University of California, San Diego

843gdbserver $(target_ip):$(port_num) $(exec_name) $(args)


We followed the instruction in the "Developing Environment for Intel Mainstone Board", and in the "Board Bring-up:: Flash Programming 3/3",

after we run JFflashmm.exe, and reboot the platform, the Blob prompt doesn't appear.

We tried to abort the autobooter, but it didn't take any of our input.


This happens because you try to install BLOB with SW7 in not DOT position. You should try to install it when SW7 is in DOT position.

Also change your Hyperterminal’s flow control to “none”.


When I try to mount the file system, I get warning that mount is older than kernel. And, also, I can't get two machines to transfer files with each other through the mount directory. any solutions please?


no problem with mount older than the kernel, but use the following mount command: mount -t nfs -o nolock,nfsvers=3,tcp $server:$serverpath $clientpath


The host files ystem is mounted succesfully on the target, and files can

be accessed. However, gdb-server and mplayer hang when run (error msg:

timeout connecting to host). On the other hand, the provided ci-capture worked 'provisionally' (when padding the ci-capture source to increase its code-size, the

larger version did not run). So it seems there is a binary-size limit

which hangs NFS when exceeded?


Mount the drive using TCP protocol instead of the default UDP protocol:

mount -t nfs -o nolock,nfsvers=3,tcp $server:$serverpath $clientpath


VOLUME not working on XScale:


If you want to get volume working on the xscale, search for /dev/mixer on google. We compiled some of the examples using arm-linux-gcc and used them to raise the vol/spkr to 100%.

If you want to run the qpe desktop, try running /usr/qpe/ And yes, the xscale screen is touch sensitive.


NFS works fine, but when playing a file over NFS using mplayer, you get "Seek failed" messages from mplayer.


Use NFS Ver 2. Use this option when mounting : nfsvers=2 (instead of nfsvers=3 or leaving it as default)


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