
<RepeatBlock-Amend><Amend><Date>{28/04/2021}28.4.2021</Date> <RepeatBlock-BNos><BNos><NoDocSe>B90236/2021</NoDocSe> }</BNos><BNos><NoDocSe>B90237/2021</NoDocSe> }</BNos><BNos><NoDocSe>B90250/2021</NoDocSe> }</BNos><BNos><NoDocSe>B90251/2021</NoDocSe> }</BNos></RepeatBlock-BNos><NoDocSe>B90252/2021</NoDocSe> } RC1/Am. <NumAm>3</NumAm>Amendment<NumAm>3</NumAm><RepeatBlock-By><Members>Anna Fotyga</Members><AuNomDe>{ECR}on behalf of the ECR Group</AuNomDe></RepeatBlock-By><TitreType>Joint motion for a resolution</TitreType><Rapporteur>PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR</Rapporteur><Titre>Russia, the case of Alexei Navalny, the military build-up on Ukraine’s border and Russian attacks in the Czech Republic</Titre><DocAmend>Joint motion for a resolution</DocAmend><Article>Paragraph 17 a (new)</Article>Joint motion for a resolutionAmendment 17a.Condemns the Kremlin’s support for undemocratic oppressive regimes worldwide, such as those of Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria and Belarus; is deeply worried about the growing number of arrests, abductions and deportations of Belarusians living in Russia, including the case of the chairman of the opposition Belarusian Popular Front and ordinary people who were vocal in supporting the peaceful protests in Belarus; is especially concerned about the Russian-backed campaign targeting EU national minority organisations in Belarus, including the largest one, the Union of Poles in Belarus;Or. <Original>{EN}en</Original></Amend><Amend><Date>{28/04/2021}28.4.2021</Date> <RepeatBlock-BNos><BNos><NoDocSe>B90236/2021</NoDocSe> }</BNos><BNos><NoDocSe>B90237/2021</NoDocSe> }</BNos><BNos><NoDocSe>B90250/2021</NoDocSe> }</BNos><BNos><NoDocSe>B90251/2021</NoDocSe> }</BNos></RepeatBlock-BNos><NoDocSe>B90252/2021</NoDocSe> } RC1/Am. <NumAm>4</NumAm>Amendment<NumAm>4</NumAm><RepeatBlock-By><Members>Anna Fotyga</Members><AuNomDe>{ECR}on behalf of the ECR Group</AuNomDe></RepeatBlock-By><TitreType>Joint motion for a resolution</TitreType><Rapporteur>PPE, S&D, Renew, Verts/ALE, ECR</Rapporteur><Titre>Russia, the case of Alexei Navalny, the military build-up on Ukraine’s border and Russian attacks in the Czech Republic</Titre><DocAmend>Joint motion for a resolution</DocAmend><Article>Paragraph 21 a (new)</Article>Joint motion for a resolutionAmendment 21a.Is extremely concerned about the fact that the Russian authorities are continuing to restrict the work of independent media platforms, as well as individual journalists and other media players; strongly condemns, in this regard, the decision to label independent media outlet Meduza a ‘foreign agent’;Or. <Original>{EN}en</Original></Amend></RepeatBlock-Amend> ................

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