SIMs iFIX 3.0

SIMs for iFIX 3.0

Last updated 11/12/2003

iFIX 3.0 English

iFIX30_276640 FixToolbarDll.dll 340,098 09/17/2003

SECCFG.exe 389,174 09/15/2003

SecuritySynchronizerDLL.dll 352,327 09/15/2003

SECMGR.dll 57,398 09/15/2003

OpcDataSystem.dll 442,498 09/12/2003

Fix2DPenDll.dll 422,047 09/12/2003

PlugandSolve.fxg 728,064 09/10/2003

iFIX_CGW.dll 49,152 09/08/2003

PictureConverterDll.dll 495,712 09/08/2003

SUMQLIB.DLL 73,783 09/08/2003

ALMLIB.DLL 77,878 09/08/2003

FixComponentDll.dll 581,739 09/03/2003

HDAODBC.dll 262,231 08/28/2003

FixPropDlg.dll 356,430 08/25/2003

TimerManager.dll 57,426 08/22/2003

FixFormatDll.dll 143,494 08/20/2003

LOGIN.EXE 143,410 08/20/2003

FixAnimationDll.dll 127,100 08/14/2003

SearchReplace.dll 143,444 08/11/2003

ExpertGlobalRES.dll 81,920 08/07/2003

ExpertGlobal.fxg 2,599,936 08/07/2003

FixLookupDll.dll 163,974 08/01/2003

Fix2DShapeDll.dll 422,019 07/31/2003

FixPictureDll.dll 430,210 07/31/2003

FixAppDll.dll 200,815 07/24/2003

Scripting.dll 221,260 07/24/2003

FixEventDll.dll 151,684 07/21/2003

FixLinearDll.dll 135,302 07/21/2003

FactoryGlobals.fxg 757,760 07/11/2003

FixTimerDll.dll 180,339 07/03/2003

Fix2DChartDll.dll 344,227 06/30/2003

FixDynamoSetDll.dll 159,892 06/25/2003

VisiconXData.ocx 413,787 06/19/2003

FixBackgroundServerRes.dll 40,960 06/16/2003

FixBackgroundServer.exe 45,138 06/16/2003

AlarmSummaryOCX.ocx 372,824 06/16/2003

Fix2DLegendDll.dll 254,117 06/16/2003

Fix2DTextDll.dll 278,671 06/04/2003

alarm.ini 1,030 05/19/2003

AlmSumMgr.DLL 102,478 10/01/2003

FixFileLinkDll.dll 241,785 04/24/2003

Fix2DAxisDll.dll 209,057 04/24/2003

FixChartDlg.dll 495,696 10/01/2003

ALMODBC.exe 110,655 04/24/2003

FixPageDll.dll 340,081 03/19/2003

Fix2DValueAxisDll.dll 168,120 03/18/2003

Fix2DTimeAxisDll.dll 176,310 03/18/2003

PTimeDll.dll 49,245 03/18/2003

FixDataLinkDll.dll 204,960 10/01/2003

Fix2DGroupDll.dll 274,577 10/01/2003

OpcEdaDll.dll 143,436 10/01/2003

SIMUninstall.dll 217,159 01/29/2003

WorkSpace.exe 135,239 01/22/2003

ColorButton.ocx 45,136 01/15/2003

FixControlContainerDll.dll 319,651 12/02/2002

AlmODBCConfig.exe 151,644 11/26/2002

CSHDA.dll 81,984 11/19/2002

FIXODBC.dll 278,613 11/04/2002

ColorSelection.dll 110,678 10/01/2003

FixTaskWizard.dll 36,948 10/01/2003

SEC_AF.DLL 16,384 10/29/2002

ComServerManager.dll 32,869 10/01/2003

FixGlobalSysInfoDll.dll 135,299 10/01/2003

HistDataSystem.dll 266,372 10/01/2003

CrossReferenceRes.dll 57,446 10/11/2002

CrossReference.exe 602,193 10/01/2003

ChartGroupToolbar.xbt 97,792 10/09/2002

ChartGroupToolbar.tbx 97,792 10/09/2002

ChartGroups.tbc 97,280 10/09/2002

NIOAPI.dll 57,398 10/01/2003

NAM.exe 57,395 09/30/2002

ToolBarGlobalRES.dll 40,960 09/19/2002

ExpertNamesRES.dll 40,960 09/19/2002

FactoryGlobalsRES.dll 61,440 09/19/2002

FDKeyMacros.exe 217,178 10/01/2003

FD_BDW.dll 28,672 09/09/2002

ExpertGlobals2.fxg 1,029,120 10/01/2003

* Toolbar buttons are missing from the toolbar, during a mode switch. (276640)

* When logging on two Terminal Server sessions, and changing the SECCFG security

paths on the last session logged on, the SECCFG security paths for the first session

would change also. (277238)

* A Extended Trend Block's data doesn't show up on a Chart's pen, when the picture is closed and then opened in run mode. (274685)

* Added Interval Field to Chart Group Wizard (274023)

* Incorrect datalink format when migrating from fix 32 with a symbol from a tag group (277426)

* When using the sa_almmsg_cb and passing in the timestamp for the alarm, the TimeIn on view nodes would not get updated if there was an existing alarm. (277780)

* When implementing the same VBA procedure in a picture and in a group (of objects

contained) as well, the VBA procedure was disabled at the picture level after renaming the group. (275682)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129)

* Changing the Object Name and Description on the Basic Animation Dialog does not set the dirty flag for the containing picture. (277534)

* Continuous iFix Timers would occassionally fire 1 second early.

* When using a long datatype datablock from an OPC server as the datasource in a

datalink, the value was different in the iFIX database and the datalink by 1. (265151)

* Continuous Timers would occassionally fire 1 second early. (277455)

* OLE control's initial animated state was incorrect if the datasource was a number

expression, no NTF. (265054)

* Using Windows security it was not possible to use a "." in the NT user name (275124A)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129A)

* Find and Replace incorrectly modifies script. (273672)

* Picture Converter was not converting a text object's visibility animation exact match tolerance correctly. (273899)

* Converting pictures from Fix32 and then trying to rotate objects in iFix would not work correctly. (272793)

* A visibility animation created with a range, will not be edited correctly with the visibility expert. (274718)

* Remove Level automation method causes a memory leak. (273677)

* Chart group methods are not accessible in the background task.(272466)

* Dashed lines are printed as solid. (272979)

* FixBackground Server crashes while running iFIX as a service. (272155)

* Scripts not copied by duplicate action when object is named in Japanese (double byte characters) (273638)

* Find/Replace will not find instances of the string for datatypes that are set to Object. Affects use of the Global Search and Replace Toolbar. (276098)

* Tooltip would intermittenty flash on select PC's (266730)

* In datalink and some animation experts, if the data source is a single source, not an expression, the tolerance gets reset to default.(276128)

* Using Windows security it was not possible to use a "." in the NT user name (275124)

* Picture converter does not convert expressions for visibility correctly when regional setting is something other than English (272789)

* The Slider Entry form of the data entry expert won't unload if using a variable that is not referencing a data source.(273834)

* Pen in Average Hist mode displays line after last known Good value in Chart (273503)

* Some automation subroutines (AcknowledgeAnAlarm, RampValue, SetManual, SetAuto, ToggleManual) change the values of parameters passed to them.(273349)

* Can't get a property name correctly using the property dispatch ID, if the dispatch ID is zero.(272807)

* Can't log into the iFix when the primary domain controller connection is unavailable (267542)

* 'High over range' value in charts is 0 if high is a negative number. (275225)

* Continuous timers' scheduler stats were not reflecting a DST 1 hour "fall-back". (264088)

* ShowAnimations method yields Mode Transitions error when run in configure mode. (272390)

* Fix32 picture with chart having more than one pen doesn't get converted properly.(271987)

* Picture converter does not make first line of command script a comment when that first line is a comment. (262514)

* Data source connection information(i.e. Tolerance, Deadband, Refresh Rate) gets reset to defaults when Reentering the Color Expert dialog, if the Use Shared Threshold Table box was previously checked in the dialog. (272321)

* Dynamo disappears from new group when switching to run and then back (275062)

* Picture converter makes visibility animation when none exists in original ODF file (272612)

* Using the ToggleDigitalPoint expert and then running the Tag Group Editor (Get Symbols From Picture), will not get all of the Tag Group Symbols that are eligible in the picture.(274890)

* FixTimers were double firing in the background scheduler. (263814)

* Can't open a .csv file using the VisiconX and OleDB provider for ODBC. (259313)

* Chart's pens are getting compressed in the legend when their visible properties change in run mode.(273519)

* Close and Save method of Document(s) allows document(s) to be saved during mode switch, which may cause the document(s) to be corrupted. (267849)

* FIXBackgroundServer Event ID 103, 107, 108, 111 messages appear erroneously in the Event log (266950)

* The current alarm index would intermittedly get stuck on last alarm acknowledge when scroll bars are enabled and ACK/PRIORITY descending. (272349)

* Using ModifyColumnLength VBA method to change the Chart's legend column length, causes the legend text to grow and stretch. (271284)

* Fixbackground server does not start as a service, using Terminal Server. (263976)

* Multiple ESig causes workspace crash (269247)

* AlmSum.exe was hogging 100% CPU for an indefinite period of time.(252294)

* Problem with select Distinct in query when using Historical Data ODBC driver (271969)

* More than 20 consecutive calls to FixGetUserInfo would return "smo_replace_profile: bad index". (273300)

* Security logging in with user's full name doesn't allow access to all rights assigned through group accounts. (268242)

* SecurityArea in Picture Properties will not allow you to assign a area name of 22B, if you have already assigned a security area 22A to a previous picture (264728)

* When entering a Windows username that contains spaces into the iFIX security configurator, the error "Username must be alphanumeric" appears. (262643)

* iBatch Archiver Manager cannot start the Archiver with FIX security enabled. (259661)

* Windows won't restart if Login dialog is running (271597)

* Login stack user was lost when invalid or blank password was entered for a new user. (256413)

* Some methods of Alarm Summary cause memory leak.(266745)

* Customer used to be able to throttle the frequency of alarm cycles for the thread that moves alarms from the sacq to the SUMMARY q in FIX32. (268948)

* Alarms sent to FIX32 nodes from an iFix 3.0 node will be missing a character from the description and/or units field. (267153)

* Filter.alm file does not work when there are a mixture of iFix and Fix32 Nodes. (252294)

* Creating a dynamo using the Build Dynamo Wizard (BDW) or editing a dynamo created using the BDW causes the PlugandSolve.fxg dirty. (266486)

* Historical trend chart shows a wrong value for the average over range if only part of the chart is filled with data. (265305)

* Multiple E-Sig Dialog Boxes come up and crash the Workspace (269247)

* Ramp Expert doesn't set the value to the low/high limit, when the new value exceeds the limit.(270674)

* Picture Converter does not convert operator setpoint limits on data entry datalinks.(263530)

* "Invalid Handle" message is given when a "Delete All" is executed on the Alarm Summary OCX.(253038)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129)

* Unable to open shared pictures on more than 20 nodes. (267022)

* Custom color palettes don't work in a pen's color. (262282)

* Tag description not being written to RDBM from AlarmODBC (268799)

* OpenTGDPicture doesn't have Error Option as a formal parameter. (270481)

* After opening and closing the VBA property window, a pen can't be deleted from a chart properly. (268805)

* Custom color palettes don't work properly for pen color. (262282)

* Workspace not updating animated objects because of faulty hardware HAL or BIOS. (269172)

* AcknowledgeAllAlarms can't acknowledge alarms using TAGGROUP symbols. (253265)

* F10 Key Macro does not work correctly (263027)

* The WriteValue VBA method sent an incorrectly formatted operator message if the data source had a "%" in it. (264630)

* Picture converter doesn't convert chart when the pen's datasource doesn't exist. (263527)

* Picture lines were mis-aligned after a ReplacePicture. (249461)

* Timers were not timing out after running fine for awhile. (249758)

* Datalink raw format resets when changing the datasource. (264403)

* DI.A_CV tags do not work correctly when using Foreground Expert (264622)

* Datalinks using datasources that didn't exist when the datalink was created will not work even after the datasources exist.(261748)

* Workspace exits when opening a picture with animated groups property. (264701)

* The Alarm Summary TotalFilteredAlarms property was not dynamically updated in a Datalink.(265574)

* DataEntry expert doesn't properly set Numeric data entry when using AR tag's F_0.(262805)

* Automation Error when reading and writing certain fields if full Node.Tag.Field is not used.(261917,259330)

* FIX32 pictures with title bar and not resizable are converted with scroll bars.(259416)

* Chart Group Wizard doesn't support Interpolated data.(262444)

* Non-iFix OpcServers get an error message when doing an AcknowledgeAllAlarms in VBA.(261730)

* Can't assign variable to a data source in the Create A Variable Object dialog on a machine with Russian Win2K.(257825)

* Group edgewidth animation doesn't work when opening picture in run.(265084)

* Workspace crashes when trying to bring up the Chart Configuration dialog.(261934)

* Workspace crashes when adding datalink from insert menu.(262729)

* Opening and closing pictures with AlarmSummary filled with alarms was creating a memory leak.(261026)

* When WorkSpace is running in multiple terminal services sessions, a background scheduler (or any VB app) is unable to get the WorkSpace.Application object, or may get the wrong app object.(266364)

* Custom color palette is not selected when re-entering the color selection dialog.(262282)

* The New Alarm event of an alarmsummaryOCX will not fire when a picture with an AlarmSummaryOCX is opened in run mode, no alarms currently exist and then a new alarm comes in. (256640)

* When saving a picture with a complex expression in an animation, the animation datasource name stays as "untitled1" and does not reflect the saved picture name. (264918)

* The Foreground Color Expert dialog user message required the user to enter a value to the Exact Match Tolerance edit box when it was disabled. (263450)

* When using alarm ODBC, iFIX loses its connection to Oracle 9. (262358)

* Dynamo scripts refer to objects incorrectly when the dynamo is created using objects that already exist in the dynamoset. (252454)

* Animating the height of an object is incorrect when the value of the animation is zero. (261303)

* Objects are still selectable if they are grouped and the layer of the group is invisible. (255179)

* Using the TAB key does not fire the SelectionChanged event. (263371)

* A chart's ETR.T_DATA pens don't update when loaded by a tag group and the chart has a long refresh rate. (262061)

* Dynamo settings are being lost on re-entrance.(252344)

* Using the TAB and ENTER keys, VBA scripts cannot be run from a pushbutton control.(262302)

* Color Experts were no longer detecting digital tags.(262651)

* "Invalid Handle" message is given when a "Delete All" is executed on the Alarm Summary OCX.(260452)

* AlarmODBC truncated 4 digit year in "Date in" and "Date Last" fields of SQL_SERVER. (263283)

* AlarmSummaryOcx prints black when scrollbars are enabled. (258574)

* Workspace hangs when using a double-click event of a pushbutton to do "CommandButton1.Locked = True". Workspace hangs when a timer object does "CommandButton1.Locked = True", while that CommandButton1 is pressed. (256752)

* The Launch iKeyDiag button in the About Intellution Workspace dialog was looking in the wrong place for the iKeyDiag.exe.(262488)

* Dynamo's Color By form doesn't work properly with BLACK blink to color.(262057)

* Pens in charts using Chart Group Wizard always do fetch limits regardless of what the settings are within the Chart Group file.(261622)

* Using fetch limits, network traffic is high when opening a picture in run mode. (260284)

* Accessing Classic Historian data will cause a crash. (263483)

* Memory leak in OpcDataSystem when performing ReplacePic numerous times. (263327)

* When retrieving blank alarm values using the iFIX RealTime ODBC driver, the user will receive a "Must specify an alarm value first" error. (261063)

* Alarms are not sorted as configured in Alarm Summary OCX. (249661)

* After opening the Color Selection dialog from the property window, trying to kill focus from the Color Selection dialog will deadlock Workspace. (261595)

* In the category pull-down list of the TaskWizard, a space may be inserted at a random spot in the category name. (261550)

* On non-English iFIX systems, the Object Selection tool is not automatically selected when canceling out of the Shape tool. (261613)

* In the Basic Animation dialog's Name and Description fields, it is possible to enter more characters than the maximum length. (261594)

* Workspace deadlock during shutdown. (248203)

* Chart Group Wizard and Build Dynamo Wizard did not set the font for dialogs on a non English system. (257738)

* Build Dynamo Wizard dialogs were not translated. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped in Chart Group Wizard and Build Dynamo Wizard. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped in Cross Reference Tool. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped and some strings were not translated in Create Picture Wizard. (257738)

* Nuisance user "save changes" type modal dialogs appear when Workspace is exited. (256408)

* The Foreground Color Expert doesn't work properly with decimal limit values. (259606)

* Data Entry Expert does not generate runtime scripts correctly on French XP. Some French strings are clipped in Experts.(261517)

* "Line" in Header Footer setting table was not NLS translated. (261289)

* "Clear Text" confirmation dialog was not NLS translated. (261289)

* When clicking on the "Page Setup" button in "Print" dialog, run-time error "380 Invalid Property Value" happened on non-English XP when regional default decimal symbol is not ".". (261289)

* The Foreground Color Expert doesn't work properly with BLACK blink to color. (258622)

* "Save" and "New" button in Chart Group Configuration did not work as expected on non-English system. (260883)

* PictureConverter DataLink Trouble when datasource is a tag group symbol. (260057)

* Print Crystal Report Expert does not generate runtime scripts correctly on French XP. (260882)

* Error with foreign language version .tbc names. (252831)

* A duplicate operator message is sent when acknowledging an alarm that has already been acknowledged and is still in an alarm state, using manual alarm deletion. (255707)

* The tool buttons in the Print Preview window in Cross Reference Tool do not appear correctly in Japanese. (260036)

* In most of the Expert dialogs, all frame control labels do not appear correctly in Japanese. It does not happen on XP, but on Windows2000 and NT. (260036)

* In some Expert dialogs, some captions are clipped due to not enough Height property of label control in Japanese. (260036)

* When "Acknowledge Alarm" is selected in Command of Basic Animation dialog, "Acknowledge All Alarms" expert dialog is launched depending on translations. (260036)

* When Picture browse ComboBox of KeyMacroEditor is dropped down, items in the list do not appear correctly in Japanese. (260036)

* Get automation error using A_ALMEXT1 and A_ALMEXT2 in a script. (259330)

* Improved support for handing errors from 3rd party opc servers in workspace. (253352)

* The Visibility Expert dialog had some issues. (258355)

* Color threshold settings disappear when changing the datasource, using the Foreground Color Expert. (256419)

* Using the foreground color expert, entering a 0.0 in the maximum value of the range of an animation results in the maximum value being empty when you re-enter the animation. (256410)

* When all objects in a group are deleted and the group is empty, remaining objects in the picture cannot be selected. (253876)

* Non iFix OPC servers were not allowed to enter a colon ":" as part of a datasource. (250193)

* Fixes problems with expression editor when a datasource is connected to a control object property. (257187)

* VisiconX Data control tab control had font problem in Japanese system. (257741)

iFIX30_257625B WSACTASK.EXE 45,107 09/24/2003

SACDLL.DLL 184,369 09/24/2003

XDBA.dll 49,205 09/24/2003

STKLDBA.dll 36,920 09/18/2003

LDBA.dll 290,869 09/18/2003

CONMGR.exe 69,684 05/09/2003

* sq_remove() error thrown when trying to modify an AIS block thru the DatabaseManager. (257625)

* MDI->EV->DA chain goes off-scan on iFIX re-start or database reload. (269246)

* Added parameter to suppress ORNG (OverRange) Alarm.(273507)

* SAC slows down after changing 200 AO blocks current mode from AUTO to MANL.(269990)

* Log_Unathorized_writes = OFF not working in Network.ini (271343)

* SAC would not start up for 20 seconds, when using a large database. (257584)

* Fixes problem where under certain circumstances, WSACTASK goes to 100% CPU. (254738)

iFIX30_277527 FixDB32_DIRes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DARes.dll NLS:English 16,384 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DORes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DRRes.dll NLS:English 12,288 08/18/2003

FixDB32_BLRes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

DatabaseManagerRes.dll NLS:English 200,704 05/07/2003

DataBaseManager.exe 639,059 05/07/2003

FixDB32.dll 196,680 02/20/2003

FixDB32_AO.dll 61,526 10/14/2002

BTK_ETR.dll 45,113 10/04/2002

* Database Manager doesn't allow lowercase for digital and boolean block labels.(277527)

* Importing a CSV file into Database Manager that contains an equal sign(=) in the description field, without single quotes surrounding it, causes the block to import incorrectly without error.(269981)

* Database export would crash DataBaseManager if the database contained a mixture of standard blocks and customer's custom loadable blocks (265407)

* After duplication, the original block was being placed off scan. (264329)

* The F1 help did not work with AO and TX block dialog alarm tab "Event Messaging". (259524)

* The OPCTIME field of the ETR block does not update.(261087)

iFIX30_259409A LAUNCH.EXE 131,125 02/21/2003

FIX.EXE 192,562 02/21/2003

* Not all Terminal Server clients can connect at the same time and this will result

in an error that signifies the machine is out of resources. (259409)

* Workspace locks when using security and trying to shutdown with insufficient rights.(265356)

iFIX30_265535A DDESTSR.DLL 41,105 02/20/2003

* DDE links to a database input block causes an alarm on Fix startup.(265535)

iFIX30_258886 HTC_SCAN.EXE 135,227 11/17/2003

* The historical scan utility can't fix the problem of missing the EOF marker in a historical data file.(258886)

iFIX30_256560 RCPUP.EXE 376,884 10/01/2002

RCPDOWN.EXE 385,078 10/01/2002

RCP.EXE 639,026 10/01/2002

* Downloading a recipe from a VBA script that doesn't specify a path results in the message "download of recipe (null) completed with no errors". (256560)

* When rcpdown.exe is run from a script, it cannot use a recipe file in a path other than the one defined in the SCU. (253300)

iFIX30_261500 FCATABLE.DLL 45,113 10/18/2002

* If the Logical Node Name is different from the Local Node Name in the SCU, then the Logical Node Name was not being used. (261500)

iFIX30_269268A NETDiag.exe 192,575 08/14/2003

TCPTASK.EXE 163,901 12/04/2002

STK.DLL 188,473 07/31/2003

SCU.exe 598,067 12/04/2002

Netpaths.dll 24,631 12/04/2002

* An iClient cannot connect thru the RAS client connection if iFIX was already running on the RAS server (SCADA) when the RAS connection was made. (269268)

* The System Configuration Utility (SCU) cannot read more than 140 IP addresses for Terminal Server. (260619)

* View nodes fail to connect to the SCADA node intermittently. (250994)

* Stratus IP enumeration implementation. (259002)

iFIX30_261529 FixHdaDll.dll 147,532 10/31/2003

* With some regional settings, historical node names do not display in a chart. (261529)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled and could not be found in the databases. (254426)

iFIX30_269811 OPC20iFIX.exe 290,887 04/24/2003

* Cannot change A_NALM field using OPC20iFIX. (269811)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled in the Expression Editor when using OPC20iFIX as the Data Server. (265059)

iFIX 3.0 Chinese

iFIX30_257625B WSACTASK.EXE 45,107 09/24/2003

SACDLL.DLL 184,369 09/24/2003

XDBA.dll 49,205 09/24/2003

STKLDBA.dll 36,920 09/18/2003

LDBA.dll 290,869 09/18/2003

CONMGR.exe 69,684 05/09/2003

* sq_remove() error thrown when trying to modify an AIS block thru the DatabaseManager. (257625)

* MDI->EV->DA chain goes off-scan on iFIX re-start or database reload. (269246)

* Added parameter to suppress ORNG (OverRange) Alarm.(273507)

* SAC slows down after changing 200 AO blocks current mode from AUTO to MANL.(269990)

* Log_Unathorized_writes = OFF not working in Network.ini (271343)

* SAC would not start up for 20 seconds, when using a large database. (257584)

* Fixes problem where under certain circumstances, WSACTASK goes to 100% CPU. (254738)

iFIX30_259409A LAUNCH.EXE 131,125 02/21/2003

FIX.EXE 192,562 02/21/2003

* Not all Terminal Server clients can connect at the same time and this will result

in an error that signifies the machine is out of resources. (259409)

* Workspace locks when using security and trying to shutdown with insufficient rights.(265356)

iFIX30_265535A DDESTSR.DLL 41,105 02/20/2003

* DDE links to a database input block causes an alarm on Fix startup.(265535)

iFIX30_258886 HTC_SCAN.EXE 135,227 11/17/2003

* The historical scan utility can't fix the problem of missing the EOF marker in a historical data file.(258886)

iFIX30_256560 RCPUP.EXE 376,884 10/01/2002

RCPDOWN.EXE 385,078 10/01/2002

RCP.EXE 639,026 10/01/2002

* Downloading a recipe from a VBA script that doesn't specify a path results in the message "download of recipe (null) completed with no errors". (256560)

* When rcpdown.exe is run from a script, it cannot use a recipe file in a path other than the one defined in the SCU. (253300)

iFIX30_261500 FCATABLE.DLL 45,113 10/18/2002

* If the Logical Node Name is different from the Local Node Name in the SCU, then the Logical Node Name was not being used. (261500)

iFIX30_269268A NETDiag.exe 192,575 08/14/2003

TCPTASK.EXE 163,901 12/04/2002

STK.DLL 188,473 07/31/2003

SCU.exe 598,067 12/04/2002

Netpaths.dll 24,631 12/04/2002

* An iClient cannot connect thru the RAS client connection if iFIX was already running on the RAS server (SCADA) when the RAS connection was made. (269268)

* The System Configuration Utility (SCU) cannot read more than 140 IP addresses for Terminal Server. (260619)

* View nodes fail to connect to the SCADA node intermittently. (250994)

* Stratus IP enumeration implementation. (259002)

iFIX30_261529 FixHdaDll.dll 147,532 10/31/2003

* With some regional settings, historical node names do not display in a chart. (261529)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled and could not be found in the databases. (254426)

iFIX30_269811 OPC20iFIX.exe 290,887 04/24/2003

* Cannot change A_NALM field using OPC20iFIX. (269811)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled in the Expression Editor when using OPC20iFIX as the Data Server. (265059)

iFIX 3.0 French

iFIX30_257625B WSACTASK.EXE 45,107 09/24/2003

SACDLL.DLL 184,369 09/24/2003

XDBA.dll 49,205 09/24/2003

STKLDBA.dll 36,920 09/18/2003

LDBA.dll 290,869 09/18/2003

CONMGR.exe 69,684 05/09/2003

* sq_remove() error thrown when trying to modify an AIS block thru the DatabaseManager. (257625)

* MDI->EV->DA chain goes off-scan on iFIX re-start or database reload. (269246)

* Added parameter to suppress ORNG (OverRange) Alarm.(273507)

* SAC slows down after changing 200 AO blocks current mode from AUTO to MANL.(269990)

* Log_Unathorized_writes = OFF not working in Network.ini (271343)

* SAC would not start up for 20 seconds, when using a large database. (257584)

* Fixes problem where under certain circumstances, WSACTASK goes to 100% CPU. (254738)

iFIX30_277527 FixDB32_DIRes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DARes.dll NLS:English 16,384 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DORes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DRRes.dll NLS:English 12,288 08/18/2003

FixDB32_BLRes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

DatabaseManagerRes.dll NLS:English 200,704 05/07/2003

DataBaseManager.exe 639,059 05/07/2003

FixDB32.dll 196,680 02/20/2003

FixDB32_AO.dll 61,526 10/14/2002

BTK_ETR.dll 45,113 10/04/2002

* Database Manager doesn't allow lowercase for digital and boolean block labels.(277527)

* Importing a CSV file into Database Manager that contains an equal sign(=) in the description field, without single quotes surrounding it, causes the block to import incorrectly without error.(269981)

* Database export would crash DataBaseManager if the database contained a mixture of standard blocks and customer's custom loadable blocks (265407)

* After duplication, the original block was being placed off scan. (264329)

* The F1 help did not work with AO and TX block dialog alarm tab "Event Messaging". (259524)

* The OPCTIME field of the ETR block does not update.(261087)

iFIX30_259409A LAUNCH.EXE 131,125 02/21/2003

FIX.EXE 192,562 02/21/2003

* Not all Terminal Server clients can connect at the same time and this will result

in an error that signifies the machine is out of resources. (259409)

* Workspace locks when using security and trying to shutdown with insufficient rights.(265356)

iFIX30_265535A DDESTSR.DLL 41,105 02/20/2003

* DDE links to a database input block causes an alarm on Fix startup.(265535)

iFIX30_258886 HTC_SCAN.EXE 135,227 11/17/2003

* The historical scan utility can't fix the problem of missing the EOF marker in a historical data file.(258886)

iFIX30_256560 RCPUP.EXE 376,884 10/01/2002

RCPDOWN.EXE 385,078 10/01/2002

RCP.EXE 639,026 10/01/2002

* Downloading a recipe from a VBA script that doesn't specify a path results in the message "download of recipe (null) completed with no errors". (256560)

* When rcpdown.exe is run from a script, it cannot use a recipe file in a path other than the one defined in the SCU. (253300)

iFIX30_261500 FCATABLE.DLL 45,113 10/18/2002

* If the Logical Node Name is different from the Local Node Name in the SCU, then the Logical Node Name was not being used. (261500)

iFIX30_269268A NETDiag.exe 192,575 08/14/2003

TCPTASK.EXE 163,901 12/04/2002

STK.DLL 188,473 07/31/2003

SCU.exe 598,067 12/04/2002

Netpaths.dll 24,631 12/04/2002

* An iClient cannot connect thru the RAS client connection if iFIX was already running on the RAS server (SCADA) when the RAS connection was made. (269268)

* The System Configuration Utility (SCU) cannot read more than 140 IP addresses for Terminal Server. (260619)

* View nodes fail to connect to the SCADA node intermittently. (250994)

* Stratus IP enumeration implementation. (259002)

iFIX30_261529 FixHdaDll.dll 147,532 10/31/2003

* With some regional settings, historical node names do not display in a chart. (261529)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled and could not be found in the databases. (254426)

iFIX30_269811 OPC20iFIX.exe 290,887 04/24/2003

* Cannot change A_NALM field using OPC20iFIX. (269811)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled in the Expression Editor when using OPC20iFIX as the Data Server. (265059)

iFIX 3.0 German

iFIX30_276640 FixToolbarDll.dll 340,098 09/17/2003

SECCFG.exe 389,174 09/15/2003

SecuritySynchronizerDLL.dll 352,327 09/15/2003

SECMGR.dll 57,398 09/15/2003

OpcDataSystem.dll 442,498 09/12/2003

Fix2DPenDll.dll 422,047 09/12/2003

PlugandSolve.fxg 728,064 09/10/2003

iFIX_CGW.dll 49,152 09/08/2003

PictureConverterDll.dll 495,712 09/08/2003

SUMQLIB.DLL 73,783 09/08/2003

ALMLIB.DLL 77,878 09/08/2003

FixComponentDll.dll 581,739 09/03/2003

HDAODBC.dll 262,231 08/28/2003

FixPropDlg.dll 356,430 08/25/2003

TimerManager.dll 57,426 08/22/2003

FixFormatDll.dll 143,494 08/20/2003

LOGIN.EXE 143,410 08/20/2003

FixAnimationDll.dll 127,100 08/14/2003

SearchReplace.dll 143,444 08/11/2003

ExpertGlobalRES.dll 81,920 08/07/2003

ExpertGlobal.fxg 2,599,936 08/07/2003

FixLookupDll.dll 163,974 08/01/2003

Fix2DShapeDll.dll 422,019 07/31/2003

FixPictureDll.dll 430,210 07/31/2003

FixAppDll.dll 200,815 07/24/2003

Scripting.dll 221,260 07/24/2003

FixEventDll.dll 151,684 07/21/2003

FixLinearDll.dll 135,302 07/21/2003

FactoryGlobals.fxg 757,760 07/11/2003

FixTimerDll.dll 180,339 07/03/2003

Fix2DChartDll.dll 344,227 06/30/2003

FixDynamoSetDll.dll 159,892 06/25/2003

VisiconXData.ocx 413,787 06/19/2003

FixBackgroundServerRes.dll 40,960 06/16/2003

FixBackgroundServer.exe 45,138 06/16/2003

AlarmSummaryOCX.ocx 372,824 06/16/2003

Fix2DLegendDll.dll 254,117 06/16/2003

Fix2DTextDll.dll 278,671 06/04/2003

alarm.ini 1,030 05/19/2003

AlmSumMgr.DLL 102,478 10/01/2003

FixFileLinkDll.dll 241,785 04/24/2003

Fix2DAxisDll.dll 209,057 04/24/2003

FixChartDlg.dll 495,696 10/01/2003

ALMODBC.exe 110,655 04/24/2003

FixPageDll.dll 340,081 03/19/2003

Fix2DValueAxisDll.dll 168,120 03/18/2003

Fix2DTimeAxisDll.dll 176,310 03/18/2003

PTimeDll.dll 49,245 03/18/2003

FixDataLinkDll.dll 204,960 10/01/2003

Fix2DGroupDll.dll 274,577 10/01/2003

OpcEdaDll.dll 143,436 10/01/2003

SIMUninstall.dll 217,159 01/29/2003

WorkSpace.exe 135,239 01/22/2003

ColorButton.ocx 45,136 01/15/2003

FixControlContainerDll.dll 319,651 12/02/2002

AlmODBCConfig.exe 151,644 11/26/2002

CSHDA.dll 81,984 11/19/2002

FIXODBC.dll 278,613 11/04/2002

ColorSelection.dll 110,678 10/01/2003

FixTaskWizard.dll 36,948 10/01/2003

SEC_AF.DLL 16,384 10/29/2002

ComServerManager.dll 32,869 10/01/2003

FixGlobalSysInfoDll.dll 135,299 10/01/2003

HistDataSystem.dll 266,372 10/01/2003

CrossReferenceRes.dll 57,446 10/11/2002

CrossReference.exe 602,193 10/01/2003

ChartGroupToolbar.xbt 97,792 10/09/2002

ChartGroupToolbar.tbx 97,792 10/09/2002

ChartGroups.tbc 97,280 10/09/2002

NIOAPI.dll 57,398 10/01/2003

NAM.exe 57,395 09/30/2002

ToolBarGlobalRES.dll 40,960 09/19/2002

ExpertNamesRES.dll 40,960 09/19/2002

FactoryGlobalsRES.dll 61,440 09/19/2002

FDKeyMacros.exe 217,178 10/01/2003

FD_BDW.dll 28,672 09/09/2002

ExpertGlobals2.fxg 1,029,120 10/01/2003

* Toolbar buttons are missing from the toolbar, during a mode switch. (276640)

* When logging on two Terminal Server sessions, and changing the SECCFG security

paths on the last session logged on, the SECCFG security paths for the first session

would change also. (277238)

* A Extended Trend Block's data doesn't show up on a Chart's pen, when the picture is closed and then opened in run mode. (274685)

* Added Interval Field to Chart Group Wizard (274023)

* Incorrect datalink format when migrating from fix 32 with a symbol from a tag group (277426)

* When using the sa_almmsg_cb and passing in the timestamp for the alarm, the TimeIn on view nodes would not get updated if there was an existing alarm. (277780)

* When implementing the same VBA procedure in a picture and in a group (of objects

contained) as well, the VBA procedure was disabled at the picture level after renaming the group. (275682)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129)

* Changing the Object Name and Description on the Basic Animation Dialog does not set the dirty flag for the containing picture. (277534)

* Continuous iFix Timers would occassionally fire 1 second early.

* When using a long datatype datablock from an OPC server as the datasource in a

datalink, the value was different in the iFIX database and the datalink by 1. (265151)

* Continuous Timers would occassionally fire 1 second early. (277455)

* OLE control's initial animated state was incorrect if the datasource was a number

expression, no NTF. (265054)

* Using Windows security it was not possible to use a "." in the NT user name (275124A)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129A)

* Find and Replace incorrectly modifies script. (273672)

* Picture Converter was not converting a text object's visibility animation exact match tolerance correctly. (273899)

* Converting pictures from Fix32 and then trying to rotate objects in iFix would not work correctly. (272793)

* A visibility animation created with a range, will not be edited correctly with the visibility expert. (274718)

* Remove Level automation method causes a memory leak. (273677)

* Chart group methods are not accessible in the background task.(272466)

* Dashed lines are printed as solid. (272979)

* FixBackground Server crashes while running iFIX as a service. (272155)

* Scripts not copied by duplicate action when object is named in Japanese (double byte characters) (273638)

* Find/Replace will not find instances of the string for datatypes that are set to Object. Affects use of the Global Search and Replace Toolbar. (276098)

* Tooltip would intermittenty flash on select PC's (266730)

* In datalink and some animation experts, if the data source is a single source, not an expression, the tolerance gets reset to default.(276128)

* Using Windows security it was not possible to use a "." in the NT user name (275124)

* Picture converter does not convert expressions for visibility correctly when regional setting is something other than English (272789)

* The Slider Entry form of the data entry expert won't unload if using a variable that is not referencing a data source.(273834)

* Pen in Average Hist mode displays line after last known Good value in Chart (273503)

* Some automation subroutines (AcknowledgeAnAlarm, RampValue, SetManual, SetAuto, ToggleManual) change the values of parameters passed to them.(273349)

* Can't get a property name correctly using the property dispatch ID, if the dispatch ID is zero.(272807)

* Can't log into the iFix when the primary domain controller connection is unavailable (267542)

* 'High over range' value in charts is 0 if high is a negative number. (275225)

* Continuous timers' scheduler stats were not reflecting a DST 1 hour "fall-back". (264088)

* ShowAnimations method yields Mode Transitions error when run in configure mode. (272390)

* Fix32 picture with chart having more than one pen doesn't get converted properly.(271987)

* Picture converter does not make first line of command script a comment when that first line is a comment. (262514)

* Data source connection information(i.e. Tolerance, Deadband, Refresh Rate) gets reset to defaults when Reentering the Color Expert dialog, if the Use Shared Threshold Table box was previously checked in the dialog. (272321)

* Dynamo disappears from new group when switching to run and then back (275062)

* Picture converter makes visibility animation when none exists in original ODF file (272612)

* Using the ToggleDigitalPoint expert and then running the Tag Group Editor (Get Symbols From Picture), will not get all of the Tag Group Symbols that are eligible in the picture.(274890)

* FixTimers were double firing in the background scheduler. (263814)

* Can't open a .csv file using the VisiconX and OleDB provider for ODBC. (259313)

* Chart's pens are getting compressed in the legend when their visible properties change in run mode.(273519)

* Close and Save method of Document(s) allows document(s) to be saved during mode switch, which may cause the document(s) to be corrupted. (267849)

* FIXBackgroundServer Event ID 103, 107, 108, 111 messages appear erroneously in the Event log (266950)

* The current alarm index would intermittedly get stuck on last alarm acknowledge when scroll bars are enabled and ACK/PRIORITY descending. (272349)

* Using ModifyColumnLength VBA method to change the Chart's legend column length, causes the legend text to grow and stretch. (271284)

* Fixbackground server does not start as a service, using Terminal Server. (263976)

* Multiple ESig causes workspace crash (269247)

* AlmSum.exe was hogging 100% CPU for an indefinite period of time.(252294)

* Problem with select Distinct in query when using Historical Data ODBC driver (271969)

* More than 20 consecutive calls to FixGetUserInfo would return "smo_replace_profile: bad index". (273300)

* Security logging in with user's full name doesn't allow access to all rights assigned through group accounts. (268242)

* SecurityArea in Picture Properties will not allow you to assign a area name of 22B, if you have already assigned a security area 22A to a previous picture (264728)

* When entering a Windows username that contains spaces into the iFIX security configurator, the error "Username must be alphanumeric" appears. (262643)

* iBatch Archiver Manager cannot start the Archiver with FIX security enabled. (259661)

* Windows won't restart if Login dialog is running (271597)

* Login stack user was lost when invalid or blank password was entered for a new user. (256413)

* Some methods of Alarm Summary cause memory leak.(266745)

* Customer used to be able to throttle the frequency of alarm cycles for the thread that moves alarms from the sacq to the SUMMARY q in FIX32. (268948)

* Alarms sent to FIX32 nodes from an iFix 3.0 node will be missing a character from the description and/or units field. (267153)

* Filter.alm file does not work when there are a mixture of iFix and Fix32 Nodes. (252294)

* Creating a dynamo using the Build Dynamo Wizard (BDW) or editing a dynamo created using the BDW causes the PlugandSolve.fxg dirty. (266486)

* Historical trend chart shows a wrong value for the average over range if only part of the chart is filled with data. (265305)

* Multiple E-Sig Dialog Boxes come up and crash the Workspace (269247)

* Ramp Expert doesn't set the value to the low/high limit, when the new value exceeds the limit.(270674)

* Picture Converter does not convert operator setpoint limits on data entry datalinks.(263530)

* "Invalid Handle" message is given when a "Delete All" is executed on the Alarm Summary OCX.(253038)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129)

* Unable to open shared pictures on more than 20 nodes. (267022)

* Custom color palettes don't work in a pen's color. (262282)

* Tag description not being written to RDBM from AlarmODBC (268799)

* OpenTGDPicture doesn't have Error Option as a formal parameter. (270481)

* After opening and closing the VBA property window, a pen can't be deleted from a chart properly. (268805)

* Custom color palettes don't work properly for pen color. (262282)

* Workspace not updating animated objects because of faulty hardware HAL or BIOS. (269172)

* AcknowledgeAllAlarms can't acknowledge alarms using TAGGROUP symbols. (253265)

* F10 Key Macro does not work correctly (263027)

* The WriteValue VBA method sent an incorrectly formatted operator message if the data source had a "%" in it. (264630)

* Picture converter doesn't convert chart when the pen's datasource doesn't exist. (263527)

* Picture lines were mis-aligned after a ReplacePicture. (249461)

* Timers were not timing out after running fine for awhile. (249758)

* Datalink raw format resets when changing the datasource. (264403)

* DI.A_CV tags do not work correctly when using Foreground Expert (264622)

* Datalinks using datasources that didn't exist when the datalink was created will not work even after the datasources exist.(261748)

* Workspace exits when opening a picture with animated groups property. (264701)

* The Alarm Summary TotalFilteredAlarms property was not dynamically updated in a Datalink.(265574)

* DataEntry expert doesn't properly set Numeric data entry when using AR tag's F_0.(262805)

* Automation Error when reading and writing certain fields if full Node.Tag.Field is not used.(261917,259330)

* FIX32 pictures with title bar and not resizable are converted with scroll bars.(259416)

* Chart Group Wizard doesn't support Interpolated data.(262444)

* Non-iFix OpcServers get an error message when doing an AcknowledgeAllAlarms in VBA.(261730)

* Can't assign variable to a data source in the Create A Variable Object dialog on a machine with Russian Win2K.(257825)

* Group edgewidth animation doesn't work when opening picture in run.(265084)

* Workspace crashes when trying to bring up the Chart Configuration dialog.(261934)

* Workspace crashes when adding datalink from insert menu.(262729)

* Opening and closing pictures with AlarmSummary filled with alarms was creating a memory leak.(261026)

* When WorkSpace is running in multiple terminal services sessions, a background scheduler (or any VB app) is unable to get the WorkSpace.Application object, or may get the wrong app object.(266364)

* Custom color palette is not selected when re-entering the color selection dialog.(262282)

* The New Alarm event of an alarmsummaryOCX will not fire when a picture with an AlarmSummaryOCX is opened in run mode, no alarms currently exist and then a new alarm comes in. (256640)

* When saving a picture with a complex expression in an animation, the animation datasource name stays as "untitled1" and does not reflect the saved picture name. (264918)

* The Foreground Color Expert dialog user message required the user to enter a value to the Exact Match Tolerance edit box when it was disabled. (263450)

* When using alarm ODBC, iFIX loses its connection to Oracle 9. (262358)

* Dynamo scripts refer to objects incorrectly when the dynamo is created using objects that already exist in the dynamoset. (252454)

* Animating the height of an object is incorrect when the value of the animation is zero. (261303)

* Objects are still selectable if they are grouped and the layer of the group is invisible. (255179)

* Using the TAB key does not fire the SelectionChanged event. (263371)

* A chart's ETR.T_DATA pens don't update when loaded by a tag group and the chart has a long refresh rate. (262061)

* Dynamo settings are being lost on re-entrance.(252344)

* Using the TAB and ENTER keys, VBA scripts cannot be run from a pushbutton control.(262302)

* Color Experts were no longer detecting digital tags.(262651)

* "Invalid Handle" message is given when a "Delete All" is executed on the Alarm Summary OCX.(260452)

* AlarmODBC truncated 4 digit year in "Date in" and "Date Last" fields of SQL_SERVER. (263283)

* AlarmSummaryOcx prints black when scrollbars are enabled. (258574)

* Workspace hangs when using a double-click event of a pushbutton to do "CommandButton1.Locked = True". Workspace hangs when a timer object does "CommandButton1.Locked = True", while that CommandButton1 is pressed. (256752)

* The Launch iKeyDiag button in the About Intellution Workspace dialog was looking in the wrong place for the iKeyDiag.exe.(262488)

* Dynamo's Color By form doesn't work properly with BLACK blink to color.(262057)

* Pens in charts using Chart Group Wizard always do fetch limits regardless of what the settings are within the Chart Group file.(261622)

* Using fetch limits, network traffic is high when opening a picture in run mode. (260284)

* Accessing Classic Historian data will cause a crash. (263483)

* Memory leak in OpcDataSystem when performing ReplacePic numerous times. (263327)

* When retrieving blank alarm values using the iFIX RealTime ODBC driver, the user will receive a "Must specify an alarm value first" error. (261063)

* Alarms are not sorted as configured in Alarm Summary OCX. (249661)

* After opening the Color Selection dialog from the property window, trying to kill focus from the Color Selection dialog will deadlock Workspace. (261595)

* In the category pull-down list of the TaskWizard, a space may be inserted at a random spot in the category name. (261550)

* On non-English iFIX systems, the Object Selection tool is not automatically selected when canceling out of the Shape tool. (261613)

* In the Basic Animation dialog's Name and Description fields, it is possible to enter more characters than the maximum length. (261594)

* Workspace deadlock during shutdown. (248203)

* Chart Group Wizard and Build Dynamo Wizard did not set the font for dialogs on a non English system. (257738)

* Build Dynamo Wizard dialogs were not translated. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped in Chart Group Wizard and Build Dynamo Wizard. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped in Cross Reference Tool. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped and some strings were not translated in Create Picture Wizard. (257738)

* Nuisance user "save changes" type modal dialogs appear when Workspace is exited. (256408)

* The Foreground Color Expert doesn't work properly with decimal limit values. (259606)

* Data Entry Expert does not generate runtime scripts correctly on French XP. Some French strings are clipped in Experts.(261517)

* "Line" in Header Footer setting table was not NLS translated. (261289)

* "Clear Text" confirmation dialog was not NLS translated. (261289)

* When clicking on the "Page Setup" button in "Print" dialog, run-time error "380 Invalid Property Value" happened on non-English XP when regional default decimal symbol is not ".". (261289)

* The Foreground Color Expert doesn't work properly with BLACK blink to color. (258622)

* "Save" and "New" button in Chart Group Configuration did not work as expected on non-English system. (260883)

* PictureConverter DataLink Trouble when datasource is a tag group symbol. (260057)

* Print Crystal Report Expert does not generate runtime scripts correctly on French XP. (260882)

* Error with foreign language version .tbc names. (252831)

* A duplicate operator message is sent when acknowledging an alarm that has already been acknowledged and is still in an alarm state, using manual alarm deletion. (255707)

* The tool buttons in the Print Preview window in Cross Reference Tool do not appear correctly in Japanese. (260036)

* In most of the Expert dialogs, all frame control labels do not appear correctly in Japanese. It does not happen on XP, but on Windows2000 and NT. (260036)

* In some Expert dialogs, some captions are clipped due to not enough Height property of label control in Japanese. (260036)

* When "Acknowledge Alarm" is selected in Command of Basic Animation dialog, "Acknowledge All Alarms" expert dialog is launched depending on translations. (260036)

* When Picture browse ComboBox of KeyMacroEditor is dropped down, items in the list do not appear correctly in Japanese. (260036)

* Get automation error using A_ALMEXT1 and A_ALMEXT2 in a script. (259330)

* Improved support for handing errors from 3rd party opc servers in workspace. (253352)

* The Visibility Expert dialog had some issues. (258355)

* Color threshold settings disappear when changing the datasource, using the Foreground Color Expert. (256419)

* Using the foreground color expert, entering a 0.0 in the maximum value of the range of an animation results in the maximum value being empty when you re-enter the animation. (256410)

* When all objects in a group are deleted and the group is empty, remaining objects in the picture cannot be selected. (253876)

* Non iFix OPC servers were not allowed to enter a colon ":" as part of a datasource. (250193)

* Fixes problems with expression editor when a datasource is connected to a control object property. (257187)

* VisiconX Data control tab control had font problem in Japanese system. (257741)

iFIX30_257625B WSACTASK.EXE 45,107 09/24/2003

SACDLL.DLL 184,369 09/24/2003

XDBA.dll 49,205 09/24/2003

STKLDBA.dll 36,920 09/18/2003

LDBA.dll 290,869 09/18/2003

CONMGR.exe 69,684 05/09/2003

* sq_remove() error thrown when trying to modify an AIS block thru the DatabaseManager. (257625)

* MDI->EV->DA chain goes off-scan on iFIX re-start or database reload. (269246)

* Added parameter to suppress ORNG (OverRange) Alarm.(273507)

* SAC slows down after changing 200 AO blocks current mode from AUTO to MANL.(269990)

* Log_Unathorized_writes = OFF not working in Network.ini (271343)

* SAC would not start up for 20 seconds, when using a large database. (257584)

* Fixes problem where under certain circumstances, WSACTASK goes to 100% CPU. (254738)

iFIX30_277527 FixDB32_DIRes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DARes.dll NLS:English 16,384 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DORes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DRRes.dll NLS:English 12,288 08/18/2003

FixDB32_BLRes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

DatabaseManagerRes.dll NLS:English 200,704 05/07/2003

DataBaseManager.exe 639,059 05/07/2003

FixDB32.dll 196,680 02/20/2003

FixDB32_AO.dll 61,526 10/14/2002

BTK_ETR.dll 45,113 10/04/2002

* Database Manager doesn't allow lowercase for digital and boolean block labels.(277527)

* Importing a CSV file into Database Manager that contains an equal sign(=) in the description field, without single quotes surrounding it, causes the block to import incorrectly without error.(269981)

* Database export would crash DataBaseManager if the database contained a mixture of standard blocks and customer's custom loadable blocks (265407)

* After duplication, the original block was being placed off scan. (264329)

* The F1 help did not work with AO and TX block dialog alarm tab "Event Messaging". (259524)

* The OPCTIME field of the ETR block does not update.(261087)

iFIX30_259409A LAUNCH.EXE 131,125 02/21/2003

FIX.EXE 192,562 02/21/2003

* Not all Terminal Server clients can connect at the same time and this will result

in an error that signifies the machine is out of resources. (259409)

* Workspace locks when using security and trying to shutdown with insufficient rights.(265356)

iFIX30_265535A DDESTSR.DLL 41,105 02/20/2003

* DDE links to a database input block causes an alarm on Fix startup.(265535)

iFIX30_258886 HTC_SCAN.EXE 135,227 11/17/2003

* The historical scan utility can't fix the problem of missing the EOF marker in a historical data file.(258886)

iFIX30_256560 RCPUP.EXE 376,884 10/01/2002

RCPDOWN.EXE 385,078 10/01/2002

RCP.EXE 639,026 10/01/2002

* Downloading a recipe from a VBA script that doesn't specify a path results in the message "download of recipe (null) completed with no errors". (256560)

* When rcpdown.exe is run from a script, it cannot use a recipe file in a path other than the one defined in the SCU. (253300)

iFIX30_261500 FCATABLE.DLL 45,113 10/18/2002

* If the Logical Node Name is different from the Local Node Name in the SCU, then the Logical Node Name was not being used. (261500)

iFIX30_269268A NETDiag.exe 192,575 08/14/2003

TCPTASK.EXE 163,901 12/04/2002

STK.DLL 188,473 07/31/2003

SCU.exe 598,067 12/04/2002

Netpaths.dll 24,631 12/04/2002

* An iClient cannot connect thru the RAS client connection if iFIX was already running on the RAS server (SCADA) when the RAS connection was made. (269268)

* The System Configuration Utility (SCU) cannot read more than 140 IP addresses for Terminal Server. (260619)

* View nodes fail to connect to the SCADA node intermittently. (250994)

* Stratus IP enumeration implementation. (259002)

iFIX30_261529 FixHdaDll.dll 147,532 10/31/2003

* With some regional settings, historical node names do not display in a chart. (261529)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled and could not be found in the databases. (254426)

iFIX30_269811 OPC20iFIX.exe 290,887 04/24/2003

* Cannot change A_NALM field using OPC20iFIX. (269811)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled in the Expression Editor when using OPC20iFIX as the Data Server. (265059)

iFIX 3.0 Japanese

iFIX30_276640 FixToolbarDll.dll 340,098 09/17/2003

SECCFG.exe 389,174 09/15/2003

SecuritySynchronizerDLL.dll 352,327 09/15/2003

SECMGR.dll 57,398 09/15/2003

OpcDataSystem.dll 442,498 09/12/2003

Fix2DPenDll.dll 422,047 09/12/2003

PlugandSolve.fxg 728,064 09/10/2003

iFIX_CGW.dll 49,152 09/08/2003

PictureConverterDll.dll 495,712 09/08/2003

SUMQLIB.DLL 73,783 09/08/2003

ALMLIB.DLL 77,878 09/08/2003

FixComponentDll.dll 581,739 09/03/2003

HDAODBC.dll 262,231 08/28/2003

FixPropDlg.dll 356,430 08/25/2003

TimerManager.dll 57,426 08/22/2003

FixFormatDll.dll 143,494 08/20/2003

LOGIN.EXE 143,410 08/20/2003

FixAnimationDll.dll 127,100 08/14/2003

SearchReplace.dll 143,444 08/11/2003

ExpertGlobalRES.dll 81,920 08/07/2003

ExpertGlobal.fxg 2,599,936 08/07/2003

FixLookupDll.dll 163,974 08/01/2003

Fix2DShapeDll.dll 422,019 07/31/2003

FixPictureDll.dll 430,210 07/31/2003

FixAppDll.dll 200,815 07/24/2003

Scripting.dll 221,260 07/24/2003

FixEventDll.dll 151,684 07/21/2003

FixLinearDll.dll 135,302 07/21/2003

FactoryGlobals.fxg 757,760 07/11/2003

FixTimerDll.dll 180,339 07/03/2003

Fix2DChartDll.dll 344,227 06/30/2003

FixDynamoSetDll.dll 159,892 06/25/2003

VisiconXData.ocx 413,787 06/19/2003

FixBackgroundServerRes.dll 40,960 06/16/2003

FixBackgroundServer.exe 45,138 06/16/2003

AlarmSummaryOCX.ocx 372,824 06/16/2003

Fix2DLegendDll.dll 254,117 06/16/2003

Fix2DTextDll.dll 278,671 06/04/2003

alarm.ini 1,030 05/19/2003

AlmSumMgr.DLL 102,478 10/01/2003

FixFileLinkDll.dll 241,785 04/24/2003

Fix2DAxisDll.dll 209,057 04/24/2003

FixChartDlg.dll 495,696 10/01/2003

ALMODBC.exe 110,655 04/24/2003

FixPageDll.dll 340,081 03/19/2003

Fix2DValueAxisDll.dll 168,120 03/18/2003

Fix2DTimeAxisDll.dll 176,310 03/18/2003

PTimeDll.dll 49,245 03/18/2003

FixDataLinkDll.dll 204,960 10/01/2003

Fix2DGroupDll.dll 274,577 10/01/2003

OpcEdaDll.dll 143,436 10/01/2003

SIMUninstall.dll 217,159 01/29/2003

WorkSpace.exe 135,239 01/22/2003

ColorButton.ocx 45,136 01/15/2003

FixControlContainerDll.dll 319,651 12/02/2002

AlmODBCConfig.exe 151,644 11/26/2002

CSHDA.dll 81,984 11/19/2002

FIXODBC.dll 278,613 11/04/2002

ColorSelection.dll 110,678 10/01/2003

FixTaskWizard.dll 36,948 10/01/2003

SEC_AF.DLL 16,384 10/29/2002

ComServerManager.dll 32,869 10/01/2003

FixGlobalSysInfoDll.dll 135,299 10/01/2003

HistDataSystem.dll 266,372 10/01/2003

CrossReferenceRes.dll 57,446 10/11/2002

CrossReference.exe 602,193 10/01/2003

ChartGroupToolbar.xbt 97,792 10/09/2002

ChartGroupToolbar.tbx 97,792 10/09/2002

ChartGroups.tbc 97,280 10/09/2002

NIOAPI.dll 57,398 10/01/2003

NAM.exe 57,395 09/30/2002

ToolBarGlobalRES.dll 40,960 09/19/2002

ExpertNamesRES.dll 40,960 09/19/2002

FactoryGlobalsRES.dll 61,440 09/19/2002

FDKeyMacros.exe 217,178 10/01/2003

FD_BDW.dll 28,672 09/09/2002

ExpertGlobals2.fxg 1,029,120 10/01/2003

* Toolbar buttons are missing from the toolbar, during a mode switch. (276640)

* When logging on two Terminal Server sessions, and changing the SECCFG security

paths on the last session logged on, the SECCFG security paths for the first session

would change also. (277238)

* A Extended Trend Block's data doesn't show up on a Chart's pen, when the picture is closed and then opened in run mode. (274685)

* Added Interval Field to Chart Group Wizard (274023)

* Incorrect datalink format when migrating from fix 32 with a symbol from a tag group (277426)

* When using the sa_almmsg_cb and passing in the timestamp for the alarm, the TimeIn on view nodes would not get updated if there was an existing alarm. (277780)

* When implementing the same VBA procedure in a picture and in a group (of objects

contained) as well, the VBA procedure was disabled at the picture level after renaming the group. (275682)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129)

* Changing the Object Name and Description on the Basic Animation Dialog does not set the dirty flag for the containing picture. (277534)

* Continuous iFix Timers would occassionally fire 1 second early.

* When using a long datatype datablock from an OPC server as the datasource in a

datalink, the value was different in the iFIX database and the datalink by 1. (265151)

* Continuous Timers would occassionally fire 1 second early. (277455)

* OLE control's initial animated state was incorrect if the datasource was a number

expression, no NTF. (265054)

* Using Windows security it was not possible to use a "." in the NT user name (275124A)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129A)

* Find and Replace incorrectly modifies script. (273672)

* Picture Converter was not converting a text object's visibility animation exact match tolerance correctly. (273899)

* Converting pictures from Fix32 and then trying to rotate objects in iFix would not work correctly. (272793)

* A visibility animation created with a range, will not be edited correctly with the visibility expert. (274718)

* Remove Level automation method causes a memory leak. (273677)

* Chart group methods are not accessible in the background task.(272466)

* Dashed lines are printed as solid. (272979)

* FixBackground Server crashes while running iFIX as a service. (272155)

* Scripts not copied by duplicate action when object is named in Japanese (double byte characters) (273638)

* Find/Replace will not find instances of the string for datatypes that are set to Object. Affects use of the Global Search and Replace Toolbar. (276098)

* Tooltip would intermittenty flash on select PC's (266730)

* In datalink and some animation experts, if the data source is a single source, not an expression, the tolerance gets reset to default.(276128)

* Using Windows security it was not possible to use a "." in the NT user name (275124)

* Picture converter does not convert expressions for visibility correctly when regional setting is something other than English (272789)

* The Slider Entry form of the data entry expert won't unload if using a variable that is not referencing a data source.(273834)

* Pen in Average Hist mode displays line after last known Good value in Chart (273503)

* Some automation subroutines (AcknowledgeAnAlarm, RampValue, SetManual, SetAuto, ToggleManual) change the values of parameters passed to them.(273349)

* Can't get a property name correctly using the property dispatch ID, if the dispatch ID is zero.(272807)

* Can't log into the iFix when the primary domain controller connection is unavailable (267542)

* 'High over range' value in charts is 0 if high is a negative number. (275225)

* Continuous timers' scheduler stats were not reflecting a DST 1 hour "fall-back". (264088)

* ShowAnimations method yields Mode Transitions error when run in configure mode. (272390)

* Fix32 picture with chart having more than one pen doesn't get converted properly.(271987)

* Picture converter does not make first line of command script a comment when that first line is a comment. (262514)

* Data source connection information(i.e. Tolerance, Deadband, Refresh Rate) gets reset to defaults when Reentering the Color Expert dialog, if the Use Shared Threshold Table box was previously checked in the dialog. (272321)

* Dynamo disappears from new group when switching to run and then back (275062)

* Picture converter makes visibility animation when none exists in original ODF file (272612)

* Using the ToggleDigitalPoint expert and then running the Tag Group Editor (Get Symbols From Picture), will not get all of the Tag Group Symbols that are eligible in the picture.(274890)

* FixTimers were double firing in the background scheduler. (263814)

* Can't open a .csv file using the VisiconX and OleDB provider for ODBC. (259313)

* Chart's pens are getting compressed in the legend when their visible properties change in run mode.(273519)

* Close and Save method of Document(s) allows document(s) to be saved during mode switch, which may cause the document(s) to be corrupted. (267849)

* FIXBackgroundServer Event ID 103, 107, 108, 111 messages appear erroneously in the Event log (266950)

* The current alarm index would intermittedly get stuck on last alarm acknowledge when scroll bars are enabled and ACK/PRIORITY descending. (272349)

* Using ModifyColumnLength VBA method to change the Chart's legend column length, causes the legend text to grow and stretch. (271284)

* Fixbackground server does not start as a service, using Terminal Server. (263976)

* Multiple ESig causes workspace crash (269247)

* AlmSum.exe was hogging 100% CPU for an indefinite period of time.(252294)

* Problem with select Distinct in query when using Historical Data ODBC driver (271969)

* More than 20 consecutive calls to FixGetUserInfo would return "smo_replace_profile: bad index". (273300)

* Security logging in with user's full name doesn't allow access to all rights assigned through group accounts. (268242)

* SecurityArea in Picture Properties will not allow you to assign a area name of 22B, if you have already assigned a security area 22A to a previous picture (264728)

* When entering a Windows username that contains spaces into the iFIX security configurator, the error "Username must be alphanumeric" appears. (262643)

* iBatch Archiver Manager cannot start the Archiver with FIX security enabled. (259661)

* Windows won't restart if Login dialog is running (271597)

* Login stack user was lost when invalid or blank password was entered for a new user. (256413)

* Some methods of Alarm Summary cause memory leak.(266745)

* Customer used to be able to throttle the frequency of alarm cycles for the thread that moves alarms from the sacq to the SUMMARY q in FIX32. (268948)

* Alarms sent to FIX32 nodes from an iFix 3.0 node will be missing a character from the description and/or units field. (267153)

* Filter.alm file does not work when there are a mixture of iFix and Fix32 Nodes. (252294)

* Creating a dynamo using the Build Dynamo Wizard (BDW) or editing a dynamo created using the BDW causes the PlugandSolve.fxg dirty. (266486)

* Historical trend chart shows a wrong value for the average over range if only part of the chart is filled with data. (265305)

* Multiple E-Sig Dialog Boxes come up and crash the Workspace (269247)

* Ramp Expert doesn't set the value to the low/high limit, when the new value exceeds the limit.(270674)

* Picture Converter does not convert operator setpoint limits on data entry datalinks.(263530)

* "Invalid Handle" message is given when a "Delete All" is executed on the Alarm Summary OCX.(253038)

* Fix Dynamics Historical Data - memory leak. (268129)

* Unable to open shared pictures on more than 20 nodes. (267022)

* Custom color palettes don't work in a pen's color. (262282)

* Tag description not being written to RDBM from AlarmODBC (268799)

* OpenTGDPicture doesn't have Error Option as a formal parameter. (270481)

* After opening and closing the VBA property window, a pen can't be deleted from a chart properly. (268805)

* Custom color palettes don't work properly for pen color. (262282)

* Workspace not updating animated objects because of faulty hardware HAL or BIOS. (269172)

* AcknowledgeAllAlarms can't acknowledge alarms using TAGGROUP symbols. (253265)

* F10 Key Macro does not work correctly (263027)

* The WriteValue VBA method sent an incorrectly formatted operator message if the data source had a "%" in it. (264630)

* Picture converter doesn't convert chart when the pen's datasource doesn't exist. (263527)

* Picture lines were mis-aligned after a ReplacePicture. (249461)

* Timers were not timing out after running fine for awhile. (249758)

* Datalink raw format resets when changing the datasource. (264403)

* DI.A_CV tags do not work correctly when using Foreground Expert (264622)

* Datalinks using datasources that didn't exist when the datalink was created will not work even after the datasources exist.(261748)

* Workspace exits when opening a picture with animated groups property. (264701)

* The Alarm Summary TotalFilteredAlarms property was not dynamically updated in a Datalink.(265574)

* DataEntry expert doesn't properly set Numeric data entry when using AR tag's F_0.(262805)

* Automation Error when reading and writing certain fields if full Node.Tag.Field is not used.(261917,259330)

* FIX32 pictures with title bar and not resizable are converted with scroll bars.(259416)

* Chart Group Wizard doesn't support Interpolated data.(262444)

* Non-iFix OpcServers get an error message when doing an AcknowledgeAllAlarms in VBA.(261730)

* Can't assign variable to a data source in the Create A Variable Object dialog on a machine with Russian Win2K.(257825)

* Group edgewidth animation doesn't work when opening picture in run.(265084)

* Workspace crashes when trying to bring up the Chart Configuration dialog.(261934)

* Workspace crashes when adding datalink from insert menu.(262729)

* Opening and closing pictures with AlarmSummary filled with alarms was creating a memory leak.(261026)

* When WorkSpace is running in multiple terminal services sessions, a background scheduler (or any VB app) is unable to get the WorkSpace.Application object, or may get the wrong app object.(266364)

* Custom color palette is not selected when re-entering the color selection dialog.(262282)

* The New Alarm event of an alarmsummaryOCX will not fire when a picture with an AlarmSummaryOCX is opened in run mode, no alarms currently exist and then a new alarm comes in. (256640)

* When saving a picture with a complex expression in an animation, the animation datasource name stays as "untitled1" and does not reflect the saved picture name. (264918)

* The Foreground Color Expert dialog user message required the user to enter a value to the Exact Match Tolerance edit box when it was disabled. (263450)

* When using alarm ODBC, iFIX loses its connection to Oracle 9. (262358)

* Dynamo scripts refer to objects incorrectly when the dynamo is created using objects that already exist in the dynamoset. (252454)

* Animating the height of an object is incorrect when the value of the animation is zero. (261303)

* Objects are still selectable if they are grouped and the layer of the group is invisible. (255179)

* Using the TAB key does not fire the SelectionChanged event. (263371)

* A chart's ETR.T_DATA pens don't update when loaded by a tag group and the chart has a long refresh rate. (262061)

* Dynamo settings are being lost on re-entrance.(252344)

* Using the TAB and ENTER keys, VBA scripts cannot be run from a pushbutton control.(262302)

* Color Experts were no longer detecting digital tags.(262651)

* "Invalid Handle" message is given when a "Delete All" is executed on the Alarm Summary OCX.(260452)

* AlarmODBC truncated 4 digit year in "Date in" and "Date Last" fields of SQL_SERVER. (263283)

* AlarmSummaryOcx prints black when scrollbars are enabled. (258574)

* Workspace hangs when using a double-click event of a pushbutton to do "CommandButton1.Locked = True". Workspace hangs when a timer object does "CommandButton1.Locked = True", while that CommandButton1 is pressed. (256752)

* The Launch iKeyDiag button in the About Intellution Workspace dialog was looking in the wrong place for the iKeyDiag.exe.(262488)

* Dynamo's Color By form doesn't work properly with BLACK blink to color.(262057)

* Pens in charts using Chart Group Wizard always do fetch limits regardless of what the settings are within the Chart Group file.(261622)

* Using fetch limits, network traffic is high when opening a picture in run mode. (260284)

* Accessing Classic Historian data will cause a crash. (263483)

* Memory leak in OpcDataSystem when performing ReplacePic numerous times. (263327)

* When retrieving blank alarm values using the iFIX RealTime ODBC driver, the user will receive a "Must specify an alarm value first" error. (261063)

* Alarms are not sorted as configured in Alarm Summary OCX. (249661)

* After opening the Color Selection dialog from the property window, trying to kill focus from the Color Selection dialog will deadlock Workspace. (261595)

* In the category pull-down list of the TaskWizard, a space may be inserted at a random spot in the category name. (261550)

* On non-English iFIX systems, the Object Selection tool is not automatically selected when canceling out of the Shape tool. (261613)

* In the Basic Animation dialog's Name and Description fields, it is possible to enter more characters than the maximum length. (261594)

* Workspace deadlock during shutdown. (248203)

* Chart Group Wizard and Build Dynamo Wizard did not set the font for dialogs on a non English system. (257738)

* Build Dynamo Wizard dialogs were not translated. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped in Chart Group Wizard and Build Dynamo Wizard. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped in Cross Reference Tool. (257738)

* Some translated strings were clipped and some strings were not translated in Create Picture Wizard. (257738)

* Nuisance user "save changes" type modal dialogs appear when Workspace is exited. (256408)

* The Foreground Color Expert doesn't work properly with decimal limit values. (259606)

* Data Entry Expert does not generate runtime scripts correctly on French XP. Some French strings are clipped in Experts.(261517)

* "Line" in Header Footer setting table was not NLS translated. (261289)

* "Clear Text" confirmation dialog was not NLS translated. (261289)

* When clicking on the "Page Setup" button in "Print" dialog, run-time error "380 Invalid Property Value" happened on non-English XP when regional default decimal symbol is not ".". (261289)

* The Foreground Color Expert doesn't work properly with BLACK blink to color. (258622)

* "Save" and "New" button in Chart Group Configuration did not work as expected on non-English system. (260883)

* PictureConverter DataLink Trouble when datasource is a tag group symbol. (260057)

* Print Crystal Report Expert does not generate runtime scripts correctly on French XP. (260882)

* Error with foreign language version .tbc names. (252831)

* A duplicate operator message is sent when acknowledging an alarm that has already been acknowledged and is still in an alarm state, using manual alarm deletion. (255707)

* The tool buttons in the Print Preview window in Cross Reference Tool do not appear correctly in Japanese. (260036)

* In most of the Expert dialogs, all frame control labels do not appear correctly in Japanese. It does not happen on XP, but on Windows2000 and NT. (260036)

* In some Expert dialogs, some captions are clipped due to not enough Height property of label control in Japanese. (260036)

* When "Acknowledge Alarm" is selected in Command of Basic Animation dialog, "Acknowledge All Alarms" expert dialog is launched depending on translations. (260036)

* When Picture browse ComboBox of KeyMacroEditor is dropped down, items in the list do not appear correctly in Japanese. (260036)

* Get automation error using A_ALMEXT1 and A_ALMEXT2 in a script. (259330)

* Improved support for handing errors from 3rd party opc servers in workspace. (253352)

* The Visibility Expert dialog had some issues. (258355)

* Color threshold settings disappear when changing the datasource, using the Foreground Color Expert. (256419)

* Using the foreground color expert, entering a 0.0 in the maximum value of the range of an animation results in the maximum value being empty when you re-enter the animation. (256410)

* When all objects in a group are deleted and the group is empty, remaining objects in the picture cannot be selected. (253876)

* Non iFix OPC servers were not allowed to enter a colon ":" as part of a datasource. (250193)

* Fixes problems with expression editor when a datasource is connected to a control object property. (257187)

* VisiconX Data control tab control had font problem in Japanese system. (257741)

iFIX30_257625B WSACTASK.EXE 45,107 09/24/2003

SACDLL.DLL 184,369 09/24/2003

XDBA.dll 49,205 09/24/2003

STKLDBA.dll 36,920 09/18/2003

LDBA.dll 290,869 09/18/2003

CONMGR.exe 69,684 05/09/2003

* sq_remove() error thrown when trying to modify an AIS block thru the DatabaseManager. (257625)

* MDI->EV->DA chain goes off-scan on iFIX re-start or database reload. (269246)

* Added parameter to suppress ORNG (OverRange) Alarm.(273507)

* SAC slows down after changing 200 AO blocks current mode from AUTO to MANL.(269990)

* Log_Unathorized_writes = OFF not working in Network.ini (271343)

* SAC would not start up for 20 seconds, when using a large database. (257584)

* Fixes problem where under certain circumstances, WSACTASK goes to 100% CPU. (254738)

iFIX30_277527 FixDB32_DIRes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DARes.dll NLS:English 16,384 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DORes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

FixDB32_DRRes.dll NLS:English 12,288 08/18/2003

FixDB32_BLRes.dll NLS:English 16,495 08/18/2003

DatabaseManagerRes.dll NLS:English 200,704 05/07/2003

DataBaseManager.exe 639,059 05/07/2003

FixDB32.dll 196,680 02/20/2003

FixDB32_AO.dll 61,526 10/14/2002

BTK_ETR.dll 45,113 10/04/2002

* Database Manager doesn't allow lowercase for digital and boolean block labels.(277527)

* Importing a CSV file into Database Manager that contains an equal sign(=) in the description field, without single quotes surrounding it, causes the block to import incorrectly without error.(269981)

* Database export would crash DataBaseManager if the database contained a mixture of standard blocks and customer's custom loadable blocks (265407)

* After duplication, the original block was being placed off scan. (264329)

* The F1 help did not work with AO and TX block dialog alarm tab "Event Messaging". (259524)

* The OPCTIME field of the ETR block does not update.(261087)

iFIX30_259409A LAUNCH.EXE 131,125 02/21/2003

FIX.EXE 192,562 02/21/2003

* Not all Terminal Server clients can connect at the same time and this will result

in an error that signifies the machine is out of resources. (259409)

* Workspace locks when using security and trying to shutdown with insufficient rights.(265356)

iFIX30_265535A DDESTSR.DLL 41,105 02/20/2003

* DDE links to a database input block causes an alarm on Fix startup.(265535)

iFIX30_258886 HTC_SCAN.EXE 135,227 11/17/2003

* The historical scan utility can't fix the problem of missing the EOF marker in a historical data file.(258886)

iFIX30_256560 RCPUP.EXE 376,884 10/01/2002

RCPDOWN.EXE 385,078 10/01/2002

RCP.EXE 639,026 10/01/2002

* Downloading a recipe from a VBA script that doesn't specify a path results in the message "download of recipe (null) completed with no errors". (256560)

* When rcpdown.exe is run from a script, it cannot use a recipe file in a path other than the one defined in the SCU. (253300)

iFIX30_261500 FCATABLE.DLL 45,113 10/18/2002

* If the Logical Node Name is different from the Local Node Name in the SCU, then the Logical Node Name was not being used. (261500)

iFIX30_269268A NETDiag.exe 192,575 08/14/2003

TCPTASK.EXE 163,901 12/04/2002

STK.DLL 188,473 07/31/2003

SCU.exe 598,067 12/04/2002

Netpaths.dll 24,631 12/04/2002

* An iClient cannot connect thru the RAS client connection if iFIX was already running on the RAS server (SCADA) when the RAS connection was made. (269268)

* The System Configuration Utility (SCU) cannot read more than 140 IP addresses for Terminal Server. (260619)

* View nodes fail to connect to the SCADA node intermittently. (250994)

* Stratus IP enumeration implementation. (259002)

iFIX30_261529 FixHdaDll.dll 147,532 10/31/2003

* With some regional settings, historical node names do not display in a chart. (261529)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled and could not be found in the databases. (254426)

iFIX30_269811 OPC20iFIX.exe 290,887 04/24/2003

* Cannot change A_NALM field using OPC20iFIX. (269811)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled in the Expression Editor when using OPC20iFIX as the Data Server. (265059)

iFIX 3.0 Polish

iFIX30_257625B WSACTASK.EXE 45,107 09/24/2003

SACDLL.DLL 184,369 09/24/2003

XDBA.dll 49,205 09/24/2003

STKLDBA.dll 36,920 09/18/2003

LDBA.dll 290,869 09/18/2003

CONMGR.exe 69,684 05/09/2003

* sq_remove() error thrown when trying to modify an AIS block thru the DatabaseManager. (257625)

* MDI->EV->DA chain goes off-scan on iFIX re-start or database reload. (269246)

* Added parameter to suppress ORNG (OverRange) Alarm.(273507)

* SAC slows down after changing 200 AO blocks current mode from AUTO to MANL.(269990)

* Log_Unathorized_writes = OFF not working in Network.ini (271343)

* SAC would not start up for 20 seconds, when using a large database. (257584)

* Fixes problem where under certain circumstances, WSACTASK goes to 100% CPU. (254738)

iFIX30_259409A LAUNCH.EXE 131,125 02/21/2003

FIX.EXE 192,562 02/21/2003

* Not all Terminal Server clients can connect at the same time and this will result

in an error that signifies the machine is out of resources. (259409)

* Workspace locks when using security and trying to shutdown with insufficient rights.(265356)

iFIX30_265535A DDESTSR.DLL 41,105 02/20/2003

* DDE links to a database input block causes an alarm on Fix startup.(265535)

iFIX30_258886 HTC_SCAN.EXE 135,227 11/17/2003

* The historical scan utility can't fix the problem of missing the EOF marker in a historical data file.(258886)

iFIX30_256560 RCPUP.EXE 376,884 10/01/2002

RCPDOWN.EXE 385,078 10/01/2002

RCP.EXE 639,026 10/01/2002

* Downloading a recipe from a VBA script that doesn't specify a path results in the message "download of recipe (null) completed with no errors". (256560)

* When rcpdown.exe is run from a script, it cannot use a recipe file in a path other than the one defined in the SCU. (253300)

iFIX30_261500 FCATABLE.DLL 45,113 10/18/2002

* If the Logical Node Name is different from the Local Node Name in the SCU, then the Logical Node Name was not being used. (261500)

iFIX30_269268A NETDiag.exe 192,575 08/14/2003

TCPTASK.EXE 163,901 12/04/2002

STK.DLL 188,473 07/31/2003

SCU.exe 598,067 12/04/2002

Netpaths.dll 24,631 12/04/2002

* An iClient cannot connect thru the RAS client connection if iFIX was already running on the RAS server (SCADA) when the RAS connection was made. (269268)

* The System Configuration Utility (SCU) cannot read more than 140 IP addresses for Terminal Server. (260619)

* View nodes fail to connect to the SCADA node intermittently. (250994)

* Stratus IP enumeration implementation. (259002)

iFIX30_261529 FixHdaDll.dll 147,532 10/31/2003

* With some regional settings, historical node names do not display in a chart. (261529)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled and could not be found in the databases. (254426)

iFIX30_269811 OPC20iFIX.exe 290,887 04/24/2003

* Cannot change A_NALM field using OPC20iFIX. (269811)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled in the Expression Editor when using OPC20iFIX as the Data Server. (265059)

iFIX 3.0 Russian

iFIX30_257625B WSACTASK.EXE 45,107 09/24/2003

SACDLL.DLL 184,369 09/24/2003

XDBA.dll 49,205 09/24/2003

STKLDBA.dll 36,920 09/18/2003

LDBA.dll 290,869 09/18/2003

CONMGR.exe 69,684 05/09/2003

* sq_remove() error thrown when trying to modify an AIS block thru the DatabaseManager. (257625)

* MDI->EV->DA chain goes off-scan on iFIX re-start or database reload. (269246)

* Added parameter to suppress ORNG (OverRange) Alarm.(273507)

* SAC slows down after changing 200 AO blocks current mode from AUTO to MANL.(269990)

* Log_Unathorized_writes = OFF not working in Network.ini (271343)

* SAC would not start up for 20 seconds, when using a large database. (257584)

* Fixes problem where under certain circumstances, WSACTASK goes to 100% CPU. (254738)

iFIX30_259409A LAUNCH.EXE 131,125 02/21/2003

FIX.EXE 192,562 02/21/2003

* Not all Terminal Server clients can connect at the same time and this will result

in an error that signifies the machine is out of resources. (259409)

* Workspace locks when using security and trying to shutdown with insufficient rights.(265356)

iFIX30_265535A DDESTSR.DLL 41,105 02/20/2003

* DDE links to a database input block causes an alarm on Fix startup.(265535)

iFIX30_258886 HTC_SCAN.EXE 135,227 11/17/2003

* The historical scan utility can't fix the problem of missing the EOF marker in a historical data file.(258886)

iFIX30_256560 RCPUP.EXE 376,884 10/01/2002

RCPDOWN.EXE 385,078 10/01/2002

RCP.EXE 639,026 10/01/2002

* Downloading a recipe from a VBA script that doesn't specify a path results in the message "download of recipe (null) completed with no errors". (256560)

* When rcpdown.exe is run from a script, it cannot use a recipe file in a path other than the one defined in the SCU. (253300)

iFIX30_261500 FCATABLE.DLL 45,113 10/18/2002

* If the Logical Node Name is different from the Local Node Name in the SCU, then the Logical Node Name was not being used. (261500)

iFIX30_269268A NETDiag.exe 192,575 08/14/2003

TCPTASK.EXE 163,901 12/04/2002

STK.DLL 188,473 07/31/2003

SCU.exe 598,067 12/04/2002

Netpaths.dll 24,631 12/04/2002

* An iClient cannot connect thru the RAS client connection if iFIX was already running on the RAS server (SCADA) when the RAS connection was made. (269268)

* The System Configuration Utility (SCU) cannot read more than 140 IP addresses for Terminal Server. (260619)

* View nodes fail to connect to the SCADA node intermittently. (250994)

* Stratus IP enumeration implementation. (259002)

iFIX30_261529 FixHdaDll.dll 147,532 10/31/2003

* With some regional settings, historical node names do not display in a chart. (261529)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled and could not be found in the databases. (254426)

iFIX30_269811 OPC20iFIX.exe 290,887 04/24/2003

* Cannot change A_NALM field using OPC20iFIX. (269811)

* A tagname with Russian cyrillic was mangled in the Expression Editor when using OPC20iFIX as the Data Server. (265059)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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