
CHAPTER 8, Section 1 “Lecture Notes”

“BACKGROUND” CAUSES of WORLD WAR I (the “powder keg”)

1. Competing Imperialists = expansionism & rivalries over colonies and trade.

2. Extreme Nationalists = belief in national superiority among dense & diverse European populations.

3. Entangling Alliances = Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy) vs. Triple Entente (Britain, France & Russia.) A war between any two countries would set off a chain reaction!

4. Ethnic Tensions = regional disputes between different ethnicities (example: Balkan Peninsula.)

5. Internal Dissenters = social class divisions, labor unrest, war used to unite people vs. foreign enemy, instead of revolt within.

6. Militarism = belief that military force should be used to achieve national goals, glorification of war, quick mobilization of massive armies, military drafts (conscription)

7. Arms Race = huge build-up of newest technological weapons capable of mass slaughter, made possible by the Industrial Revolution!

“IMMEDIATE” CAUSE of WORLD WAR I (the “spark!”)

-Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to Austro-Hungarian throne) June 28, 1914 by

Gavrilo Princip, 19 yr old Serb terrorist (the “Black Hand”)

-Serbia dreamed of large Slavic empire in “the Balkans” (supported by Russia, opposed by Austria-Hungary)

-Austria’s “big brother” German Kaiser William II (both ethnic German countries) gave full support (a “blank check”) for strong action vs. Serbia

-Austria punished Serbia with an ultimatum of extreme demands.

-Serbia’s “big brother” Russian Czar (tsar) Nicholas II (both were ethnic Slavic countries) supported Serbian sovereignty. Serbia rejected some of Austria’s demands.

-Austria declared war on Serbia on July 28, led to a chain reaction or “domino effect” among allies.

-Russia’s full mobilization of its army. Germany felt threatened & declared war on Russia. W.W.I. had begun!

Germany faced a two-front war (France on the west & Russia on the east.)

-Schlieffen Plan = swift invasion & defeat of France (allied with Russia) through Belgium (even though the Belgians had declared its neutrality) on the western front.

-According to the Schlieffen Plan, after Germany defeated France, it could focus a united military effort on its eastern front to defeat Russia (without splitting its forces in two different directions.)

-Germany declared war on France & issued an ultimatum to Belgium demanding free passage of its troops through Belgian territory. Belgium refused & was crushed, but this delayed German plans.

-That gave France just enough time to prepare for German attack from Belgian border (crowded French taxi cabs used to transport troops to front lines!)

-Britain declared war on Germany for “Rape of Belgium.” By Aug. 4, all major European powers were at war!

-America also declared its neutrality, but Germany’s actions against neutral Belgium upset the U.S. (but U.S. wasn’t ready to declare war… yet.)

Germany’s policy of unrestricted submarine (U-boat) warfare meant that ANY ships were potential targets.

-German sub sank passenger ship Lusitania w/o warning. Sank quickly: torpedo hit & then a second explosion.

-Most passengers were drowned (total of 1,195 fatalities, including 94 children & 128 Americans!) Propaganda used vs. Germany (see poster pg. 429)

-Germany accused Britain of hiding weapons & ammunition on the passenger ship Lusitania.

-Investigative team suggested that the second, more powerful explosion was not due to ammunitions stored but rather the ignition of coal dust in one storage bin.

-U.S. President Woodrow Wilson demanded Germany stop unrestricted sub warfare.

-Germany temporarily stopped. Wilson did not want U.S. to get involved in European dispute.


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