Introduction to Containers

Introduction to Containers

Martin Cuma Center for High Performance Computing

University of Utah


? Why do we want to use containers? ? Containers basics ? Run a pre-made container ? Build and deploy a container ? Containers for complex software



Slide 2

Hands on setup

1. Download the talk slides

2. Using FastX or Putty, ssh to any CHPC Linux machine, e.g.

$ ssh

3. Load the Singularity and udocker modules

$ module load singularity udocker

4. Clone the tutorial files and cd to its directory (courtesy Andy Monaghan, CU Boulder)

$ git clone $ cd rmacc_2018_container_tutorial $ ls


Slide 3

Hands on setup for building containers

1. Create a Github account if you don't have one {Remember your username and password!}

OR 1. If you have CHPC account, using terminal application (Mac terminal,

PuTTY, GIT Shell)

? ssh

2. Make sure you can see singularity

? which singularity

3. Make sure you can sudo singularity command

? sudo singularity ?version


Slide 4

Why to use containers?


Slide 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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