The Decline and Fall of the Romanov Dynasty

The Decline and Fall of the Romanov Dynasty

Bloody Sunday 1905

|Class: Year 11 Modern History |Date: 01.10.2010 |Time: 60min Lesson |

|Key Learning Area: Modern History |Lesson Topic: Bloody Sunday 1905 |

|Recent Prior Experience: Students have begun studying The Decline and Fall of the Romanov Dynasty and have already considered Nicholas II as an autocrat; features of autocracy, familial background, political |

|attitudes and ideas for organisation of government. Students will have already discussed the meaning of key concepts with Smartboard activity and glossary of key terms. For this lesson in particular, students |

|will have an understanding of the following terms: revolution, terrorism, autocracy, industrialisation, communism and socialism. In the previous lesson, students will have investigated the breakdown and structure|

|of the Russian empire and will have some understanding of the political and social grievances of the period. |

|Syllabus Outcome(s): |Indicators of Learning for this lesson: |Assessment for Learning: |

| | | |

|P2.1: Identify forces and ideas and explain their |By the end of this lesson, the students will: |- Group work source analysis task: discussing differing |

|significance in contributing to change and continuity from| |perspectives of the events of Bloody Sunday 1905 as well as |

|the eighteenth century to the present. |- Describe the events of Bloody Sunday 1905 |the usefulness of sources for making these judgments |

| |- Explain the consequences of Bloody Sunday 1905 | |

|P3.1: Ask relevant historical questions |- Explain differing perspectives of the events of and reasons for Bloody Sunday 1905 |Assessment of Learning: |

| |- Assess the impact of the events of Bloody Sunday 1905 on the eventual decline of the |- Discussion of group work source analysis task: Assess the |

|P3.4: Identify and account for differing perspectives and |Tsar |learning of students from jigsaw activity. |

|interpretations of the past. | |- Weekly Blog discussion: Assess learning of students in |

| | |relation to how the events of Bloody Sunday 1905 contributed |

|P4.2: communicate a knowledge and understanding of | |to the failure of the Tsarist regime. |

|historical features and issues, using appropriate and well| | |

|structured oral and written forms. | | |

|Resources: |- |

|- Bloody Sunday 1905 Source collection |- Students’ laptop or home computer |

|- Bloody Sunday 1905 Source Analysis Worksheet | |


|Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning |Timing | |Resources: |

| |(mins) |Teaching Strategies/Learning Experiences: | |


| | | | |

|- Recapitualation of key concepts (relevant to |5mins |Recapitulation of Key Concepts: |Glossary of Key Words |

|this lesson): revolution, communism, socialism, | |Students asked to refer to glossary of key concepts and terms given in previous lesson. |(given at beginning of case study) |

|terrorism, industrialization, autocracy. | |Class discussion of key concepts relevant to this lesson: revolution, communism, socialism, | |

| | |terrorism, industrialisation, autocracy. | |

| | | | |

| | |Teacher Introduction: | |

| | |Bloody Sunday 1905 was just one outcome of the many social and economic grievances of this time | |

| | |period. Through its consequences it had a significant impact on the eventual decline of the Tsar | |

| | |who failed to meet the needs and solve the problems of the people of Russia. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

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| | |Class Reading: Bloody Sunday 1905 | |

| |15mins |Class reading – students volunteer to read information |Reading: Bloody Sunday 1905 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Discussion of Reading: | |

| | |Teacher facilitates discussion of reading with relevant inquiry questions. Following points | |

| | |should be addressed: | |

| | |Perceptions of the Tsar changed to a backstabber and murderer. | |

| | |Workers wanted to present a list of demands they hoped he could fix. | |

| | |Revolution is the overturning of the government’s power and Bloody Sunday 1905 was an underlying | |

| | |reason for its beginning. | |

| | | | |

| | |Group Work (Jigsaw Task) Source Analysis | |

| | |Students divided into five groups. | |

| | |Students grouped by numbers 1-5 | |

| |20mins |In groups, students to read sources and complete source analysis worksheet |Bloody Sunday 1905 Source Worksheet |

| | | | |

| | | |Bloody Sunday 1905 Source Analysis Worksheet |

| | |Discussion of Group Work findings from Source Analysis: | |

| | |Groups discuss findings from sources together as a class | |

| | |Students reminded to copy any answers down they do not have on their worksheet | |

| | | | |

| |10mins |Final Question: Teacher asks students to verbally sum up, in own words, the events of Bloody | |

| | |Sunday 1905. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Empathy Task: Virtual Mind Map (Wordle) | |

| | |Students asked to consider the emotional state of the peasants, taking part of the Bloody Sunday | |

| | |revolt. | |

| | |From their readings, asked to contribute phrases to compile a virtual mind map using | |

| | | | |

| |5mins | | |


| | | | |

| |5 mins |Consolidation: Weekly Blog Question discussion | |

| | |Students are given stipulations for weekly blog question in relation to Bloody Sunday 1905. | |

| | |Students reminded that each has a personally allocated word limit for blog (differentiation) | |

| | | | |

| | |Question: How do you think the events of Bloody Sunday 1905 transformed the perceptions of the | |

| | |Tsar? | |

| | | | |

| | |Discussion of question, and students hypothesise ways to address question | |


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