Imperialism, World War I, and Russian Revolution

Name:Date:Honor Code:World War I, and Russian RevolutionStudy GuideI. Multiple Choice1. What country did the Allies seek to get revenge on when they met in 1919 to negotiate the Treaty of Versailles?2. Define the “war guilt clause” as found in the Treaty of Versailles. 3. What incident triggered the beginning of World War? 4. What newly developed weapon was used effectively by Germany to try to break British naval blockade? 5. What were some of the terms Germany agreed to when they signed the Treaty of Versailles? 6. Which countries were included in The Triple Entente Alliance during World War I? 7. Who were The Central Powers during the war? 8. Which country made the first declaration of war in 1914? 9. What action by Germany caused Great Britain to join World War I?10. In what year did the United States enter World War I on the Allied side?11. What were some of the new weapons that were introduced during World War I? 12. What were the causes of the Russian Revolution in 1917? 13. What did Russia’s name change to under communist rule?14. What slogan represented Lenin’s promises to the Russian people during the Russian Revolution?15. What was created to administer the colonies of the defeated powers after World War I?16. Which nations became mandatory powers after World War I? 17. In what region were mandates established following World War I? 18. Who was angered by Archduke Francis Ferdinand’s visit to Bosnia? 19. Why did some colonists volunteered in to fight for their mother country in World War?.20. What was the Great Purge and some of the results of it?21. How did World War I help to foster the Russian Revolution? 23. How did Stalin’s Communist party ensure obedience?24. What was the purpose of Communist propaganda?25. What was the purpose of Lenin’s New Economic Policy? .26. What were some of the effects of Stalin’s five-year plans?27. Define a totalitarian state?28. Why did the Treaty of Versailles face opposition by some Members of Congress after World War I? 29. What was the purpose of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points? 30. What were the major causes of World War I? 31. What are characteristics of a communist economy?32. How did Stalin’s policy of Collectivism affect Soviet agriculture? 33. What are the key principles of Communism? 34. What is the major reason for the changes in the maps above after World War I? 35. Describe life in the Soviet Union under the rule of Joseph Stalin? 36. How were peasants lives changed under Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union? 37. What economic accomplishment did Joseph Stalin achieve during his rule of the Soviet Union? 38. Which nation lost the most territory as a result of World War I? 39. What problems were European leaders trying to solve by adjusting European boundaries in 1919? II. Short Answer1. Identify and describe the four main causes of World War I. 2. Explain Lenin’s New Economic Plan. Was it successful? Temporary or permanent? 3. What was the purpose of the Great Purge? 4. Identify two reasons why the U.S. entered World War I. 5. In the Treaty of Versailles, the allies punished Germany for its actions during World War I. Identify three specific punishments listed in the Treaty of Versailles. 6. Why was Russia unhappy with the Treaty of Versailles? 7. Why was Italy unhappy with the Treaty of Versailles? 8. How was the Russian Revolution like the French Revolution? ................

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