Workshop Agenda - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

APEC Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET)

Microgrids for Local Energy Supply to Remote Areas

and Islands in APEC Region

Workshop Agenda

October 15-17, 2012

Far Eastern Federal University, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russian Federation

|Monday, October 15, 2012 |

|8:00 am – 9:00 am |Registration |

|9:00 am – 10:00 am |Introduction and Opening Session |

| |Welcome remarks |

| |Igor Protsenko |

| |Vice-President, Far-Eastern Federal University |

| |Alexander Bekker |

| |Director of the Engineering School, Far-Eastern Federal University |

| |Dr. Svetlana Beznasyuk |

| |Chief Expert, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation |

| |Keynote Address 1: Applied Futurology. Energy Issues |

| |Konstantin Ilkovsky |

| |Member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the State Duma Sub-Committee on Regional Energy |

| |Policy |

| |Keynote Address 2: Why Smart Microgrids? Prospect from Humanistic, Developmental, Futuristic and Regionalist |

| |Perspectives |

| |Beom-Shik Shin |

| |Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University |

|10:00 am - 10:45 am |Session 1: Developing modern local energy systems in remote localities and island communities |

| |Discussion points: |

| |What are microgrids and how can they help meet soaring energy demand in the developing economies? |

| |Market potential of microgrid: will it lead to a reorganisation of the energy sector? |

| |Should energy policies be reoriented to accelerate the adoption of microgrids and what should be prioritised? |

| |Are local energy self-organization principles viable? |

| |Moderator |

| |Steven Pullins |

| |Self-Organization: The Key to Optimized Microgrid Development |

| |Mark Sardella |

| |Chairman, Local Energy |

| |Developing Microgrids in Local Energy Systems in Russia: Barriers and Opportunities |

| |Irina Volkova |

| |Deputy Director, Institute of Pricing and Regulation of Natural Monopolies, National Research University Higher |

| |School of Economics (Moscow) |

| |Questions & answers |

|10:45 am - 11:00 am |Coffee Break |

|11:00 am - 12:00 pm |Session 2: Enabling policies for local and remote renewable energy systems: how to harness the potential? |

| |Discussion points: |

| |Creating legal environment |

| |Developing public-private partnerships |

| |Forecast and planning for local energy supply |

| |Research and development of innovative local grids, including integration of renewables |

| |Regulation of local energy services market |

| |Moderator |

| |Dmitry Timofeev |

| |Prospects of Local Energy Systems Development with a Maximised Utilisation of the Renewables in the Russian Far East |

| |Alexander Solonitsyn |

| |Head of Local Energy Department, Far East Federal University and Hydrotex Co. (Vladivostok) |

| |Wind and Hydro Potential of Russian Pacific Coast for the needs of Local Energy Development |

| |Elena Pipko |

| |Engineer of Local Energy Department, Far East Federal University and Hydrotex Co. (Vladivostok) |

| |Renewable Energy Sources for the Development of Local Energy |

| |Dariya Eremeeva |

| |Engineer, SakhaEnergo JSC (Yakutsk) |

| |Questions & answers |

|12:00 pm - 12:30 pm |Photo session & break |

|12:30 pm - 1:30 pm |Lunch |

|1:30 pm - 3:00 pm |Session 3: Socially responsible business development models |

| |Discussion points: |

| |Energy poverty in remote, isolated areas and island communities: implications for growth and social development |

| |Right to energy supply: special cases of ethnic and enclave consumer communities |

| |Which business development model: private, co-operative or public-private partnership? |

| |Addressing human resource constraints in remote areas and island communities |

| |Moderator |

| |Mark Sardella |

| |Self-Management Capacity Diagnosis of a Rural Community for a Microgrid Project |

| |Karen Ubilla |

| |Coordinator on social and co-operatives methodologies, Microgrids Unit, Energy Center – University of Chile |

| |Microgrids in Alaska: Reviewing a Success Story |

| |Brad Reeve |

| |General Manager, Kotzebue Electric Association |

| |Village Renewable-Enabled Microgrid (VREM) |

| |Steven Pullins |

| |President, Horizon Energy Group |

| |Energy for Freedom |

| |Fedor Lukovtsev |

| |Institute for Northern Asia and Integration Processes (Moscow) |

| |Questions & answers |

|3:00 pm - 3:20 pm |Coffee Break |

|3:20 pm - 4:40 pm |Session 4: Fostering technological cooperation for local energy development in remote and isolated areas of APEC |

| |region |

| |Discussion points: |

| |The new microgrid paradigm: core technologies |

| |How to ensure reliability of microgrid systems? |

| |How to integrate intermittent renewables? |

| |Supply chains of equipment and services |

| |Certification, technical regulation and standards |

| |Availability of international (regional) test beds |

| |Moderator |

| |Svetlana Beznasyuk |

| |The Danish Cell Controller Project |

| |Larry Adams |

| |Senior Electrical and Controls Engineer Spirae, Inc. |

| |A study on the Introduction of the Microgrid System with Wind Power Generation for the Remote Isolated Grid Area in |

| |the Russian Federation |

| |Masao Hosomi |

| |Manager, Renewable Energy Department, KomaiHaltek Inc. and |

| |Emi Komai |

| |Director of Renewable Energy Department, KomaiHaltek Inc. |

| |A Systemic Approach to Wind Power and Construction of Wind-Diesel Stations |

| |Victor Minakov |

| |Deputy Director General for Innovation, Mobile Energy JSC (Moscow) |

| |Small Energy Breakthrough in Early XXI Century |

| |Anatoly Chomchoev |

| |CEO, Test Bed of the Cold JSC (Yakutsk) |

| |Questions & answers |

|4:40 pm - 4:45 pm |Wrap-up and review of day 1 |

|7:00 pm - 9:00 pm |Welcome reception |

|Tuesday, October 16, 2012 |

|9:00 am – 10:30 am |Session 5: Economics of microgrids and project-based approach |

| |Discussion points: |

| |Economics of hybrid renewable microgrids |

| |Barriers to investment and incentives |

| |Assessing demand for investment in local energy systems |

| |Enhancing access to long-term investment in local/small energy projects, success stories |

| |Funding research of renewable microgrids |

| |Moderator |

| |Irina Volkova |

| |The Economics of Hybrid Renewable Microgrids |

| |Peter Lilienthal |

| |CEO, HOMER Energy |

| |IFC’s Programme-Based Approach to Distributed Generation |

| |Alexey Zhikharev |

| |IFC Russia Renewable Energy Program |

| |Market Mechanisms of Innovative Local Energy Funding |

| |Victor Budishchev |

| |Executive Director, Yakutia Venture Company |

| |Questions & answers |

|10:10 am - 10:40 am |Coffee Break |

|10:40 am - 12:00 pm |Session 6: Roadmaps for microgrid in APEC and Russia |

| |Discussion points: |

| |APEC Energy Smart Communities Initiative and APEC Smart Grid Initiative: progress and impact |

| |Should micro grid be a part of smart grid roadmaps? |

| |A roadmap for local energy development in Russia, based on microgrid concept: how to streamline it with APEC |

| |initiatives to ensure maximum benefit? |

| |Towards the final workshop report: a menu of options for APEC economies to assess and promote pilot microgrid |

| |projects (enabling policies, socially responsible business development models, technology, investment, modelling) |

| |Moderator |

| |Pavel Korovko |

| |A Concept of Developing the Power Generating and Heating Infrastructure in Russia Based on Co-generation and |

| |Distributed Energy Sources |

| |Igor Kozhukhovsky |

| |Director, JSC Energy Forecasting Company |

| |Developing Local Energy: a Socio-Technological Approach |

| |Dmitry Timofeev |

| |Far Eastern Energy Management Company JSC (Moscow) |

| |Local Energy Development in the East of Russia: Preconditions and Priorities |

| |Irina Ivanova |

| |Head of Laboratory of Energy Supply for Distributed Consumers, Department of Regional Energy Issues, Energy Systems |

| |Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch – Irkutsk) |

| |Questions & answers |

|12:00 pm - 12:10 pm |Wrap-up and overview of the workshop outcome |

|12:30 pm - 1:00 pm |Press conference |

|12:10 pm - 2:00 pm |Lunch |

|2:00 pm - 3:30 pm |Special Training Session: Modelling efficient local microgrid systems using HOMER software (limited attendance - by |

| |appointment) |

| |Delivered by Peter Lilienthal, CEO, HOMER Energy |

|3:30 pm - 3:45 pm |Coffee Break |

|3:45 pm - 5:15 pm |Special Training Session: Modelling efficient local microgrid systems using HOMER software (continued) |

|5:15 pm - 5:30 pm |Coffee Break |

|5:30 pm - 6:30 pm |Special Training Session: Modelling efficient local microgrid systems using HOMER software (continued) |


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