength, Cogency

Extended Arguments

Old Exam 1

Introduction to Propositional Logic

Tautologous, Self-Contradictory, and Contingent Propositions

Relationships Among Propositions, Validity/Invalidity via Truth Tables

Indirect Truth Tables, Some Valid/Invalid Argument Forms

Old Exam 2

Responding to Constructive/Destructive Dilemmas

Natural Deduction

Rules of Inference

More Rules of Replacement, Conditional Proof

Indirect Proof

Old Exam 3

Introduction to Predicate Logic, Symbolization

Inference Rules in Predicate Logic: UI, EI, UG, EG

Old Exam 4

Old Final Exam

HU2702: Ethical Theory and Moral Problems

Course Requirements and Policies

Course Schedule

Larry Hinman's Ethics Website

Some Basic Concepts of Ethics

Ethical Relativism

Theories of Right and Wrong

Ethical Egoism; Psychological Egoism

Consequentialism; Utilitarian Theories of Moral Obligation

The Divine Command Theory

Study Questions for Exam 1

Natural Law Ethics

Kant's Ethical Theory

Course Paper Assignment

Distributive Justice

Virtue Ethics: Plato and Aristotle

Virtue Ethics: Augustine and Nietzsche

Feminist Moral Theory

Study Questions for Exam 2

Prima Facie Duties and Moral Rights Theories of Obligation

Rawls's Contractarian Ethical Theory

Robert Holmes's Ethical Theory

Exam 3

Study Questions for Final Exam

HU3700: Philosophy of Science

Course Policies and Regulations

Course Schedule: Reading Assignments, etc.

Discussion Questions for Chalmers, chapter 1

A Common View of Science

Scientific Observation is Objective and Fallible

Experiment in Science

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Inductivism: Pro and Con

Falsificationism: the Original Version

Sophisticated Falsificationism

Objections to Sophisticated Falsificationism

The Copernican Revolution

Old Exam 1

Study Questions for Exam 1

Kuhn's Philosophy of Science

Course Paper Assignment

Lakatos's Research Programs

Absolutism and Relativism

Feyerabend's Anarchistic Philosophy of Science

The New Experimentalism

Realism and Antirealism in Science

Old Exam 2

Study Questions for Exam 2

Exam 3

Study Questions for Final Exam

Spring 2006

HU2701: Logic and Critical Thinking

Course Policies and Requirements

Provisional Course Schedule

Logic and Critical Thinking: A Preview

Analyzing Arguments, Deductive Arguments: Validity

Inductive Arguments: Strength, Cogency

Extended Arguments

Old Exam 1

Introduction to Propositional Logic

Tautologous, Self-Contradictory, and Contingent Propositions

Relationships Among Propositions, Validity/Invalidity via Truth


Indirect Truth Tables, Some Valid/Invalid Argument Forms

Old Exam 2

Responding to Constructive/Destructive Dilemmas

Natural Deduction

Rules of Inference  

More Rules of Replacement, Conditional Proof

Indirect Proof

Old Exam 3

HU3710: Engineering Ethics

Course Policies and Requirements

Provisional Course Schedule (revised 2/20/06)

Theories of Obligation; Absolutism, Relativism, Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories, Theories of Intrinsic Value

Non-consequentialist Theories

Virtue Ethics

Individual and Collective Obligation

Analyzing Cases

Sample Case Analysis


Codes of Engineering Ethics

1914 ASCE Code

Applying the Codes

Florman's Criticisms of the First Fundamental Canon

Honesty and Dishonesty in Engineering

Study Questions for Exam 1

Intellectual Property, Expert Witnessing

Conflicts of Interest

Safety: Assessing and Evaluating Risks

Safety: Risk Perception, the Respect-for-Persons Standard,

Legal Liability

Organizational Disobedience and Whistleblowing

Enforcing and Promoting Engineering Ethics

Topics for Course Papers

HU3711: Biomedical Ethics

Course Policies and Requirements

Provisional Course Schedule (revised 2/16/06)

Presentation Schedule (revised 2/16/06)

Theories of Obligation; Absolutism, Relativism, Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories, Theories of Intrinsic Value

Non-consequentialist Theories: Divine Command, Kant

Non-consequentialist Theories: prima facie duties, moral rights

Virtue Ethics

Feminist Moral Theory

Casuistry in Ethics

Codes of Biomedical Ethics

American Medical Association

Principles of Medical Ethics

Fundamental Elements of the Patient-Physician


The Patient-Physician Relationship

Informed Consent

Surrogate Decision-Making


Mandatory Parental Consent to Abortion

Withholding or Withdrawing Life-sustaining Medical



Physician-assisted Suicide

Hippocratic Oath

Study Questions for Exam

Larry Hinman's Ethics Site

Topics for Course Papers

• Fall 2005

HU3700 Philosophy of Science

Course Policies and Regulations

Course Schedule: Reading Assignments, etc. (revised 11/14/05)

Discussion Questions for Chalmers, chapter 1: pp. 3-9

A Common View of Science

Scientific Observation is Objective and Fallible

Experiment in Science

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Inductivism: Pro and Con

Falsificationism 1

Sophisticated Falsificationism

Arguments against Sophisticated Falsificationism

The Copernican Revolution

Study Questions for Exam 1

Kuhn's Philosophy of Science

Kuhn on Paradigm Shifts

Lakatos on Research Programs

Absolutism and Relativism in Science

Feyerabend's Anarchistic Philosophy of Science

Chalmer's Criticism of Feyerabend

Bayesian Philosophy of Science

The New Experimentalism

The Nature of Scientific Laws

Realism and Anti-Realism in Science

Study Questions for Exam 2

Introduction to Evolutionary Biology

Introduction to Intelligent Design

Course Paper Assignment

Exam 3

Study Questions for Final Exam

UN1001 Perspectives on Inquiry (Origins)

Course Policies and Regulations

Reading Assignment Schedule

Major Paper Assignment I

Topics for Paper 3 and Class Presentations

Topic Assignments for Major Paper 3 and Class Presentations

• Spring 2005

HU2700 Introduction to Philosophy

Ancient Greek Philosophy

Absolutism and Relativism

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Analyzing Arguments


The Mind-Body Problem

The Self

Determinism and Freedom


Study Questions for First Exam

Introduction to Epistemology, Rationalism

Empiricism: Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Skepticism

Kant's Theory of Knowledge: Transcendental Idealism

Truth I

Truth II

Truth in Science

St. Anselm's Ontological Argument for the Existence of God

Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God: Aquina's Argument from

        Efficient Causes

Design Argument for the Existence of God

Atheism and the Problem of Evil

Religious Faith

Topics for Course Papers

Study Questions for Second Exam

Old Exam 2

Ethical Absolutism, Relativism, Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories of Obligation

Non-consequentialist Theories of Obligation

Study Questions for Third Exam

Old Exam 3

Study Questions for Final Exam

Old Final Exam

HU2701 Logic and Critical Thinking

Class Notes, Jan. 13

Class Notes, Jan. 18

Class Notes, Jan. 20

Class Notes, Jan. 27

Old Exam 1

Class Notes, Feb. 3

Class Notes, Feb. 8

Class Notes, Feb. 15

Class Notes, Feb. 17

Class Notes, Feb. 22

Old Exam 2

Class Notes, Mar. 1

Class Notes, Mar. 3, 8, 10  

Class Notes, Mar. 15, 17

Class Notes, Mar. 22

Old Exam 3

Class Notes, Apr. 5

Class Notes, Apr. 7

Class Notes, Apr. 12

Class Notes, Apr. 14

Old Final Exam

HU3710 Engineering Ethics


Course Schedule

Introduction to Ethical Theory: Absolutism, Relativism, Subjectivism

Introduction to Ethical Theory: Consequentialist Theories

Introduction to Ethical Theory: Nonconsequentialist Theories

Cases for Course Projects

Case Analysis and Evaluation: Key Questions


 A Sample Course Paper

Study Questions for Exam 1


Confidentiality and Conflicts of Interest



Notes on Chapter 11

Study Questions for Exam 2

Tentative Presentation Schedule

Final Examination

• Fall 2004

HU2700 Introduction to Philosophy

Course Information and Policies

Course Schedule

Divisions of Philosophy

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Analysis of Arguments

Ancient Greek Philosophy

Absolutism and Relativism

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Analyzing Arguments


The Mind-Body Problem

The Self

Determinism and Freedom


Study Questions for First Exam

Old Exam 1 - Fall, 2001

Introduction to Epistemology, Rationalism

Empiricism: Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Skepticism

Kant's Theory of Knowledge: Transcendental Idealism

Truth I

Truth II

Truth in Science

St. Anselm's Ontological Argument for the Existence of God

Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God: Aquina's Argument from

Efficient Causes

Design Argument for the Existence of God

Atheism and the Problem of Evil

Religious Faith

Course Paper Assignment

Study Questions for Second Exam

Ethical Absolutism, Relativism, Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories of Obligation

Non-consequentialist Theories of Obligation

Peter Singer on Our Obligations to Famine Victims and Animals

Study Questions for Third Exam

Study Questions for Final Exam

HU3700 Philosophy of Science

Course Information and Policies

Course Schedule

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Inductivist Versions of the Scientific Method

The Problem of Induction

Possible Responses to Hume's Argument

More Problems of Inductivism


The Duhem Problem

Problems with Falsificationism

Study Questions for Exam 1

Old Exam 1

Thomas Kuhn on Scientific Revolutions

Incommensurability of Competing Paradigms

Professor Sewell's lectures

The realism/anti-realism controversy

Idealism and Logical Positivism

New Course Schedule - October 27, 2004

Course Paper Assignment

Scientific Explanation

Scientific Explanation (cont.)

Exam 2 (take-home)

Introduction to Evolutionary Biology

Introduction to Intelligent Design

Exam 3 (take-home)

Study Questions for Final Exam

• Spring 2004

HU2701 Logic and Critical Thinking

Course Syllabus

Homework Schedule

Class Notes, Jan. 13

Class Notes, Jan. 15

Class Notes, Jan. 20

Class Notes, Jan. 27

Old Exam 1

Class Notes, Feb. 10

Class Notes, Feb. 12

Class Notes, Feb. 17

Class Notes, Feb. 19

Class Notes, Feb. 24

Old Exam 2

Class Notes, Mar. 9, 11, 16

Class Notes, Mar. 18, 23

Class Notes, Mar. 25

Old Exam 3

Class Notes, Apr. 6

Class Notes, Apr. 8, 13

Class Notes, Apr. 20

Old Exam 4

Old Final Exam: Spring, 2002

• Fall 2003

UN1001: Perspectives on Inquiry – Origins

Study/Discussion Questions

Topics for Paper 3 and Class Presentation

HU2700: Introduction to Philosophy

Course Information and Policies

Some Philosophical Questions

Divisions of Philosophy

Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God: Aquina's Argument from Efficient Causes

Design Argument for the Existence of God

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Atheism and the Problem of Evil

St. Anselm's Ontological Argument for the Existence of God

Religious Faith

Old Exam 1 - Fall, 2001

Study Questions for Exam 1


The Mind-Body Problem

Determinism and Freedom


The Self

Introduction to Epistemology, Rationalism

Empiricism: Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Skepticism

Kant's Theory of Knowledge: Transcendental Idealism

Study Questions for Exam 2

Old Exam 2 - Spring, 2003

Truth I

Truth II

Truth in Science

Introduction to Ethics; Absolutism, Relativism, and Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories of Obligation

Divine Command, Natural Law, and Kant's Theories of Obligation

Prima Facie Duties and Moral Rights Theories of Obligation

Topics for Paper 3

HU3700: Philosophy of Science


Notes on Hempel, chapters 1 and 2

Notes on Hempel, chapter 3

Notes on Hempel, chapter 4

Notes on Hempel, chapter 5

Notes on Hempel, chapter 6

Notes on Hempel, chapter 7


Study Questions for Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Notes on Kuhn (preview)

Notes on Kuhn: preface and chapter 1

Notes on Kuhn: chapter 2

Notes on Kuhn: chapters 3 and 4

Notes on Kuhn: chapters 5 and 6

Notes on Kuhn: chapters 7 and 8

Notes on Kuhn, chapter 9

Notes on Kuhn, chapter 10

Notes on Kuhn, chapters 11 and 12

Notes on Kuhn, chapter 13

“Creation-Science” and Evolutionary Biology—

Gish's Defense of "Creation Science"

The Arkansas Law: Ruse's Argument and Judge Overton's Decision

The Demarcation Problem: Laudan's Views On

Laudan Versus Ruse on Judge Overton's Opinion

Notes on the History of Science—

Professor Sewell's lectures

Topics for Papers—

Topics for Paper 1

Topics for Paper 2

Topic for Paper 3

Study Questions—

Study Questions for Exam 1

Study Questions for Exam 2

• Spring, 2003

HU2700: Introduction to Philosophy

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Atheism and the Problem of Evil

St. Anselm's Ontological Argument for the Existence of God

Religious Faith

Old Exam 1 - Fall, 2001

Study Questions for Exam 1

Determinism and Freedom

The Mind-Body Problem


The Self

Introduction to Epistemology, Rationalism

Empiricism: Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Skepticism

Kant's Theory of Knowledge: Transcendental Idealism

Topics for Paper 2

Study Questions for Exam 2

Old Exam 2 - Fall, 2001

Truth I

Truth II

Introduction to Ethics; Absolutism, Relativism, and Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories of Obligation

Divine Command, Natural Law, and Kant's Theories of Obligation

Prima Facie Duties and Moral Rights Theories of Obligation

Topics for Paper 3

Study Questions for Exam 3

Study Questions for Final Exam

Old Final Exam, Fall 2001

HU2701: Logic and Critical Thinking

Old Final Exam, Spring 2002

HU4703: Issues in Communication Ethics

Readings (password protected)

• Spring, 2002

HU2701: Logic and Critical Thinking

Course Policies and Requirements

Tentative Course Schedule

Revised Course Schedule: March 12-May 2

Class Notes, Jan. 15

Class Notes, Jan. 17

Class Notes, Jan. 22

Class Notes, Jan. 24

Class Notes, Feb. 5

Class Notes, Feb. 12

Class Notes, Feb. 14

Class Notes, Feb. 19

Class Notes, Feb. 21

Class Notes, Feb. 26

Class Notes, Mar. 12

Class Notes, Mar. 14

Class Notes, Mar. 21

Class Notes, Apr. 9

Third Exam Answer Key

Class Notes, Apr. 11, 16

Class Notes, Apr. 23

Fourth Exam Answer Key

Final Exam: Spring, 2001

HU3710: Engineering Ethics

Notes on Ethical Theory

Case Analysis and Evaluation: Questions to Consider

A Sample Case: “Working Overtime”

Class Notes on "Working Overtime"

Sample Course Paper

Tentative Case Presentations Schedule

Notes on Safety and Risk

Final Examination

• Fall, 2001

HU2700: Introduction to Philosophy

Tentative Course Schedule

A Brief Introduction to Logic

Atheism and the Problem of Evil

St. Anselm's Ontological Argument for the Existence of God

Religious Faith

Study Questions for First Exam

Debate on the Existence of God

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Pragmatism, Logical Positivism, and Realism/Antirealism

Topics for Course Paper

Determinism and Freedom; Time

The Mind-Body Problem


The Self

Introduction to Epistemology, Rationalism

Empiricism: Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Skepticism

Kant's Theory of Knowledge: Transcendental Idealism

Study Questions for Second Exam

Course Paper Guidelines

Truth I

Truth II

Introduction to Ethics; Absolutism, Relativism, and Subjectivism

Consequentialist Theories of Obligation

Divine Command, Natural Law, and Kant's Theories of Obligation

Prima Facie Duties and Moral Rights Theories of Obligation

Study Questions for Final Exam

HU3700: Philosophy of Science

Tentative Course Schedule

Notes on Logic

Course Paper Topics

Course Paper Guidelines

Final Exam


Notes on Hempel, chapters 1 and 2

Notes on Hempel, chapter 3

Notes on Hempel, chapter 4

Notes on Hempel, chapter 5

Notes on Hempel, chapter 6

Notes on Hempel, chapter 7

Study Questions for First Exam


Study Questions for Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

Notes on Kuhn (preview)

Notes on Kuhn: preface and chapter 1

Notes on Kuhn: chapter 2

Notes on Kuhn: chapters 3 and 4

Notes on Kuhn: chapters 5 and 6

Notes on Kuhn: chapters 7 and 8

Notes on Kuhn, chapter 9

Notes on Kuhn, chapter 10

Notes on Kuhn, chapters 11 and 12

Notes on Kuhn, chapter 13


Evolution Theory and “Creation Science”—

Gish's Defense of "Creation Science"

The Arkansas Law: Ruse's Argument and Judge Overton's Decision

The Demarcation Problem: Laudan's Views On

Laudan Versus Ruse on Judge Overton's Opinion

• Spring, 2001

HU2701: Logic and Critical Thinking

Notes on Common Informal Fallacies

HU3710: Engineering Ethics

Case Analysis and Evaluation: Questions to Address

Case Discussion Schedule

Sample Course Paper

Final Exam Study Questions

• Fall, 2000

HU2700: Introduction to Philosophy

Topics for Shorter Paper

Study Questions for First Exam

HU3700: Philosophy of Science

Topics for Shorter Paper

Study Questions for First Exam

• Fall, 1998

HU329: Ethics

Course Policies

Course Notes

Divine Command Theory

Logic (Argument Evaluation) and Ethical Relativism

Mill's Moral Theory; Utilitarianism

Kant's Moral Theory

W. D. Ross's Moral Theory

Moral Rights

Feminist Moral Theory

Virtue Ethics

HU357: Philosophy of Science

Course Policies

Discussion Questions for Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions

• Winter, 1997-98

HU329: Ethics

Course Policies

Course Notes

Divine Command Theory

Logic (Argument Evaluation) and Ethical Relativism

Mill's Moral Theory; Utilitarianism

Capital Punishment

Kant's Moral Theory

W. D. Ross's Moral Theory

Moral Rights

Warren's Views on Sexism

Feminist Moral Theory

Virtue Ethics

HU565: Philosophy of Language


• Fall, 1997

HU329: Ethics

Course Policies


• Spring, 1997

HU254: Critical Thinking

Course Policies


Tentative Class Schedule

Mid-term Exam Information

Debate on Political Correctness: Transcript

HU361: Biomedical Ethics

Course Policies

Reading Assignments and Study Questions

Writing Assignments

Class Presentations


• Winter, 1996-97

HU329: Ethics

Writing Assignments

Special Topics and Presentations Schedule


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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