Cisco WebEx Connect Application Command-line Parameters

Cisco WebEx Connect Application Command-line Parameters

? Overview, page 1 ? Command-line parameters, page 1


This section includes command-line parameters used in the Cisco WebEx Connect application installer. The command-line parameters are passed into the Installer executable WebExConnect.exe or the MSI package apSetup.msi, or directly added into the MSI package. The following example explains the syntax and usage of the RUNATONCE command-line (or MSI) parameter.

msiexec /i "C:\apsetup.msi" RUNATONCE="YES"

where ? msiexec=the command for invoking the Windows Installer (formerly known as the Microsoft Installer) ? /i=the switch or the install option (here, i is the switch to install or configure the Cisco WebEx Installer) ? C:\...: the path where the Cisco WebEx Connect application installer file is located ? RUNATONCE: the parameter supported by the Cisco WebEx Connect application installer ? YES=the value of the (RUNATONCE) parameter For a list and description of all the command-line parameters supported by the Cisco WebEx Connect application installer, see Command-line parameters, on page 1. You can also use the following parameter to "silently" install Cisco WebEx: /qn.

Command-line parameters

The following command-line parameters are listed with their values and descriptions. The default value is listed in bold text in the following table. Auto Update always runs WebExConnect.exe /m, so it saves the current settings, which are in system registry.

Cisco WebEx Messenger Administration Guide 1

Command-line parameters

Cisco WebEx Connect Application Command-line Parameters

Note If the registry value cannot be decrypted (for example, it was manually modified), an error is reported and the user cannot sign in.

For installation over an existing version, the command line parameters or the corresponding public properties in the MSI package will overwrite the current settings. If not specified, the current settings, NOT DEFAULT, will be used.

Parameter Values




Archive IMs


Do not archive IMs.


All values for this parameter are case-insensitive.



MyWebEx is the homepage.


Start Cisco WebEx Connect application when Windows starts. YES

The default value of this parameter is YES.


Do not start Cisco WebEx Connect application when Windows starts.



Connect to Microsoft Outlook when Cisco WebEx Connect application starts.


Do not connect to Microsoft Outlook when Cisco WebEx Connect application starts.


Display my Cisco WebEx Connect application presence status


in Microsoft Outlook. This parameter works only when



Do not display my Cisco WebEx Connect application presence status in Microsoft Outlook.

Cisco WebEx Messenger Administration Guide 2

Cisco WebEx Connect Application Command-line Parameters

Command-line parameters

Parameter Values SIGN_ME_OUT



Sign out of Cisco WebEx Connect application when I close my Contacts List window.


Do not sign out of Cisco WebEx Connect application when I close my Contacts List window.


Support URL specified by value.

This value overrides the default URLs provided by Cisco WebEx.

The support URL can be set to your Cisco WebEx Organization's first level support page at the time of installation. To do this, use the following command line parameter:

msiexec /i "C:\apsetup.msi" SUPPORT_URL= GET_SCREEN_NAME_URL=

Where is the name of your Organization.


URL for "forgot password" hyperlink, specified by value.

The value overrides the default URLs provided by Cisco WebEx.

In organizations where Single Sign-on is implemented, the Forgot Password? link on the client opens the URL the organization administrator has specified for Note this parameter. However, if a URL has not been provided for this parameter, the Forgot Password page displays an error when you enter the user name and select Submit.



Connection Settings are read-only. The entire string is encrypted and stored in system registry.

If the registry value cannot be decrypted (for example, was manually modified), the default value "Read-Only" is used.

If is read-only, all fields in Connection Settings are disabled, including the proxy settings. The username and password fields should be enabled if "Connect using proxy" checkbox is selected.

Cisco WebEx Messenger Administration Guide 3

Command-line parameters

Parameter Values Read-Write USE_PROXY UseProxy NotUseProxy PROXY_NAME



Cisco WebEx Connect Application Command-line Parameters

Description Connection Settings are read-write.

Use proxy. The entire string is encrypted and stored in system registry. Do not use proxy.

Proxy name in Connection Settings. The value string is encrypted and stored in system registry. The default value is a special GUID to indicate no proxy server to be used. If no proxy server is used, this value is ignored.

Proxy port in Connection Settings. The value string is encrypted and stored in system registry. The default value depends on proxy protocol value. If no proxy server is used, this value is ignored.

Protocol in Connection Settings. The value string is encrypted and stored in system registry. The default value depends on proxy protocol value: HTTPS ? 443, HTTP ? 80, SOCKS4 -- 1080, SOCKS5 -- 1080 If no proxy server is used, this value is ignored.

Enables creating debug trace logs. When enabled, this parameter creates debug log files in the Cisco WebEx Connect application user's ...\Documents and Settings\ ................

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