Association for Light and Life Brochure


Look at our brokenness.

We know that in all creation

Only the human family

Has strayed from the Sacred Way.

We know that we are the ones who are divided

And we are the ones

Who must come back together

To walk in the Sacred Way.


Sacred One,

Teach us love, compassion, and honor

That we may heal the earth

And heal each other.

– A Canadian Ojibway Prayer


Our creative Parent,

who is in the center of the universe,

Bestow upon us your nature

and give to us your character.

Make us sons and daughters

of yours by grace

And glorify your name

through our eternal achievement.

– The Urantia Book, Paper 144


I bow to the One who has no color,

I bow to the One who has no beginning.

I bow to the One who is without fault,

I bow to the One who is incomprehensible.

I bow to the One who shares everything,

I bow to the One who is eternal.

I bow to the ever Bountiful.

I bow to the Unlimited.

– From the Sacred Songs of the Sikhs


Encapsulated within the Fifth Epochal Revelation there is a transcendent ideal of a personal, planetary, and universal level of spiritual attainment referred to as the age of Light and Life. This stage of awareness is characterized by a commitment to spiritual growth and progress; an enhanced appreciation of truth, beauty, and goodness; an increasing desire to do good to others; and a communal sense that we are all part of one spiritual family growing in our relationship to the Divine Source of All Things. In holding this ideal before us and dedicating our lives in service to the Divine, we commit to serving one another and humanity with spiritual intent, characterized by acceptance, peace, understanding and love. And as each of us believes that Light and Life may best be accomplished through the cooperation and association of all beings, we unite together adopting and establishing the Association for Light and Life.

More spiritual quotes can be found at our website:




The Association for Light and Life is a spiritual association of men and women who, in our seeking for spiritual awareness, have found common association with the Divine, and seek now to express our commitment to the Divine through service.



The flute of the infinite

is played without ceasing

and its sound is love.

– Kabir


This silence is worth

More than a thousand lives,

This freedom worth

More than all the empires on earth.

To glimpse that truth within yourself,

For even just a moment, is worth

More than all heavens, all worlds,

All this, and all that.

– Jellâl-al-din Rûmi

I know only that everything I give You

comes back to me,

So I give You my life...

– Jellâl-al-din Rûmi


The fruit of silence is prayer,

The fruit of prayer is faith,

The fruit of faith is love, and

The fruit of love is silence.

– Mother Teresa

We may wonder,

whom can I love and serve?

Where is the face of God

to whom I can pray?

The answer is simple: That naked one.

That lonely one. That unwanted one who is my brother and my sister.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

– Mother Teresa

spiritual Quotes

from Around the World


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, healing;

Where there is resentment, forgiveness;

Where there is discord, unity.

Where there is doubt let me bring faith;

Where there is error, truth;

Where there is despair, let me bring joy;

Where there is darkness, light.

Oh Master, grant that I may not seek

to be consoled so much as to console;

to be understood as to understand;

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

in forgiving that we are pardoned,

and in dying that we are born to eternal life.

– Francis of Assisi

Blessed are the man and the woman

who have grown beyond their greed

and have put an end to their hatred

and no longer nourish illusions.

But they delight in the way things are

and keep their hearts open, day and night.

They are like trees planted near flowing rivers,

which bear fruit when they are ready.

Their leaves will not fall or wither.

Everything they do will succeed.

– Psalm 1, The Bible

In any way that men love Me

In that same way they find My love;

For many are the paths of men,

But they all in the end come to Me.

Krishna, from the Bhagavad Gita


Do you have

The patience to wait

till your mud has settled

and the water is clear?

Can you remain unmoving

till the right action arises by itself?

– Lao Tzu

He or she who knows that enough is enough

will always have enough.

– Lao Tzu


Those who hear the Divine,

who take on as their own and

nurture love in their hearts,

Cleanse themselves by bathing

at the sacred fount which is within.

– Guru Nanak


The earth is but one country,

and mankind its citizens.

– Baha’u’llah

Ye are the fruits of one tree

and the leaves of one branch.

– Baha’u’llah


Some say the Buddha's greatest sermon

Was his silent, wordless one:

He simply held up a flower

and looked at his followers.

Those who smiled, understood.

– A Zen Buddhist Story


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