Chapter 28 – Russia in Revolution

Review Sheet – Russian Revolution and the World Between the Wars

Autocrats - Define

What was life in Russia like under each of the Czars:

1) Alexander I

2) Nicholas I

3) Alexander II

4) Alexander III

5) Nicholas II

Chapter 14, Section 5 Reading:

Social Revolutionaries vs. Social Democrats

Bolsheviks vs. Mensheviks

Impact of the following on Russia: 1) Russo-Japanese War, 2) Revolution of 1905, 3) Formation of the Duma



Lenin and his plans for the Soviet Union – What changes did he make while in power?

Trotsky vs. Stalin – Struggle for power after Lenin

Russian Revolution – Successful or Unsuccessful – know all of the arguments

Chapter 15, Section 3: India Seeks Self-Rule

What was the relationship like between Britain and India – Before World War I and after World War I

Gandhi’s Role in India’s Independence Movement

Civil Disobedience: Examples

• Boycott

• Salt March

Amritsar Massacre

Chapter 15, Section 4: Upheavals in China

China and its relationship with the West (Europe) before World War I and after World War I

• Relationship with Japan

Nationalists vs. the Communists

Mao Zedong and the Long March

General Understanding – The World Between World War I and World War II (Class Notes – Powerpoint)


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