Chicago, Illinois; United States


Business Address:

Denver Public Health

605 Bannock St.

Denver, Colorado 80204

Telephone: (303) 602-8710

Fax: (303) 602-8754

Email: david.cohn@


B.A. - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Cum Laude) 1967-1971

M.D. - University of Illinois Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine, 1971-1975

Chicago, Illinois


Internship: Internal Medicine, University of Wisconsin Hospitals,

Madison, Wisconsin 1975-1976

Residency: Internal Medicine, University of Wisconsin Hospitals,

Madison, Wisconsin 1976-1978

Fellowship: Infectious Diseases, University of Colorado Health

Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado 1979-1981


Wisconsin 1976

Colorado 1979


National Board of Medical Examiners 1976

American Board of Internal Medicine


Infectious Diseases 1982


Emergency room physician, Methodist Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin 1976-1978

Contract physician, Adult Medicine, Eastside Neighborhood Health 1979-1981

Center, Denver Department of Health and Hospitals

Contract physician, Walk-in Clinic, Denver General Hospital, 1979-1981

Denver Department of Health and Hospitals

Assistant Director, Disease Control Service, Department of Public 1981-1987

Health, Denver Department of Health and Hospitals

Director, Denver Metro Tuberculosis Clinic, Disease Control 1981-1990

Service, Department of Public Health, Denver Department of

Health and Hospitals

Attending physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of 1981-2011

Infectious Diseases, Denver General Hospital, Denver Health Medical Center

Coordinator, AIDS Activities, Disease Control Service, 1982-1989

Department of Public Health, Denver Department of Health

and Hospitals

Director, Disease Control Service, Department of Public Health, 1987-1996

Denver Department of Health and Hospitals

Associate Director, Department of Public Health, Denver Department 1989-2011

of Health and Hospitals

Acting Director, Department of Public Health, Denver Department of 1990-1991

Health and Hospitals

Acting Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Denver General Hospital 1990-1991

Director, Communicable Disease Control, Department of Public Health 1996-2011

Director, HIV/AIDS Services, Denver Department of Public Health, 2001-2005

Denver Health and Hospital Authority

Temporary Advisor, Research and Development Unit, Tuberculosis 1992

Programme, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Medical Officer, Research and Surveillance Unit, Global Tuberculosis 1994-1995

Programme, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Consultant, Research and Surveillance Unit, Global Tuberculosis 1995-2001

Programme, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Attending physician (volunteer), Infectious Diseases Clinic, Center for 2011-present

Positive Health, Department of Public Health, Denver Health and Hospital


Training Director, Ebola Treatment Centre, International Medical Corps, 2015

Lunsar, Sierra Leone

Interim Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, 2015-2016

Denver Health Medical Center, Denver Health and Hospital Authority

Medical Consultant. Emergency Food and Medical Assistance Project for 2019-present

Venezuela, Pan American Development Foundation


Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases,

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (School of Medicine)

Instructor 1981-1983

Assistant Professor 1983-1988

Associate Professor 1988-1996

Professor 1996-present

Faculty, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Sexually Transmitted 1981-2011

Diseases Regional Training Center

Faculty, Clinical Management and Control of Tuberculosis, 1981-present

Denver TB Course, National Jewish Health

Visiting Professor, Novel Education Clinical Trainees and Researchers 2011-2015

(NECTAR)Program, University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences

Affiliated Faculty, Center for Global Health, University of Colorado 2011-present

School of Public Health


American College of Physicians

Associate 1975-1981

Member 1981-1986

Fellow 1986-2019

American Society for Microbiology 1981-2011

American Venereal Disease Association 1981-2011

American Thoracic Society 1981-present

Colorado Trudeau Society 1982-1990

Colorado Public Health Association 1982-2010

Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)

Member 1984-1996

Fellow 1996-present

International AIDS Society 1987-present

Physicians Association for AIDS Care 1988-2011

Western Society for Clinical Investigation 1992-2004

International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 1994-2018

Colorado Chapter, IDSA 2007-present

COMMITTEES AND OFFICES HELD (Member, unless otherwise stated):

Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. Denver General Hospital 1983-1986

Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis. National Consensus Conference on 1984

Tuberculosis. Palm Beach, FL.

Nominating Committee. Scientific assembly on microbiology, 1984-1985

tuberculosis, and pulmonary infections. American Thoracic Society

Subcommittee on AIDS. Scientific assembly on microbiology, 1985-1989

pulmonary infections, and tuberculosis. American Thoracic Society

Co-chair, Subcommittee on improving methods for preventing infection 1985

of the uninfected. Future Research in Tuberculosis: Prospects and

Priorities for Elimination. Pittsfield, MA

Second workshop on Pulmonary Complication of AIDS. National Heart, 1986

Lung, and Blood Institute. Kansas City, MO

Third workshop on Pulmonary Complications of AIDS. National Heart, 1986

Lung, and Blood Institute. San Francisco, CA

Program Committee. Scientific assembly on microbiology, 1986-1989

tuberculosis, and pulmonary infections. American Thoracic Society

Secretary, Scientific assembly on microbiology, tuberculosis, and 1986-1987

pulmonary infections. American Thoracic Society

Program Committee. American College of Physicians - Colorado 1987

Scientific Meeting. Colorado Springs, Colorado

Program Committee. NIAID AIDS Conference for Nurses and Social 1987

Workers Denver, Colorado

Co-Chair, AIDS Medical Task Force, Denver General Hospital 1987-1988

Co-Chair, HIV Patient Care Task Force, Denver Health and Hospitals 1987-1989

Biosafety Committee. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center 1987-1989

Steering Committee. Denver Health and Hospitals HRSA AIDS Service 1988-1992

Demonstration Project

Colorado Medical Society Task Force on AIDS 1988-1993

Governor's AIDS Coordinating Council 1988-1994


Colorado Department of Health Advisory Body for Elimination of 1989-1990


Co-Chair, Employee HIV Prevention Task Force. Denver Health and 1990


HIV Prevention Committee. Graduate Medical Education. University 1990

of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Scientific Program Committee. 6th International Conference on AIDS 1990

San Francisco, CA

Chair, HIV Infection in Health Care Workers Task Force. 1990-1991

Denver Health and Hospitals

HIV Anonymous Testing Site Evaluation Committee. Colorado Department 1990-1992

of Health and Environment

Chair, Mycobacterium avium complex Protocol Team. Terry Beirn Community 1990-1997

Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. National Institutes of Health

Treatment of Tuberculosis Protocol Team. Terry Beirn Community 1992-1997

Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. National Institutes

of Health

Clinical Working Group. Workshop on Developing New Treatments for 1992

Tuberculosis. American Thoracic Society, World Health Organization.

Washington DC

Program Committee. Frontiers in Mycobacteriology: M. avium, the Modern 1992

Epidemic. Vail, CO

U.S. Public Health Service Task Force on Prophylaxis and Therapy 1992

for Mycobacterium avium complex

Statement Committee on Fungal Infections in HIV-infected Persons. 1990-1995

American Thoracic Society

Consultant, Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee. Food and Drug 1993


Steering Committee. Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical 1993-2006

Research on AIDS. National Institutes of Health

HIV Resources Planning Council for Title I CARE Act. City and 1993-1994

County of Denver

Program Committee. Scientific assembly on microbiology, tuberculosis, 1994-1995

and pulmonary infections. American Thoracic Society

Chair, Meeting on the Use of RFLP Analysis for Epidemiologic Studies of 1994

Tuberculosis in Developing Countries. World Health Organization

Secretariat, Steering Committee. Clinical Research and Product 1995

Development. Global Programme on AIDS. World Health Organization

Secretariat, Steering Committee. Immunology of Mycobacteria. Global 1995

Tuberculosis Programme. World Health Organization

Secretariat and Rapporteur, TB/HIV Research Workshop. Global Tuberculosis 1995

Programme. World Health Organization

WHO/IUATLD Working Group on Global Antituberculosis Drug Resistance 1995-2000

Surveillance. Global Tuberculosis Programme. World Health Organization.

Complications of HIV Subcommittee. Terry Beirn Community Programs for 1995-1998

Clinical Research on AIDS. National Institutes of Health.

Board of Directors, American Society for Tuberculosis Research and 1995-2003


Rapporteur, Workshop of the WHO/IUATLD Global Working Group on Anti- 1996

tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance. Paris, France

Publications and Presentations Committee, Terry Beirn Community Programs 1997-2000

for Clinical Research on AIDS

Writing Committee, WHO/IUATLD Antituberculosis Drug Resistance 1997

Surveillance. World Health Organization

Long Range Planning Committee, Scientific assembly on microbiology, 1997-2000

tuberculosis, and pulmonary infections. American Thoracic Society

Co-Chair, Working Group on Preventive Therapy for TB in HIV-Infected 1997

Patients, Conference on HIV-Associated Tuberculosis. Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention

Rapporteur, Meeting on TB Preventive Chemotherapy in People Living with 1998

HIV/AIDS. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

American Thoracic Society Chair, ATS/CDC Statement Committee on Targeted 1998-2000

Tuberculin Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection

Co-Chair, bis-POM Protocol Team, Terry Beirn Community Programs for

Clinical Research on AIDS, National Institutes of Health 1998-2000

Chair, Workgroup on International Audiences, Strategic Plan for 1998

Tuberculosis Training and Education Summit Meeting, Oakland, CA

Science Planning Committee. Terry Beirn Community Programs for 1998-2000

Clinical Research on AIDS. National Institutes of Health.

Implementation Committee, Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Training and 1998-2001

Education. Model Tuberculosis Centers, Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention.

Tuberculosis Committee, Infectious Diseases Society of America 1998-2001

Advisory Council for the Elimination of Tuberculosis, Centers 1998-2002

for Disease Control and Prevention

Exercise TOPOFF, Simulated Bioterrorism attack (Plague), Denver 2000

Chair, Nominating Committee. Scientific assembly on microbiology, 2000-2001

tuberculosis, and pulmonary infections. American Thoracic Society

Chair, Planning Committee. HIV/AIDS Care in Safety Net Systems: Current 2000-2001

and Future Challenges

Colorado Advisory Council on AIDS 2000-2001

National Advisory Committee. Healthy Ways, STD/HIV Prevention 2000-2003

Research in 2 American Indian Tribes.

Chair, Science Planning Committee. Terry Beirn Community Programs for 2000-2006

Clinical Research on AIDS. National Institutes of Health.

Chair, Planning Committee, Scientific assembly on microbiology, 2001-2003

tuberculosis, and pulmonary infections. American Thoracic Society

Executive Committee, Internal Advisory Committee, Center for AIDS Research. 2001-2006

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

SMART Protocol Team, Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research 2001-2007


Global TB/HIV Working Group (Core Group), Stop TB Department, World Health 2001-2004


Planning Committee, 4th World Congress on Tuberculosis 2002

Medical Expert, Mayor Wellington Webb's Denver Trade and Partnership 2002

Mission to South African Development Community

Task Force on MRSA (Methicillin Resistant S. aureus) in School/Child 2002

Care Recommendations. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Instructor, Adult HIV/AIDS Treatment, MTCT (Mother to Child Transmission)- 2003-2004

Plus Training Program, Eldoret and Kisumu, Kenya

Disaster Group, Rocky Mountain Center for Medical Response to 2003-2011

Terrorism, Mass Casualties and Epidemics, Denver Health

Developmental Grant Review Committee, Center for AIDS Research, 2003-2007

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

ATS Representative, ATS/CDC Meeting on Hepatotoxicity of Rifampin/Pyrazinamide 2003

Therapy for Latent Tuberculosis Infection, Seattle, WA

Chair, Scientific assembly on microbiology, tuberculosis, and pulmonary 2004-2006

Infections, American Thoracic Society

Board of Directors, American Thoracic Society 2004-2006

ATS Representative, Global TB/HIV Working Group, Stop TB Department, 2004-2011

World Health Organization

Public Health Leaders in Clinical Research Working Group, 2005-2007

TB Trials Network, NIH Roadmap Initiative

Advisory Committee, Body Worlds-2: The Anatomical Exhibition of 2005-2006

Real Human Bodies. Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Emerging Infectious Diseases Task Force, Denver Health 2005-2010

Chair, CPCRA Science Committee, Terry Beirn Community Programs for 2006-2010

Clinical Research on AIDS. National Institutes of Health

Executive Committee, International Network for Strategic Initiatives 2006-2010

in Global HIV Trials (INSIGHT). National Institutes of Health

Reviewer, International Standards for Tuberculosis Care 2006, 2009

Mentor and Consultant, International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment 2006-2007

Programs (ICAP), Columbia University, Central Province, Kenya

Facilitator, External Scientific Review, Tuberculosis Trials Consortium. 2007

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Mycobacterium avium complex Writing Group, DHHS-IDSA Guidelines for 2007, 2010

the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in HIV-infected


Health Policy Committee. American Thoracic Society 2007-2010

ATS/CDC/IDSA Statement Committee on Diagnostic Standards and 2007-2017

Classification of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children

Team Leader, Bio-Surveillance Task Force, Democratic National Convention, 2008


Board of Directors, Colorado Chapter, Infectious Diseases Society of 2007-2012


Data and Safety and Monitoring Committee, Evaluation of the Impact of 2008-2012

Early Initiation of HAART on TB Treatment Outcomes in TB Patients

Co-infected with HIV (TB-HAART Study), Special Programme for Research

and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR). World Health Organization

Optimization of Co-Infection and Co-Morbidity Management (OpMAN) 2008-2010

Scientific Committee, AIDS Clinical Trials Group

Consultant, Policy Guidelines on Improving Health Workers’ Access to 2009-2010

Prevention, Treatment and Care Services for HIV and TB. World Health


Peer Review Committee, Priority Research Questions for TB/HIV in 2009-2010

HIV-prevalent and Resource-limited Settings, TB/HIV Working Group.

World Health Organization

Continuing Medical Education Advisory Committee, STD/HIV Prevention and 2009-present

Training Center. Denver Public Health

Influenza H1N1 Vaccine Task Force, Denver Health 2009-2010

Hepatotoxicity Working Group, Tuberculosis Trials Consortium, CDC 2009-2016

Chair, External Review Committee, Integrated Management of Adolescent and 2011

Adult Illness (IMAI) District Clinician Manual: Hospital Care for Adolescents

and Adults. HIV Department, World Health Organization

LTBI Guidelines Working Group, ATS/CDC/IDSA 2011-2016

LTBI Treatment Protocol Team, Tuberculosis Trials Consortium, CDC 2012-2016

Chair, TB Research Working Group, NECTAR Program, University of Zimbabwe 2012-2015

College of Health Sciences

TBTEAM, World Health Organization 2012-2018

ID Fellowship Research Advisory Committee, Division of Infectious Diseases, 2012-present

University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine

Chair, Data and Safety and Monitoring Board, Prospective, Randomized, 2013-present

Blinded Phase 2 Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Study of the Efficacy and

Tolerability of Levofloxacin in Combination with Optimized Background

Regimen (OBR) for the treatment of MDR-TB (Opti-Q Study). Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health

MTPI Assembly Awards and Recognition Working Group, American Thoracic Society 2013-2015

START Study - TB Writing group, International Network for Strategic 2015-2017

Initiatives in Global HIV Trials (INSIGHT)\

LTBI Treatment Guidelines Writing Group, NTCA/CDC 2017-present

Documents Development and Implementation Committee, American Thoracic 2017-present


GRANT AND CONTRACTS (Principal or Co-Principal Investigator):

AIDS Surveillance and Epidemiologic Investigations in the State of Colorado. Percent effort 5-10%. Project periods: 1984-86, 1987-89, 1990-92, 1993-96, 1997-99, 2000-03, 2004-06, 2007-09, 2010-12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, through Colorado Department of Health and Environment.

Community Based Demonstration Project for AIDS Prevention and Risk Reduction. Percent effort 15-30%. Project periods: 1985-89, 1989-94. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Prospective Double Blind Study of Zidovudine in the Treatment of Patients with Early HIV-Associated Immunodeficiency. Percent effort 20%. Project period 1987-1989. Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, Burroughs-Wellcome Co.

AIDS Services Demonstration Project. Percent effort 3%-5%. Project period 1989-1992. Health Resources Services Administration.

Expanded Initiatives and the Evaluation of Surveillance of AIDS and HIV Infection: Adult Spectrum of Disease. Percent effort 5%. Project periods: 1989-1992, 1992-1996, 1997-1999, 2000-2004. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

HIV Seroprevalence in a Homeless Population. Percent effort 5%. Project period: 1990-1992. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research of AIDS (CPCRA). Percent effort 25%-40%. Project periods: 1989-94, 1994-1999, 2000-2007. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health.

Division of AIDS Treatment Research Initiative (DATRI). Percent effort 5%. Project period: 1992-1996. National Institutes of Health.

Tuberculosis Trials Consortium (TBTC). Percent effort 1%. Project periods: 1994-1999, 2000-2009, 2010-2019. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials (INSIGHT). Percent effort 40%. Project period: 2006-2011. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health.

Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG). Percent effort 20%. Project period: 2007-2012. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health.

AIDS Malignancy Consortium. Percent effort 5%. Project period 2008-2011. National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health.


American Journal of Public Health, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, American Review of Respiratory Diseases, AIDS, Annals of Internal Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine, BMC Infectious Diseases, Chest, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Emergindex, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Lancet, Medical Letter, New England Journal of Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Reviews of Infectious Diseases, Tubercle and Lung Disease


Infectious Disease News 2003-present

Pulmonary Reviews 2008-2012


Chicago Tribune Outstanding Senior Award 1967

William J. Branstrom Award for Academic Excellence, University of Michigan 1968

Phi Eta Sigma National Honorary 1968

Colorado AIDS Project Appreciation Award 1985

Leadership Denver 1987-1988

Best Poster Presentation, National STD Meeting, Atlanta 1987

Honorary Board Member, Colorado AIDS Project 1987

Honorary Committee, "Put It On Ice" AIDS Fundraiser 1988

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Regional Director's 1988

Citation for AIDS/HIV Research and Prevention

Denver Health and Hospitals Junior Faculty Scholarly Achievement Award 1991

Hero in the AIDS Epidemic, Colorado AIDS Project 1992

Top Docs in Denver, 5280 Magazine 1993-1995, 1998

International Who's Who 1996

Best Doctors in America: Central Region 1996-1998

Who's Who in Medicine and Health Care 1997-1998

Who's Who in the World 1997-1999

Colorado AIDS Project Leadership Recognition Award 1997

Outstanding Educator Award, Infectious Diseases Division, 1998-1999

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Strathmore's Who's Who 1999-2000

Life Member - National Registry of Who's Who 2001

American's Registry of Outstanding Professionals 2001-2002

Best Doctors in America 2002, 2003, 2006, 2011

Outstanding Educator Award, Infectious Diseases Division, 2002-2003

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

America’s Top Doctors 2004, 2005, 2007-2009

Leading Physicians of the World 2013, 2016

Patent Safety and Quality Pillar Award, High Risk Infection Team 2015

(Ebola preparedness plan), Denver Health

Outstanding Volunteer Award, Denver Health Medical Staff 2015

Professional Who’s Who 2018


Journal Articles:

Bundtzen RW, Gerber AU, Cohn DL, Craig WA. Postantibiotic suppression of bacterial growth. Rev Infect Dis 1981;3:28-37.

Cohn DL, Reimer LG, Reller LB. Comparative in-vitro activity of MK0787 (N-formimdoyl thienamycin) against 540 blood culture isolates. J Antimicrob Chemother 1982;9:183-194.

Cohn DL, Judson FN. Genital mycoplasmas. Med Aspects Human Sexuality 1983;17:196-204.

Judson FN, Sbarbaro JA, Tapy JM, Cohn DL. Tuberculosis screening: evaluation of a food handlers' program. Chest 1983;83:879-82.

Ellison RT, Judson FN, Peterson LC, Cohn DL, Ehret JM. Oral rifampin and trimethoprin/sulfamethoxazole therapy in asymptomatic carriers of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. West J Med 1984;140:735-40.

Judson FN, Lince DM, Anders BJ, Tapy JM, LeVan D, Cohn DL, Kicera TJ. Health status of Southeast Asian refugees in Denver. West J Med 1984;141:183-8.

Kirkpatrick CH, Davis KC, Horsburgh Jr CR, Cohn DL, Penley K, Judson FN. Interleukin-2 production by persons with the generalized lymphadenopathy syndrome or the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. J Clin Immunol 1985;5:31-7.

Snider DE, Cohn DL, Davidson PT, Hershfeld ES, Smith MH, Sutton FD. Standard therapy for tuberculosis. Chest 1985;87:117S-24S.

Ryder JW, Croen K, Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK, Ostrove JM, Straus SE, Cohn DL. Progressive encephalitis three months following resolution of cutaneous zoster in an AIDS patient. Ann Neurol 1986;19:182-8.

Blaser MJ, Cohn DL. Opportunistic infections in patients with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome: clues to the epidemiology of AIDS and relative virulence of pathogens. Rev Infect Dis 1986;8:21-30.

Dobozin BS, Judson FN, Cohn DL, Penley KA, Rickman PE, Blaser MJ, Sarin PS, Weiss SH, Kirkpatrick CH. The relationship of abnormalities of cellular immunity to antibodies to HTLV-III in homosexual men. Cell Immunol 1986;98:156-71.

Sharma OK, Buschman FL, Borek E, Cohn DL, Penley KA, Judson FN, Dobozin BS, Horsburgh Jr CR, Kirkpatrick CH. Altered excretion of modified nucleosides and B-aminoiso-butyric acid in subjects with AIDS or at risk for AIDS. Cancer Res 1986;46:2557-61.

Sbarbaro JA, Cohn DL, Crowle AJ, Glassroth J, Goren MB, Lane JM, Liang A, Miller AE, Pickett MJ, Riley RL, Smith DW, Sullivan MA. Improving methods for preventing infection of the uninfected. Supplement on future research in tuberculosis: prospects and priorities for elimination. Am Rev Respir Dis 1986;134:407-9.

Blaser MJ, Cohn DL, Cody MJ, Penley KA, Judson FN, Saxinger WC, Weiss SH. Counter immunoelectrophoresis for detection of human serum antibody to HTLV-III. J Immunol Methods 1986;91:181-6.

Horsburgh Jr CR, Cohn DL, Roberts RB, Masur H, Miller RA, Tsang AY, Iseman MD. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare isolates from AIDS patients differ from isolates from patients without AIDS. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1986;30:955-7.

O'Brien RJ, Miller B, Pitchenik AE, Reichman LB, Bloch AB, Hopewell PC, Cohn DL. Topics in pulmonary medicine: Mycobacterial diseases in AIDS. Am Rev Respir Dis 1987;136:1027-30.

Ward JW, Holmberg SD, Allen JR, Cohn DL, Critchley SE, Kleinmen SH, Lenes BA, Ravenholt O, Davis JR, Quinn MG, Jaffe HW. Human immunodeficiency virus transmission by blood transfusions screened negative for HIV antibody. N Engl J Med 1988;318:473-8.

Rector WG, Govindarajan S, Horsburgh CR, Penley KA, Cohn DL, Judson FN. Hepatic inflammation, hepatitis B replication, and cellular immune function in homosexual men with chronic hepatitis B and antibody to human immunodeficiency virus. Am J Gastroenterol 1988;83:262-6.

Rietmeijer CAM, Cohn DL. Severe contact dermatitis from dinitrochlorobenzene. Arch Dermatol 1988;124:490-1.

Perlman DM, Ampel NM, Schifman RB, Cohn DL, Patton CM, Aguirre ML, Wang WL, Blaser MJ. Persistent Campylobacter jejuni infections in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. Ann Intern Med 1988;108:540-6.

Janoff EN, Douglas JM, Gabriel M, Blaser MJ, Davidson AJ, Cohn DL, Judson FN. Class-specific antibody response to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides in men infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Infect Dis 1988;158:983-90.

O'Brien RF, Quinn JL, Miyahara BT, Lepoff RB, Cohn DL. Diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia by induced sputum in a city with moderate incidence of AIDS. Chest 1989;95:136-8.

Crowle AJ, Cohn DL, Poche PA. Defects in sera from AIDS patients and non-AIDS patients with Mycobacterium avium infection, which decrease macrophage resistance to M. avium. Infect Immun 1989;57:1445-51.

Hoffman RE, Valway SE, Wolf FC, Raevsky C, Cohn DL, Penley KA, Vernon TM. Comparison of AIDS and HIV antibody surveillance data in Colorado. J Acquir Immun Defic Syndrome 1989;2:194-200.

Rietmeijer CAM, Penley KA, Cohn DL, Davidson AJ, Horsburgh CR, Judson FN. Factors influencing the risk of infection with human immunodeficiency virus in homosexual men - Denver 1982-1985. Sex Trans Dis 1989;16:95-102.

Cohn DL. Pulmonary infections in AIDS. Sem Respir Med 1989;10:1-11.

O'Brien RF, Cohn DL. Seroganguineous pleural effusions in AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma. Chest 1989;96:460-6.

Perez-Perez GI, Cohn DL, Guerrant RL, Patton CM, Reller LB, Blaser MJ. Clinical and immunological significance of cholera-like toxin and cytotoxin production by Campylobacter species in patients with acute inflammatory diarrhea in the United States. J Infect Dis 1989;160:460-8.

Polish LB, Cohn DL, Ryder JW, Myers AM, O'Brien RF. Pulmonary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in AIDS. Chest 1989;96:1321-6.

Cohn DL, Catlin BJ, Peterson KL, Judson FN, Sbarbaro JA. A 62-dose, 6-month therapy for pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis: A twice-weekly, directly observed, and cost-effective regimen. Ann Intern Med 1990;112:407-15.

Payne TH, Cohn DL, Davidson AJ, Henry TD, Schaefer JW, Gabow PA. Marked elevations of serum alkaline phosphatase in patients with AIDS. J Acquir Immun Defic Syndr 1991;4:238-43.

Lee BY, Chatterjee D, Bozic CM, Brennan PJ, Cohn DL, Bales JD, Harrison SM, Andron LA, Orme IM. Prevalence of serum antibody to the type-specific glycopeptidolipid antigens of Mycobacterium avium in HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals.

J Clin Micro 1991;29:1026-9.

McClellan MD, Miller SB, Parsons PE, Cohn DL. Incidence and clinical characteristics of pneumothorax with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Chest 1991;100:1224-8.

Blum RN, Miller LA, Gaggini LC, Cohn DL. Comparative trial of dapsone versus trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for primary prophylaxis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. J Acquir Immun Defic Syndr 1992;5:341-7.

Farizo KM, Buehler JW, Chamberland ME, Whyte BM, Froelicher ES, Hopkins SG, Reed CM, Mokotoff ED, Cohn DL, Troxler S, Phelps AF, Berkelman RL. Spectrum of disease in persons with human immunodeficiency virus infection in the United States. JAMA 1992;267:1798-1805.

Crowle AJ, Ross ER, Cohn DL, Gilden J, May MH. Comparison of the abilities of Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare to infect and multiply in cultured human macrophages from normal and HIV-infected subjects. Infect Immun 1992;60:3697-3703.

Fishbein M, Chan DKS, O'Reilly K, Schell D, Wood R, Beeker R, Cohn D. Attitudinal and normative factors as determinants of gay men's intentions to perform AIDS-related sexual behaviors: a multisite analysis. J Appl Soc Psychol 1992;22:999-1011.

Schnell DJ, Higgins D, Wilson RM, Goldbaum G, Cohn DL, Wolitski RJ. Men's disclosure of HIV test results to male primary sex partners. Am J Public Health 1992;82: 1675-6.

Rietmeijer CAM, Davidson AJ, Foster C, Cohn DL. Cost of care of HIV infection: patterns of utilization and charges in a public health care system. Arch Intern Med 1993:153:219-25.

Schnell DJ, Galavotti C, O'Reilly KR, AIDS Community Demonstration Projects (Freeman A, Cohn D, Corby N, Wood R). An evaluation of sexual behavior change using statistical and cognitive models. Statist Med 1993;12:219-27.

Blum RN, Polish LB, Tapy JM, Catlin BJ, Cohn DL. Results of screening for tuberculosis in foreign-born persons applying for adjustment of immigration status. Chest 1993;103:1670-4.

Cohn DL, Dobkin JF. Treatment and prevention of tuberculosis in HIV infection. AIDS 92-93: - A Year in Review 1993:7(suppl 1):S195-S202.

Nightingale SD, Cameron DW, Gordin FM, Sullam PM, Cohn DL, Chaisson RE, et al. Two placebo controlled trials of rifabutin prophylaxis against Mycobacterium avium complex infection in AIDS. N Engl J Med 1993;329:828-33.

Masur H, Public Health Service Task Force on Prophylaxis and Therapy for Mycobacterium avium complex. Recommendations on prophylaxis and therapy for Mycobacterium avium complex in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. N Engl J Med 1993;329:898-904.

Bessesen MT, Shlay JC, Stone-Venohr B, Cohn DL, Reves RR. Disseminated Mycobacterium genevense infection in AIDS: clinical and microbiological features and response to therapy. AIDS 1993;7:1357-61.

Cohn DL, Iseman MD. Treatment and prevention of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. In: Rastogi N, ed, Emergence of multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis: fundamental and applied research aspects, global issues, and current strategies. Res Microbiol 1993;144:150-3.

Safrin S, Kemmerly S, Plotkin B, Smith T, Weissbach N, DeVeranez D, Phan LD, Cohn DL. Foscarnet-resistant herpes simplex virus infection in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. J Infect Dis 1994;169:193-6.

Stone BL, Cohn DL, Kane MS, Hildred MV, Wilson ML, Reves RR. Utility of paired blood cultures and smears in the diagnosis of disseminated Mycobacterium-avium complex infections in AIDS patients. J Clin Micro 1994;32:841-2.

Abrams DI, Goldman AI, Launer C, Korvick JA, Neaton JD, Crane LR, Grodesky M, Wakefield S, Muth K, Kornegay S, Cohn DL, et al. A comparative trial of didanosine and zalcitabine after treatment with zidovudine in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection. N Engl J Med 1994;330:657-62.

Von Roenn JH, Armstrong D, Kotler DP, Cohn DL, Klimas NG, Tehekmedyian NS, Cone L, Brennan PJ, Weitzman SA. Megestrol acetate in patients with AIDS-related cachexia. Ann Intern Med 1994;121:393-9.

Hoxworth T, Hoffman R, Cohn D, Davidson A. Anonymous HIV testing: does it attract clients who would not seek confidential testing? AIDS & Public Policy J 1994;


Burman WJ, Cohn DL, Reves RR, Wilson ML. Multifocal cellulitis and monoarticular arthritis as manifestations of Helicobacter cinaedi bacteremia. Clin Infect Dis 1995;20:564-70.

Bessessen MT, Miller LA, Cohn DL, Bartlett S, Ellison RT. Administration of pyramethamine sulfadoxine for prevention of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in patients with AIDS. Clin Infect Dis 1995;20:730-1.

Cohn DL. Treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. J Hosp Infect 1995;30(suppl):322-8.

Rietmeijer CA, Kane SM, Simons PZ, Corby NH, Wolitski RJ, Higgins DL, Judson FN, Cohn DL. Increasing the use of bleach and condoms among injecting drug users in Denver: outcomes of a targeted community-level HIV prevention program. AIDS 1996;10:291-8.

Shlay JC, Blackburn D, O'Keefe K, Raevsky C, Evans M, Cohn DL. Human immunodeficiency virus seroprevalence and risk assessment of a homeless population in Denver. Sex Transm Dis 1996;23:304-11.

Simons PZ, Rietmeijer CA, Kane MS, Guenther-Grey C, Higgins DL, Cohn DL. Building a peer network for a community level HIV prevention program among injecting drug users in Denver. Public Health Rep 1996;111(suppl):50-3.

Gordin FM, Nelson ET, Matts JP, Cohn DL, Ernst J, Benator D, Besch CL, Crane LR, Sampson JH, Bragg PS, EL-Sadr W, Terry Beirn Community Program for Clinical Research on AIDS. The impact of human immunodeficiency virus infection on drug-resistant tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1996;154:1478-83.

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Gordin FM, Cohn DL, Sullam PM, Schoenfelder JR, Wynne BA, Horsburgh CR. Early manifestations of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex disease: a prospective evaluation. J Infect Dis 1997;176:126-32.

Burman WJ, Cohn DL, Rietmeijer CA, Judson FN, Sbarbaro JA, Reves RR. Noncompliance with directly-observed therapy for tuberculosis: epidemiology and effect on the outcome of treatment. Chest 1997;111:1168-73.

Cohn DL. Use of BCG vaccination for the prevention of tuberculosis: renewed interest in an old vaccine. Am J Med Sci 1997;313:372-6.

Horsburgh CR, Schoenfelder JR, Gordin FM, Cohn DL, Sullam PM, Wynne BA. Geographic and seasonal variation in Mycobacterium avium bacteremia in North American patients with AIDS. Am J Med Sci 1997;313:341-5.

Burman WJ, Cohn DL, Rietmeijer CA, Judson FN, Sbarbaro JA, Reves RR. Short-term incarceration for the management of noncompliance with tuberculosis treatment. Chest 1997;112:57-62.

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Hafner R, Bethel J, Power M, Landry B, Banach M, Mole L, Standiford H C, Follansbee S, Kumar P, Raasch R, Cohn D, Mushatt D, Drusano G. Tolerance and pharmacokinetic interactions of rifabutin and clarithromycin in HIV-positive volunteers. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1998;42:631-9.

Gardner LI, Harrison SH, Hendrix CW, Blatt SP, Wagner KF, Chung RCY, Harris RW, Cohn DL, Burke DS, Mayers DL, Military Medical Consortium for Applied Retroviral Research. Size and duration of zidovudine benefit in 1003 HIV-infected patients: US Army, Navy and Air Force natural history data. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 1998;17:345-53.

El-Sadr W, Perlman DC, Matts JP, Nelson ET, Cohn DL, Salomon N, Olibrice M, et al and the Terry Biern Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS and the AIDS Clinical Trials Group. Evaluation of an intensive intermittent-induction regimen and duration of short-course treatment for human immunodeficiency virus-related pulmonary tuberculosis. Clin Infect Dis 1998;26:1148-58.

Goldbaum G, Perdue T, Wolitski R, Rietmeijer C, Hedrich A, Wood R, Fishbein M, Cohn D, Corby N, Freeman A, Guenther-Grey C, Sheridan J, Tross S. Differences in risk behavior and sources of AIDS information among gay, bisexual, and straight-identified men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior 1998;2:13-21.

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Pablos-Mendez A, Raviglione MC, Laszlo A, Binkin N, Reider HL, Bustreo F, Cohn DL, Lambregts-vanWeezenbeck CSB, Kim SJ, Chaulet P, Nunn P for the WHO/IUATLD Working Group on Anti-tuberculosis Drug Resistance Surveillance. Global sureillance for antituberculosis drug resistance, 1994-1997. N Engl J Med 1998;338:1641-9.

Burman WJ, Reves RR, Cohn DL. The case for conservative management of early HIV disease. JAMA 1998;280:93-5.

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Davidson AJ, Bertram SL, Lezotte DC, Marine WM, Rietmeijer CA, Haaglund BB, Cohn DL. Comparison of health status, socioeconomic characteristics and knowledge and use of HIV-related resources between HIV-infected women and men. Med Care 1998;36:1676-84.

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Gordin FM, Sullam PM, Shafran SD, Cohn DL, Wynne B, Paxton L, Perry K, Horsburgh CR Jr. A randomized, placebo-controlled study of rifabutin added to a regimen of clarithromycin and ethambutol for treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex. Clin Infect Dis 1999;28:1080-5.

Cohn DL, Fisher EJ, Peng GT, Hodges JS, Chesnut J, Child CC, Franchino B, Gibert CL, El-Sadr W, Hafner R, Korvick J, Ropka M, Heifets L, Clotfelter J, Munroe D, Horsburgh CR. A prospective randomized trial of four three-drug regimens in the treatment of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex disease in AIDS patients: excess mortality associated with high dose clarithromycin. Clin Infect Dis


Kleinschmidt-DeMasters BK, Mazowiecki M, Bonds LA, Cohn DL, Wilson ML. Coccidioidomycosis meningitis with massive dural and cerebral venous thrombosis and tissue arthroconidia. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2000;124:310-4.

Benson CA, Williams PL, Cohn DL, Becker S, Hojczyk P, Nevin T, Korvick JA, Heifets L, Child CC, Lederman MM, Reichman RC, Powderly WG, Notario GF, Wynne BA, Hafner R, ACTG 196/CPCRA 009 Protocol Team. Clarithromycin or rifabutin alone or in combination for primary prophylaxis of Mycobacterium avium complex disease in patients with AIDS: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Infect Dis 2000;181:1289-97.

Burman WJ, Reves RR, Cohn DL, Schooley RT. Breaking the camel's back - multicenter clinical trials and local institutional review boards. Ann Intern Med 2001;134:


El-Sadr WM, Perlman DC, Nelson E, Matts JP, Cohn DL. A review of efficacy studies of 6-month short-course therapy for tuberculosis among HIV-infected patients: differences in study outcomes. Clin Infect Dis 2001;32:623-32.

Hafner R, Bethel J, Standiford HC, Follansbee S, Cohn DL, Polk RE, Mole L, Raasch R, Kumar P, Mushatt D, Drusanoh G, for the DATRI 001B Study Group. Tolerance and pharmacokinetic interactions of rifabutin and azithromycin. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2001; 45:1572-7.

Fisher EJ, Chaloner K, Cohn DL, Grant LB, Alston B, Brosgart CL, Schmetter B, El-Sadr WM, Sampson J, for the Terry Beirn Community Programs for Clinical Research on AIDS. The safety and efficacy of adefovir dipivoxil in persons with advanced HIV disease: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. AIDS 2001;15:1695-1700.

Burman WJ, Terra M, Breese P, Cohn D, Reves R. Lack of toxicity from concomitant directly observed disulfiram and isoniazid-containing therapy for active tuberculosis. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2002;6:893-42.

Flaks RC, Burman WJ, Gourley PJ, Rietmeijer CA, Cohn DL. HIV transmission risk behavior among persons in HIV care and its relation to treatment adherence. Sex Trans Dis 2003;30:399-403.

Bonds LA, Gaido L, Woods JE, Cohn DL, Wilson ML. Infectious diseases detected at autopsy at an urban public hospital: 1996-2001. Am J Clin Pathol 2003;119:866-72.

Kaplan JE, Hanson DL, Cohn DL, Karon J, Buskin S, Thompson M, Fleming P, Dworkin MS, and the Adult and Adolescent Spectrum of Disease Group. When to begin highly active antiretorviral therapy? Evidence supporting initiation of therapy at CD4+ lymphocyte count ................

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