Unit #1: Research Skills for American History

AP World History Unit #8 - The Muslim World Expands and An Age of Exploration and Isolation

(Chapters 18 and 19)

Knowledge Scale

Learning Goal: Students will understand the characteristics of Middle Eastern and East Asian societies from 1450 to 1750 and be able to explain how these regions were able to maintain their independence from European rule during this period.

4 – I can do everything from #3, PLUS I can make unique connections between the initial clashes between residents of the Middle East and East Asia in the Age of Exploration and ongoing challenges facing the world today.

3 – I can fully explain 4 or more characteristics of societies in the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, and East Asia between 1450 and 1750. I also know 4 or more reasons why and how these regions were able to maintain their self-rule in the face of European efforts to conquer and control them.

2 – I know 2 or 3 characteristics of societies in the Middle East and East Asia between 1450 and 1750. I also know 2 or 3 reasons why and how these regions were able to maintain their self-rule in the face of European efforts to conquer and control them.

1 – I kind of understand the features of Middle Eastern and East Asian cultures in the Age of Exploration and I kind of understand why and how they were able to maintain their autonomy.

0 – I have no idea what societies in the Middle East or East Asia from 1450 to 1750 were like or how they stayed free from European rule.

Monday, November 20th– Warm-Up #1

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 18, Section 1:

1. Search: The Ottoman Empire conquered and replaced what Christian kingdom?

2. Search: What were the unique features of the Ottoman Empire? (List at least 2)

3. Analyze: Why did most Muslim nations, such as the Ottoman Empire, adopt a policy of religious toleration, while Christian nations, such as Spain, did not? (At least 1 reason and 1 sentence)

4. Apply: The rise of the Ottoman Empire’s military was largely the result of their mastery of a new technology: gunpowder. Today in the United States, President Barack Obama and Democratic politicians have expressed an interest in severely limiting the sale of firearms, forbidding the sale of semi-automatic and automatic weapons and requiring extensive background checks and waiting periods for all individuals who wish to purchase a firearm. Do you support the President’s policy regarding firearms in the United States? Why or Why not?

Tuesday, November 21st – Warm-Up #2

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 18, Section 2:

1. Search: Isma’il was all of the following EXCEPT

a) a shah b) a Safavid c) a Shi’a Muslim d) an Anatolian Turk

2. Search: What contributed to the decline of both the Ottoman and Safavid Empires?

a) natural disasters b) disruption in trade c) religious rebellions d) incompetent leadership

3. Analyze: How did Shah Abbas help Safavid culture to flourish?

4. Apply: The Safavid Empire was established in the region of modern-day Iran. The leadership of Iran has led the country to purchase nuclear materials from Russia. Iranian leaders have also claimed that the Holocaust did not really happen, that the United States is an evil empire, and that the Jewish nation of Israel should be wiped off the face of the planet. However, in practice, the government of Iran is democratic and its leaders were voted into office in a free, democratic election. Should the United States use its military to overthrow the government of Iran today? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence)

“This emperor punishes offenders of the highest as well as the lowest class with marvelous impartiality, according to their misdeeds, depriving them of rank and dignity… On this account men of all ranks and dignities whatsoever, even the nearest to him in blood, stand in his presence with the deepest awe, and recognize him as sole ruler… He even ordered us sometimes to be entertained in his own tent.” –Ferdinand Verbiest, Christian Missionary in China circa 1700 A.D.

5. Search: In your own words, describe how Chinese Emperor Kangxi (described above) dealt with those in his kingdom who disobeyed his order to treat Christian missionaries with kindness? (At least 1 sentence)

6. Analyze: Why do you think Kangxi allowed Christian missionaries to preach in his kingdom? (At least 1 sentence)

7. Apply: a) On average, how many times each day do you make critical statements about the people in your life? How many times each day do you sincerely compliment the people in your life? B) What is one sincere compliment you can give to a friend or family member? Write the first name of the person and the compliment.

Wednesday, November 22nd – Warm-Up #3

“In their hands they carried something two or three feet long, straight on the outside with a passage inside, and made of a heavy substance… This thing with one blow can smash a mountain of silver and a wall of iron. If one sought to do mischief in another man’s domain and he was touched by it, he would lose his life instantly.” –Anonymous Japanese Writer, quoted in Sources of Japanese Tradition (1958)

1. Search: What modern invention do you think is being described by this Japanese Writer? What specific words from the quote lead you to make this conclusion?

2. Analyze: Why do you believe that Portuguese merchants visiting Japan in the 1500s would carry with them this invention? (See question #1) Explain your answer.

3. Apply: Democratic politicians in the United States today have expressed an interest in severely limiting the sale of firearms within the United States, forbidding the sale of semi-automatic and automatic weapons and requiring extensive background checks and waiting periods for all individuals who wish to purchase a firearm. Do you support this policy regarding firearms in the United States? Why or Why not?

Monday, November 27th – Warm-Up #4

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 18, Section 3 and Chapter 19, Section 1:

1. Search: a) The emperors of the Mughal Empire practiced what religion? b) What religious group combined the beliefs of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sufism?

2. Search: a) Which nation did Prince Henry the Navigator help to take the lead in overseas exploration? b) In the 1400s, what was the most important trade good from the East?

3. Search: Why did Shah Jahan order the building of the Taj Mahal?

a) to honor his grandfather, Akbar. b) to encourage Hindus and Muslims to worship together.

c) in memory of his wife, Muntaz Mahal d) as a memorial for Guru Arjun, the Sikh leader.

4. Analyze: What led to the decline of the Mughal Empire? (At least 1 reason and 1 sentence)

5. Apply: a) Do you believe that a human colony will be established on the moon or another planet in your life time? b) If such a colony is established, would you be willing to work and live there? Why or Why not?

Tuesday, November 28th – Warm-Up #5

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 19, Section 2:

1. Search: a) The Forbidden City is located in the middle of what ancient and modern city? b) The Qing Dynasty was founded by what farming and hunting group native to the region immediately northeast of the Great Wall of China?

2. Search: Which of the following was NOT an attitude reflected by China’s Forbidden City and the way it was used?

a. the nation’s isolationism

b. the power and wealth of the emperor

c. the importance of Confucianism in China

d. the distinction between social classes in China

3. Analyze: Initially, Asian nations such as India, China and Japan welcomed European traders. Why? (At least 1 reason and 1 sentence)

4. Apply: In order to increase trade worldwide, should the United States unite with other countries to create a world government similar to the current government of the U.S.A.? Why or why not? (At least 1 sentence)

Thursday, November 30th – Warm-Up #6

Answer the following questions based on your reading from Chapter 19, Section 3:

1. Search: a) Under Japan’s system of feudalism, which group functioned most similarly to the Lords in Europe’s system of feudalism? b) What uniquely Japanese version of poetry was developed during the Tokugawa Shogunate?

2. Search: Why was Tokugawa Ieyasu upset by the success of Christian missionaries?

a) The missionaries refused to pay taxes to him.

b) The missionaries refused to kowtow and follow the rules of his court.

c) He believed the missionaries were barbarian and would harm his people.

d) He feared religious uprisings and Christian interference in politics.

3. Analyze: Why do you think that Japan closed its borders in 1639? (At least 1 reason and 1 sentence)

4. Apply: Should the United States today completely close its borders, preventing all immigrants from coming to the United States? Why or why not? (At least 1 sentence)

Friday, December 2nd – No Warm-Up

Unit 8 Notes due

Unit 8 MC & SAQ exam

Supplementary Warm-Ups

“How sad it is to be a woman!! Nothing on earth is held so cheap… No one is glad when a girl is born: By her the family sets no store.” – a Chinese woman

1. Search: According to the poem, how did a Chinese family react when a daughter was born?

2. Analyze: What does the poet mean when she says “Nothing on earth is held so cheap? (At least 1 sentence)

3. Apply: Do you believe that men and women in the United States are treated as equals? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence and 1 specific example)

The British East India Trading Company faced challenges in its efforts to gain control of Indian trade. By the mid-1700s, the power of the French East India Company rivaled that of the British. In southern India, the French and British fought a series of wars in the region near Madras. In 1751, Sir Robert Clive won an important victory there for the British EITC against the French and their Indian allies. In the north, Clive defeated a Mogul-led army at the Battle of Plassey near Ft. William in Bengal in 1757. The balance of power shifted to the British. After defeating the French and the Moguls, the British became the dominant power in India.

1. Search: a) What 3 nations competed for power in India? B) Which of the 3 was victorious?

2. Analyze: What problems do you foresee in allowing a private trading company to assume the powers of a government? (At least 1 sentence)

3. Apply: Should the United States continue to hire mercenaries (private military companies) to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why or Why not? (At least 1 sentence)

The Ottoman ruler Suleyman held absolute power and the right of life or death over his subjects. Yet he was known as Kanuni, the Lawgiver, who protected the powerless among his people. Upon visiting his empire, a Venetian ambassador reported, “I know of no State which is happier than this one. It is furnished with all God’s gifts…” Suleyman was skilled in crafts as well as in government and war. He supported the arts and built public baths, bridges, and grand mosque complexes.

1. Search: What positive attributes did Suleyman possess? (At least 4)

2. Analyze: Why do you think Suleyman cared about protecting “the powerless among his people”? (At least 1 reason and 1 sentence)

3. Apply: How is a good parent today similar to Suleyman? (At least 1 similarity and 1 sentence)


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