Asdfasdfasdfasf - European Commission

No. |Country |Type of disaster |Date of

activation / status |Date of closure |Scale of disaster |Requested assistance |Offered & accepted |MIC action / outcome |Coordination / Remarks | |1 |INDONESIA |Floods |05.02.2007

(no CECIS)


(early warning) |- |- heavy flooding in Jakarta, Bekasi and Tangerang

- 9 dead, 150.000 displaced, over 75.000 houses flooded

|no request for assistance, but Govt. welcomed any international assistance |- |- monitor the situation

- maintain close contact with ECHO and RELEX |- coordination with OCHA | |2 |BOLIVIA |Floods |23.02.2007

Request for assistance |22.03.2007 |- over 350.000 people affected

- 26 dead

- worst flood in 25 years |- experts for evaluation in water and sanitation

- primary needs (water, shelter, logistics) |- technical assistance team

-AT: medicines, mosquito protection, hygiene kits |- on 28.02.2007 a MIC technical assistance team (2DE,SE) was deployed

- Additional experts deployed: 06.03.2007 coordination expert (ES) / 07.03.2007 two DE expert with a mobile lab for testing water quality

- the team split in order to cover most affected regions (Beni, Pando and La Paz)

- The experts returned home in sequences, the last ones on 02 April |- coop with UNICEF and OCHA

- support from ECHO and RELEX | |3 |INDONESIA |Earthquake |07.03.2007

(no CECIS)

Monitoring |- |- quake of mag 6,3, depth 30km struck in West Sumatra

- 69 killed, 46 injured in the first instances

| |- |- monitor the situation

- inform and exchange information with PS

- liaise with OCHA |- UNDAC issued a pre alert as well | |4 |MONGOLIA |Sodium Cyanide spill |16.05.2007


(early warning) | |- NaCN spill potentially affecting 6000 people and 60000 animals | | |- MIC has been approached by UNEP

- alert PS to consider what assistance may be available in case of a request

- monitor the situation |- MN decided not to request assistance | |5 |GREECE |Forest fires |27.06.2007

Request for assistance |02.07.2007 |- extreme weather conditions

- over 120 active forest fires

- several active bush fires |- 4 Canadairs

- 3 heavy duty helicopters |IT:

2 Can. CL-415


2 Can. CL-415


1 Can. CL-215


2 Can. CL-215 |- IT depl. on 28.06 / diseng. 30.06

- FR depl. on 28.06 / diseng. 02.07

- PT and ES deployed on 29.06 / disengaged 03.07

- 514 fires were extinguished

- areas most affected: Thessaly, Sterea, Attika, and Peloponnesus in East - Central and South of Greece

|- | |6 |CYPRUS |Forest fires |● 29.06.2007


● 29.06.2007

Request for assistance |02.07.2007 |- FF burning area over 20

- several villages threatened |- aerial FF (Canadairs + helicopters) | |- monitor the situation

- inform and exchange information with PS |- | |7 |GREECE |Forest fires |05.07.2007

Request for assistance |09.07.2007 |- extreme weather conditions

- two big fires broke out in Attiki and Neohori regions |- 6 Canadairs

- 3 helicopters |IT:

2 Can. CL-415

|- monitor the situation

- inform and exchange information with PS |- DE also offered a helicopter (private) / not accepted | |8 |CYPRUS |Forest fires |16.07.2007

Request for assistance |17.07.2007 |- extreme weather conditions

- two big fires broke out in Kalavasos and close to Nicosia |- 2 Canadairs or helicopters |GR:

1 Can. CL-415

|- monitor the situation

- GR Canadair was deployed on 17.07 in the morning

- inform and exchange information with PS |- | |9 |GREECE |Forest fires |18.07.2007

Request for assistance |23.07.2007 |- extreme weather conditions

- several active fires in Peloponnese |- 6 Canadairs

- 4 helicopters |FR:

2 Can. CL-415

|- monitor the situation

- FR Canadair were deployed on 20.07

- inform and exchange information with PS |- DE also offered a helicopter (private) / not accepted

- on 23.07 a GR plane crashed / 2 pilots dead | |10 |ITALY |Forest fires |20.07.2007

Monitoring |22.07.2007 |- severe weather conditions |- |- |- monitor the situation |- | |11 |BULGARIA |Forest fires |20.07.2007

Request for assistance |01.08.2007 |- extreme weather conditions

- over 300 fires, approx. 1.000.000 ha affected |- 2 Canadairs

- 4 helicopters with bamby bucket |- |- liaise with BG authorities

- inform PS about the evolution of the situation

- no offers from PS due to ff threat |- RU offered an aircraft / accepted | |12 |ITALY |Forest fires |22.07.2007

Request for assistance |27.07.2007 |- severe forest fires situation |- |- |- IT requested on a bilateral basis (FIRE 4) 2 Can to FR and 4 Can to ES

- both FR and ES offered help

- inform and exchange information with PS |- on 23.07 a IT plane crashed / 1 pilot dead | |13 |fYROM |Forest fires |23.07.2007

Request for assistance |08.08.2007 |- severe forest fires situation |- 3 Canadairs

- 2 bambi bucket

- self protection items (masks, suits, etc) |SI:

1 heli HE 412-B


30 boots, 90 gloves, 15 helmets, 34 water pumps, 331 hoses


150 hoes, 200 axes, 50 saws


ff equipment, extinguishing foam


1100 hoses |- monitor the situation

- facilitate the delivery of the assistance

- inform and exchange information with PS |- DE also offered 1 tank for heli / not accepted | |14 |ALBANIA |Forest fires |25.07.2007

Request for assistance |14.08.2007 |- severe forest fires situation combined with extreme weather conditions |- 3 Canadairs

- 2 helicopters

- protection equipment |IT:

2 Can. CL-415


120 boots, 120 gloves


2 helicopters |- IT has been awarded with a Transport Grant

- inform and exchange information with PS |- GR also offered 2 Can / not accepted | |15 |GREECE |Forest fires |23.07.2007

Request for assistance |01.08.2007 |- extreme weather conditions

- several active fires in Central GR and Evia |- 4 Canadairs |- |- monitor the situation

- RU offered an aircraft BE 200 and 2 M-8 / accepted

- inform and exchange information with PS |- DE also offered 2 helicopters (on pay) / not accepted | |16 |ITALY |Forest fires |05.08.2007

Monitoring |08.08.2007 |- several active forest fires |- |- |- monitor the situation |- | |17 |PERU |Earthquake |16.08.2007

Request for assistance |24.08.2007 |- 610 killed, 1042 injured, 33.672 houses destroyed |- watsan

- power gen.

- water tanks

- experts for electricity and telecomm. |- |- on 18.08.2007 a MIC assessment team (ES, FR, AT, PT, MIC) was deployed

- liaise with the team on the ground

- coordination with DG ECHO on site

- DE, LUX, MA, SK offered assistance but not delivered due to lack of transport

- inform and exchange information with PS |- cooperation with OCHA

- IT, ES, BE, SE sent bilateral assistance | |18 |ITALY |Forest fires |23.08.2007

Request for assistance |27.08.2007 |- several active forest fires in S of IT |- 2 Canadairs |FR:

2 Can. CL-415

|- monitor the situation

- inform and exchange information with PS |- | |19 |ALBANIA |Forest fires |24.08.2007

Request for assistance |07.09.2007 |- extreme weather conditions

- several active fires |- 2 Canadairs |- |- IT has been awarded with a Transport Grant

- inform and exchange information with PS |- exchange of information with NATO/EADRCC

- DE also offered 2 helicopters (private) / accepted | |20 |GREECE |Forest fires |24.08.2007

Request for assistance |05.09.2007 |- extreme weather conditions

- several active fires in Peloponnese |- 8 Canadairs |AT:

2 heli Bell 212, 3 PC6 planes


145 firefighters, 14 engines


4 Can. CL-415


3 heli 5000l


2 fire engines


1 Can. CL-415


2 heli Cougar


1 heli Bell 214B1


1 Can. CL-215


1 heli MI-17


1 heli


4 Can. CL-415


1 heli (on cost) |- monitor the situation

- facilitate the contact between different PS offering assistance

- inform and exchange information with PS |- CZ, FI, DE, PL, SE also offered different items as assistance / not accepted | |21 |PARAGUAY |Forest fires |14.09.2007

Request for assistance |17.09.2007 |- several active forest fires in San Pedro and Conception |- aerial means

- fire fighters

- tools and equipment for ff

- communication

- transport assets |- |- monitor the situation

- liaise with affected country

- inform PS |- emergency not followed due to situation improvements (heavy rain)

- IT positively responded | |22 |SLOVENIA |Flash floods and landslides |19.09.2007

Monitoring |03.10.2007 |- severe floods due to heavy rainfall

- 6 victims reported |- |- |- monitor the situation

- liaise with affected country

- inform PS |- | |23 |MEXICO |Floods |04.11.2007

Early warning message (pre-alert) |10.12.2007

|- 1 dead, 3 missing, 2578 displaced

- up to 80% of the state overflowed

- worst flood in 50 years |no civil protection items requested |- |- monitor the situation

- maintain close contact with ECHO and RELEX |- some MS provided assistance on a bilateral basis | |24 |UKRAINE |Oil spill

(Marine Pollution) |12.11.2007

Request for assistance |10.12.2007 |- strong storm in the Black Sea, waves 5 m high

- 4 cargo ships sunk

- 6 vessels stranded

- 2 tanker ships wrecked

- 1300 t oil spill

- 6800 t industrial sulfur |- via EMSA |- |- on 18.11.2007 a MIC assessment team (DK, LV, PT, FR, IT, RELEX, MIC) was deployed in Kiev

- monitor the situation

- liaise with EMSA

- contacts with the Russian and Ukrainian authorities following the procedures agreed within the Administrative Arrangements concluded with both countries.

- team ended the mission on 24.11.2007 |- good coord with EMSA, Black Sea Commission, EC Delegations | |25 |SOUTH KOREA |Oil spill

(Marine Pollution) |● 07.12.2007


● 13.12.2007

Request for assistance |24.12.2007 |- 10.000 t oil spill |- experts on shore cleaning

- cleaners (rock and sand) |- experts |- on 15.12.2007 a joint UNEP/MIC assessment team (4 UN, FR, DK, EMSA, MIC) was deployed in Seoul

- monitor the situation

- liaise with UNEP/OCHA

- contacts with KR authorities

- team ended the mission on 22.12.2007 |- significant media attention | |26 |NORWAY |Oil spill

(Marine Pollution) |12.12.2007

Early warning message (pre-alert) |19.12.2007 |- 3840 t oil spill |- |- |- monitor the situation

- activate the Charter for satellite imagery

- liaise with EMSA

- contacts with NO authorities |- | |27 |KYRGYZSTAN |Earthquake |03.01.2008

Request for assistance |14.01.2008 |- mag 5,6 struck at 30 km from the town Osh

- over 9.000 people have been displaced

- 990 destroyed houses |- 500 winterised tents

- 500 heating devices |AT:

20 w. tents (10 pax) + 20 heating devices


25 w. tents (10 pax) + 1000 items of warm clothing


90 w. tents (5-8 pax) with kerosene heaters


400 w. tents (6 pax) |- on 07.01.2008 a MIC coordination and assessment expert (AT/SI) was deployed on site

- liaise with the team on the ground

- close contact with the EC Delegation in Kyrgyzstan which exchanges information on a regular basis with the Ministry of Emergencies

- inform and exchange information with PS

- MIC expert ended his mission on 11.01.2008 |- cooperation with ECHO, OCHA

- NO donated 120 w. tents, dispatched from the UN warehouse in Brindisi

- BG offered 20 tents +20 heaters but due to the harsh winter conditions and lack transport the offer was withdrawn | |28 |MOZAMBIQUE |Floods |08.01.2008


(early warning) |22.04.2008

|- over 100.000 people evacuated

- MZ declared red alert for floods |- |- |- monitor the situation

- inform the PS accordingly

- information exchange with UN who closely monitor the situation |- | |29 |BOLIVIA |Floods |25.01.2008

Request for assistance |26.02.2008 |- 48 dead,

- 246.000 people affected

- worse that 2007 floods |experts wat-san

- water purification/filters |- technical assistance team

-AT: 216 water purifier units |- on 04.02.2008 a MIC technical assessment team (SE, AT, MIC) was deployed

- mission ended on 16.02.2008, duration 23 days |- close coop with ECHO and UNICEF | |30 |GREECE |Earthquake |14.02.2008

Request for assistance |18.02.2008 |- mag 6,5 struck the moderated populated region of Peloponnese

- no casualties

- no significant damages |- |- |- contact GR authorities to get reliable information

- inform and exchange information with PS |- information exchange with OCHA

| |31 |ECUADOR |Floods |03.03.2008

Request for assistance |21.03.2008 |- over 100.000 people are in need of immediate assistance

- 19 dead

- worst flood in 25 years

|- coordination and assessment team

- technical advice to update plans |- MIC team |- on 10.03.2008 a MIC coordination and assessment team (FR, AT, SE, DE, MIC) was deployed

- mission ended on 18.02.2008, duration 9 days |- coop with UNDAC team | |32 |ALBANIA |Ammunition blast |15.03.2008


(early warning) |03.04.2008

|- 7.000 tons of explosives detonated

- 5 killed and at least 200 injured |- |- |- monitor the situation

- inform the PS accordingly

- information exchange with UN who closely monitor the situation |- | |33 |MYANMAR |Tropical Cyclone NARGIS-08 |● 02.05.2008


● 07.05.2008

Request for assistance |13.06.2008 |- over 133.000 deaths

- 2,5 mio people affected

|- coordination and assessment team

- tents, water p., mosquito nets, emergency health kits

- rubber boats |-AT: shelter items, 20 rubber boats, 1 emergency health kit (10K pax),

-SE: 144 tents (10pax), 720 blankets, 144 tarpaulins, 3 w.p. units

-DE: 4 w.p. module, mobile lab,

-DK: 3 w.p. module

-BE: 1 w.p. unit, 10 health kits, 4000 plastic sheets, 10000 jerricans

-FR: 1000 tons of relief items (navy)

-ES: 12 tons of relief items

-UK: shelter, watsan, boats (22 flights in total)

-HU: medicines worth 16K € |- on 14.05.2008 a MIC coordination and assessment team (2SE, 2MIC) was deployed

- SE dispatched on 14.05, 1 expert to reinforce the MIC

- facilitate the entry into country

- working closely with EC Delegation in Thailand (resp for Myanmar)

- mission ended on 21.05.2008, duration 7 days (team was pulled out due to visa extension problems) |- SK has offered 20 tents and 10.000 raincoats but no transport found

-several PS contributed financially: UK, CY, ES, CZ, GR, SI, NO, FR, HU | |34 |CHINA |Earthquake |13.05.2008

Request for assistance |27.06.2008 |- mag 7,8 struck the SW China, affecting 8 provinces

- 22.000 deaths

- massive damage |- first-aid kits, tents, power gen, filed hospitals, medical equipment,

Medicines, seismic expertise |- AT, BE, CZ, DE, ES, FR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, SK, SI, UK offered in-kind assistance |- on 17.05.2008 a MIC coordination and assessment team (IT, UK, MIC) was deployed

- on 25.05.2008 a second MIC team (UK, MIC) was deployed – handover from the 1st

- MIC facilitated the delivery of 20.544 tents, more than 40.000 blankets and many other relief items.

- the 2 EUCP team deployed to Chengdu facilitated the handling of more than 20 relief flights from EU |- coop with ECHO, RELEX, UN

| |35 |ICELAND |Earthquake |29.05.2008

Information message |05.06.2008 |- on 29.05, at 3:46 PM UTC, Iceland experienced a 6.1 quake, depth of 2km, |- 2 villages were seriously damaged |- |- keep PS informed

- facilitated the attempt to activate the Charter for satellite images | | |36 |SWEDEN |Forest fires |02.06.2008


(early warning) |04.06.2008 |- big forest fire in the NW of Hudiksvall, SE |- enquiry to PS to see what may be available in case of a request |- |- keep PS informed

- facilitated the contact with different PS which offered aerial fire fighting capacity (GR, DE, IT, FI) | | |37 |ITALY |Severe weather conditions |29.05.2008


(early warning) |13.06.2008 |- heavy rains have caused small landslides and limited floods in the provinces of Torino and Aosta |- |- |- keep PS informed | | |38 |GREECE |Earthquake |08.06.2008

Monitoring the situation |12.06.2008 |- 6.5 magnitude earthquake in the western Greece |- one dead, 30 injured people and several damages to buildings |- |- keep PS informed | | |39 |NORWAY |Forest fires |13.06.2008


(early warning) |16.06.2008 |- big forest fire in Froland municipality

- 2000 ha burned |- enquiry to PS to see what may be available in case of a request |- |- keep PS informed

- facilitated the contact with different PS which offered aerial fire fighting capacity (CZ, DE, IT, FR) | | |40 |PHILIPPINES |Storm |04.07.2008

Request for assistance

- updated (new req) on 04.08.2008 |29.08.2008 |- The Princess of the Starts ferry sunk on 21.06.2008 following the typhoon Fengshen

- 56 out of more than 850 passengers survived the disaster.

- 100.000 litres of fuel spilled into the sea |- expertise in handling toxic substances

- environmental and biological sampling and testing

- NEW req: physical oceonagraphy, chemistry and vessel safety audit |- |- formal request for MIC contribution from UNEP-OCHA

- contacts with PS to identify experts to be deployed in an environmental mission

- on 10.07.2008 a MIC coordination and assessment team (FR, SE, MIC) was deployed

- contacts with IMO (International Maritime Organisation) which provided a salvage expert

- mission ended on 19.07.2008, duration 9 days |joint MIC-UN rapid environmental assessment | |41 |GREECE |Forest fires |24.07.2008

Request for assistance |28.07.2008 |- more than 10.000m2 of burned forest fires in Rhodes |- 5 Canadair CL-415 |- FR:

2 Can. CL-415

- IT:

2 Can. CL-415

- CY:

1 Heli Ka-32 |- keep monitoring the evolution of fires

- offered means were operational very quickly by PS

- facilitated the contact with different PS which offered aerial fire fighting capacity | | |42 |UKRAINE |Floods |28.07.2008

Early warning message


Request for assistance

|11.08.2008 |Heavy rains during 23-27 July 2008 caused massive flooding in the western regions of Ukraine. Consequences: destroyed life support facilities, motor and rail ways, bridges, and agricultural lands. |humanitarian and technical help |-AT: 5 pumps, 5 gen, 10 boats

-CZ: 6 pumps, 500 slp. bags, 240 emergency clothes

- EE: 6 gen, 5 boats, 100 boots, 100 rubber suits

- HU: 5 pumps, 1 gen, 1 truck, 2000 sand bags, torches, others

- LT: 8 pumps, 5 gen, 80 tents

- PL: 25 pumps, 4 boats

- SK: 5 pumps,10 tents, 1500

|- on 04.08.2008 a MIC coordination and assessment team (DK, EE, FR) was deployed

- the team assessed the situation on site in the most affected areas (Ivano – Frankivsk)

- meetings in Kiev with different stakeholders

- mission ended on 09.08.2008, duration 6 days |- excellent supp from EC Deleg

- close contact with ECHO

- EMERCOM has also provided assistance on bilateral basis | |43 |ROMANIA |Floods |28.07.2008

Early warning message


Request for assistance

|08.08.2008 |- 20520 persons evacuated

- 4 dead

- 26349ha flooded

- 145 localities affected |200 power generators

- 500 modular kit houses (prefabricate houses)

- 11.000m of inflatable dykes

- 66.000m2 geotextil |-AT: 14 pow.gen.

-CZ: 12 pow.gen.

-DK: 10 pow.gen.

-LT: 5 pow.gen.

-SK: 6 pow.gen.

-CH:12 pow.gen.

-PL: 15000m2 geotextil |- MIC monitored the floods in the affected area and in the neighbouring countries: Ukraine and Moldova

- together with RO Civil protection facilitated the delivery of the assistance to Arad City (border) and to the affected areas

|- good coordination among CP authorities | |44 |Republic of MOLDOVA |Floods |31.07.2008

Early warning message


Request for assistance |21.08.2008 |- 46 villages in 24 regions

- 5817 people evacuated

- 834 flooded houses

- 99 destroyed houses

- 6 regions in danger of evacuation |50 Rubber motor boats

- 40 Water pumps

- 23 Generators 5 kW

- 3 Water purification units

- 2800 Rubber boots

- 180 lanterns |-AT: 7 pow.gen., 5 pumps (1500l/m), 10 mot rubber boats

-CZ: 6 pow.gen, 500 pairs of rubber boots, 10 small water pumps

-EE: 8 gen, 1100 clothing, 510 boots, 1 pump, 3 boats, 5 water purification kits

-DE: 1 assess kit

-SK: 5 gen, 5 pumps

-LI: 200 rubber boots

|- on 03.08.2008 a MIC coordination and assessment team (FR, UK, EE, FI, DE, MIC) was deployed

- the team assessed the situation on site in the most affected areas

- mission ended on 12.08.2008, duration 10 days |- good coop with national authorities, ECHO and UN | |45 |GEORGIA |Armed conflict |07.08.2008

Early warning message


Request for assistance

|12.09.2008 |- over 2.000 deaths

- 123.000 IDPs/refugees

- severe destruction of infrastructure |blood and blood products

- first aid kits, bandages

- tents, sleeping bags, blankets, clothes |-AT: shelter, health

-CZ: medicines

-EE: medicines, SAR eq

-FR: shelter, fire eq

-GR: shelter, medicines

-HU: medicines, shelter

-LT: shelter, food, medicines

-LV: medicines, food, shelter

-PL: medicines, shelter

-RO: medicines

-SE: medical eq

-SK: shelter, clothing |- on 16.08.2008 a EUCP coordination and assessment team (DK, FR, UK, MIC) was deployed

- state of war was declared by Georgian Parliament on 09.08.2008

- on 10.08 DG ECHO approved a 1 million EUR primary emergency decision to provide first emergency relief

- FR offered transport pooling to AT and SK, arrived 22 Aug

- FR was awarded with a transport Grant which amounts to 123.420 EUR

- MIC liaised with other COM Services to facilitate mission accomplishment

- MIC obtained satellite images from UNOSAT of the forest fires affected areas in Borjomi region

- EUCP Team returned on 24.08

|- The EU Presidency has confirmed that a European civil protection intervention would not be integrated in crisis management operations under Title V | |46 |MONTENEGRO |Forest fires |20.08.2008

Request for assistance |23.07.2008 |- severe fire threatening the old city of Budva |- 2 Canadair |

- IT:

1 Can. CL-415 |- keep monitoring the evolution of fires

- facilitated the collection of satellite imagery with JRC (EFFIS)

- facilitated the contact with different PS which offered aerial fire fighting capacity |FR offered 2 Canadairs, declined by Montenegro due to situation improvement | |47 |NEPAL |Floods |29.08.2008

Early warning message (pre-alert)


|A breach in the eastern embankment of Kosi river has caused considerable loss of life and property in the south east Tarai region of Nepal and in six districts of north Bihar, affecting more than 2.5 million human lives. | |- |- MIC has investigated with the EC Delegation in India the severity of disaster and if there is a formal request for assistance

- MIC has made informal contacts with some PS to explore their willingness to provide CP assistance and assessment experts if requested |- no follow up because there was no request for assistance | |48 |HAITI |Storm

Cyclones “Fay”, “Gustave”, “Hanna” and “Ike” |04.09.2008

Early warning message


Request for assistance |03.10.2008

|- 337 deaths

- over 170.000 affected families

- 8 out of 10 departments of the country have been affected |- financial assistance

- food

- logistics (metal/temporary bridges) |- AT: WP tablets, sand bags

|- on 13.09.2008 a EUCP coordination and assessment team (FR, BE, IT, DE, SE, AT, MIC) was deployed

- contacts were established with UN, ECHO, EC Delegation and EU Military Staff

- cooperation with UNEP/OCHA on information sharing

- EUCP team conducted field assessment to bridges in Mirabalais, Montrouis, Ennery and Miragoane

- facilitate the provision of satellite images: DLR, JRC |-UNDAC team has been deployed

- good cooperation with UN, DG ECHO and EC Del | |49 |BULGARIA |Forest fires |06.09.2008

Request for assistance |12.09.2008 |- 150 ha on fire in the mountaneous area of national park “Rila”, region Blagoevgrad |- 1 Canadair

- 3 fire-fighting helicopters |

- FR:

3 Can. CL-415

- ES:

2 Can. CL-415

|- keep monitoring the evolution of fires

- immediately explored possibilities for providing aerial ff means: PT, AT, IT, GR – no availability due to domestic ff

- facilitated the collection of satellite imagery with JRC (EFFIS) |- | |50 |TURKS and CAICOS ISLANDS |Storm

Hurricanes “Hanna” and “Ike” |19.09.2008

Request for assistance |23.09.2008 |- severe flooding and significant damage to buildings and infrastructure |- waste management and debris removal expert (UNEP/OCHA)

|- |- MIC was approached by UNEP/OCHA for a waste management and debris removal expert

- contact the PS for a suitable expert |- good cooperation with UNEP/OCHA

- request not followed | |51 |KYRGYZSTAN |Earthquake |06.10.2008

Early warning message (pre-alert)

|14.10.2008 |- 6.6 magnitude earthquake

- 70 deaths

- 130 houses collapsed |- construction materials

- 200 modular houses

- food

- fuel |- |- MIC considered that such request not fall under the Mechanism, so a recovery and rehabilitation instrument should be triggered

- advised PS not to channel such items through Mechanism |- request not followed | |52 |HONDURAS |Floods |30.10.2008

Request for assistance |10.11.2008

|- heavy rains and landslides

- 270000 people are affected, more than 40.000 people were evacuated

- 40 deaths

- severe damage of infrastructure |portable latrines

water purification

hygiene kits

electric generators

water pumps



|- |- several PS had offered experts but no assistance

- contacts were established with RELEX, ECHO and EC Delegation

- due to the fact that no in-kind assistance was offered, the emergency was closed |- ECHO prep. a recommendation to dedicate about 1.5 million Euros to Honduras and Guatemala

- GR (MoFA) provided financial help | |53 |YEMEN |Floods |30.10.2008

Early warning message


Request for assistance |11.11.2008

|-180 deaths

- over 2 000 destroyed homes

- more than 10 000 displaced persons

- Extensive damage to infrastructure |- 10 mobile hospitals

- water purification

- power gen

- pumps

- mobile bridges |- |- contacts were established with RELEX, ECHO and EC Delegation

- cooperation with UN, information sharing

- UN needs assessment was distributed to PS

- due to the fact that no in-kind assistance was offered, the emergency was closed |-UNDAC team has been deployed

- good cooperation with UN | |54 |GUATEMALA |Floods |04.11.2008

Request for assistance |10.11.2008

|- 27 communes in 4 provinces in the north of the country have been declared to be in a state of emergency

- 150.000 affected |water purification


hygiene kits

|- |- several PS had offered experts but no assistance

- contacts were established with RELEX, ECHO and EC Delegation

- due to the fact that no in-kind assistance was offered, the emergency was closed |- ES provided financial help | |55 |INDIA |Terrorist attack |27.11.2008

Request for assistance

(Mechanism activated by FRANCE) |24.12.2008

|- 125 deaths

- 327 injured | Medevac of European citizens |- SE: National Air Medevac – Boeing 737

- ES: Medevac

- FR: A310 (180 pax capacity) |- FR activated the Mechanism and requested Medevac for European citizens

- MIC has been in contact with Presidency, EU Sitcen, EC Del

- 2 experts (SE, FR) facilitated the mission coordination

- MIC has dispatched a LO to the RELEX Crisis Room

- video/tele conferences with COM Services |- CCA alert has been issued by FR Presidency

- SE has been awarded with a Transport Grant (300.000 EUR) | |56 |ITALY |Floods |12.12.2008

Information message |17.12.2008

|- severe levels reached by Tiber river, potentially affecting the capital Rome

- several areas have been flooded |- |- |- contact with Italian CP

- information dissemination |- | |57 |Republic of MOLDOVA |Gas shortage and harsh winter conditions


Request for assistance |17.01.2009

|48.500 people without gas |10.000 electrical heaters

- 60 high-capacity autonomous heaters

- 45 generators (20-50kW)

- inflatable tents

- beds, blankets

- 1000 electrical boilers |AT:

- 22 pcs 40KW heating units

- 5 pcs 14kVA generators

- 300 blankets

|- on 11.01 a MIC assessment and coordination team (SE,CZ,FR,MIC) was deployed

- on 12.01 the AT assistance arrived

- AT requested Community financing for the transport - 35.500 €

- team returned on 15.01

- TL participated in an additional 1 day assessment to Transnistria region on 16.01 |- cooperation and support from EC Del, ECHO, CZ Presidency

- good cooperation with UNICEF | |58 |FIJI |Floods |16.01.2009

Request for assistance |26.01.2009

|-11 deaths

-10500 displaced

CRED: within top 10 natural disasters for the last 30 years |200 water tanks,

- 300.000 water purification tablets

- 1 water purification unit |- |- taking into account that considerable international assistance has been provided (UNICEF, IFRC, NGOs), the MIC does not consider a need for intervention by the Mechanism |- request not followed

- FR, UK, Australia, China, New Zealand provided financial assistance | |59 |GAZA Strip |Armed conflict |19.01.2009


(early warning) |11.02.2009

|- over 1.300 people killed |- |- |- monitor the situation since 08.01.2009

- inform the PS accordingly

- on 20.01 dispatch a fact-finding mission (2 MIC LO) to Jerusalem to work with EC Del (RELEX) and ECHO. Outcomes:

• no need for additional civil protection assistance.

• very substantial stockpiles of relief supplies have been made available

• the current issue is the lack of access impeding the flow of aid into Gaza |- excellent coop with ECHO and RELEX

- support from UN

- joint sit reps with RELEX + ECHO | |60 |FRANCE |storm |23.01.2009

Information message |04.02.2009

|- extreme winds and heavy rain in the N of FR |- |- |- |- | |61 |UK |snowfall |06.02.2009

Pre-alert |24.02.2009

|- due to the prolonged cold weather in and the current widespread snow, road salt stocks are at low |- salt (grit) for roads |-

|- UK didn't formally request assistance but would like to see if such an option would be possible

- Any offer was considered as in principle only.

- AT offered 10.000 t and DE 15.000 t |- the offered assistance was not free of charge, being provided by different companies | |62 |IRELAND |Oil spill

(Marine Pollution) |14.02.2009

Request for assistance |18.02.2009 |The Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov (46,000 MT) carrier spilled up to 300 tonnes of oil into the Celtic Sea |Oil recovery vessel | |- The MIC took the necessary steps and contacted EMSA.

- EMSA has advised that the vessel M/T Galway Fisher is available and could reach the site of pollution in 33 hours.

- on 18.02, the IE authorities have decided to release the vessel due to situation improvements |-Good coop with EMSA | |63 |NAMIBIA |Floods |20.03.2009

Request for assistance |22.04.2009 |-92 deaths,

-8.219 displaced

-300.000 affected

|water and sanitation, health


protection |AT:

- 200 tarpaulins

- 3000 mosquito nets

- 2 Emergency Health Kits including Basic Malaria Module |- on 26.03 a MIC assessment and coordination team (DK,AT,SE,CZ,DE,MIC) was deployed

- first time when a MIC Team performed joint assessment operations with an UNDAC team on site

- on 06 and 22.04 the two shipments of AT assistance arrived

- assistance provided through the Mechanism was needed and used.

- team returned on 07.04 (13 days) |-Good coop with UN, ECHO and EC Del | |64 |ITALY

L'Aquila |Earthquake |06.04.2009

Request for assistance |27.04.2009

|-5,8 magnitude followed by a 5,3 replica next day

-290 deaths

-1500 injured

-100.000 evacuated |- technical experts / civil engineers / structural engineers |- 12 experts were offered by PS |- on 18.04 a MIC team of 8 technical experts (PT,SI,DE,ES,FR,EL,2JRC,MIC) was deployed

- ground and aerial assessments

- technical expertise in the assessment of buildings stability

- team returned on 24.04 (6 days)

|- highly professional response of the Italian CP

- overall assessment was conducted by 600 experts | |65 |TAJIKISTAN |Floods |20.05.2009

Request for assistance |05.06.2009

|-30 deaths

-10.000 displaced

-2000 houses destroyed

-infrastructure affected |- tents

- hygiene kits

- medicines |AT:

- 40 tents (10p)


- 10 tents (15p)

- 4 generators

- medication

|- on 28.05 a MIC assessment and coordination team (SE,CZ,LV,AT,MIC) was deployed on site

- ground and aerial assessments in most affected areas

- on 30.05 the offered assistance arrived in Dushanbe

- AT and SK requested Community financing for the transport - 23.134 € each

- team returned on 04.06 (8 days)

|- joint sit reps MIC-ECHO

- great support from EC Del | |66 |FRANCE

Corsica |Forest fires |08.07.2009

Request for assistance


|- outrageous forest fires in NW of Corsica

|- aerial forest fires modules |EC:

EUFFTR (2 Canadairs CL-215)

|- the EUFFTR was deployed at 16.40

- rapid intervention

- 25 drops each

- 3h40' flying time per plane |- all FR aerial means were mobilised in mainland and Corsica | |67 |BENIN |Floods |● 09.07.2009


● 12.07.2009

Request for assistance |25.07.2009

|- 20.000 persons affected

- state of emergency declared |- water, food, medicine, blankets, clothing |- |- situation analysis showed that this was a low severity emergency with a slow on-set

- a UNDAC team has been already deployed on site

- MIC decided to dispatch only one expert, French speaking, to complement the UNDAC team on site

- expert mission: 15 – 25.07.2009

- the emergency proved to be a low level emergency, indicating a recurrent floods phenomena |- joint Sit Reps with UNDAC

- good support from ECHO and EC Del

- MIC expert had been fully integrated in the UNDAC team | |68 |SPAIN |Forest fires |22.07.2009


(early warning) |23.07.2009

|- chain of fires in the NE of the country |- |- |- |- request did not follow due to situation improvements | |69 |TOGO |floods |23.07.2009

Request for assistance |27.07.2009

|- heavy rainfalls on the coastal area |- water purification

- pumps

- tents |- |- based on the preliminary assessment, the situation appeared not to be a large-scale emergency

- no need for assistance at this moment |- request not followed | |70 |FRANCE

Corsica |Forest fires |23.07.2009

Request for assistance


|- severe forest fires in S of Corsica

- 40°C, strong wind

|- 1 aerial forest fires modules

(2 airplanes) |EC:

EUFFTR (2 Canadairs CL-215)

|- the EUFFTR was deployed at 16.30

- rapid intervention

- 10 drops each

- 3h25' flying time per plane |- all FR aerial means were mobilised in mainland and Corsica | |71 |ITALY

Sardinia |Forest fires |● 23.07.2009


● 24.07.2009

Request for assistance |27.07.2009

|- severe forest fires in central and N of Sardinia

|- 1 aerial forest fires modules

(2 airplanes) |EC:

EUFFTR (2 Canadairs CL-215)

|- the EUFFTR was deployed 3 days in a row, 24 – 26.07.2009

- rapid intervention

- 62 drops in total

- 37h10' total flying time |- | |72 |ALBANIA |Forest fires |28.07.2009

Request for assistance |29.07.2009

|- big fire in the S of the country |- 1 aerial forest fires module

(2 airplanes) |GR:

-2 Canadair CL 415 |- MIC was in contact with Italy, Greece and Croatia to explore the options to assist Albania.

- FR and AT offered 1+1 forest fire expert

- GR module operated on 29.07 performing 10 water drops

|- | |73 |GUINEA |Neutralization/disposal of toxic chemicals |03.08.2009

Request for assistance |11.08.2009 |- large quantities of toxic chemicals found in populated areas of the capital, Conakry |- CBRN detection and sampling modules

- technical experts |- |- the request was made through the Joint UN OCHA/UNEP Environmental Unit (JEU)

- on 11.08 JEU gave an update from GN, on behalf of the HC, that there is currently no need for international emergency assistance. |- request not followed

| |74 |BULGARIA |Earthquake |05.08.2009

Information message |11.08.2009 |- earthquake, 4,7 magnitude, in the Black sea |- |- |- keep PS informed | | |75 |PORTUGAL |Forest fires |● 13.08.2009


● 16.08.2009

Request for assistance |24.08.2009 |- a total of 685 fires in PT mainland

- adverse weather conditions, 40°C, strong wind |- 1 aerial forest fires module (2 airplanes) |EC:

EUFFTR (2 Canadairs CL-215)

|- the EUFFTR was deployed on 14.08

- a MIC LO was deployed on 14.08

- pre-positioning 14-15.08

- detachment 16-20.08

- 38 drops in total

- 29h57' total flying time |- one plane had a tech pb. on 16.08

- significant added value by deploying a


| |76 |ALBANIA |Forest fires |13.08.2009

Request for assistance |14.08.2009 |- big fire in the N of the country |- 1 aerial forest fires module

(2 airplanes) | |- MIC was in contact with Italy, Greece and Croatia to explore the options to assist Albania.

- GR offered 2 Canadair CL 415 that were accepted, but finally have not been deployed, as initially delayed by technical problems and then not needed due to improvements in the situation.

- IT also offered 1 Canadair CL 415 but it was not accepted due to availability time |- request not followed due to situation improvements

| |77 |TAIWAN |Typhoon |13.08.2009

Request for assistance |27.08.2009

|- on 07.08 Typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan

- 153 deaths

- 464 missing

- 24.775 evacuated |- disinfectants

- water purification |SE:

Water purification liquid for 864.000 litres of water


Skin disinfectant liquid 1200 kg

|- on 17.08 a MIC assessment and coordination team (SE,UK,FR,MIC) was deployed on site

- field assessments in most affected areas

- meetings with Taiwanese authorities and stakeholders

- SE assist. arrived on 21 and 27.08

- PL assist. arrived on 22.08. MIC facilitated the transport free of charge by China Airlines

- good cooperation with UNDAC team deployed on 23.08

- team returned on 27.08 (11 days) |- significant media interest on the MIC team

- the mission was perceived as "a demonstration of European solidarity with the affected population" | |78 |GREECE |Forest fires |22.08.2009

Request for assistance |26.08.2009 |- extreme weather conditions

- several active forest fires

- critical situation in Attika, more than 20.000 ha burnt (EFFIS) |- 5 aerial forest fires modules (10 Canadairs CL-415 or CL-215) |EC:

EUFFTR (2 Canadairs CL-215)


2 Can. CL-415


2 Can. CL-415


2 Can. CL-415


1 heli Camov 32

TK (bilateral):

1 Can. CL-415

CY (bilateral):

52 fire-fighters + trucks |- the EUFFTR was deployed on 23.08

- a MIC LO was deployed on 23.08

- detachment 23-25.08

- 78 drops in total

- 31h22' total flying time

-several EU Member States and third countries have made offers of assistance or contacted the MIC regarding possible offers.

|- one EUFFTR plane had a tech pb. and had to be repaired

- ES planes were stopped in Sardinia, IT and returned to home base on 25.08 due to situation improvement

- significant added value by deploying a

MIC LO | |79 |PORTUGAL |Forest fires |31.08.2009

Request for assistance |03.09.2009 |- a total of 446 fires in PT mainland for 30.08

- extreme weather conditions: 38°C, severe dryness and strong wind |- 1 aerial forest fires module

(2 airplanes) |IT:

2 Can. CL-415

|- GR has also offered 2 Canadair CL 415 but it was not accepted due to distance which would have caused late arrival on site

- IT planes operated in PT during 01-03.08

- 2 ES Canadairs operated in PT on a bilateral basis |- | |80 |BURKINA FASO |Floods |03.09.2009

Request for assistance |22.09.2009 |- heavy rainfalls, caused severe flash floods

- 109.000 people affected |- associated member to UNDAC team |FR:

1 expert |- an UNDAC team had been deployed

- MIC has been approached by UN to nominate an associated expert to the UNDAC team on site

- MIC expert mission: 04 – 15.09.2009

- fully integrated in the UNDAC team |- ECHO provided financial help to BF

- good support from EC Del

| |81 |PORTUGAL |Forest fires |05.09.2009

Request for assistance |12.09.2009 |- a total of 166 fires on 05.09

- t=35°C, dryness, strong wind from E |- 1 aerial forest fires module (2 airplanes) |EC:

EUFFTR (2 Canadairs CL-215)

|- the EUFFTR was deployed on 06.09

- pre-positioning + detachment

- 60 drops in total

- 60h (30 + 30) total flying time

- EUFFTR returned to Bastia on 12.09 |- good coordination with national forces due to previous missions | |82 |GEORGIA |Earthquake |10.09.2009

Request for assistance |11.09.2009 |- 738 damaged buildings

- around 6000 affected people |- tents for 2300 people - 4000 blankets

- 4000 sleeping bags |- |- a Mechanism team has rapidly been mobilised, but the operation was cancelled, as the Georgian Government withdrew its request

- NATO / EADRCC was informed accordingly |- good coordination with the SE Presidency, the EC Delegation in Georgia, UN organisations in Georgia

| |83 |ALBANIA |Forest fires |11.09.2009

Request for assistance |13.09.2009 |- 5 affected villages |- 1 aerial forest fires module

(2 airplanes) |- |- request has not been followed up, due to the quick improvement of the situation on the ground.

|- | |84 |PHILIPPINES |Floods |26.09.2009

Request for assistance |15.10.2009

|- tropical cyclones Ketsana-09 and Parma-09 severely affected Manila and adjacent regions

- 773 deaths / 6 mil. affected

- 7.000 houses destroyed |- associated member to UNDAC team |SE:

1 expert (water management) |- MIC has been approached by UNOCHA to nominate experts for a joint EU MIC / UNDAC mission

- on 01.10 the MIC expert has been deployed on site as associated expert to the UNDAC team

- mission duration: 15 days |- excellent coop with UN

- MIC expert successfully organized the field visit for UN-USG

- good support from EC Del

- lack of coord with ECHO | |85 |INDONESIA |Earthquake |30.09.2009

Request for assistance |09.10.2009

(Mechanism deactivated) |- around 135,300 severely damaged houses;

- 809 dead;

- 1,250 injured people |- 500 tents (10 pers each)

- 1 advanced medical post

- TAST module |- 1 TAST module, including telecommunication, the OSOCC module and logistic support (DK base camp and communication experts from SE, FI and EE) |- on 03.10 a MIC assessment and coordination team (DK, SE, FR, NL, NO, MIC) was deployed on site

- field assessments in most affected areas

- meetings with Indonesian authorities and stakeholders

- the first case in which the Mechanism and the UNDAC teams benefitting together of a Mechanism TAST

- mission ended on 09.10.2009

- SE has been awarded with a Community Financial Grant for transportation |- close cooperation with national authorities, DG ECHO, UNDAC OCHA, and SE Presidency

- difficult coordination with the various PSs present on the site, without MIC involvement | |86 |SAMOA |Tsunami /

Earthquake in Pacific |30.09.2009

Request for assistance |11.10.2009

(Mechanism deactivated) |- 138 death toll

- 20 villages completely destroyed

- 3,500 people displaced |- associated member to UNDAC team |AT:

1 expert (WatSan) |- an UNDAC team had been deployed

- MIC has been approached by UN to nominate an associated expert to the UNDAC team on site

- fully integrated in the UNDAC team

- MIC expert mission: 01 – 11.10.2009

|- good coordination with the UN, DG ECHO, EC Delegation in Fiji (responsible for Samoa) | |87 |UKRAINE |Severe respiratory infection (H1N1) |31.10.2009

Request for assistance |11.11.2009

(Mechanism deactivated)

- Final Report disseminated |- 282 death toll

- 73,373 hospitalized

- 1,347,538 affected

* at 15/12/2009 |- medicines, protection masks, gloves, antiviral, vaccines |AT:

Masks, gloves, disinfectants (200,000 €)



Other assistance: PL, BG, LT, SK, SI, HU (in-kind or financial assistance). |- on 06.11 a MIC assessment and coordination team (FR, LV, AT, DE, MIC) was deployed on site

- the team focused on assessment of the medical needs in UA aiming at reducing the mortality rates, elaborating a priorities list in close consultation with WHO

- important result: list of priority needs agreed with WHO and disseminated to Participating States.

- MIC coordinated with SANCO / ECDC in supporting the mission

- mission ended on 11.11.2009

- AT has been awarded with a Community Financial Grant for transportation |- excellent support from DG SANCO and EC Delegation to Ukraine

- good cooperation with WHO (first time issuing a joint needs assessment report)

| |88 |BULGARIA |Severe respiratory infection (H1N1) |04.11.2009

Request for assistance |20.11.2009 (Mechanism deactivated) |- Ministry of Health announced a National epidemic situation caused by the A H1N1 |- 200,000 doses of antiviral |AT:

1440 antiviral packages

|- the AT assistance has been delivered on 12.11.

- MIC has been in close coordination with SANCO, ECDC, WHO. |- UK offered bilaterally antiviral doses at cost and transport. | |89 |MALAWI |Earthquake |21.12.2009

Request for assistance |On-going |- 4,600 households (27,600 people) affected

|- various relief items, including shelter (tents, tarpaulins, blankets, plastic sheets, mosquito nets) |- |- Contacts with the UN and EU Delegation were established immediately

- first in-depth situation reports were delivered on 28.12 by DG ECHO Regional Representative and by the UN; following them, it was decided that no action is needed, as needs could be better met via local channels. |- excellent coordination with the UN and ECHO.

- request not followed due to relatively low scale emergency

| |


Community Civil Protection Mechanism

Activations overview 2007 – 2009 (inclusive)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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