Worship October 13, 2013 October Birthdays Twenty-first ...

[Pages:2]10:45 A.M.


October 13, 2013

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

Servants in Worship

Announcer:..................................................................................................Gail Holcombe Greeters:...................................................................................................... Koinonia Class Acolyte(s):.................................................................................................. Jake Summerlin Red Book Pickup:.............................................................. Debby Demos/Bryce Lee Wynn Deacons: Coordinator: Sandy Reynolds; Ushers & Servers: David Fleury, Gail Ford, Bob Gary; Other Servers: Susan Haymes, Shannon Beattie, Debby Demos, Judy Duncan, Tanya Fleury, Rona Gary Elders at the Table: East #1 (Prayer for Bread) ............................................................................... Betty Floyd East #2 (Table) .........................................................................................Fielding Atchley West #1 (Prayer for Cup) ............................................................................. Louise Russell West #2 (Table) ..........................................................................................Gail Holcombe Elders On Call: .......................................................................... Betty Floyd/Louise Russell Scripture Reader.................................(Luke 17:11-19) ........................................Lisa Wilkes Message............................................"Incomplete Faith" ......................... Pastor Paul Rebelo

Prayer Concerns:

Don Baldwin

Homer Aldrich

JoJo Wise

Liz Love

Luther Whitaker

David Blackburn

Doris Aldrich

Ruth Wells

Jim Northcut

Harrison Gill

Hildred Levi

Al Ford

Jordan Coleman & Family

Bud & Alisha Fiske

Pat Barnwell

Doug Beuoy (Brannens' son-in-law)

Bob Lewis

Bettye Gerow

Martha Coffey (Debby & Judy's aunt)

Beth Read

Joel Westbrook

Paula Baker (Carl's stepsister)

Bill Allen

Tim Suits

Judy Kirby (Larry & Barbara's sister-in-law) Leona BonDurant (Carl's Grandmother)

Ray Rowe

Bill Rich

John Black (Barbara Voss's Brother)

Our week with Family Promise guests...begins on Sunday, October 13th! As usual,

we will need volunteers for meal preparation and serving each evening, and overnight hosts to spend the night at the church during the week. If you can help with meals, contact Lorraine Hipp (423-504-1346); to help with overnight hosting, contact Barbara Voss (423-886-5820). We also need volunteers for setting up the beds, etc immediately following morning worship on the 13th, and at 7:00a.m. to help load the beds and personal effects back on the trailer, for transport to the next hosting church. Please call Chuck in the church office if you can assist with these Sunday tasks! For more information, please call Julia Martin (423-876-9588).

Volunteers are needed...for a "Sparkle Day" workday in the two Nursery Classrooms

on Saturday, October 12th, from 9AM until 5PM. Please bring cleaning supplies.

Doug Ford will be leading a hike...on Saturday, October 19th; meet between 8:30

and 9:00am in the FCC parking lot. We will be going to Signal Point Park and hiking to Edwards Point, a 4-5 mile round trip, 3-4 hours. Please come and join the fun! If you are interested contact Doug Ford at dougford102@.

October Birthdays

1-- Alli Sharp

3 -- Betty Proctor 19 -- Mary Davis

1-- Fi Tran

3 -- Elizabeth Read 22 -- Rick Cutsinger

2-- Jessica Fulgham 5-- Pam Cole

24 -- Darby Hershey

2 -- Barbara Kirby 10 -- Ti Tran

26 -- Cheryl Bingham

2 -- Kaye Poe

10 -- Gail Ford

26 -- Joshua Hamilton

2 -- Mary Barker

12 -- Caroline Moore 31 -- Alan Voss

2 -- Doug Ford

15 -- Evelyn Pless 31 -- Ray Rowe

3 -- Skip Brannen

16 -- James Gauntt 31 -- Bea Lyons

Happy Birthday to All!


Brown Bucks Store is Engaging & Fun!...But this earn and rewards program takes lots of "goodies" to keep it that way. Over 300 kids from pre-K to 5th grade shop each week! We need lots of Balls of every variety, art kits, creativity projects, puzzles, hula hoops, jump ropes, dinosaurs, cards and games. gailrich@

Spare Just One Hour?...A volunteer still needed for a Community Kitchen project. It's

easy! gailrich@

The CWF Monday circle...will meet at 10:30 a.m. on October 14th in the Fellowship Hall for a covered dish lunch. Debby Demos will preside and has the program. Caroline Moore and Peggy Catlett are hostesses.

Spaghetti & Sauce Drive for the Community Kitchen...has been extended one

more week to afford everyone the opportunity to contribute! While we have many donations, we aren't quite up to even one meal (96 cans) yet. Let's meet the challenge: not just one, but TWO meals to fill the larder. Please bring plain sauce & pasta to the donation center in the lobby--the bigger the better. ?'s Don Baldwin or gailrich@

Every Sunday morning, Pastor Paul reminds us that both he and God have a wonderful plan for

our lives.

Thinking In Ink...

A friend of mine who works in a Community Kitchen ministry in West Virginia was telling me about a young woman who is a volunteer mentor for school children from one of the poorest neighborhoods in town. She has gone to the local community center in that neighborhood (where they have had several murders) for the past six months all by herself. It has taken all of those six months for her to gain the trust of the parents of those young ladies. She spends about six to eight hours a week mentoring these children. She wants to help these girls have a bright future.

This young woman is a professional who is married and has a child of her own. When my friend told me this story, my first question was, "How does she have the energy to do this work?" My friend said, "She feels like this is what she is meant to do. She has such a passion for life...there is no way you could talk her out of serving these girls."

We are created to serve! The people I know who are serving in their communities have such a passion for life that it spills over into every facet of their lives. Perhaps why so many people feel so empty has to do with what they are using to fill their lives . When we fill our lives with service to our neighbor, there is less time to worry, or feel sorry for ourselves or to be selfish.

The way of Jesus is not about a personal quest for Jesus...the way of Jesus is about making a big deal about loving our neighbor. As a pastor, people ask me all the time how they can grow spiritually. Serving other people is the quickest way to grow spiritually. The path of service is the path to which Jesus calls us.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Paul

This Week at First Christian

(Opportunities for you to connect)

Sunday, October 13

9:45 a.m. 10:35 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

Sunday School Classes Elders' Prayer Circle; Meditation Chapel Morning Worship; Sanctuary Fellowship; Parlor Family Promise Guests arrive

Monday, October 14

10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

CWF Monday Circle; Fellowship Hall PAWS; Fellowship Hall NA Monday Group; Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, October 15

2:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Brown Academy After-School program; Fellowship Hall NA Tuesday Group; Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, October 16

6:00 p.m.

Choir Practice; Choir Room

Thursday, October 17

7:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.

Men's Study Group; Bluegrass Grill PAWS; Fellowship Hall

Friday, October 18

8:00 p.m.

NA Friday Group; Fellowship Hall

Saturday, October 19

No Activities Scheduled

Sunday, October 20

7:00 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:35 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:15 p.m.

Family Promise Guests depart Sunday School Classes Elders' Prayer Circle; Meditation Chapel Morning Worship; Sanctuary Fellowship; Parlor Cabinet Meeting; Koinonia Classroom

Opportunities for Service:

Volunteer in the Brown Academy After-School Program! If you can spare even one Tuesday afternoon, we would appreciate your help. Call Kyle Cutsinger (423-892-1079) for more information.

Volunteer at the Community Kitchen! 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month. 9:00 AM to 11:45 AM; 727 E. 11th St. For more information, contact Rona Gary (ronagary@).

Help out at Habitat for Humanity! 2nd Saturday of every month. Be there around 8:30 AM. For details, email Larry Kirby (kirbychat@).

Volunteer to serve a meal at Room In The Inn on the 5th Sunday of any applicable month. For details, call or email Shannon Beattie (423-883-9083; shanhb@.

Help us when we host families from Family Promise of Chattanooga for a week, several times each year. For details, email Julia Martin at chuck343@.

650 McCallie Avenue ? Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 ? 423-267-4506 ? Fax 423-266-2454

First Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ)

A Church of Service... ...Not Lip Service

Welcome! Today is the gateway to another week.

We join together here to thank God for a new week of promise and possibilities. Let us welcome the opportunity of worship, as we prepare ourselves to be God's people in God's world.

Church Office: (423) 267-4506 Pastoral Emergency: (423) 994-0415 BRIDGE Deadline: Monday, 10:00 a.m. Church Office Hours:

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

E-mail addresses: Church........................ church@firstchristian- Rev. Paul Rebelo ........................... revrebelo@ Christine Rebelo .................rebelmomoffour@ Jonathan Hyde ............... jonathan.h.hyde@ Gail Rich ........................................ gailrich@ Chuck Martin................chuck@firstchristian- Karen Richards ............. karen@firstchristian-



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