The Underwater Vocabulary Game Make ahead of time: Game Play

The Underwater Vocabulary Game

Make ahead of time:

1. Laminated flash cards or small rubber ducks with vocabulary word on bottom. 2. Score chart 3. Laminated word list

Game Play:

Break group into teams of three.

Leader/Facilitator (or volunteer student, if you have an odd number of kids) reads definition and starts 30 second timer.

Team, already in water, seated on steps, has 30 seconds to discuss and find correct vocabulary word in the pool. If successful, team will be awarded 25 points.

If they have no idea what to search for, they must shout out, "Clue", and timer will be stopped where it is. They will then have the opportunity to buy a clue for 10 points. (Note: Once they leave the steps, they will not have the opportunity to buy a "clue".)

The team will have 15 seconds to look at the list of "clues" (vocabulary words). When their time is up, the facilitator will shout "Search," and original timer will be started where the time was when the team shouted "clue." If they find the correct word, they will be awarded 15 points.

If they still have no idea of the answer, they can purchase a "Cheat" for 5 points. At this point, the opposing team can give them the answer, but the helping team will be awarded 5 points for good sportsman-like conduct! The original timer will then be started and the search will begin with only the remaining time.

The game play moves to the next team.


1. One team in the water at a time. 2. No help from the other team, until "cheat" phase. 3. All vocabulary ducks or flashcards stay in the pool throughout the game. Active team should stir the pot

after their turn is over. 4. No running, no diving, no shoving, no dunking....pool safety, you know!

CLUES (Add list of vocabulary words)


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