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Bayport News

Good Samaritan Guilds Report


Tel. HR V-1737

The Bayport Couples Club held its annual dinner-dance at < the Shoreham in Sayville Saturday night with the following members and their guests: Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Aquaro, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tnornbloom. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brunncr, Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kuehn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, Mr. and Mio. John McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lechner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoek, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Huggard, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Edwards, the Rev. and Mrs. Landon K. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. William Keller. Mrs. John Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huszagh, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bates, Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. William Dearborn, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Van Boskirk, Mr. and Mrs. Parshall Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mawhinney and Mr. and Mrs. Warner Sentz.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bates of First Avenue had their infant daughter, Lori, christened on Sunday by the Rev. Landon K. Owen in the Methodist Church. The.godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huszagh of Bayport. Other guests at ^he buffet supper party were Donald, Gordon and Carol Huszagh. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lechner and daughters, Wendy and Laurie, of Bayport; the baby's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stringham and Miss Nancy Strlngham of Franklin ? Square, her grandfather, Fred Bates, and her great grandmother, Mrs. Maude Bates of Yonkers, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vose and children, of Wantagh. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laux and children of Bound Brook, N. J. and Miss Eleanor Laux of Franklin Square.

The Esther Circle of the WSCS of the Methodist Church met on Tuesday of last week for lunch at the home of Mrs. Edward Divis on Fairview Avenue. Other members present were Mrs. Richard Barrett. Mrs. Russell Lechner,. Mrs. Harold

Students of the month for October at James Wilson Young High School are Miss Cathy Lott and Robert Lewis, both of Bayport. Both are members of the Senior Class. Miss Lott is editor-in-chief of the school yearbook, a member of the Honor Society and a G.O. representative. Lewis is the official photographer for the yearbook as the school newspaper, vicepresident of the senior class and manager of the varsity basketball team. Miss Lott is the daughter of Mrs. John V. Lott, 50 South Gillette Avenue, and Lewis is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Lewis Jr., 28 Snedecor Avenue.

On Activities

Mrs. William Raedy represented the Sayville Guild at the Central Council meeting of Good Samaritan Hospital Monday afternoon at the hospital in West Islio. Th? election and installation of officers took place.

An announcement was made that the volunteer hours for the year have reached a total of 43,836. Plans have be?n made to begin the gift shop's annual Christmas sale on November 16th in the lobby of the hospital.

Tours of the hospital will be held on Tuesday, October 29th at 10:30 a. m., 1:30 p. m. and seven p. m.

The Sayville Guild will hold its monthly meeting this evening at.8:15 o'clock at the Community House.

Bohemia Man Sees

Helicopter Crash

Mr. and Mrs. William Brown Billard, Mrs. Robert Brunner,

of Oakwood Avenue entertained and Mrs. Frank Edmunds.

at a buffet supper at their home

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rooney

on Sunday after the christening of West Road entertained on

of they- granddaughter, Deborah Saturday afternoon at a party

Mae, daughter of their son-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Repp, of Bayport, at the Methodist Church Sunday morn-

for the eighth birthday of their daughter, Jan. Her guests were Denise, James and Kim Coffellette and John and Michael Ian-

ing, by the Rev. Landon K. niello of Patchogue, her sisters,

Owen. The godparents are Mrs. Miller Ryan of Hollis and Fred Moslein of Manhattan. Other

Nancy and Suzanne, and Leslie Adams. Renee La Cour, Kathleen Powers, Pamela Barnett,

guests were Keith and Allan Deborah Rohm, Claudia Mai-

Repp, Mr. and Mrs. Charles etta. Kathleen De Marco and

Brown,, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, Miss Julia Brown, Mrs. Ethel Warner, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merdes, all of Bayport, Mr. and Mrs. George Ar?ond;zza, Mrs. Evelyn Regnault, Mr. and Mrs. James Fallon, Mr. and Mrs. Guernsev Ramoe, and "Mr. and Mrs. Emil Novotny, of Savville, and Fred Moslein of Hollis.

Winifred McDonnell, all of Bayport.

Christine Terry of South Ocean Avenue celebrated her seventh birthday on Saturday afternoon at her home at a party eiven bv Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Terrv. H?r euests were Jill Rutkowski, Kimm Banaszak, Colleen Calla,nan, Karen Slanovec and Patti

Are your, valuables anr7 im- Geiss all of Bayport.

portant papers safe from Jo?.??

A safe deposit box at T^"

Oystermen's Bank in Sayville ^

available to you. The cost is

pennies a rjnv.


David Rust, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuel Rust of Snedecor Avenue has received his Master of Science Degree in physics from Cornell University.

Miss Mary Stoll of Lynchburg,

The Senior Citizens Club of

Md. is spending a month visit- the Methodist C h u r c h met

ing at the home of her niece . Thursday afternoon in the par-

and nephew,- Mr. and Mrs. W. ish hall for a business meeting.

Bates Stark of McConnell Ave- A report was made that the

nue. Miss Stoll is a Sayville resident.


Wesfc^ J--

'?' members had bound l~for the church and

26.hyrnnals plans were

On Tuesday night of last made for a Hallowe'en party at

week, the Bayport-BIue Point the next meeting on October

Senior Girl Scout Troop met at ?4th. Hostesses at the social

the home of Mrs. Edward Divis, hour were Mrs, Blanche How-

leader, with co-leader, Mrs. Vin- land, Mrs, Charlotte Jones and

cent Fleming in charge. The Mrs. Joann Kelly. Four new

troop held election of officers members have joined the club,

with the following results: Pre- Mrs. Ann Reimer, Mrs. Myra

sident, Colleen McBride; Vice- Soper, Mrs. Anne Rothwell and

President, Florence Baden; Sec- Mrs. Lillian Schwarting.

retary-Treasurer. Leslie Divis. Ellen Stadtmuller and Janet Goette were elected as representatives on the Senior Planning Board of the South SuffolkGirl Scout Council.

Ronald E. Zalewski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zalewski of First Avenue is undergoing bnsic training at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes,

The Epsilon Hi-Y Society met last Wednesday night at the home of Judy Dixon on Suydam Lane. Plans were made for the induction of members at the next meeting on October 23rd which will be held at the Patchogue YMCA. The Hi-Y Society from Patchogue will induct the new members.


Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Remme of

Bayport Date Book

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Monday 8:30 p. m. Sunday School

rooms St. Ann's Church.


8 p. m., school auditorium.



HAVEN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL -- Second Monday, 8:15. Tho Community House, Sayville. BAYPORT CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. -- l i r s t Thursdays, January, March, May, September and November. 8:30 p. m., Bay-

port High School. Annual Meeting -- Third Tuesday July, 8:30

p. m., Bayport High SchooL

BAYPORT REPUBLICAN CLUB--Meets at the Suffolk County

RppubHcan Clubhouse in Blue Point at 8 p. rn. on the fourth

Thursday of the month.

BAYPORT TAXPAYERS ASS'N. First Thursdays in January, April,

June and October -- Board of Directors meets. Third Thurs-

. days of January, April, June, and October, regular meetings

held at Bayport-Bhie Point High School.

BOARD OF EDUCATION -- Every first and third Friday at 8:30

p. rrj. hi the high school.

BOY SCOUTS -- Mondays, 7:30, High SchooL

COUPLES' CLUB -- Second Saturdays, 8:15 p. m.

FIRE DEPARTMENT --- First Fridays 8 p. m. firehouse. Ladies'

Auxiliary, meets second Monday at 8:15 p. m.

CUB PACK ? - Meeting fourth Wednesday of every month.

GIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMITTEE -- First Wednesdays, 8 p. m.

GIRL SCOUT BROWNIES -- Mondays and Thursdays, Elementary.

School- 3:15 - 4:30 p. m.: Fly-up Brownies, Tuesdays, Methodist

Church, 3:30.- 4:30 p. m.

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